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These Guys Switched from Full Frame to Fujifilm APS-C and Are Happy About it

Fujifilm Vs Full Frame

So it’s time for another comparisons roundup, this time focusing on people switching to Fujifilm APS-C from Sony, Nikon and Canon full frame, and believe it or not, they are happy with their switch!

In the Fujifilm world, if you really want a bigger sensor, you go Fujifilm GFX, which offers an almost 4 times bigger sensor than APS-C and hence can really offer that ultimate jump in image quality, that the jump from APS-C and FF can not offer.

And before you start complaining, we remind you that we have also shared dedicated roundups of people unhappy with Fujifilm.

LIVE BLOG MAY 23: Fujifilm GFX100 Announcement on FujiRumors!

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New Fujifilm G Mount Roadmap Coming May 23

Fujifilm G Mount Roadmap

According a new source, along with the Fujifilm GFX100 announcement on May 23, Fujifilm will also unveil a new Fujinon G mount lens roadmap.

No reliable indication so far that also the Fujiflm X mount roadmap will be updated.

I remind you that back in February, at the wonderful Fujifilm X Summit in Dubai, Fujifilm asked users which Fujinon X and G lenses they should make next, giving us several options to vote for.

So here on FujiRumors we launched a lens poll, based on Fuji’s options, and 15,000+ of you voted. Check out the future lens wishlist result here.

Fujifilm also offered us a firmware wishlist, and 10,000 of you also voted on it. Check it out.

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Did the Panasonic S1/R Fiasco Prove FUJIFILM Did Well to Skip Full Frame?

The Mirrorless Endgame

Some of you think that talking about “mirrorless endgame” or “mirrorless war” is a bit too dramatic. And yes, I actually agree with that, but also not!

I explain:

War” or “Endgame” suggest an epic fight with violent ending. That will definitely not happen. At least not with all camera brands.

While Samsung joined the mirrorless market spectacularly with the Samsung NX1 and left just as spectacularly, by capitulating overnight, other brands will quietly disappear, reducing their products cycles, their innovations, and one day, silently, just stop it all.

The harsh truth is: in a camera market shrinking that fast, it is not plausible to think that everybody will continue grow and prosper.

So we are in the endgame now.

The good news for us customers is: companies lower their prices, beef up their cameras, race for innovation, cover us with firmware love, and fight for every single one of us.

We, the customers, win in any case ;).

About Skipping Full Frame

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Fujifilm GFX 100: Everything We Know so Far

Fujifilm GFX100

The Fujifilm GFX100 is coming on May 23 (live blogging on FujiRumors), and I have decided to collect all we know about it in this article.

It’s a mix of rumors and official statements made by Fujifilm managers.

For your convenience, I will link to the source (rumors or manager statement), so that you guys know if you should take something with a grain of salt or not.

Most of it comes from an amazing source, who shared with FujiRumors the official Fujifilm GFX 100 media slides:

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Fujifilm GFX 100 official and rumored specs

Fujifilm GFX 100 Full Sensor Data Sheet

Fujifilm GFX 100

The Fujifilm GFX 100 announcement is just around the corner (May 23).

Of course there will be an epic live blogging on FujiRumors. Don’t miss it, and follow us on Facebook, Flipboard, Youtube, Instagram, RSS-feed and Twitter.

And for the very techy guys out there, today I share the 264 page strong full Fujifilm GFX 100 sensor data sheet.

If you prefer it more to the point, we have already leaked the official Fujifilm GFX 100 media slides.

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GEAR TALK DETOX: Fujifilm GFX Monochrome Edition with Valentino Rossi and More

Gear Talk Detox

The next few weeks will be gear talk at its highest power, here on FujiRumors.

The reason?

The massive Fujifilm GFX100 announcement on May 23!

So I thought that, before we dive into specs, pixel peeping, 400% magnifications and all the rest, we take one last deep breath into the art of photography by sharing some of the most voted images.

The only problem?

Our massive 21,000+ members strong Fujifilm GFX facebook group is very prolific and shares tons of images.

In order to make it easier for you digest, I decided to focus this part of the image roundup on monochrome images, and there will be another one later on in colors.

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Let’s Start (click to see the images)

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Fujikina 2019 Tokyo, May 25/26: Fujifilm GFX 100 Launch Party and More?

Fujikina 2019

Fujifilm announced the Fujikina 2019 event in Tokyo on May 25/26.

In the Fujifilm world, “Fujikina” means “big launch event“, and in this case it will be the official launch party for the Fujifilm GFX100, which will be announced on May 23.

What else could come?

Besides the release of the silver Fujinon XF16mmf2.8, I have not heard any more details about the event.

The Fujifilm X-Pro3 is sure for 2019, but no source has so far told me, that it will come in May (but never say never).

If you are waiting for the Fujinon XF 16-80mm f4 and GF50mm f/3.5, Fujifilm said they will be released in fall.

Whatever comes, you only have to do one thing: follow FujiRumors to know everything as fast as possible ;).

