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Voigtländer NOKTON 50mm f/1.2 Available for Pre-Order

The Cosina Voigtländer 50mm f/1.2 is now available for pre-order at BHphoto here.

The Fujifilm cameras that support the electronic contacts with this lens are:

  • X-H2S
  • X-H2
  • X-Pro3
  • X-T5
  • X-S20
  • X-S10
  • X-H1
  • X-T4
  • X-T3
  • X-T2*
    *When using the X-T2, the aperture value can be displayed in Fno by changing the aperture value display setting from TNo to FNo in the body settings.
  • X-T30
  • X-T30II
  • X-E4

Not Supported Cameras

  • X-T1
  • X-T20
  • X-T10
  • X-T200
  • X-T100
  • X-Pro2
  • X-Pro1
  • X-E3
  • X-E2
  • X-E1
  • X-M1
  • X-A7
  • X-A5
  • X-A3
  • X-A2
  • X-A1

List of Voigtländer lenses for Fujifilm:

Additional Details

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Firmware Suggestions, Lens Wishes and More – FR-readers Wishlist Corner

I get many emails from FR-readers with wishes about all possible things regarding the Fujifilm system.

Today I decided to catch up with and share some of those wishes.

This time we don’t share camera related wishes, but only lens, firmware and more, as otherwise there would be simply just too much to cover and discuss at once. An additional wishlist roundup with even more wishes will follow later on.

Wishlist Roundup

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New Firmware, Talking Velvia, New Camera Registrations, X100V Struggles, X-T5 Rise and More – Top June Articles and Videos

Here are the top 10 articles for June:

  1. New Firmware Updates for Fujifilm X-T5, X-H2, X-H2S, X-E4 and X-S10
  2. Welcome to the World of VELVIA Film Simulation
  3. Fujifilm FF230002 Registration Found – Expect X-Pro4, X-E5, X-S30, X-T6, X-T40, X-H3, X-H3S, X80, X100VI (X200) and GFX50R Successor Rumors to Magically Appear ;)
  4. Fujifilm X100V Orders Suspended at BHphoto, Blocked in Japan and What it Could Mean for the X100V Successor
  5. The Impressive Rise of the Fujifilm X-T5 (Despite X-H2 Competition) and Popularity of X Series Camera Lines – Poll Results
  6. It’s All About the Latest and Greatest (X-T5, X-H2, X-H2S, X-S20) – Roundup
  7. WANTED: New Fujifilm X Mount Roadmap Needed (and Why)!
  8. Fujifilm GFX100 Firmware 5.00 New Features Guide Leaked
  9. Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 PRO XF Lens “Coming Soon” – Teaser
  10. Fujifilm X-Pro4 Fantasies – Your Dreams Here!

And here are the June Youtube videos ranked by popularity. The 2nd and 4th video are from the Dolomites… they might be worth to watch just for the scenery ;).

Yongnuo YN 50mm f/1.8X DA DSM PRO Coming Soon

It’s months now that we report about the upcoming Yongnuo autofocus lenses for Fujifilm X mount. In case you missed the previous episodes, here is what will come:

  • Yongnuo 11mm f/1.8
  • Yongnuo 23mm f/1.4
  • Yongnuo 33mm f/1.4
  • Yongnuo 50mm f/1.8
  • Yongnuo 56mm f/1.4

We also have shared lots of images of these lenses:

And now the Japanese website Asobinet reports that the Yongnuo will be released soon and a preliminary “experience meeting” is about to be held in China.

They also shared an image that you can see above.

It will be based on the lens design of the current full frame Yongnuo YN50mm F1.8 DF DSM and the selling price will be of 1799 yuan (converted to $247).

Some of these new Yongnuo lenses are going to have some stiff competition:

Yongnuo 11mm f/1.8 vs…

Yongnuo 23mm f/1.4 vs…

Yongnuo 33mm f/1.4 vs…

Yongnuo 50mm f/1.8 vs…

Yongnuo 56mm f/1.4 vs…

Good luck Yongnuo!

