Fujifilm Registerd Another WiFi Camera (Now Totally 3)


Fujifilm registered another camera with bluetooth. This time the code name is FF170004 (WiFi only).

Just recently, they registered camera FF170003 here and other two cameras (FF170001 and FF170011) back in August.

The FF170001 was probably the Fujifilm X-E3, so we now have 3 registered Fujifilm cameras with bluetooth, that have not yet been announced.

  • FF170003 (WiFi + Bluetooth)
  • FF170004 (WiFi only)
  • FF170011 (WiFi + Bluetooth)

My guess is that it could be the Fujifilm X-A5, the X-T100 and the X-T2S. The X80 is also an option, but not sure if it will sport the X-TransIII sensor, as reported here.

via nokishita


Fujifilm X-T2: Most Loved but Least Reliable Camera I’ve Ever Owned… Can You Trust your X-T2? (Poll)


The Freedom to Shitstom :)

As you know, FujiRumors is a free space, and Fujifilm has no influence on this blog at all. I can write what I want, when I want. The one and only goal I have, is to deliver you guys the best service I can.

So here on FujiRumors we are free to…

  • write about my main 2 complaints on the Fujifilm X-T1 – read here
  • launch polls investigating why people don’t buy Fujifilm (highlighting the weaknesses of the system) – read here
  • We love Kaizen, but recently called the Wireless Tethering feature a Joke – read here
  • When we think Fujifilm is losing the path (and its “soul”), we report (and comment) about it – read here
  • When reviewers give negative feedback about an important key feature of a new camera (such as the hybrid viewfinder on X100T), we will report about it – read here
  • FujiRumors is regulary the first place that reports about issues and bugs, such as the mushy buttons on the first batch of X-T1’s and more

Our freedom is our strenght, since it allows our community to give honest feedback to Fujifilm, and I know from sources, that Fujifilm considers this blog to be by very far their best resource for online feebdack…. and that’s possible only thanks to your huge participation :)

So what we have for you today, are 3 reports of failing Fujifilm X-T2 cameras.

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Why the Fujifilm X100F is the Best Camera in the World… For Me


Write Your Articles Directly On FujiRumors!

Guest post by Nat Brice – natbricephotography.com.au

The best camera I have used, ever, hands down, is the Fujifilm X100F… in black.

This is quite the statement considering that there are arguably technically “better” cameras on the market with better dynamic range, faster AF, sharper sensors etc, but for me, this is the best camera in the world … for me.

Let me explain…

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

No 1″ Sensor Cameras for Fujifilm: “Market is Overcrowded”



Fujifilm X30… the last of its kind, as reported also by our Japanese source

Fujifilm 1″ sensor

I still get many questions about if Fujifilm will release an X30 successor with 1″ sensor.

Fuji Guy Billy already answered this question in a great TCSTV Fujifilm-centric live stream (as I reported quickly here), but I think it’s better to dedicate it an own article, to make sure nobody misses it (and I don’t get questions anymore via email ;) )

Billy was only active in the comments to the TCSTV live stream, so we can’t read his statements now… but since I was one of those guys commenting on the live stream, I could read his chat.

When somebody in the comments asked about Fujifilm offering a 1″ sensor camera, Fuji Guy Billy answered that “the 1″ market is overcrowded“.

So that does not really give us much space for hope, although an X40 with 1” sensor would have been nice I think, and could have competed with all the Sony RX100’s out there.

The TCSTV Fujifilm live stream is very interesting and includes even topics like the XF33mmF1.0.

Oh, and btw, if you ever wondered how a Fuji Guys reacts, when he discovers FujiRumors is listening, then check out min 13:23 of the video ;)


Sigma 18-35mmF1.8 on Fujifilm X-T2 PDAF Demo (Fringer EF-FX smart adapter prototype)


Fringer just uploaded a video, demonstrating the autofocus speed of the Sigma 18-35mmF1.8 on the Fujifilm X-T2, using the Fringer EF-FX smart adapter prototype, which will be available in several months.

To see how the Canon EF 50mm performs on the Fujifilm X-T2 with the same adapter, check out this article.

Also Steelsring is offering a smart adapter for Canon EF to Fuji X… and they plan to make also Nikon F to Fuji X and GFX smart adapters.

Here is a list of smart adapters available or to come soon.
