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Fujifilm Manager: “I think There will be a Fujifilm X-E4, but it Might Skip one Sensor/Processor Generation”

I know, here on FujiRumors we told you that Fujifilm decided to drop the Fujifilm X-E line, which means there won’t be any Fujifilm X-E4.

It’s one of those rumors, I hope to be wrong with all my heart (but I am very confident I am not).

Now, the X-E line was always walking on a thin line, and it risked to be dropped already in the past, as you know from my X-E3 love letter.

These days I am scanning the web for any statement regarding the X-E4, that can give me some hope.

I searched long, and I found a short statement made by Italian Fujifilm manager Massimo Vaghi in a 2+ hour long Fujifilm X-T4 and X100V live chat.

He says:

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COVID-19: My Best Friend Postpones His Wedding, But I Keep my Fujifilm X-T4 Pre-order ;)

I owe you an update.

Back in January I told you how my best friend asked me to photograph part of his wedding.

In a follow up post, we had a vivid discussion on which gear I should use, which to buy and also other things, like how I should deal with the official photographer and much more.

The 56mm f/1.2 was top recommended, and I bought it immediately (although living under lockdown, I can only annoy my cat so far with it).

The main dilemma? Fujifilm X-T4, yes or no?

I thought about it a few days, and then, right at the Fujifilm X-T4 announcement day, I pre-ordered it for these 5 reasons.

And now comes the update.

Due to COVID-19, my friend decided to postpone his wedding to June 2021. That’s a pity, but also a fully understandable decision he made. He surely does not want his guests to go around with masks and be afraid of shaking hands on his wedding.

And my X-T4?

Sure, I won’t photograph my friends’ wedding in June, but I also won’t stop photographing!

Hence, once this situation is over, I can’t wait to get my Fujifilm X-T4 and use it on my travels and on my wonderful Dolomites again.

Oh… and Happy Easter, my fellow Fuji friends ;)

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Fujifilm Manager Talks X-T4 and More: “We Want to Continue Fujifilm X-H Line. Fujifilm X-T3 Firmware Update under Consideration”

Mapcamera interviewed one of Japanese top managers Mr. Takashi Ueno. They talk about Fujifilm X-T4.

The interview is quite long and in Japanese, so for your convenience I have summed it up all in English down below.

And just in case it was needed, he confirms that there will be a Fujifilm X-H2, as FujiRumors always told you and never doubted for a second, even when the whole universe was saying differently.

In fact, I tell you this: at no point in time, Fujifilm ever considered stopping the X-H line. The line they canceled is another one, and we told you here.

The only thing: the Fujifilm X-H2 is still very far away.

Trust me guys… I know what I talk about, and if you want to be the first to know and be guided accurately through the Fujifilm world, all you need to do is to follow FujiRumors.

In fact, I am working on further explosive rumors. Some will totally surprise you, others will probably disappoint you. When time has come, when things are double checked, when green light is given, you will get it all!

And now… the interview.

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Fujifilm Manager Interview

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Game Over for Fujifilm X-E4, Fujinon XF 70-300mm, Tokina X Mount Lenses, New X-T3 Firmware, XF300 and XF500 Rumors & more Top March Articles

Here are the top 10 articles for March, which include a couple of breaking FujiRumors rumors.

As you can see, we never stop. So definitely stay tuned for more good stuff on

  1. RUMOR: Fujifilm X-E line Canceled, Game Over for Fujifilm X-E4
  2. Fujifilm X-T4 vs Sony A7III vs Nikon Z6 IBIS and Video Quality Comparison by Max Yuryev
  3. Fujifilm X-T2 Firmware 4.32 Released
  4. New Firmware for Fujifilm X-T3, X-T30 and XF 16-80mm f/4 Released
  5. This PDF Lists 80 Fujifilm Film Simulation Custom Profiles You Can Try out Yourself
  6. Tokina to Launch Three Fujifilm X Mount Lenses in 2020
  7. EXCLUSIVE: Fujifilm Working on Fujinon XF 70-300mm X Mount Lens
  8. The Big Lens Roundup: Fujinon Lenses, Third Party Glass, Autofocus Adapter and More
  9. Fujifilm Manager: “The Fujifilm X-T4 is Bashing the Door Down Hard on Sony A7III users”, X-H2 and More
  10. Fujifilm XF 300mm F4 and 500mm F5.6 Patents Found

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Fujifilm X-T4 Owners Manual Available

The Fujifilm X-T4 owner’s manual is now available in html here and PDF here.

I will read it too, because, for these 5 reasons, I pre-ordered the Fujifilm X-T4 myself.

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Top X-T Page: Fujifilm X-T Page

Fujifilm Russia says Fuji X-T4 Shipping is Delayed to May and Might see Price Change

Fujifilm Russia has published a statement on their facebook page, that the shipping of Fujifilm X-T4 cameras is delayed from April to May, 2020. Also, there might be a retail price change.