The Future of GFX: Which Sensor Do You Want for GFX100 Replacement – VOTE NOW

Fujifilm GFX100 Replacement

Until now it always worked like this in the Fujifilm world: Fuji’s APS-C series cameras get the latest and greatest technology and then the same sensors and processors are used on Fuji’s GFX cameras.

With two differences, of course.

  • the GFX sensor is about 4 times larger than the APS-C sensor
  • the GFX sensor has a Bayer filter array instead of X-Trans

But other than that, the silicon wafer used to make these sensors is exactly the same.

This means that for example the 26MP BSI X-Trans IV sensor is the very same we find on the GFX100/S, just Sony cuts a 4 times larger part out of it for the GFX sensor, hence 102 MP.

That’s great for Fujifilm, as it saves them R&D if they can use the same platforms over several systems and, for example, simplify the transfer of their APS-C firmware into their GFX system by using the same processor and sensor technology.

And what this mean for the rumored Fujifilm GFX100 replacement?

Well, if Fujifilm will continue doing what they always do then I see 3 options.

And I say 3 options, because the Fujifilm X-S20 shows us that Fujifilm is still considering that 26MP BSI sensor part of their lineup and hence to be potentially used in future cameras.

The Best Sensor is…

The three most obvious options at this point are:

  • 102 MP non-stacked BSI sensor (same of X-S20)
  • 102 MP stacked BSI sensor (same of X-H2S)
  • 158 MP non-stacked BSI sensor (same of X-T5)

But of course, there are also other sensors that Sony has available. We reported here about:

  • 162 MP stacked BSI sensor (in GFX format)
  • 123 MP global shutter sensor (in GFX format)

Sure, a 162MP stacked medium format sensor would be extremely expensive. And as far as global shutter goes, it’s not usually Fujifilm who uses breakthrough technology for first. Those sensors come from Sony and my guess is that before we don’t get it on a Sony camera, we also won’t see it on a Fuji camera.

That’s why for now I will not include the latter two options in the survey. But if sources tell me crazy things are going to happen with the GFX100 replacement, then you can bet I will let you know first here on FujiRumors.

The Survey

And now to the survey… and the question could not be easier than this one: which sensor do you want on the Fujifilm GFX100 replacement?

Which sensor would you like on the Fujifilm GFX100 Replacement?

View Results

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I am Going to PARIS – But With Which Gear? Your Gear, Photo, Food and More Tips Needed

While waiting for the real thing, AI generated image of Paris
While waiting for the real thing, AI generated image of Paris

New Gear vs. New Travel

Something amazing is going to happen in April.

I hear you say: “easy, it’s the huge Fujifilm X Summit with exciting new gear announcements!”

Well yeah, I know Fujifilm officially announced the X Summit for April… but I don’t mean that. It’s something even better than rumors or new gear (at least for me). ;)

In April I will fly together with my wife and 2 year old son to Paris for a couple of days! It’s my wife’s birthday present to me.

No X Summit on earth can stop me to finally visiting Paris for the first time in my life.

And since I guess many of you have already been to Paris (or live in Paris), I thought I could make shameless use of this blog to ask for some advice.

Your Tips

I am aware that we are all in the grips of our busy daily lives. So huge thanks to anybody who can carve out some time from your day to give me some advice.

Gear Questions:

GFX gear size and weight is not an issue for me. I do multi-day hikes in the Dolomites with it, and I was never bothered by the weight. Trust me, the real problem when hiking is to carry around a toddler in the backpack.

It all comes down to lenses. As I own more X series lenses, I have lots of flexibility there compared to my not yet so extensive GFX collection. But maybe the GFX gear I currently own is enough.

Decisions…. ;)


  • I travel only with carry on bag. I plan to travel with my Peak Design Travel Tripod. I am not sure if tripods are allowed as carry on on a plane. Anyone ever tried it and experienced problems?

