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When my Old XF23mmF1.4 Beat Sony Full Frame and other Wonderful Moments (but now Welcome my New XF23mmF1.4 R LM WR)

It’s Here

It’s never easy to let go gear you used and loved a lot. Gear like my good old Fujinon XF23mm f/1.4 R for example.

But now the time has come.

I’ve just received the new Fujinon XF23mm f/1.4 R LM WR and I’ve explained the reason why I bought it here already.

The Magic of Making Money by Buying Gear ;)

I bought the lens at Amazon IT here, as they had a better price than my local store and are also qualified for the Fujifilm cashback.

Convincing my wife of this investment went like this:

  1. I don’t need to pay for the lens, because I am paying it with the money I made from the X-T4 sale
  2. there is a sweet deal on the new XF23mmF1.4
  3. by buying the new XF23mmF1.4 I can get rid of the old XF23mm and make even more money
  4. I’ve booked a table for 2 for dinner at a fancy restaurant tomorrow. Yes, only for 2! It will be our first dinner without our son after 2+ years. Grandma is informed, she will watch after our son

This tells us one thing: photography is definitely an expensive hobby when you build up your system, but it gets much cheaper once you can fund new gear by selling old one.

Remember the Good

But I don’t let go my good old Fujinon XF23mm f/1.4 with a light heart, as I had many great moments with it. Let me name a few “episodes”.

Beating Sony ;)

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Europe to join USA with Huge Deals on Some of Fujifilm’s Best Lenses

FR-reader Ralf informed us about upcoming cashback deals coming to Europe that are mirroring those already available in the United States of America.

Here is the list of savings available starting from February 16 in Germany (and very likely in many other European countries too).

On February 16 I will pay a visit to my local store to get the Fujinon XF23mm f/1.4 R LM WR ;).

Europe Deals

USA Deals

Official Fujifilm Deals

Price Drops

X Camera Deals

GFX Deals

Fujifilm Financial Results for Q3 FY2022: Imaging Division 80.8% YOY Operating Income Increase (24.4% YOY Revenue Increase)

Fujifilm has published its financial result for the 3rd quarter of the fiscal year 2022.

We remind you that the fiscal year in Japan ends on March 31. That’s why Fujifilm now launched massive lens deals to push the sales numbers before the final yearly report.

These are the results for the imaging division:

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Good Bye Fujifilm X-T4: My Best X-T4 Experience and the Lens I’ll Buy with Money Earned from its Sale

X-T4 – Remember the Good

My Fujifilm X-T4 is gone… sold.

Unlike when I sold my X-T1, there won’t be a huge emotional goodbye today.

But that’s not to say I didn’t appreciate my X-T4.

On the contrary, I have done lots of work (wedding included) and travel with it (taking lovely family images).

At a certain moment, I even fell madly in love with… with the selfie screen!

It was 2020, and since February I was in lockdown and teaching online. I filmed my lessons with my X-E3, but when I finally received the X-T4, it totally improved my workflow to be able to see myself during recording, but I also started to make more creative videos for my students (which they appreciated, as you can here from their Whatsapp feedback I’ve shared in this article – direct video here).

So I guess this could be called my best experience with the X-T4: it simplified my teacher life during lockdown and also gave me a creative boost.

And to be honest, there were several other occasions where the fully articulating screen turned out very handy, as I have described here.

So to be clear: it might not have been my all time favorite camera, but I appreciated it and had lots of fun with it.

The Sale

And yet, the day I’ve received the rumor that the Fujifilm X-T5 has a 3 way tilt screen (a masterpiece of a rumor btw, with quotes from V for Vendetta ;)), I did put my Fujifilm X-T4 up for sale. Because although I can see the advantages of fully articulating screens, for my style of shooting the disadvantages just outweigh the Pros.

I needed a couple of months to sell it. I feel like most buyers simply have unrealistic expectations on how much second gear should cost. I received messages from people who said they won’t pay more than 500 bucks.