Important information about FUJIFILM X-T4

The official start of sales of the FUJIFILM X-T4 camera is postponed to a later date, from April 2020 to May 2020.

Due to the sharply increased volatility in the foreign exchange market, by the time the FUJIFILM X-T4 camera starts selling, it is possible to revise the previously announced recommended retail prices.

This is definitely unfortunate for our fellow Russian Fujifilm X shooters, and we hope we won’t see the same delay or price changes in any other country.

So far, neither Fujifilm Japan, North America or Europe have announced anything similar. Most of their press releases still show “April” as shipping start.

But surely, even if the Fujifilm X-T4 starts shipping in April, it will be available only in very limited numbers.

I pre-ordered a Fujifilm X-T4 myself, and I hope I get it in time for June, when I have to photograph my friends’s wedding.

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Fuji Guys Fujifilm X-T4 Unboxing Shows You What’s in the Box and What (sadly) Not

The Fuji Guys published their Fujifilm X-T4 unboxing video. Here is what you find in the box:

  • 2 QR codes (one for manual, one for the camera remote app)
  • Capture One Pamphlet
  • eyelets and leatherette pieces come already attached to the camera
  • nice thick and padded Fujifilm Strap
  • 5 volt 3 amp 5 watt USB-C charging block
  • new Fujifilm NP-W235 battery
  • USB-C to USB-C cable
  • USB-C to 3.5mm headphone jack adapter so you can monitor your audio while recording

They also unbox the Fujifilm X-T4 vertical grip, the VG-XT4

  • vertical battery grip

It’s a huge pity that Fujifilm will not include:

  • external battery charger
  • no more Fujifilm EF-X8 Flash
  • if you buy the vertical battery grip, you won’t get 2 additional batteries, like you get it when you buy X-H1
  • you can contemporaneously charge 3 batteries via UBS-C (1 in camera and 2 in vertical grip)

As much as I love you Fujifilm, but the omission of an external charger with X-T4 purchase and additional batteries with VG-XT4 battery grip purchase, is just a bad move. Those things should come in the box.

I did pre-order a Fujifilm X-T4 myself, and of course I added an extra battery to my order. I will also get the external charger.

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RUMOR: Fujifilm X-E line Canceled, Game Over for Fujifilm X-E4

I have received word from our sources (thanks), that Fujifilm will drop the Fujifilm X-E line.

As you know, I am huge Fujifilm X-E line fan. I love its compactness, I love its performance, I love its form factor and its simplicity.

So this rumor hits me very strong.

However, the X-E line was always on the fence to be canceled, as sales were always low.

In fact, already after the Fujifilm X-E2s failure, Fujifilm considered dropping the line altogether. Which is why back in 2016 I wrote straight out of my heart a “love letter to the unborn X-E3“, followed by almost 200 comments of you guys, supporting me.

My hope was that the love letter (and you feedback) would help Fujifilm to continue to believe in this line, and it seems it worked, as Fujifilm managers said half a year later, they are “aware of the many X-E3 requests.”

So we got it, the Fujifilm X-E3 came, and of course I bought it, along with the XF27mm f/2.8, the perfect lens for this camera.

But here we are again. And this time it looks really like the dead-end street for the Fujifilm X-E line.

Maybe many of you will agree with Fuji’s decision. Maybe you will think Fujifilm has to simplify and streamline its line-up. And maybe it “rationally” makes sense to drop the X-E line.

But as a huge X-E line lover myself, I can’t look at this rumor rationally, and I am just disappointed about it.

Let us know in the survey below, if you think it makes sense to drop the X-E line. Who knows if we can change Fuji’s mind again.

NOTE: the Fujifilm X-E3 is already discontinued, but as of now you can still find it in stock.

And the X-H line?

Is the X-H line also dead?

Well, as FujiRumors always told you, at no point in time, Fujifilm was considering to drop the X-H line. Those rumors were always fake, as the Fujifilm X-H2 was always on the roadmap, and now Fujifilm confirmed it themselves for the second time.

Should Fujifilm Drop the X-E line?

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UPDATE: Fujifilm X-T4 Made in China or Japan?

UPDATE: “I have been informed that the FUJIFILM X-T4 is actually made in China. Fujifilm’s decision to manufacture in China or Japan has more to do with how Fujifilm optimizes its production capabilities with consumer demand. With regard to X-T4, we focused on our China production site because of the uncertain supply chain situation.”

Original Post:

When the Fujifilm X-T4 first look hit the web, we noticed that some samples were made in Japan, and some in China. This is why, in our “24 things you missed about X-T4” article we came to the conclusion that the Fujifilm X-T4 will be manufactured in both countries.

Now a Fujifilm statement spotted by our members of the X-T facebook group, says it will be made in both countries.

The X-T4 will be produced in both, China and Japan facilities using the same high FUJIFILM standards and quality assurances.

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Fujifilm X-T4: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / FocusCamera