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IN STOCK: Fujinon XF150-600mm f/5.6-8 at Amazon US (Limited Number)

A limited number of Fujinon XF150-600mm f/5.6-8 lenses is now in stock at Amazon US here (at the moment also shipped and sold by Amazon).

BHphoto marks it as to start shipping on July 15, whereas Adorama expects shipping to begin July 7.

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Rumors and Discussions

Fujinon XF150-600mmF5.6-8 and XF18-120mmF4 Compatible with All X Mount Cameras but Some Will Have Restricted Features

Earlier today Fujifilm released firmware updates for ten Fujifilm X and GFX cameras.

The firmware included XF150-600mm f/5.6-8 compatibility for three Fujifilm cameras, the X-T4, X-T3 and X-S10.

This lead to the misunderstanding that the Fujinon XF150-600mm f/5.6-8 will work only with four cameras: the Fujifilm X-H2S, the X-T4, X-T3 and the X-S10.

However, that’s not correct.

The Fujinon XF150-600mm f/5.6-8 will work with all Fujifilm X series cameras. However, except for the four cameras mentioned above, the other cameras will have restrictions on some features and functions. The same is valid also for the brand new Fujinon XF18-120mmF4.

Here is what Fujifilm writes on their compatibility page:

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DPReview Publishes Statement About Flawed Fujinon XF150-600mmF5.6-8 Sample Gallery

After noticing that DPReview removed their flawed XF150-600mmF5.6-8 sample gallery, I invesitaged the issue and found out that the reason for the removal was the use of not yet firmware compatible X-T4 with the XF150-600mmF5.6-8 (now confirmed by DPReview itself).

In that article, I also asked DPReview to apologize for the error and inform their community that what they saw did not reflect the real performance of this lens.

For me the story ended there, my job was done, and the next move (if any) was up to DPR.

Well, I am happy to report that DPR made its move. And hence it is fair from my side to report about it.

In the sub-section of the forum dedicated to Fujifilm cameras, Richard Butler of DPR opened a thread where he released the following statement here:

In the build-up to Fujifilm’s launches this week, we shot a series of samples with the 150-600mm F5.6-8. These were created using an X-T4 so that the X-H2S could be shot separately, allowing us to provide more samples and more information for our readers at launch.

It was only after publication we were told that the lens will not work to its full ability until firmware updates have been issued. Upon finding this out, we made the decision to take the gallery down.

We want everything we publish on to be valuable to our readers, which means ensuring it is both accurate and meaningful (in this case, by being representative of the lens). We apologize for falling short on this occasion.

Richard Butler
Technical Editor

So what, story closed?

Well, that’s DPReviews statement, we take note of it and we certainly appreciate they went public with it (although maybe it would nice to have it on the same place, where the gallery was published, hence on the front page. But hey, no nitpicking here, that’s also fine in the sub-forum. Important is that their community is informed somehow).

There is just one sentence in that statement that, if we want to be really precise, sounds a bit off to me:

It was only after publication we were told that the lens will not work to its full ability until firmware updates have been issued.

According to our information, when Fujifilm sent DPReview the new gear, Fuji also gave them clear instructions, which included the instruction not to use any other camera on the XF150-600mm except for the X-H2S.

So, according to our sources, DPR was actually immediatly informed about it, but for some reason the instructions Fujifilm sent to them somehow got lost or not heard or misunderstood or missed or whatever.

And then, sure, after the flawed gallery went online, Fujifilm did contact them and informed them (again) about the issue with the X-T4 on XF150-600mm.

Final Word (I promise) ;)

Look, I have no reason to doubt what my sources told me. In fact, I totally trust them and I am sure it is accurate.

But I also have no reason to doubt that Richard Butler has genuinely found out only after the fact that the X-T4 could not yet be used on the XF150-600mm.

All I would like to say to Richard is that I can assure him instructions were given, and I understand that the DPR team is a large one, with lots of busy activities and pre-production gear to test and handle, and that there is the opportunity that at some point somebody inside that large team did not handle Fuji’s instructions the best way possible, hence they got lost somewhere, and unaware of the instructions, DPR started testing the lens on the X-T4.

I allow myself to give Richard this possible scenario, as I believe it is not unlikely that this is what happened. It could be useful to know this to eventually look into it and potentially find ways to make sure that such misunderstandings don’t happen again.

That’s really all.

And Richard: I look forward to the new sample gallery, the new reviews and whatever DPReview is working on, as DPReview is a huge reference point also for us Fujifilm X and GFX shooters.

with love from Italy

FLAWED: DPReview Used XF150-600 on Not Yet Firmware Supported X-T4

This update to our previous story is mandatory.

I have investigated and I can now say with certainty that the reason DPReview removed all the ugly sample images taken with the XF150-600mmF5.6-8 is because they were taken using an X-T4, which still needs a firmware update in order to be able to properly communicate with the new lens.

And to be clear: DPR did receive the X-H2S and was warned not to use other cameras except for the X-H2S on the XF150-600mm, but for some reason they did not follow the instructions.

That’s quite an embarrassing error for a website that should have tons of experience with pre-production gear.

And maybe it is actually so embarrassing, that they are afraid it will hurt their reputation if they publicly apologize for it.

But I believe they should own it, not hide it.

Simply removing the sample gallery, without informing their loyal readers that what they saw were flawed samples, is not enough to bring back justice for the XF150-600mm.

Nope, it would be a nice touch towards their own readers and towards Fujifilm, if they’d apologize for sharing samples that mislead people to believe the lens is a horrible performer.

