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LIVE BLOG: Fujifilm X-T200, XC35mmF/2, GF45-100mmF/4, New G Mount Roadmap, Fujifilm X Summit Februay 4

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GF 45-100mm f/4


XC 35mm f/2

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Fujinon GF 45-100mm f/4

Fujifilm X-T200

Fujinon XC 35mm f/2


First Look Reviews and Samples

Fujinon GF 45-100mm f/4

Fujifilm X-T200

Fujinon XC 35mm f/2

New Fujinon G Mount Roadmap

Fujifilm announced a new Fujinon G Mount roadmap with the following lenses

(1) Large-diameter standard lens “FUJINON Lens GF80mmF1.7 R WR”

  • The lens with the focal length of 80mm (equivalent to 63mm in the 35mm film format) and the maximum aperture of F1.7 is the brightest*** interchangeable lens for mirrorless digital cameras equipped with a large format sensor. It enables portraiture shooting with beautiful and creamy bokeh even in low light conditions.
  • It boasts astonishing image quality comparable to the professionally-acclaimed large diameter mid-telephoto lens “FUJINON Lens GF110mmF2 R LM WR,” but offers an even wide angle of view with a compact and lightweight body.

(2) Wide-angle prime lens “FUJINON Lens GF30mmF3.5 R WR”

  • The lens with the focal length of 30mm (equivalent to 24mm in the 35mm film format) is perfect for landscape photography. Offering ultra-high resolution capability despite its compact and lightweight body, the lens can bring out the full potential of the 102MP image sensor used in the GFX100.

Fujifilm X Summit February 4

Fujifilm just announced the Fujifilm X Summit at the House of Photography in London for February 4th. Expect new product announcements, as it was for the first Fujifilm X summit and the second Fujifilm X Summit. You can read the announcement of the 3rd Fujifilm X Summit at this Fujifilm page.


New firwmare for X-A7 coming soon – read here


X-T200 Features Tested

First Looks

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Oh My Gosh: I Will Assist Photographing My First Wedding – Should I Panic, or Just Buy Fujifilm X-T4 and More Lenses?

Hey folks,

This morning I woke up, with a message from one of my best friends, who marries in June.

The message said:

Hey Pat. Would you mind take your camera gear at the wedding? We do have an official photographer, but it would be nice if you can take some images, too. Also, the photographer will stay only until dinner. So if you could grab images of the late night dance party…

And you bet, I accepted, because isn’t there a better excuse to buy new gear, than to help to photograph the wedding of your best friend? :D

Now, I want to do things right for one of the most important days in the life of my friend.

So here are a couple of things I need to do:

  • Don’t Annoy the Photographer

Never be in the way of the photographer. I don’t want to be one of those annoying guest jumping into his frame to get an image. We pay those guys, so that we can enjoy the moment, and later have some cool shots to remember forever.

But the photographer can’t be everywhere at all time, so I will try to be there, where he is not, and maybe I’ll get some nice shots ;).

But overall my philosphoy:

Whatever the official Photographer does, he will do it much better than me. So stay out of his way. My focus is on the night shots, when he is gone.

  • Get a Beer with the official Photographer

I am a man on a mission: convert people to Fujifilm. So you can bet I’ll grab the photographer in one of his rare moments of rest, and try to convert him to the Fuji side of life!

  • It’s GAS Time

And now comes the gear part. And for that, I will make shameless use of FujiRumors for private reasons, and ask all of you guys, what you recommend me to do.

Maybe I could go along with what I own already, but I believe I need a gear upgrade.

Here is what I am considering to do.

  • Upgrade my Camera

I could need a low light autofocus boost over my X-E3, hence I am either considering the Fujifilm X-T3, Fujifilm X-Pro3 or even the Fujifilm X-T4.

  • X-Pro3 – PROS: Looks awesome / CONS: tilt screen allows to shoot only from the hip, not from above, which might come in handy on the dacing floor
  • X-T3 – PROS: most affordable option (I can find deals or second hand offers) / CONS: Won’t probably have latest features and AF performance of X-T4
  • X-T4 – PROS: latest and greatest AF performance and features / CONS: pay full price

At the moment I am tending towards getting the Fujifilm X-T4.

  • More Lenses

My current fastest lens options with autofocus are the Fujinon XF 23mm f/1.4 and XF 35mm f/1.4. But I believe I need more.

I am considering to get two more lenses: the Fujinon XF16mm f/1.4 for some wide shots on the dancing floor, and the XF56mmf/1.2.

These four fast primes should cover my needs properly.

What do you think, am I good to go, or do I need something else? Maybe one of those nice f/2.8 zooms?

  • Settings Tips Anyone?

Once I have the new gear, I will go out and practice to shoot in similar low light dancing scenarios. I need to see what works and what not, as I am not very familiar with those kinds of shots, as you can see from my instagram.

But I know many of you are so much more experienced than me, so if somebody of you can give me tips on settings, feel free to drop them down below in the comments.

  • It ain’t free, so something has to go

To get all this new goodness, something probably has go.

