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Focus On Glass: Fujinon XF 50-140mmF2.8 Even Better with Future X Bodies and Why no OIS on XF 16-55mmF2.8

We already reported in this post, about the first episodes of the Fujifilm series “Focus on Glass“, which included the XF8-16mmF2.8 and the GF30mmF3.5.

Now new episodes have been uploaded at Fujifilm Spain, this time about two lenses, that we can define the “workhorses” in the X mount lens lineup, the Fujinon XF16-55mmF2.8 and the Fujinon XF50-140mmF2.8.

It includes statements made by Fujifilm managers and engineers about those lenses, which I will report in written form here, to make you safe some time ;)

Fujinon XF50-140mmF2.8

  • no excuse is allowed for this lens:
    – autofocus has to be fast
    – image quality has to be impressive
    – weight has to be light
    – size has to be compact
    – it has to tick all boxes
  • it has outstanding resolution
  • a flawless lens
  • clear color reproduction
  • minimal chromatic aberration
  • Fujifilm is proud of the result
  • 23 glass elements inside with many ED lenses
  • the more the Fujifilm X bodies evolve, the more the potential of this lens is executed
  • an engineer says he can see its performance extended even further in future

Regarding the better performance in future, they probably refer to autofocus speed, but possibly also to sharpness. We know from this Fujifilm manager statement that Fujifilm X glass can resolve at least 32 megapixel, hence, Fujifilm might hint that the XF50-140mmF2.8 is one of those lenses that is currently underperforming on the 26 megapixel X-Trans sensor.

Fujinon XF16-55mmF2.8

  • in order to maximize optical performance, Fujifilm decided to remove OIS, it was not an easy decision
  • it’s a must have lens
  • you can attempt any photo shoot with this lens
  • a reliable partner
  • no excuses are allowed, when making a red badged lens
  • Fujifilm would give it 5 stars

I have been told in the past by my sources, that the optical performance at the wide end did not satisfy Fujifilm completely, hence they decided to remove OIS. At that point in time a strongly debated discussion, but now that Fujifilm offers cameras with IBIS, we can say that in the long term this was the right decision.

You can see both videos down below.

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Sony launches A7rIV and Says it Rivals Medium Format Image Quality – Signs of Confidence or Nervousness?

Sony launched the Sony A7rIV. You can read the facts and see the live stream again here.

It has a 61 MP full frame sensor, that offers 26 MP in APS-C crop mode. Anyone knows an APS-C Fuji camera with 26 MP out there? It’s all the same sensor wafer, just cut in differnt sizes for X-T3 (26 MP), A7rIV (61 MP) and GFX100 (102 MP).

The Sony A7rIV is a very fine camera, and I know at least one guy, who won’t be able to resist the temptation of buying it.

But one thing really grabbed my attention during the official presentation: the regular reference to medium format image quality.

The first reference comes from a Japanese Sony manager, who says:

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FujiRumors 2018: Most Read Articles, My Most Used Gear, Top & Flop Blogger Moments and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019!

? Are You Guys Crazy? ?

I don’t know where the heck you find the time to do all this, but here is what you guys did in 2018:

  • 53,889 comments on FR-articles (147 comments a day – average 53 comments on each article)
  • 327,831 votes in 86 polls
  • 698,112 hours spent on FujiRumors (all of you combined passed 80 hours a day on FR)

Your incredible participation explains very good, why Fujifilm reads us with greatest care, as proven multiple times such as here, here and here.

? Am I Crazy? ?

I feel so privileged to host such a wonderful community here on FujiRumors, that I’ve tried honour your fantastic participation by delivering you in 2018:

I gave my best in my communication to you also in 2018:

  • about 4,500 emails written []
  • well over 1,000 private messages written on Facebook and Twitter
  • 1,214 replied comments in FujiRumors articles

Phew!! :)

? The Impossible is Possible Thanks to… ?

