We have rumored the brown Fujifilm X100F since a long time, and it keeps up popping up over the web. This time it’s Fujifilm Philippines that says the brown X100F is “coming soon” at their facebook page here.
I guess that country after country, the brown X100F will be available for sale soon also in other countries, so expect to find the brown Fujifilm X100F for sale soon also at BHphoto, AmazonUS and Adorama.
Comparing the Fujifilm X-H1 with the Sony A7III is arguably one of the hottest things to do these days
Hence, in today’s Fujifilm X-H1 roundup, we have another X-H1 Vs. A7III comparison by digital-photography-schoolas well as a shooting session with natural light by ZedProMedia, who is evidently working on his a comprehenisve comparison.
But not only comparisons…
The roundup includes also a “Smallrig + X-H1” video by Palle Schultz, shows what the X-H1 can do on safari and how it works with the Fringer smart adapter Pro, first impressions and more… enjoy :)
I have too many years under my belt now to dare count them all. However, one thing that never fades with the decades is the memory of my wonderful childhood growing up in New Zealand. We were as poor as church mice, but my dad worked two jobs, so my sisters and I could have a wonderful upbringing. Aside from the trips to the lakes and wilderness areas of such a pristine land, the thing that burned deeply into the memory of my childhood, were the hours spent exploring and ‘plinking’ with my dubious friends on dad’s small hobby-farm. We would spend hours making wooden tree houses, collecting wild bird eggs and looking for rabbits and other critters. The one character in all of these escapades – who stood head and shoulders above the rest of us (not literally, but in legend status) – was Fergal McCleary.
Notwithstanding the many legendary stories surrounding Fergal – the one thing where he truly excelled, and made us all sick with envy – was his ability to ‘shoot from the hip’. We used to carry slingshots for our ‘plinking’ trips and target practice. We could shoot steel ball bearings straight through thick pieces of fibro cladding – like it wasn’t even there. We would practice for hours shooting tin cans and other targets in readiness to unleash ourselves upon the poor hapless critter population. No matter how much we practiced – nobody could ever beat Fergal McCleary. We mortal plebs had to hold the contraption up near our face or eyes to aim, but so often we would miss. Fergal had the uncanny knack of being able to hit almost anything – and very seldom ever miss – by shooting from the hip. He would just pull back at waist level and let the ball bearing fly – nine times out of ten he would hit the target.
On one occasion we disobeyed dad’s instructions, and went into the neighbour’s property. My dad had warned us to never go there, because the neighbour was well known for his unfriendly dogs. Like most things I never listened to my dad. In one adventure we ended up jumping over the neighbour’s fence, when suddenly we heard the deep, terrifying growl of an angry dog. By the time we turned to face the noise, here was a furious mongrel charging in our direction. We stood there riveted to the ground in fear, but not Fergal McCleary. In an instant he flicked up his wrist from waist level and ‘let fly’ with his slingshot. The steel ball found its mark, and the dog beat a hasty retreat. Fergal’s fame grew throughout the school yard, and nobody ever dared to get on the wrong side of Fearless Fergal McCleary. In fact, as the years grew and we moved on to high school some of the stories had become rather embellished. If Fergal is around somewhere – still telling his stories, I am sure the dog has grown into a rhinoceros and the rest of us were dwarfs and midgets!!
I am sure by now you are well and truly wondering what on earth I am on about, and what if any vague reference Fergal McCleary has to a photographic blog? In those dark and distant times, I was never able to challenge or even approach the prowess of Fergal McCleary, when it came to shooting from the hip. Well I want it to be known at this juncture, that by the time I have completed this blog, I will be known as the Fergal McCleary of the photographic world – oh yes – He who shoots from the hip!!
The Fujifilm Instax Square SQ6 is finally shipping, and although it sells like hot cakes and it is hard to find in stock, at the time of this post you can find the Instax SQ6 Blush Gold version available at Adorama. I guess it will sell out quickly, so act fast in case you are interested.
One of the most fun moments of blogging on FujiRumors, is when we have a live blogging.
Yes, I do not sleep, and yes, I blog 48+ hours in a row, but it’s just too exciting seeing months (or years) of rumors coming true and to go through hundreds of your comments and read what you guys think about the latest and greatest X gear.
But I know, not everybody of you goes back 24 hours later to the live blogging page to check if new content is up, and that’s why I think some of you might have missed the following tidbit:
I share this little piece of news again with you today, not only for those who missed it, but also to show you that the Fujifilm X-T100 is not a half-hearted project of Fujifilm, but a camera they strongly believe in, which is why Fuji’s marketing machine is running full power in order to promote the X-T100.
Will the Fujifilm X-T100 be successful? I do not know. Certainly I wish Fujifilm much success with this very gently priced and yet well featured camera.