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LEAKED: This is the PRICE of the Fujifilm X-H2S

Fujifilm X-H2S

After our leak that the Fujifilm X-H2S will cost “more than the high resolution Fujifilm X-H2“, my perception was that most people speculated for the price of the Fujifilm X-H2s to go well beyond $2,500.

But I am happy to report that, according to our trusted sources, the price in US Dollar for the Fujifilm X-H2S will be of $2,499!

You gotta love that affordable APS-C system ;)

LIVE STREAM – May 31 at 9AM New York Time – Live on FujiRumors

Fujifilm X-H2 and X-H2S rumored specs list:

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RUMOR: Fujifilm X-H2 with 40MP will be More Affordable than Fujifilm X-H2S with 26MP

One of the big questions regarding the Fujifilm X-H2S and Fujifilm X-H2 is how much they will cost.

Well, these are crazy times with the inflation going nuts, so to give a precise price now, especially on the Fujifilm X-H2, which will come only after the X-H2s, is not very easy, considering that Fujifilm has still enough time to make up its mind on the final price.

But here is what we can say for certain. According to our information:

  • we confirm that price of the 40MP Fujifilm X-H2 will be “below $2,500
  • we can now say with 100% certainty that the 26MP Fujifilm X-H2S will cost MORE than the 40MP Fujifilm X-H2

In short: speed will cost you more than resolution!

We remind you that the Fujifilm X-H2S will have a stacked sensor, whereas the Fujifilm X-H2 won’t be stacked.

Fujifilm X-H2 and X-H2S rumored specs list:

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Fujifilm X-H2 with 40MP NOT STACKED Sensor Rumor is 100% Accurate

Ok, I have just shared the rumor about the high resolution 40 Megapixel Fujifilm X-H2 not having a stacked sensor.

There is a good amount of disbelief about this rumor, as most (but not FR) gave it for granted that also the high resolution Fujifilm X-H2 would have a stacked sensor.

Now, you know I don’t like to make any reliability ranking when I share a rumor. But given the situation, I thought I make an exception today.

So let me put this way: it is my final, confirmed and definitive answer that the Fujifilm X-H2 will have a 40MP non stacked sensor. I am 100% sure about this and there is no margin of error.

This means that if you love the X-H line and if you look for stacked sensor camera, waiting for the X-H2 is time wasted.

You’ll get what you need with the 26MP Fujifilm X-H2S coming on May 31.

With that clarified, I will now move on and share more rumors… so stay tuned. We have a lot to talk about before May 31 ;).

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EXCLUSIVE: Fujifilm X-H2 with 40MP STACKED or NOT STACKED Sensor? Here is the ANSWER!

Wherever I went on Forums, on YouTube or websites over the past few months, pretty much everywhere people said: the high resolution Fujifilm X-H2 will have a stacked sensor.

And I see where this comes from, as there is a 43MP stacked APS-C BSI sensor offered by Sony.

But here on FujiRumors we never shared any rumor regarding the high resolution X-H2 having a stacked sensor, so much so that we even published an article called “10 X-H2 rumors FR has never shared“, to make sure FujiRumors is not associated with such rumors, making clear we do not know if the X-H2 has a stacked sensor or not.

But today things change.

Today we can give you the answer: the 40 Megapixel Fujifilm X-H2 will NOT have a stacked sensor!

We remind you that the full announcement of the Fujifilm X-H2 high resolution is expected only after the full announcement of the 26MP stacked sensor Fujifilm X-H2S.

LIVE STREAM – May 31 at 9AM New York Time – Live on FujiRumors

Today you save big on a lot of SD cards and Western Digital storage at Amazon US (Clic here to see the full list of deals)

The same deals run at BHphoto too (Click here).

The deals include rebates on SanDisk CFexpress Type B cards, which will work fine with the upcoming Fujifilm X-H2S.

Fujifilm X-H2 and X-H2S rumored specs list:

The Fastest Growing Fujifilm Group

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People are confused.

A confusion that has lead to tons of wrong speculations all over the web.

But the confusion will end today.

In fact, we have one major rumor about the high resolution 40MP Fujifilm X-H2 coming up today.

You will not want to miss this one.


Today you save big on a lot of SD cards and Western Digital storage at Amazon US (Clic here to see the full list of deals)

The same deals run at BHphoto too (Click here).

The deals include rebates on SanDisk CFexpress Type B cards, which will work fine with the upcoming Fujifilm X-H2S.

FUJIFILM X Summit Announced for May 31 at 9AM EST: Fujifilm X-H2S (but not X-H2), XF150-600mmF5.6-8 (but not 56mmF1.2II) and More

Fujifilm X Summit on May 31: Fuji's official teaser does not display the X-H2S, but FR added it because we are sure it will come
Fujifilm X Summit on May 31: Fuji’s official teaser does not display the X-H2S, but FR added it because we are sure it will come

For FujiRumors readers this does not come surprising, as we told you already on April 15 that Fujifilm will have an X summit on May 31.

Well, now Fujifilm has made it official and unveiled to the world that the Fujifilm X Summit will be held on May 31 at:

  • 9AM New York Time
  • 3PM Berlin Time

No further details, but thanks to FujiRumors we have a list of gear Fujifilm plans to launch in 2022.

