Fujifilm X-A5 and XC 15-45mm Pancake Zoom Announcement on January 31


Fujifilm Announcement January 31

Fellow Fujifilm Lovers,

I would like to inform you that Fujifilm is going to announce the long rumored Fujifilm X-A5 and the new XC 15-45mm F3.5-5.6 pancake zoom (more specs here), on January 31 (or 30, depending on your time zone).

Back in September 2017, as usual FujiRumors broke the news about the Fujifilm X-T100, a new entry level camera with Bayer sensor and viewfinder. But so far, no source could tell me the precise announcement date.

I guess that if the X-T100 would come with the X-A5 and XC-15-45 on January 31 or even with the Fujifilm X-H1 on February 15, then I would know it at this stage. However, it’s still very silent, which could mean the announcement is not immediate. Or maybe I’m just missing something… we will soon see.

As usual, you can expect full time and non stop Live Blogging coverage here on FujiRumors.

I know the X-A line is an absolute success in Asia, and in my recent trip to Prague (photos here, here and here), I indeed saw a few Asian people with the X-A2 or X-A3. But personally I’m not so hot on this camera.

Much more interesting is the XC15-45 pancake zoom, which, if its performance is worth of the name “Fujinon”, could become one of my travel lenses of the future. And looking at the poll below, I see I’m not the only one :).

With that said, the XF18-55 remains just an insanely good kit lens, and I doubt that the small pancake XC15-45 will be able to match its image quality.

Let’s wait for January 31 and see :)

In the meantime, make sure to follow us on Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter, and to click on the little bell icon on the bottom right of your browser, to get instant notification, as soon as I can answer this question.

have a fantastic day,

Are you Interested to Buy the XC15-45mmF3.5-5.6 OIS Power Zoom Pancake lens?

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Stolen Gear: Help to Find Back Fujifilm’s X Photographer Bert Stephani Gear


Bert Stephani is a well known Fujifilm X photographer, that over all these years has delighted the Fuji Lovers community with great images and has been a valuable member by sharing his Fujifilm X and GFX gear reviews, his Fujifilm camera settings, giving tips for street photography and more.

Sadly, thieves broke into his house and stole his gear, and on facebook here he asked for help to find it back.

So I ask the FujiRumors community to watch out for suspect sales online. Let’s try to help a fellow X-shooter to find back his gear.

All the details, including the list of gear with serial number below from Bert’s facebook post.

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Fujifilm X-T3 and Fujifilm X-H1: Will the X-T3 Have IBIS? Advantages of Creating New X-H Line? Should Fujifilm Have Merged X-T3/H1 into One Camera?


Fujifilm X-T3 or Fujifilm X-H1

The debate and the questions started after yesterday’s Fujifilm X-T3 rumor.

I thought to put some of the questions and speculations I could read in the comments and that I got via email in this article, and maybe add some thoughts to it.

Feel free to read and discuss it in the comments.

The Journey from Fujifilm X-T2S to Fujfiilm X-H1

As you know, the upcoming Fujifilm X-H1 was originally planed to be called X-T2s.

You might think: “Who cares, just a name change“.

Maybe… or maybe not.

The fact that Fujifilm decided to change name, and hence to create a new line of Fujifilm X series cameras, could be quite relevant.

It’s safe to assume that a new line of cameras means that this line will have some peculiarities that sets them apart from all other Fujifilm cameras.

No IBIS on Fujifilm X-T3?

What could be the features that set the Fujifilm X-H1 apart from any other Fujifilm X series camera, including the Fujifilm X-T3?

I am investigating this, but you guys already started to make speculations in the comments.

The most widly spread of your speculation in the comments is that IBIS will be a feature reserved for the Fujifilm X-H1, which means the Fujifilm X-T3 will not have IBIS.

If your speculations are right, then Fujifilm did well to change the name from X-T2S to X-H1. Two different camera lines, with some more or less significant differences, such as IBIS… but there are more of them.

Fujifilm X-H1 for Video and Fujifilm X-T3 for Stills

Let’s assume the speculations of many FR-readers are correct, and the Fujifilm X-T3 will not have IBIS.

In that case, unless you work on a rig/gimbal (where IBIS can actually become a problem, as we have shown here), the Fujifilm X-H1 will be the better video camera if you shoot handheld, not only because of IBIS, but also because the ergonomics, controls and features are more build around the needs of videographers.

