Tony Northrup: “IBIS and APS-C F1.8 Zoom Lenses Would Put Fujifilm in the Same League as Full Frame”


Tony Northrup shared his camera gear predictions video, and it includes also the Fujifilm X-H1.

Now, much has been written here on FujiRumors about the Fujifilm X-H1, and we have a vast number of specs already leaked, including accurate sketches and renderings of the real Fujifilm X-H1 camera (last rumors here).

So in this article I would not like to focus on the X-H1, but on another suggestion that comes from Tony.

Tony is a big IBIS fan, and he can’t wait to see Fujifilm launching the X-H1.

IBIS is, in his opinion, one of the two big things still missing on Fujifilm cameras. He says Fujinon lenses are very good and sharp, but lenses without OIS need IBIS.

The second big lack, always according to Tony, are APS-C F1.8 zooms. He says:

If you do that [F1.8 zooms] and give me a sensor stabilized camera, that would put you in the same league as Full Frame Canon, Nikon and Sony and we can see a lot of professional photographers switching over to your bodies.”

So what do you guys think? Now that Fujifilm will release the X-H1 with IBIS, is the lack of F1.8 zooms the last thing that is missing to make Pros switch to Fujifilm APS-C?

Check out Tony’s video here.


Meikon Fujifilm X-T2 Waterhousing Review


Write Your Articles Directly On FujiRumors!

Guest Post by TheOverratedPhotographer


I’ve been wanting a decent water housing for a while. It’s a symptom of GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome), once you have everything you want, you find more things to want. In my case, one of the areas I play in is kitesurfing, and whilst to 100-400 is great to take photos from a distance, the option of a waterproof housing gives you a complete different perspective. As opposed to a horizontal view, you get a vertical view looking up or photos from the water looking back at the beach. My housing requirements aren’t the heavy duty scuba diving ones, mine will be mainly surface based.

Unfortunately the wind hasn’t been playing along lately so I haven’t been able to take many action photos to date, but I will update this as I go along.

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Merry X-Mas to All Fujifilm Lovers, 5 Thank You Messages… and a Camera Bag to Support Homeless People

Thanks to for the image
Thanks to for the image

Merry X mas

First and foremost, merry Christmas to the entire Fujifilm family out there and to every single one of you reading this blog. Make the best out of your holidays and enjoy every moment.

And now the part almost nobody will read, but for me personally it’s very important…


  • ALL SOURCES who helped me also this year with the rumors. Your support was once again incredible. You help us to make being part of the Fuji X community so much more fun :). I hope to hear very often from you again also in 2018.
  • ALL READERS who decided to support FujiRumors by commenting the articles, by dropping me a link to interesting content, news, deals and by sharing our content on social media and forums. You allow this blog to be always the very first to break the news and also to be the by far most active Fujifilm community on the web.
  • ALL SUPPORTERS who decided to purchase products using our affiliate links, who donated a few bucks and who clicked on the banners on our website. I do put heart and soul into this blog, but without your support to cover the costs of this site, I could close FujiRumors tomorrow morning.
  • ALL CONTRIBUTORS who decided to write a guest post for FujiRumors. You do enrich the FR-experience with your great content
  • ALL PEOPLE AT FUJIFILM who worked hard to keep up designing, developing and crafting wonderful cameras and lenses and for covering us also in 2017 with Kaizen love

have great holidays… all of you,
Facebook, RSS-feed, Twitter and Instagram

Support for Homeless People

As you might have noticed, here on FujiRumors we are convinced supporters of charity initiatives. In fact, over the last two years, thanks to your support, we collected $5,000 for free education to Cambodian kids, and as you can see above, the kids wanted to say “Thank you” to all of you guys :)

This time, I’d like to bring to your attention a charity initiative launched by our friends at Cosyspeed camera bags.

They have launched a special edition bag, the CAMSLINGER Streetomatic Valerie Jardin bag (Valerie shoots Fuji ;) ), and $25 of each sold bag go to the project #dosomethingfornothing, a project of London based stylist Joshua Coombes who gives free haircuts to homeless people.

Joshs project has grown quickly to 180 thousand followers on Instagram and he was featured in Morgan Freemans show on National Geographic and The Washington Post.

Full details after the video.

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Future Fujifilm Kaizen Firmware Feature Wishlist – Share Now on FujiRumors!


Future Kaizen Love

First off: Thank you Fujifilm 

Especially the recent X-Pro2 firmware update was simply amazing, and it delivered even more than what you promised us back in September.

Your firmware support is one of the reasons why I’m really happy and proud to own your products and be part of the Fujifilm world.

So please don’t think I’m not grateful for all the huge Kaizen love you delivered to us Fuji shooters over all these years, when today I invite the FR-community to throw in some ideas for future updates.

But fact is, that always, right after major firmware updates, I get many emails from the FujiRumors community, who share with me their ideas regarding future updates. And I like it that the community is so active and constructive, and keeps up thinking at ways to improve your cameras.

Some asked me for highlight priority metering mode, some others would like the ability to adjust ISO via command dial on X-Pro2 or more peaking colors for old X-E1/Pro1 cameras. Personally, owning the Fujifilm X-E3, I can’t wait to see a proper geotagging via bluetooth.

But I won’t extend the list further… I’ll leave it to the FujiRumors community to add their wishes in the comments.

So now it’s your turn guys, go ahead and let us know which firmware update you would like for which camera model.

And knowing that Fujifilm reads us, feel free to share also your personal “thank you” to Fujifilm… I’m sure they like it if we don’t take firmware updates for granted and show them our appreciation.

In fact, a trusted sources told me, that Fujifilm is looking extremely closely to this community and that you guys are absolutely and by very far Fujifilm’s Nr.1 source for online feedback.

I don’t know if our trusted source is right, but what I know is that:

So guys, now it’s your turn again to let Fujifilm know :)

Make sure to follow FujiRumors via Facebook, RSS-feed, Twitter and Instagram to stay up to date in real time with the latest news.


Fujifilm X-Pro2 Firmware ver. 4.00 Camera Lock Up Reports


X-Pro2 Bug Report

I have received several reports, including some shared at our Fujifilm X-Pro facebook group, about lock-ups on the X-Pro2 with the new firmware version 4.00.

The good news: the lock up seems to occur only when using advanced filters, definitely not a core feature of the X-Pro2. And it only occurs when shooting Compressed RAW+JPEG.

But anyway, it should work, no matter how important or not this feature is.

Speaking of advanced filters…

Personally I never use those filters. Oh well, actually I tried them one time on my X-E2 back in 2014, as you can see here. But I know most X shooters prefer to create their own effects in post production.

However, I also sometimes stumble on Fuji X images taken with the miniature effect. So the filters are something fun to use now and then for some fellow X shooters out there.

And wherever there is a Fuji X or GFX shooter, who can’t have fun with his/her camera, because of some issue, FujiRumors will be the first to support them.

So, dear Fujifilm, the FujiRumors community lets you know about this issue and would like you to come up with a fix as soon as possible.

With that said… huge thanks for all the Kaizen love the X-Pro2 just got :)

Any other bugs you noticed on the X-Pro2?

X-Pro2 FW 4.00: do you experience Lock-ups when shooting Advanced Filters at Compressed RAW + JPEG?

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