Replace Your Standard MacOS Icons with Super Cool Fujifilm Cameras Icons! – UPDATE: Windows Version, too

Fuji Icons for Mac
Fujifilm X100F facebook group member Pawel is still waiting for his X100F, and in the meantime, he tried to manage his impatience by creating some cool Fuji X and G icons to replace the standard MacOS (or Windows) ones.
As you can see in the screenshot above, I’ve already created the X-T2 icon for my Mac (even though I don’t own it). But there are currently a total of 8 icons you can chose (X-T2 black, GFX, X-T2 with grip, X-Pro2 graphite, X100F black, X100F silver, X-20 black and X-T20 silver).
The procedure to change the icon is super easy:
“1. Open the info panel of the folder you want to change (Command+i), 2. Locate its icon preview in the left top corner. 3 drag the new icon to this place. Et voila!“
And now all you need is the link. It has been originally shared by Pawel at the X100F group here. But since not everybody is part of the closed group or does not have facebook at all, here is the direct dropbox link :) – Windows + Mac
UPDATE: Fujifilm GFX facebook group member Peter made the windows version of the icons. You can download them via GFX facebook group here or my dropbox here.
UPDATE 2: X-E2 Windows Icons: X-E2 silver, X-E2 black
UPDATE 3: Icons for lenses
UPDATE 4: more links in the comments
Pawel, you are GENIUS!!! :)
stay tuned,
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