GFX · X fan meeting “FUJIKINA” is again.

This time, Tokyo’s event space “CROSS DOCK HARUMI” in Harumi will be held, and an event “FUJIKINA 2019 Tokyo” will be held to thoroughly enjoy the GFX X series.
In this event, you can experience the latest models of GFX and X series, talk shows and studio demonstrations by top photographers and creators from inside and outside Japan, gallery exhibition, free quick maintenance service (by reservation only) and GFX and X series. We offer various contents such as free rental service (by reservation only).

In addition, “FUJIKINA 2019 Tokyo” is planning to make a public program to create promotional videos and photos of overseas artists using the GFX / X series as a new program. Don’t miss the chance to see and experience the top professional production sites.

At the Fujikina 2019 there will be touch & try, quick maintenance service, loan Program, photowalks, live talk & studio demos and public filming. You can check out the full program at the dedicated fujikina 2019 page.

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The Mirrorless Endgame Begins: Fujifilm GFX 100 Announcement on May 23

Fujifilm GFX 100

According to our trusted sources, the Fujifilm GFX100 will be announced on May 23.

I am so excited to finally see this beast unveiled, that I created a fan-made Fujifilm GFX100 announcement trailer on my youtube channel.

Don’t take the trailer too seriously, though. Of course the Fujifilm GFX100 won’t destroy half of the camera universe. It’s just I am super-pumped to see Avengers Endgame, too, and I guess my brain just merged my excitements into the trailer you see above.

And yet, the mirrorless endgame really begins. Camera companies try to find a way to survive in a declining market, but it’s clear that there is no space for all to flourish.

Fujifilm tries to survive by avoiding the full frame mud fight and by dropping medium format beasts and agile hybrid APS-C cameras to the market.

If that will work out or not, only time will tell.

All I know is that I will be here, on May 23, to give you the most epic live blogging ever seen on FujiRumors.

Stick around guys, because this is just the beginning of a long rumor marathon ;).

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Sigma CEO: “Fujifilm Customers Would be Our Ideal Customer, but Fujifilm Does Not Disclose Their Protocols”

Sigma Fujifilm

Just a few weeks ago we reported how the Sigma CEO said that, he would really like to make Fujifilm X mount lenses, but resources are limited and other projects have priority.

And today, in an interview with DPReview, when asked if Sigma is planing to make Fujifilm X mount lenses, Sigma CEO Kazuto Yamaki answered:

I have [had] many questions about it. I know that some [Fujifilm] customers are wishing for us to make lenses for them. It’s always a matter of priority. We know there are many good customers of the Fuji system and they’re perfectly matched with our ideal customer but [Fujifilm doesn’t] really disclose the protocol between the lens and camera, so we need to do the reverse engineering by ourselves.

It’s a really time-consuming process so we need to prioritize support for Sony E mount, our L-mount system, existing DSLR mounts and Micro Four Thirds.”

DPReview then adds:

According to Mr Yamaki, the cost of the R&D required is easy to justify for major mounts, where sales are guaranteed. The flip-side, of course, is that for systems with a relatively small market share, and / or a large range of attractive native options already in existence – like Fujifilm X – it’s a trickier proposition.”

Just recently, Fujifilm top manager Toshihisa Iida said here that Fujifilm does not believe they need to share their X mount protocols with third-party manufactures, since Fujifilm offers already lots of glass.

On the other hand, when asked about third parties reverse engineering their lenses, Toshihisa Iida said “I guess that’s good for customers“, which to me sounds like they won’t sue Viltrox for making the Viltrox 85mm f/1.8.

Yes, dear Fujifilm, customers like indeed more lenses!

So please, share those protocols and help even more people to join the X family, by widen your lens offer and open for third parties. Because, as they say, we buy cameras, but we marry lenses. And the more sexy lenses a system has, the more people will buy into and stick with it.

  • read here: SIGMA Will Make FUJIFILM X Mount lenses if X series Camera Sales Increase by 20%
  • read here: SIGMA Needs Bigger Fujifilm Market Share, TOKINA Designed X Glass Already but Stopped by Royalties, TAMRON is Vague

Not sure if it mitigates the pain, but you can for example use the Fringer Smart AF adapter, which supports the Sigma 50/1.4 ART, Sigma 85/1.4 ART, Sigma 17-50/2.8 OS, Sigma 50-100/1.8 ART, Sigma 24/1.4 ART, Sigma 135/1.8 ART, Sigma 100-400 and many more.

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Fujifilm Manager: “Full Frame? Users Want Choice, and We Chose APS-C and MF. Smaller IBIS Needed”

Fujifilm Manager Interview

Just yesterday DPReview published their Fujifilm CP+ interview, with lots of interesting topics to discuss. Make sure to check it out here (including the hundreds of comments).

Now the Thai youtube channel กล้องกล้วยกล้วย interviewed Fujifilm manager Mr. Makoto Oishi.

It’s a 49 minutes interview in Thai and constantly translated into English. Too cumbersome and no time? Don’t worry, it’s all summed up down below for you :)

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