Hence I could soon put my X-T1 on sale, the camera that took my favorite image, and which story I told you here (I got it after I destroyed my X-E2).

As far as lenses go, I think I’ll have to let go the Fujinon XF 18-55 and XF 55-200, and stay with my XF 18-135 only. Letting those lenses go isn’t easy. Selling that gear will help to mitigate internal discussions with my wife when I get the new one ;).

And if you want, and have the possibility, you are always free to make a micro-donation on Patreon. Even just $1 or $2 a month can help a lot, if many do it. Mostly it will allow me to cover the costs of the site… but if the support is big, well, then maybe also to get new gear ;).

  • You Vote…

Down below are a couple of surveys, where you can offer your camera and lens suggestions also in form of a vote.

Also, I will try to get permission from my friend to share some images on my instagram, so that I can share the results .´

In addition to the XF35mmf/1.4 and XF23mmf/1.4, FujiRumors should buy...

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In addition to the Fujifilm X-E3, FujiRumors Should buy

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Fujifilm X-T4 Coming with Completely New Battery – EXCLUSIVE

Fujifilm X-T4

FujiRumors already told you about the “improved battery life” on the Fujifilm X-T4.

Some might think that’s an “obvious” rumor, but if you think so, you are evidently not familiar at all with the Fujifilm X system.

You need to know:

  • it’s since January 2012 (X-Pro1 announcement), that Fujifilm uses the same NP-W126 battery
  • the ancient and glorious Fujifilm X-T1 and X-E1 had a CIPA rated battery life of 350 shots (hence better than X-T2 !!!)
  • there was the battery “S” upgrade, for better heat management (allowing longer video recording), but not better battery life
  • the only improvement we saw in 8 years (!!!) of Fujifilm X MILC system, was the minor jump from 340 shots (X-T2) to 390 shots (X-T3) thanks to the more energy efficient processor

Enough of Fujifilm battery culture… let’s go to the fun part now! :)

Some FR readers kindly asked me if I can be more precise and define “improved battery life” better.

Well, let me try… how about this:

  • the Fujifilm X-T4 will have a completely new (!!!) battery. And with “new” I mean it won’t be the NP-W126 and not even the GFX NP-T125 battery.

Finally, 8 years after the X-Pro1 and 6 years after the original Fujifilm X-T1, we finally get a serious major battery life boost.

And to all avid FujiRumors addicts out there: just relax, there will be lots more breaking rumors coming ;).

Fujifilm X-T User Group
Fujifilm X-T Page

Updated Fujifilm LUT for F-Log (Look Up Table) Available

Updated LUT is available on the Fujifilm website.

This LUT file is to edit the movie data below when the data is edited by a movie editor on your PC or Mac.

  • 4K movie data of X-T2 recorded in external HDMI devices with the mode of the “HDMI F-Log” under the “4K MOVIE OUTPUT” in the “MOVIE SETTING”
  • 4K and Full HD movie data of GFX100, X-T30, X-T3 , X-Pro3 and X-H1 recorded on SD cards or in external HDMI devices with the mode of the “F-Log RECORDING” in the “MOVIE SETTING”

F-Log 3D-LUT file

via fujifilm

NEW SOURCE: Fujifilm X-T4 with Improved Battery Life and EVF (Unconfirmed)

Fujifilm X Shooter rejoices at the Rumor of Improved Battery Life on Fujifilm X-T4
Fujifilm X Shooter rejoices at the rumor of improved battery life on Fujifilm X-T4

Fujifilm X-T4

Ok guys,

First off I want you take this information with a grain of salt, as it comes from an anonymous source with nickname (thanks for sharing).

If I will be able to confirm any of the information, I will let you know.

Here is what the new source told us:

  • Name: Fujifilm X-T4
  • Improved battery life
  • best in class EVF
  • IBIS

Except for IBIS, I can’t confirm anything for now.

Now, on FR we are proud to share about 60 rumors a year with a 90+% accuracy.

But a significant part of this community also asked me to be less conservative, take more risks, and share more anonymous/new source rumors I get, even if that would mean maybe falling back to a 70% accuracy.

I am still rather reluctant to do so, but today I try to follow your advice, and share this rumor, even if it’s unconfirmed until now. But this will be more of an exception, as I want to keep my hit rate very high.

And who knows, even our long time trusted sources started as new sources. So let’s hope that todays’ source will be generous with the FR community, and share further details in future.

To the source: thanks a TON for the nickname! Makes things easier. Regarding X100V, I am working on that rumor, and will post an update soon.

And just out of curiosity, I thought I let you vote on what you believe will be the name of the Fujifilm X-T3 successor.

The Fujifilm X-T3 successor will be called...

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The Era of Fujifilm X100V is Coming and the Fujifilm X100F Gets its Last Glorious Roundup!

Match Technical EP-2F Thumbs Up Grip for Fujifilm X100F

Here on FujiRumors we have always reserved a special place to what you guys voted the by far most sexy camera in the entire Fujifilm world, the Fujifilm X100 line.