FujiRumors is FujiRumors, only thanks to…

  • ALL SOURCES who helped me also this year with the rumors. Your support was once again incredible. Being a Fujifilm X shooter is so much more fun thanks to your help, and in a world with strong competition from SONY, CaNikon and Co, you help to keep the eyes of the internet world glued also on the Fujifilm X world
  • ALL READERS who decided to support FujiRumors by commenting the articles, by dropping me a link to interesting content, news, deals and by sharing our content on social media and forums. You make this community unique on the world-wide web.
  • ALL SUPPORTERS who decided to purchase products using our affiliate links and who clicked on the banners on our website. I do put heart and soul into this blog, but without your support, I would have to close FujiRumors tomorrow morning.
  • ALL CONTRIBUTORS who decided to write a guest post for FujiRumors. You do enrich the FR-experience with your great content
  • ALL PEOPLE AT FUJIFILM who worked hard to keep up designing, developing and crafting wonderful cameras and lenses and for covering us also in 2018 with Kaizen love

? Top Blogger Moment 2018 ?

The moment I realized, that the new XF lens roadmap disclosed by Fujifilm Japan featured exactly the top prime and top zoom lens we wanted back in February 2017. We explained how we influenced Fujifilm Japan in this article.

Now, I keep my feet well set on the ground, and I know we can’t always influence Fujifilm’s decisions. But the fact that in this case Fujifilm “copied” our Fujinon XF lens wish list and made it become reality, filled my heart with joy.

It’s a recognition that Fujifilm listens closely to what the lively FujiRumors community says and wants. So, dear readers, thanks for your immense participation, it means everything to me, and it makes everything possible :).

Runner Up: My photokina 2018 visit. It was once again super busy, but fantastic.

? Flop Blogger Moment 2018 ?

The moment I realized that Fujifilm would have made several announcements during my European road trip with my grilfriend in July (some images on my Instagram).

So it happens that I was on the road through France and Italy, trying to figure out the exact announcement dates, changing my travel schedule and hostel bookings, cancelling some day trips and so forth.

But that’s how it is. FujiRumors is a one man show. If I don’t write on it, nothing happens here.

At least the July announcements were hot! A new lens roadmap, new lenses, new cameras. So the blogging itself was exciting for me.

And regarding my girlfriend, well, a few romantic dinners later on fixed everything ;).

 ? Most Read on FujiRumors ?

Most Read Article

Most Read Category

Most Read Non Rumor Article

Most Read Guest Post

Day with most Contacts

? Most Used Gear ?

Most used camera:

It’s game over for my lovely Fujifilm X-T1. I have maybe used it for 5% of my images since I own the Fujifilm X-E3.

I got an offer from a friend to buy my X-T1, but I am still hesitant to sell it.

My X-T1 followed me on my travels, snapped my all time favorite image, climbed the highest peaks and so much more, that I just still love it, and it’s hard for me to get rid of it.

Rationally speaking I should sell, emotionally I still can’t.

Most used zoom lens:

The Fujinon XF18-135. My copy is astonshing good. It’s the swiss army knife in my line-up. And the excellent OIS helps for low light handheld shots.

I rarely travel without my XF18-135. For example, this is one of my favorite images of 2018, and it’s taken with the XF18-135 during my road trip in France.

And since I own it, I basically never used my XF55-200 and rarely used my XF18-55, and at some point in 2019 I might sell them. The only zoom lens that I still use fairly enough to justify to keep it, is my Fujinon XF10-24.

Most used prime lens:

In late 2017, I bought the Fujinon XF27mmF2.8, probably the most underrated lens in Fuji’s line-up. At the beginning I used it all the time.

But at some point during 2018, my good old Fujinon XF 35mmF1.4 pretended its attentions, and ended up to be still my most used prime lens. That lens has some magic, I can’t explain. And that’s why it’s still my most use lens.

But I still use and love the XF27mmF2.8 quite a lot, and it’s in fact my Nr.2 prime, well ahead of my Nr.3 lens, the Fujinon XF23mm F1.4.

 ? Happy New Year 2019 ?

2019 is here…

Now you guys promise me to keep up having fun with your photography, and I promise you to put my best into FR also in 2019.

A wonderful, healthy and fun 2019 to everybody out there reading these lines.
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Our social media and pages have reached new heights:

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