7artisans 18mm F6.3 II UFO Lens Launched
The 7artisans 18mm F6.3 II UFO lens has just been launched and is available at several stores, Amazon US included.
The 7artisans 18mm F6.3 II UFO lens has just been launched and is available at several stores, Amazon US included.
7Artisans has just announced the 7Artisans 12mm f/2.8 MKII
key Feature:
For all the details, charts and sample images check out the dedicated page at 7Artisans here.
The brand new 7Artisans 4mm f/2.8 is now available at:
You can check your local Amazon here to see if it is available also there.
It is also available directly at the 7Artisans store here and also at Pergear here.
The 7Artisans 4mm f/2.8 is now available at the 7Artisans store and should soon be available also at Amazon here
7Artisans is displaying two new lenses on their Chinese social media platforms, that will both be available for Fujifilm X mount:
7Artisans offers many lenses for Fujifilm APS-C. You can see the full list at their official store.
That’s all nice and good, but I am hoping to see also the rumored autofocus X mount lenses from them one day.
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via 7Artisans
7Artisans is soon going to announce the following cine lenses for Fujifilm X mount:
That’s some seriously fast cine lens! They look like the Cine version of the f/0.95 photo lenses:
Fellow Fujifilm X-T group member Malte already has these new Cine lenses in his hands and shared a post on the group here. His initial impressions:
What I can tell you today, this are the best build lenses I ever had in my hands. No focus breathing and the run of the focus and aperture ring is a dream…
Down below you can see some images he shared as well as the lens specs:
Thanks to Malte and you can check out his article at schlueter-enteprises.
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The 7Artisans 25mm f/0.95 has been released and is now available at AmazonUS, BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUK, AmazonDE and Pergear.
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We have already shared a first review about the upcoming 7Artisans 25mmF0.95 in this article.
Now more pictures and details have been shared by 7Artisans on the Chinese social media Weibo, which you can find down below.
I have received the information (thanks), that 7Aritsans will launch autofocus lenses for Fujifilm X Mount.
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You might remember how we already shared a comparison between the Laowa Argus 33mm f/0.95, the Mitakon 35mm f/0.95 and the 7Artisans 35mm f/0.95 made by Richard Wong. We have summed it all up including his final thoughts in this article.
Now also Christopher Frost made the very same comparison, but will he also get to the same conclusions?
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