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RUMOR: Fujifilm X100VI only 1 Millimeter Thicker than X100V


I already told you that the Fujifilm X100VI would have basically the same size of the Fujifilm X100V.

The size difference would be so negligible, that it would be noticeable only on paper.

But some FR-readers told me that even just a few millimeters here and there would make a significant difference in terms of perceived size of the camera in the hands.

So, let me be more precise today.

The Fujifilm X100VI will be just 1 millimeter thicker than the X100V.

That’s all: 1 millimeter of difference.

I hope that now you’ll agree that the size difference is really extremely negligible and that we can say the X100VI has basically the same size of the X100V.

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