Photo Tips:

  • feel free to share images or links to your images of Paris in the comments down below… as a little inspiration for me :)
  • if possible, share details about the location where you took the images and the gear you used


  • What were the best dishes you ate in Paris?
  • Any restaurant you can recommend, possibly in Montmartre area, as that’s where we are going to stay


  • What’s a nice park in Paris to hang out with a 2 year old kid?

X Meeting:

  • the schedule is tight, the time little, but I might get an evening or two off, while my wife looks after our son while he sleeps. So I can go out alone in Montmartre to make some late evening/night street photography. I will share on social media when I am free and if anyone wants to spontaneously join me to take some pictures (and drink a glass of red wine), that would be cool
  • I will make a post on Facebook here, Twitter here and Instagram here when I will be hitting the streets of Paris alone. Watch out for that.

Samyang AF 75mm f/1.8 X Series Cameras Compatibility List (Not for All X Cameras)

Samyang has announced the lovely and compact Samyang AF 75mm f/1.8 X earlier today

But attention: while it is an X mount autofocus lens, it won’t work with all X series cameras.

Samyang says it is will work with X-Trans cameras, but not with Fuji’s Bayer cameras (X-T***, X-A*, X-A** lines).

But that’s not entirely correct, as not all X-Trans cameras are actually compatible. In fact, the X-Trans Fujifilm X-M1 is also not on the list of compatible cameras.

Maybe it would be more correct to say: all the cameras not made by Fujifilm (hence the ones outsourced to the Xacti Corporation), will not worked with the new Samyang.

Coming Soon

Full List of Supported Fujifilm Cameras

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Angelbird Factory Tour – How Your Memory Card is Made (and Positive Consequences of Declining Trade Shows)

I never used Anglebird cards, but I know they have a very loyal and happy fellowship also among Fujfilm shooters.

Fujifilm even officially recommends some of their memory cards for their cameras.

CFexpress Type B – from the official list of recommended CFexpress cards

These Anglebird cards also have no compromise in performance, so they will give you the highest bursts and access to the full video capabilities of the X-H2 and X-H2s.

So what’s the story today?

Well, the first story is about a factory tour CineD did at the Anglebird headquarter in Austria. I guess some will be surprised to see how much goes into developing something that looks so obvious and simple to us. Especially when quality controls and standards are very high, as it seems to be in the case of Angelbird.

So, if you want to know how they compete against Asian giants, if you want to see the heavy stress tests they put their cards into, the huge works that goes into checking the compatibility with so many cameras on the market (and so many firmware for each camera to create their own compatibility list), then check out the CineD video.

The second story is a bit a wider one.

When CineD asked what is around the corner for Anglebird, they said they are always in development and there is a lot around the corner. They don’t want to say what right now and release only when they are fully satisfied with the product.

And at this point Anglebird says:

We are happy that the trade shows are not driving the market anymore, where there was “this trade show” and then “that trade show” and you have to release. We release the product once it’s ready. You can be sure a lot is coming and our development plan is for 3 and for 5 years.

I guess that’s valid also for Fujifilm and other camera brands. There is not Photokina anymore, where you had to release your stuff in order to grab the biggest headline. And other trade shows are becoming smaller, less influential and are tailored more to showcase products to the regional market.

The real trade show is on the internet itself. And that one is available non-stop 365 days a year, giving companies more freedom on when to launch new stuff.

Make sure to check out the whole story at CineD here

FR-Readers Wishlist Corner: Firmware Suggestions, Video-Less X-Pro4, Fujinon XF16-160mmF3.5-5.6 and More

Wishlist Corner

I am terribly sorry…. terribly sorry that many of you had to wait so long to be featured.

But no matter how hard I work, especially in a crazy 2022, with 3 higher end cameras coming out and 4 XF lenses coming out, I simply could not find time to collect all your wishes and share them.

So I’ll do it today… I grabbed a large beer, took a deep breath, and worked to organise the wishes I have received over the last few months in this article.

So… down below it is: the FR-readers wishlist roundup

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