In fact, the Fujifilm X100 lives in a world of its own… a world where specs do not really seem to mean a lot.

Just see our massive Fujifilm X100 group, which, among all our Fujifilm X/GFX groups, is the one with less gear talk of all.

This is a natural consequence of the philosophy behind this camera: keep it simple, focus on creating images.

One camera, one lens. Now go out and shoot.

And yet…

there is a rare time, when even X100 shooters focus a tiny bit more on gear. And that’s when a successor is about to come out. And that’s fully understandable.

FujiRumors already shared a couple of X100V rumors, but that’s not what we talk about today.

Today, just before the X100V hits the market, we dedicated an own article to the beautiful Fujifilm X100F, an extremely successful camera that sold far more than X100/S/T.

X100F (save $200): BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, Focuscamera

Let’s start:

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Cure Your Bokeh Addiction… or When Too Much Background Blur Removes the Story and Creates Distraction

The Bokeh

We recently posted this story, about a Canon shooter, who tried Fujifilm for the first time, and there was so much she loved about it (starting from the fun using Fuji and the inspiration that comes with it), but one thing she missed: the bokeh she had with her Canon f/1.2 lenses.

So I thought to dedicate an own article to the “bokeh-discussion”, starting from two youtube videos below, that I have summed up for you.

And to give it all are more light and fun touch, I’ll share also the recent Camera Conspiracies video :).

I just remind you, that for the ultimate bokeh Fujifilm is going to release the Fujinon XF 50mm f/1.0.

  •  – Fujinon XF 50mm f/1.0 Accurate Size Comparison with XF 56mm f/1.2 and XF 50mm f/2

Camera Conspiracies

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DPReview TV: What Happened to Fujifilm’s Kaizen

Fujifilm built a reputation for bringing continuous improvements to its products, a process frequently referred to as ‘Kaizen’.

In 2019, however, we saw major firmware updates from almost every camera company except Fujifilm.

So now Chris and Jordan ask, “What happened to Kaizen?”

Especially now, that the Fujifilm X-Pro3 is out with many major improvements (and the same sensor/processor of X-T3), many hoped for a big firmware update that will bring the X-Pro3 goodness also to other cameras.

But Chris remembers, that delaying the firmware love for the Fujifilm X-T3 and X-T30, is also a way to protect Fujifilm X-Pro3 sales for a little bit longer.

And guys, honestly, Fujifilm is a company that at the end of the day has limited resources and has to make profits.

So I understand if they delay their firmware, and I am fine to wait a little bit longer to get my firmware love. It’s a compromise: Fuji makes more money, and I still get what I want, just a bit later.

And as a long time Fujifilm lover (and blogger), I remember this discussion popping up so many times already.

In fact, back in 2015 I wrote this article, where we discuss the future of Kaizen already, as already back then, people were worried that Fujifilm abonded their Kaizen philosophy. Of course all discussions ended, once Fujifilm released again several huge updates.

The point is, there can’t be updates all the time and non stop. Sometimes, it just takes a bit longer.

Sure, it was not a great 2019 Fujifilm Kaizen year, but I am confident that in 2020, we will be able to “download a new camera” again ;).

I mean, Fujifilm also publicly asked us Fujifilm users, which firmware we would like next, and 14,000+ of you voted on their new favorite firmware features.

This alone shows that they do care, and that improving their cameras via firmware is always a goal Fuji has in mind, but they can that only do when:

  • they have enough resources to develop it
  • the firmware is mature and ready
  • the “market-moment” is right, meaning for example a new firmware won’t affect sales of a brand new camera all too badly.

So, be patient, and Kaizen love will be back :).

Fujifilm X-T4 Registered and Coming with IBIS in March, and About that 6K60p Video Rumor

Fujifilm X-T4

FujiRumors is (as usual) the first and only website, who told you about the surprising Fujifilm X-T3 successor announcement (usually Fujifilm waits 2 years to refresh it, but this time they waited only 1.5 years)

Now it’s time to continue the leaks :).

I did wait to get it tripled checked, and it’s done now, so here it is: the soon to come Fujifilm X-T4 (or whatever Fuji is going to call it), will have IBIS!

This does not come surprising, though, as Fujifilm managers repeatedly said, that they are working on making the IBIS unit smaller, so that they can fit it into other (not X-H) X series cameras.

The mission has been accomplished. IBIS is now going to be part of more Fujifilm X series camera lines!

And now one more thing.

Do you remember when a member of our massive Fujifilm X-T group shared the Fujifilm X-T4 rumor with the following specs? The member claimed:

  • X-T4 with IBIS
  • expect a T4 about 1/3 of an inch thicker, and about 5-6oz heavier
  • On a good note expect 6k60 and 10bit internal
  • anamorphic ratio
  • fully articulating flippy…essentially an S1H but APSc with Fuji color and obviously much smaller
  • release end of 2020

Note that he rumored it for “end of 2020”, but this is definitely wrong. Now, I don’t want to say that also the 6K video and all other specs are wrong, but the one I can verify now, is 100% wrong.

So, take that rumored specs list with a grain of salt for now.

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