What will surely come is the Fujifilm X-H2S, and very likely also the Fujinon XF150-600mmF5.6-8, as this is just the perfect companion for the ultra fast 26MP stacked sensor Fujifilm X-H2S.

What will NOT be fully announced are the high resolution Fujifilm X-H2 (it will come later), the XF56mmF1.2II and maybe also other gear in the list below.

And of course, X summits often include some surprises that have never been rumored before, and Fujifilm also likes to show mock-ups of upcoming gear on such events.

So definitely stay tuned on FujiRumors, where we will have a massive live blog with LIVE STREAM INCLUDED!

Fujifilm X-H2 and X-H2S rumored specs list:

The Fastest Growing Fujifilm Group

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LEAKED: Fujifilm X-H2S New Image Shows MCS Switch is Gone in Favor of FN Button

FujiRumors was able to get its hands on another leaked image of the Fujifilm X-H2S. The image is available only here at FujiRumors.

The image is clear enough to see that the classic MCS switch in front of the camera is gone, replaced by a button that will most likely work as an FN button.

So, while I am happy that the D-Pad has survived on the X-H2S, I am less happy about the removal of the MCS switch.

If I have to see it positively, having the MCS switch replaced by a FN button (which you can assign to have the same function of the MCS switch), makes sure that you’ll never inadvertently move the lever.

But the MCS switch is one of those little tactile touches I love on my Fujifilm cameras.

But again, there is now an FN button on the same position, which you can assign to work as MCS switch.

At least that real estate on the front left of the camera won’t remain empty wasted space, but will be an FN button there.

Down below the X-H2 and X-H2S rumors recap including the links to more leaked images.

Fujifilm X-H2 and X-H2S rumored specs list:

The Fastest Growing Fujifilm Group

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Rumor Update: Fujifilm X-H2S with PSAM Dial

The leaked images did not show it, but many of you guys already suspected it: the Fujifilm X-H2S is going to bring the PSAM dial also to the X-H series.

And you guessed well, guys! The X-H2S will indeed have a PSAM dial.

You know what’s my take on it: nothing is more fun and more practical to use than having as many dedicated dials as possible.

However, I also own a Fujifilm camera with a PSAM dial, the Fujifilm GFX100S.

And you know what?

Also the GFX100S is stupidly easy and fast to operate… just not as fun.

The way I have set up my GFX100S is that I have it on M all the time and quickly control ISO with the rear command dial (often I just leave it at one of my three AUTO ISO settings) and shutter speed with the front command dial. For aperture I use of course the ring on the lens.

So, from a mere operational point of view, a PSAM dial is very far from being an ergonomic nightmare. On the contrary, many might find it even more convenient to use.

And I can’t blame Fujifilm for finally offering also in their high-end APS-C line a camera with PSAM dial. I am 100% sure that this will help Fujifilm to expand its customer base, as there is a huge chunk of photographers loving to work with PSAM dials.

Luckily Fujifilm has also other higher end APS-C camera lines, all with wonderful retro controls (X-Pro3, X-T3, X-T4, a future Fujifilm X-T5 or Fujifilm X-Pro4). So the X series is and will remain home for retro lovers like me and many of you.

But we all love Fujifilm and want it to succeed. So if a PSAM dial camera every now and then helps the system to grow and flourish, well, then I applaud such cameras.

Fujifilm X-H2 and X-H2S rumored specs list:

The Fastest Growing Fujifilm Group

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Fujifilm X-H2S: List of Subjects Tracked by Fujifilm’s New Autofocus System

We told you that the Fujifilm X-H2S will have animal/object tracking.

Now we have received an initial list of subjects Fuji’s new autofocus system can track.

  • birds
  • animals
  • cars
  • trains
  • planes
  • bikes

And of course it will track human faces and eyes, too.

When it comes to “animals” I don’t have the full list yet, but it will definitely track more than what offered by the legendary Fujifilm FinePix F80R, the first digital camera ever to offer some sort of animal autofocus recognition with its “pet-detection” mode.

If I get any more subjects to add to the list, I will make sure to inform you in an updated article.

Fujifilm X-H2 and X-H2S rumored specs list:

The Fastest Growing Fujifilm Group

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BREAKING: Fujifilm X-H2S to shoot 40 fps Bursts

According to our trusted sources, the 26 megapixel stacked BSI sensor Fujifilm X-H2S will shoot up to 40 fps in electronic shutter.

If I am not wrong, that’s 10 to 20 fps faster than any full frame stacked sensor camera out there.

So, on paper, the X-H2S will be significantly superior to those cameras in terms of bursts.

But on paper also Sony cameras are weather sealed ;).

What I want to see on May 31 (the date of the X summit) is how well those 40 fps work, hence how much Fujifilm has improved its autofocus.

Because Sony, Canon and Nikon are all doing a better job in this area.

So, dear Fujifilm, offer 40 fps makes sense only if you can get at least an 80+% hit rate out of those massive bursts. Otherwise it will remain a feature for the specs sheet, but not for the real life use.

I don’t know you, but I can’t wait for May 31… lots of questions are going to be answered on that day.

Oh, and don’t leave me all alone here on FujiRumors on May 31. Join us for the Live Blog and non-stop launch coverage.

Fujifilm X-H2 and X-H2S rumored specs list:

The Fastest Growing Fujifilm Group

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