POLL: Vote your Two Must Have Fujinon Lenses for WEDDINGS!
That’s the Wedding-kit of FXF member Antony – Fuji X Wedding Photography Chat
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Any X-wedding photographer out there? Then this Poll is for you:
Inspired by the X-wedding photography Chat at our Forum, I was curious to hear from you guys, which Fujinon lenses you put in your bag, when you shoot a wedding. But since I want you to suffer a bit, you can select just two Fujinon lenses in the following Poll … so think carefully about it and vote the 2 lenses you consider a Must Have!
And why not, tell us in the comments if there is a lens for weddings you still miss in the X line-up…. you know it: Fujifilm will be very interested to read what you think & vote. ;)
P.S.: Another related Forum thread: FXF member mart46 shares his experience at the FXF here, after shooting his first wedding with the Fuji system. Quote: “I had more keepers than ever before with the Canons“!