Of course I declined such offers and wished them good luck to find an X-T4 for that price in 2038.

At the end I found someone living just 15 minutes car drive from my home who bought it at a fair price.

The new owner of my X-T4, Nicole, is more into video and prefers the fully articulating screen of X-T4. I am happy to see my X-T4 in the hands of someone who is going to appreciate and love it.

My Next Lens

And what should I do with the money earned from the X-T4 sale?

Buy more lenses, of course! :)

After lots of thoughts, I decided that it will be one of the new fast 40MP capable primes. But which one?

What Not

  • the good old XF35mmF1.4 is source of eternal joy and happiness for me, snapping personal favorite images over and over again. It kills any desire for the XF33mmF1.4 for me
  • I use the original XF56mmF1.2 mostly for portraits. I don’t need faster AF in those occasions. And I also don’t need the even sharper images of the new XF56mmF1.2 R WR. It’s portraits, people usually don’t really desire to have their wrinkles captured in high resolution 40MP glory. The current 56 is plenty of sharp enough. No need for even sharper portraits

What’s Left

  • the original XF23mmF1.4 is a lens I have used in some of the most important moments of my life: it was the only lens I took with me when my son was born. It was a stunning performer during the weeding I photographed. I made some travels carrying only the XF23mmF1.4 with me. It’s just incredibly flexible and also fun and beautiful thanks to the focus clutch. But as much as I appreciate it, I am not madly in love with it like with my XF35mmF1.4. So the new XF23mmF1.4 R LM WR is an option
  • XF18mmF1.4 R LM WR: I once owned the pancake XF18mmF2 lens. When I sold it I did miss the pancake style and the 18mm FOV every now and then. I replaced my desire for pancake with the XF27mmF2.8 R WR, but I still sometimes miss to have a nice 18mm prime

The Decision

One would say, so keep the old XF23mmF1.4 and get the XF18mmF1.4.

But here is the thing: as you’ve seen from the examples I made above, 23mm is a really nice focal length that I use in many important moments of my life. And the idea of having the stellar ultra sharp and fast focusing XF23mmF1.4 R LM WR is intriguing me.

So the masterplan is this: with the money from the X-T4 sale I will buy a new XF23mmF1.4 R LM WR (I give it 1/2 months and hope in a sale, otherwise I’ll buy full price). Once I have it, I’ll sell the old XF23mmF1.4 and have some more money to buy even more lenses. Maybe the 18mmF1.4 or why not, even the XF16mmF1.4.

2023 just starts as 2022 ended: I still struggle with my GAS :D

TESTED: Sirui 1.25x Anamorphic Adapter on Fujifilm X-H2 and XF33mm f/1.4

Let’s catch up with a piece of gear that I can’t remember I have ever talked about: the Sirui 1.25x Anamorphic Adapter.

As far as I can see it is available at Amazon since October 2022, but the Japanese guys at Mapcamera, who have now shared a test of the adapter on a Fujifilm X-H2 with XF33mmF1.4 lens, say that it will be available only this month.

Anyways, it’s something I have not talked about so far, so here is how it works.

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Fujinon XF35mm f/1.4 R: The Magical One (for me)

The Fujinon XF35mm f/1.4 R

There is place in the South of Laos where the mighty Mekong river gets over 6 miles large, spreading its brown tentacles in an intricated and slow flowing tangle of streams creating what are called the 4,000 islands: thousands of small hills of sand and shrubs captured in a massive labyrinth of turbid water.

Mislead by the deceptive peace of that enchanting landscape, I grabbed an old wooden Kayak of dubious reliability and sailed out to explore the area all alone.

But the more I reached the border to Cambodia, the more the Mekong was getting stronger, culimating in the furious Li Phi waterfalls.

Long story short: the flow got stronger, I could no longer paddle my way back, the waterfalls were approaching and I had no other choice than to jump into the water with my gear and find my way back by swimming in the Mekong, holding myself on branches of submerged trees and walking on the countless little sandy island.

