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Fujinon XF56mm f/1.2 R WR in Stock at B&H Photo and Amazon

Maybe I was a bit too optimistic, when I celebrated the fact that the Fujifilm X-H2 was right in stock at launch day, as it turns out it rapidly went out of stock and it hasn’t been available since then.

But we get much better news on the Fujinon XF56mm f/1.2 R WR front, as that one is available at BHphoto here and AmazonUS here.

The Latest and Greatest…. NOT!

Not that it is my fault… but I certainly do not help.

I mean, I am attracted by the latest and greatest, my GAS is in constant frenzy (and my wife in constant worries ;)).

My techy-nerdy side is always looking at the details that make the latest and greatest Fujifilm gear better than the one I already own.

With one little distinction: my focus on the latest and greatest does not remain contained to my private life, but I share it publicly here on FujiRumors.

Tens of thousands of fellow X shooters follow me every day in my “obsession” with the latest and greatest, and sometimes the message here on FR might pass, that only what’s brand new and shiny is worth to be considered for this blog.

So let me re-focus, let me for one time ignore whatever Fujifilm has launched in terms of super new gear, and share a roundup that focuses on not so new gear that still brings great joy every day to many of us.

So, I am sorry, Fujifilm X-H2, X-H2S, XF56mmF1.2 R WR, GF20-35mmF4 and even Fujifilm X-T5 and what not. This is not your article. This is not your space.

Nope, this space is for all that gear that came before you and made Fujifilm great, before you even ever saw the light of the day.

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Size Comparison XF56mmF1.2 R vs XF56mmF1.2 R WR and GF20-35mmF4 vs GF23mmF4

Camerasize has added the latest Fujinon lenses to their database, the Fujinon XF56mmF1.2 R WR and the Fujinon GF20-35mmF4.

  • Fujinon XF56mmF1.2 R vs XF56mmF1.2 R WR 

The new Fujinon XF56mmF1.2 R WR has a completely different optical design as well as an improved autofocus motor. It all results in a lens that is a bit beefier overall.

  • Fujinon GF20-35mmF4 vs GF23mmF4

Despite being a bit bigger, the Fujinon GF20-35mmF4 is 120 gram lighter than the GF23mmF4.

via camerasize

LEAKED: Fujinon GF20-35mm F4 R WR Specs

Here are the main specs of the Fujinon GF20-35mmF4 leaked by Nokishita.

As we already told you, it will be announced September 8 at 2PM New York time along with the Fujifilm X-H2 and Fujinon XF56mmF1.2 II.

GF20-35mmF4 R WR

  • lens construction: 14 elements in 10 groups (3 aspherical lenses, 1 ED aspherical lens, 1 ED lens)
  • Minimum shooting distance: 35cm
  • Maximum magnification: 0.14x
  • Number of aperture blades: 9 (circular Aperture)
  • Filter diameter: 82mm
  • Size: φ88.5 x 112.5mm
  • Weight : 725g

It will be Fujifilm’s widest lens, dethroning in this regard the Fujinon GF23mmF4.

The Fujinon GF23mmF4 has also a filter size of 82, its dimensions are 89.8 x 103 mm and it weights 845g.

So the Fujinon GF20-35mmF4 will be slightly longer, but noticeably lighter than the GF23mmF4.

via digicame-info

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BREAKING: Fujinon XF56mmF1.2 MKII Announcement on September 8

We have at least one more gear to add to our September 8 X Summit party.

Trusted sources informed us that also the Fujinon XF56mmF1.2 MKII will be announced on that day.

So, coming September 8 at 2PM New York time will be:

That’s what will come for sure.

But who knows what else could come or maybe we will see also some development announcement, which Fujifilm also likes to do on X summits.

Whatever it is, it is definitely worth to tune into on September 8… we are going to have a hell of a party ;).

left: the new 56mmF1.2 - right: the original 56mmF1.2
left: the new 56mmF1.2 – right: the original 56mmF1.2

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Fujinon XF150-600mm f/5.6-8 IN STOCK at BHphoto & Co

The Fujinon XF150-600mm f/5.6-8 is now in stock also at BHphoto here and you can still find some samples at Amazon US here and Adorama here.

It is not yet available at Moment and Focuscamera.

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Rumors and Discussions

RUMOR: Fujinon GF20-35mmF4 Announcement on September 8

The Fujifilm X Summit on September 8th at 2PM New York time will have one huge protagonist: the Fujifilm X-H2.

But it won’t be an X-H2 event only, nor an exclusive X series event.

Nope, also Fujifilm GFX shooters will have something to look forward to.

In fact, according to our trusted sources, Fujifilm will announce the Fujinon GF20-35mmF4 on September 8, too.

As an owner of the incredible Fujinon GF32-64mmF4 myself, having a zoom that starts more or less where my current lens ends and goes all the way down to 20mm (15.8mm FF equiv.) making it the widest GF lens available, is something that is really tempting to add to my G mount lens arsenal.

Because even if I currently can’t go beyond 64mm with my GF32-64, thanks to the 100 megapixel on my Fujifilm GFX100S I can crop the heck out of my files and get closer while retaining sharp and crisp images. But I can’t capture things that are outside what my lens can see, so a wider option could definitely come in handy for my landscape photography.

You see… my GAS is already triggered. ;)

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Fujikina NYC 2022 on September 10 – Book Your Spot Now to join Photowalks, Workshops, Stage Talks and More

Not only there will be the Fujifilm X Summit with new product launched on September 8 at 8PM New York time (taking place in New York).

For this occasion, Fujifilm has also revived the Fujikina event. It will also take place in New York, but two days after the X summit.

So if you are interested in it, book your spot for September 10 in New York.

Workshops, stage talks, photowalks and more. Sounds like a super fun day for Fujifilm X lovers.

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Press Release

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IN STOCK: Fujinon XF150-600mm f/5.6-8 at Amazon US and Adorama (Limited Number)

A limited number of Fujinon XF150-600mm f/5.6-8 lenses is now in stock at Amazon US here and Adorama here.

It is still out of stock at BHphoto, Moment and Focuscamera.

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Rumors and Discussions

What’s Next for GFX? The Rise of Speculations (and My Take on Them)

There is pattern in the Fujifilm world.

And the pattern is, that the sensor used on the X series, later on finds its way also on the GFX series.

The only difference? The sensor used in the GFX series comes from the same silicon wafer of the one used for the X series, it is just cut out 4 times bigger (and of course with different CFA array on top, meaning a Bayer vs an X-Trans one).

That’s a well known fact for FR-readers, but in case you are still hesitant about it, just read what Fujifilm Nordic told in March 2022, confirming that X and GFX share the same technology also in terms of sensor and processor. Hence, looking at the X series will give indications also on the future of the GFX series.

Well, so let’s look at it.

In terms of 5th generation sensors we have:

Assuming that Fujifilm will continue to share the same sensor platform on the X and GFX system, and considering the statements made by Fujifilm Nordic, people believe that Fujifilm will soon launch new GFX cameras using the sensor technology of the X-H2 cameras.

And if I’d sum up the most “rumored” options for the future of GFX, I’d nail it down to three cameras that people think could come in a not so distant future::

  1. Fujifilm GFX100S with 102 MP stacked BSI sensor
  2. Fujifilm GFX150S (or GFX160S) with 158 MP non-stacked BSI sensor
  3. Fujifilm GFX100S MKII (same sensor of current GFX100S but with new processor)

So is this really the case? Let’s talk about it.

FujiRumors – My Take on It

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