It can’t be a rumor site to set things right in this case. Dear DPR, you need to inform your readers.

Owner’s Manual for Fujinon XF150-600mmF5.6-8 R LM OIS WR Available (and Shows Nice Little Feature)

With the addition of the Fujinon XF150-600mm F5.6-8 we now have now a total of 4 lenses in the Fujinon X lineup that have a tripod collar foot:

Why do I mention the tripod collar foot?

Well, because if you look at the owners manual for the Fujinon XF150-600mmF5.6-8 that has just been published, you can see that it has one features that the other lenses mentioned here do not have.

If you have your lens mounted on a tripod, you can quickly remove it from the collar foot. So, in case you spot something you’d like to capture handheld but your gear is on the tripod, you don’t need to unmount the whole thing. Just snap the lens off the foot, shoot handheld, and then quickly snap the lens on the foot again.

A nice little touch! You can see how it works at the video below (min. 8:45)

If you want, you can access and download the Owners Manual here.

Fujinon XF18-120mmF4 LM PZ WR Owner’s Manual Available

As you know, the brand new Fujinon XF18-120mmF4 LM PZ WR features a Powerzoom, and I noticed some in the comments who asked how a PZ works.

Well, you will find the answer to this and other questions (some more simple like how to screw on a lens hood ;) ) in the dedicated Owners Manual here.

WHOOPS: DPReview Removes Their (Bad) XF150-600mmF5.6-8 Samples While Other Photographers Show Super Sharp Images at 600mm

Some guys were sure: it is simply impossible that the Fujinon XF150-600mmF5.6-8 is sharp at 600mm, due to mathematical calculations considering f/8 on APS-C combined with statistical elaborations on the effect of diffraction for a pixel pitch of ….

OK, I hear you, let’s keep it short: the XF150-600mmF5.6-8 it’s an unusable piece of junk at 600mmF8.

And looking at the sample gallery shared by DPReview (not to be mistaken with DPRTV) at launch day, which were the worst possible samples, one would agree with the above.

But now it looks as if somebody at DPR had the decency to pull off the sample gallery, as the original link to them is now broken, the sample gallery never loads and on the main page any reference to the sample gallery (still visible in cached version) is gone.

So what happened? I see two options:

  • the lens was used in hot condition with lots of hazy air that influenced IQ
  • the pre-production copy had an issue
  • UPDATE: suggested in the comments, the X-T4 used does not support the lens yet

UPDATE: According to information I have received, the prototype lens didn’t have firmware for X-T4 (which was the camera used for the samples).

Anyway, damage done: the sample were so bad, that some Fuji shooters looking forward to this lens were hugely disappointed and moved away from it.

But the questions remains open: how does the XF150-600 perform at 600mm?

Well, I put to together a series of links where you can see the samples by yourself. Some of them I already shared in the live blog, but others are new links that I did not share in the original live blog coverage.

Look for example at samples of Alan Hewitt below. They show the performance at 600mm with an additional crop to it.

If you ask me, that is actually an excellent performance!

But as usual, watch by yourself and make up your own mind.


SIZE COMPARED: Fujinon XF56mmF1.2 MKII vs XF56mmF1.2 plus XF30mmf2.8 and XF8mmF3.5 vs Current X Mount Lenses

So Fujifilm announced a new X mount roadmap. The three new lenses are:

  • Fujinon XF56mm f/1.2 MKII
  • Fujinon XF30mm f/2.8 Macro
  • Fujinon XF8mm f/3.5

During the X summit, they dispayed some technical sketches of the lenses which I used as a base to compare it to other X mount lenses.

Let’s go through the 3 comparisons:

Fujinon XF56mmF1.2 MK II vs XF56mmF1.2

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RUMOR: Fujinon XF18-120mm f/4 Announcement on May 31

Not everything that Fujifilm has officially teased or we have rumored here on FujiRumors will come during the X summit on May.

We certainly will not get the full announcement of the Fujifilm X-H2 high resolution or the Fujinon XF56mm f/1.2 MKII.

But today we can add one item to the list of gear that will come: the Fujinon XF 18-120mm f/4!

So, at the time of this post, the gear that we know will certainly be announced on May 31 is:

LIVE STREAM – May 31 at 9AM New York Time – Live on FujiRumors

RUMOR: Fujinon XF56mm f/1.2 MKII will NOT Be Announced on May 31 (but I confirm it’s Coming in 2022)

We know thanks to our sources that the big Fujifilm X summit will take place on May 31.

And we also made a list of gear that is rumored or also pre-announced to come in 2022:

However, we also told you that we don’t know if all of it will be announced on May 31.

In fact, we told you that for sure we won’t get the high resolution Fujifilm X-H2, as the announcement for that one is expected after the one of the Fujifilm X-H2S.

We now can also strike the Fujifilm XF56mm f/1.2 MKII from the X summit on May 31 list, as the announcement will happen later (we confirm it will happen in 2022).

I want to be clear….

What I am referring to is a full announcement, hence with full specs and pre-orders. That’s not going to happen for the Fujinon XF56mm f/1.2 MKII.

We have seen in past X summits that Fujifilm has shown mock-ups of future lenses and even future cameras without actually fully announcing them. So I don’t know if Fujifilm plans something like that also for the XF56mmF1.2 MKII. That would be atypical, as, looking at the past, Fujifilm usually does not tease MKII lenses, but I can’t rule out anything in this regard.

But hey, May 31 will be exciting also without the XF56/1.2MKII. So make sure to follow us on FujiRumors.

Fujifilm X Summit on May 31 – Full Live Coverage on FujiRumors

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