During this adventure, my gear broke. All of it. Except for my Fujifilm XF35mm f/1.4, which survived the long swim as if nothing ever happened.

Now this alone would be enough for me to call the XF35mmF1.4 “magical” (and also the beer I drunk after this experience tasted “magical” ;))

But for most of us the true magic of this lens does not lie in its underwater capabilities, but in its images.

The Magic

Why talk about Fujifilm’s oldest lens in 2022?

Well, because according to our recent sruvey it is still the most owned prime lens among you guys.

And also because no matter how many similar lenses Fujifilm will launch, from the stellar sharp XF33mmF1.4 to the compact and fast focusing XF35mmF2 and even to the patented XF33mmF1.2 (if that ever comes), I will never sell my XF35mmF1.4 and probably not even buy any other 35-ish lens ever, because the Fujinon XF35mmF1.4 is magical!

So how does this magic come to be?

From a technical point of view, Fujifilm did try to explain it us in a dedicated article, where they talk about the design philosophy of this lens. Fujifilm basically didn’t care about specs and MTF charts, but designed the lens thinking at the real life use. You can read more here.

Also Fuji Guy Billy once said here, that Fujifilm did not want to create a clinically perfect lens, but a lens with character. We could call it a “perfectly imperfect” lens, a unique lens, or, in other words, a lens with a “magic touch“.

And as the Sigma CEO once said here, creating a lens with character is much more difficult than creating a perfect lens.

But technicalities aside, what I’ve experienced over all these years is that for me it seems easier to snap images I truly love with the XF35mmF1.4 rather than with many other of my lenses.

A few examples:

So, despite having a decent amount of lenses, some of them I use even more than my XF35mmF1.4, for some reason I can’t really explain, it’s often the Fujinon XF35mmF1.4 R that snaps the images I love most.

This alone (and the fact that it went with me through the Mekong adventure) makes this lens special to me.

And many others think so too, as you can see in the video below, where a fellow X shooter tries to capture in words the magic of the lens.

XF35mmF1.4 R

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Important Note Added by Fujifilm Regarding XF Lenses Supporting 40MP Sensor on X-H2 (and Fujifilm X-T5)

When Fujifilm launched the 40MP Fujifilm X-H2, they also published a list of lenses that get the maximum benefit from the new high resolution sensor.

This led quite some folks (also here on FujiRumors) to believe that the lenses not on the list will not profit at all from the increased resolution.

Some even said that because of this, they won’t upgrade to the 40MP Fujifilm X-H2 (and also the upcoming 40MP Fujifilm X-T5)

I did try to explain that you have to see in other terms: the new sensor will finally let all XF lenses express at their best in terms of resolution. it’s just those not on the list won’t go quite up all the way to 40MP.

Finally Fujifilm understood that the message they put out was potentially confusing and now added a note on their official Fujifilm X-H2 page:

*The list specifies our selection of lenses that have high resolution performance from edge to edge at maximum aperture, allowing you to fully experience all that the 40MP sensor has to offer. Lenses not listed will also allow you to experience the improved resolution performance of the 40MP sensor.”

So if you want 40MP resolution from edge to edge at maximum aperture, then only the lenses on the list will deliver (see list below). But Fujifilm now clearly says that lenses not listed will also deliver improved resolution performance when used on the 40MP sensor.

Hence, if you want more resolution, buying a Fujifilm X-H2 or the Fujifilm X-T5 will give you that also by using lenses that are not on the list.

And from how I read it, some might even resolve all the 40MP when stopped down at least in the center of the frame. Would be nice if Fujifilm would be even more specific on that.

List of Lenses with 40MP resolving power edge to edge wide open:

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List of Fujinon XF Lenses that Get Maximum Benefit from Fujifilm X-H2 (and X-T5) with 40 Megapixel Resolution

What’s Best on 40MP

Let’s be clear: more or less every single Fujifilm XF lens will perform better on the 40MP sensor. So even if an older lens can’t really resolve all the 40MP, they will still perform better than on the current 26MP sensor. Some might resolve 30MP, others 33MP, others more or less.

