Notification for Fringer Contax645-Fujifilm GFX Smart Adapter Users


Fringer released a notification about its smart adapter for Fujifilm GFX.

Dear Fringer Contax 645-GFX adapter users,

According to a couple of users’ feedback, with very low possibilities, the foot (tripod mount) of the adapter may not be fully compatible with some of the Arca style quick release clamps in the market. It may not be tight and secure enough even the screw is tightened. Because we have to take care of handheld usage as well, there are no safety stop screws under the foot. Thus, if you mount the foot directly to a Arca style quick release clamp, make sure it’s installed tightly and securely. Or you may consider installing an additional quick release plate with safety stop screws to the food through a 1/4″ screw. Then install the quick release plate to the clamp.

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Fujifilm X-H1 Vs. Leica SL, Does it Beat Sony A7III, Fuji X-T2 & X Pro 2 & More


Sergey P. – shared here
X-H1 + 35/1.4
ISO 1600
F 1.8, 1/25s

Fujifilm X-H1

We didn’t make a dedicated Fujifilm X-H1 roundup for quite a while, but despite the buzz coming down a bit lately, our huge Fujifilm X-H User Group is extremely active and shares tons of great images and videos taken with it. And if all you want is just the plain X-H1 news, then simply follow our Fujifilm X-H Page.

Witht that said, there is enough new content up now to dedicate the to the Fujifilm X-H1 a roundup here on FujiRumors.

Fujifilm X-H1: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

FujiRumors is everywhere: Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter

Fujifilm X-H1 Goes Street Food

IndiaHD youtube – Street Food: Non Vegetarian Food: Bhathitar Gali, Ahmedabad (India) 18 th April 2018

williamchua – street food in China filmed with Fujifilm XH1


Laowa 9mmF2.8 + Kamlan 50mmF1.1 + Opteka 35mmF1.7 + 7artisans 35mmF1.2 + Mitakon 35mmF0.95 + Fujinon XF 80 & More


It is time for a dedicated lens roundup… and it’s a rather massive one, that includes third party lenses, and also Fujinon glass.

I am trying to catch up with all the links you guys send me and you ask me to be featured on FujiRumors. I will feature you all, but given the huge demand, it might take some time before I can share you all. Thanks for your patience :)

Laowa 9mm F2.8

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National Geographic Photographers Shoot Fujifilm GFX 50S :: Hollywood Loves Fujifilm :: Famous Fujifilm X Shooters & More


Fujifilm Hall of Fame

As you might or might not know, 1 or 2 times a year, here on FujiRumors we curate a little column about famous X-shooters or Fujifilm cameras appearing in movies. The best way to check out the full coverage, is to head over to our fuji-x-forum famous X-shooter collection.

Today we would like to add a few more to the list.

We start with National Geographic photographer Corey Arnold. He gets his job done using the Fujifilm GFX 50S, as you can see in this video for a KIA ad [video embedded at the top of this blog post].

Regarding the “famous X shooters“, we have to add Grey’s Anatomy star Patrick Dempsey, who shoots a Fujifilm X-Pro2 (more on facebook here and image below). And also top UFC fighter (former #1) Joanna Jedrzejczyk shoots Fujifilm [image below]

Also, Fujifilm made it again in various movies, not only in front of the screen, but they are also used to shoot official BTS images in Hollywood blockbusters (as it already happened with the Dunkirk movie).

See all the details down below.

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TIPA Awards 2018: Fujifilm Left (Almost) Empty-Handed. Only Instax SQ10 Gets Awarded


In the last years, Fujifilm often won quite some of awards at the TIPA awards.

  • 2017: Fujifilm wins 5 awards
  • 2016: Fujifilm wins 3 awards
  • 2015: Fujifilm wins 3 awards
  • 2014: Fujifilm wins 2 awards
  • 2013: Fujfiilm wins 3 awards

Well, this year is the worst for Fujifilm, since the “X-series era“. They won 1 award only, and it goes to the Instax Square SQ10 for the “Best Design“.

So the Fujfiilm X-H1 and Fujifilm X-E3 were not good enought to make it into the TIPA ranking. Let’s hope the upcoming Fujifilm X-T3 and Fujifilm GFX 50R will change it next year.

I am surprised, though, that not even one of the astonishing Fujinon lenses has made it into the list. For example, while the winner of the best mirrorless prime lens, the Samyang AF 35mm F2.8 FE, is surely a fine lens, I can’t see it being superior to the equivalent Fujinon GF 45mm F2.8.

So despite TIPA creating overall 40 categories, there is not much love for Fujifilm this year.

Here are all the winners:



CAMERA ACCESSORIES (Bags, Tripods, Flash etc.)

& More

See the full list with awards descriptions at here