The bigger camera and deeper grip of the Fujifilm X-H1 will definitely help overall stability and balance while filming, especially if you use the X-H1 with long Cine Lenses like the Fujinon MK 18-55 and MK 50-135.

I also doubt any videographer would really use the exposure compensation dial to adjust brightness while filming, since it would introduce lots of camera shakes. This is why Fujifilm got rid of it on the X-H1. You will control exposure compensation via command dial and check your value on a top LCD panel.

The bigger body might also allow better heat dissipation, allowing maybe longer (or even unlimited?) 4K video recording time.

The Fujifilm X-T line would remain mainly a stills camera, with a smaller body and more analog controls (exposure compensation dial).

And if the Fujifilm X-T3 really has no IBIS as you guys speculated, then, from a mere image quality point of view, this might have some advantages, too, since IBIS can introduce more vignetting and it can create issues with heat dissipation that lead to worst high ISO performance, as Panasonic ambassador and GH5S beta tester told us here. On the other hand, I can think of many other situations where IBIS is useful also for stills.

But I have written a detailed IBIS Pros and Cons article (also compared to OIS). Feel free to check it out.

Should Fujifilm Have Merged X-T3 and X-H1 into One Camera?

Should Fujifilm have merged the X-T3 and X-H1 into one camera?

And what’s the advantage of creating a new X-H Line?

I don’t know… but I’ll throw in some thoughts…

Making the X-T3 more “video friendly” would have ment changing the classic X-T controls and design by adding, for example, a deeper grip and overall size to the camera. And given how much loved the current design is amongst Fujifilm X-T shooters, I am not sure if such changes would have been appreciated.

By creating a new line with the Fujifilm X-H1, Fujifilm has much more freedom to make more radical ergonomic changes oriented towards the needs of videographers. And as you can see in our leaked X-H1 sketches, the X-H1 has some significant differences compared to the X-T2.

But the big question remains: will IBIS really be reserved to the X-H line? I will try to answer this question as soon as possible.

In the meantime, make sure to follow us on Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter, and to click on the little bell icon on the bottom right of your browser, to get instant notification, as soon as I can answer this question.

all the best,
Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter


Fujinon Lens Roundup: Wedding with XF23 and XF56, Mitakon 35mm f/0.95, 7Artisans 25mm f1.7 and Much More


Win & Support Competitions

  • Win 2 FUJINON MK Lenses at cinema5D
  • FUJINON 1 Minute Film Competition Adds Zacuto Scissor Lens Support to Prize at cinema5D
  • Win $200 BHphoto Gift Cart at fujirumors.com
  • Brett: “My image of Meron Benti on the cover of Middlebury Magazine is up for consideration at the American Society of Magazine Editors Best Cover Contest 2018, competing against the likes of New Yorker, Nat Geo, Essence, and numerous others. It’s a huge honor just to be included in the field. Relevant to your site is that I made the image with a Fuji X-Pro2 and 35mm ƒ/1.4 lens. The contest page is here: American Society of Magazine Editors facebook.” The Fujifilm Cover is this one.

Fujinon (and third party X-mount) Lenses

The amount of links I get from you guys is terrific, and I will give my best to feature you all. Today, amongst all the submissions and request I got, I will feature those who specifically talk about Fujinon lenses.

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Fujifilm X-T3: New X-Trans Sensor Less than 30 MP, Announcement Around Photokina 2018, Shipping October/November & more


Fujifilm X-T3

Ok guys…the following Fujifilm X-T3 rumor is a mix of information I got from trusted as well as new sources.

  • Fujifilm X-T3 announcement around photokina 2018, which takes place at the end of September – TRUSTED SOURCE (probably shortly before photokina)
  • New X Processor Pro – TRUSTED SOURCE
  • New X Trans Sensor with more than 24MP but less than 30 MP – TRUSTED SOURCE
  • Shipping in October/November, but more likely November – NEW SOURCE

Particularly interesting I find the information about the new X-Trans sensor having less than 30 Megapixel. I know some were expecting 32 or even 36 megapixel, but this will not happen, at least not with Fujfilm’s next X Trans sensor generation.

At the moment I have no idea how many megapixel it will have, but in any case it seems it won’t be really a huge jump from 24 MP.

I will try to find out more and let you know as soon as possible.