In short: the new 40MP sensor will make every single XF lens perform at its best possible in terms of resolution.

And yet, not all take full advantage of the new 40MP sensor. And Fujifilm was kind enough to provide us with a list of lenses, that will get maximum benefit from the X-H2 40MP sensor.

The lenses are:


Fujifilm X Summit NYC Starts NOW – Fujifilm X-H2, XF56mmF1.2II, GF20-35mmF4 Announcement and More

Fujifilm X Summit – LIVE COVERAGE
(refresh for updates)

Fujifilm X Summit – The Full Coverage Live!


  • X-H2S has been well received
  • photographers talk about the X-H2S. Great autofocus, great video
  • very strong X-H2S and XF150-600 sales
  • Fujifilm is increasing production of both items

40 Megapixel Fujifilm X-H2

  • Focus is POWER – which means image quality
  • APS-C sensor with highest resolution in the world
  • shows an 8mx6m large print made with 40MP X-H2
  • 8K cinema quality videos are possible for big screens like you find then in theaters with 200 seats
  • pixel shift multishot for 160MP images
  • demo of pixel shift using pixel shift combiner
  • better signal to noise ration and dynamic range
  • new lower ISO 125
  • Supports Flog and Flog 2
  • Best hardware in X lineup same of X-H2S
  • Fujifilm is preparing for arrival of 40MP with proper lenses since 2021 with lenses like the XF18mmF1.4, XF24mmF1.4II and XF33mmF1.4
  • introducing XF56mmF1.2 R WR
  • wanted to make sharp lens from center to corner at any distance and challenge to drive the bigger lens elements with proper AF motor
  • another challenge was to make a beautiful bokeh
  • another challenge was shorter focus distance, which now is 50cm with minimal aberration fluctuation

GFX system

  • GFX Grant Program winners selected and production started
  • GFX challenge grant program part 2 introduced
  • GF20-35mmF4 announced
  • only 725g weight
  • they talk about the materials they used and how they designed it
  • it is inner zoom
  • 82mm filter size
  • Fuji Tilt shift lens 30mmF5.6 and 110mmF5.6 shown


  • X-H2 in End of September for $1,999
  • XF56mmF1.2 R WR End of September $999
  • GF20-35mmF4 End of September $2,499

Fujifilm will publish a list of lenses that can resolve 40MP. Most lenses will be fine with 40MP.

Fujinon XF33mm f/1.2 Patent Spotted

Once upon a time, Fujifilm planed to make a Fujinon XF33mmF1.0, which they then scraped in favor of the smaller Fujinon XF50mm F1.0.

What we got instead, is the highly praised Fujinon XF33mmF1.4.

But it looks like at some point Fujifilm also played with the idea to make a Fujinon XF33mmF1.2, as such a patent has now been surfaced in Japanese language (down below the translated version) at IP force and found by Digicame-info.

I doubt Fujifilm will now also give us a Fujinon XF33mmF1.2, but let us know in the comments if you’d want one.

  • Applicant: FUJIFILM Corporation
    Publication number: P2022128205
    Application number: P 2021026602
    Publication date: 2022-09-01 Title
    of the invention: Imaging lens and imaging device
  • An imaging lens configured to be compact and having good optical performance, and an imaging apparatus equipped with this imaging lens are provided.
  • 2. Description of the Related Art In recent years, there has been a demand for an imaging lens that is compact and has good optical performance.
  • The present disclosure has been made in view of the circumstances described above, and an object thereof is to provide an imaging lens that is compact and has good optical performance, and an imaging apparatus that includes this imaging lens.
  • Example 1 (33mm F1.2)
    Focal length 33.98
    Back focus 13.14
    F value 1.24
    Total angle of view 47.6
    Maximum image height 14.45