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LEAKED: Fujifilm X-T5 and X-S20 Kit Price with XF16-50mmF2.8-4.8 and GFX100SII plus GF500mm Price Confirmed

We told you already in September 2023 from a stunning Dolomite mountain peak, that the glorious Fujinon XF18-55mm f/2.8-4 would be replace by a new kit lens, the Fujinon XF16-50mmF2.8-4.8.

This means it will come not only bundled with the new Fujifilm X-T50, but also with other Fujifilm cameras such as the Fujifilm X-T5 and the Fujifilm X-S20.

And today (THANKS!!!) we can also tell you the price of the bundles as well as confirming the pricing we shared earlier.

  • X-T50 body only = €1,499
  • XF 16-50mmF2.8-4.8 = €799
  • X-T50 + XF16-50 = €1,899
  • X-T50 + XC15-45 = €1,599
  • X-T5 + XF16-50 = €2,399
    X-T5 body only = €1,999
  • X-S20 + XF16-50 = €1,799
    X-S20 body only = €1,399
  • GFX100S II = $4,999 / €5,499
  • GF500mmF5.6 = €3,899

So overall you get the lens for €400 if you buy it bundled with a camera body. The XF16-50mmF2.8-4.8 alone will cost €800.


Fixed Lens Fujifilm GFX in 2025: A Brilliant Move or a Missed Chance for a GFX100R? – VOTE

So, we just reported that Fujifilm will launch a fixed lens Fujifilm GFX camera in 2025.

And while many might hugely rejoice at this news, others remained a bit sceptical, as you can see for example in the comments here.


Because we recently reported that Fujifilm is currently spending ZERO money and time into the development of the Fujifilm GFX100R. Which means that even if they’d start today to develop the GFX100R, we would probably not get it before 2027, since Fujifilm explained in the past they need about 2/3 years to develop a camera.

So what some now wonder is: wouldn’t it have been better to develop the GFX100R with interchangeable lenses rather than a fixed lens GFX camera?

Personally I still have to make up my mind about this one.

I mean, if I look at the X series, I simply could not imagine it without the X100 line. And why not, a fixed lens GFX version could also become an iconic and much loved line in the GFX system.

And always looking at the X series line, the X-E line sells much worse than the X100 line. If that would apply also to the GFX series, a fixed lens GFX camera would outsell the GFX100R.

So for now, from a mere business point of view, I believe Fujifilm does well to come out with a fixed lens GFX camera as soon as possible.

But at the same time, as an X-E lover (rangefinder with interchangeable lenses), I’d also love to see the GFX100R.

So my final vote?

I vote fixed lens GFX, just because I think from a business point of view it is the better choice for Fujifilm. But I hope this does not come at the expense of the GFX100R being delayed for too long or even worst, the GFX-R line being canceled.

What Should Have Priority in Your Option: a fixed lens GFX or a GFX100R

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Fujifilm GFX Fixed Lens Camera Coming in 2025 – Your Questions and My Riddles (and Your Help?)

We just told you that Fujifilm is currently developing a fixed lens Fujifilm GFX camera.

So obviously the questions now flood my Inbox. And I can’t say much more at this point, except for that it will be released in 2025!

Another question was if it will have the hybrid viewfinder. This is something I honestly have no idea about. I hope it has one, but I would not be surprised if, in order to contain costs, Fujifilm would just go with a digital EVF.

In terms of features, we can expect the Fujifilm X100VI to be superior, given it has a smaller sensor which comes with key advantages like a faster sensor readout and less heat generation.

One big question is the lens: at this point I have heard a lot of options, but I have narrowed it down to two options that I consider the most likely one. And if you allow me to speak frankly to you: at this point I am a bit confused since both options I’ve heard come from higher ranked sources (and a few anonymous sources who also give me different options). This is why I prefer to wait a bit, get some clarity, and once I am sure of what I say I will let you know.

If anyone out there can help me out, feel free to contact me. You can do it also 100% anonymously, here is how:

Talk to FujiRumors

Thanks to those who eventually decide to contact me and help me to bring clarity to my confused mind :).

Official Teaser for Fujifilm X-T50, GFX100S II, XF16-50mmF2.8-4.8 and GF500mmF5.6

Fujifilm shared the official teaser for the upcoming Fujifilm X Summit event on May 16.

As you can see from the brightened image here, we can spot 2 cameras and 2 lenses.

Here on FujiRumors we have already shared very clear images of all products, except for the GF500mmF5.6.

All of it will drop on May 16.

What’s the Best Pick: Fujifilm GFX100SII ($5,000) or GFX100II ($7,500) or GFX100S ($4,400)?

So we just leaked the price of the upcoming Fujifilm GFX100SII.

Now the question to answer is: what’s the best pick at this point?

  • Fujifilm GFX100SII – $5,000
    Fujifilm GFX100II – $7,500
    Fujifilm GFX100S – $4,400

This is a tough one to answer.

I mean, I am a very happy owner of the Fujifilm GFX100S myself, and my heart would say the GFX100S is never a bad pick, especially not at this price.

But Fujifilm really smashed the price on that model with the GFX100SII, bringing it dangerously close to the one its now heavily discounted predecessor.

It’s probably best to go for the GFX100SII at this point over the GFX100S.

Things change of course if we throw the Fujifilm GFX100II in the mix. Of course that one costs more, but it is also the flagship and it will beat the new GFX100SII in terms of specs and features.

Personally, if budget was not of concern, I’d go for the Fujifilm GFX100II right away.

But since budget is something most of us take into consideration, if I had no GFX camera and wanted to jump into digital medium format, I’d very likely wait go for the Fujifilm GFX100SII.


It’s part of Fuji’s 5th generation family, hence we can expect it to get more firmware love over the years. And it will have Reala Ace, better autofocus and many other good stuff that comes with the 5th generation platform.

Things would drastically change though if Fujifilm were to offer the GFX100S at $3,000. At this point it would be a deal too good to be true, and quite frankly a price where also plenty of full frame camera makers would start to worry.

I mean, 100 megapixel medium format in a camera body that is even slightly smaller than some full frame mirrorless cameras out there such as this one, would become a serious temptation for many out there. And it would also be my pick as a first GFX camera.

But as it stands now, I recommend to buy the Fujifilm GFX100SII or, if budget allows for it, go straight for the GFX100II.

Anyway… let us know in the survey below what your top pick would be.

As a First GFX camera, I'd Buy...

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Fujifilm GFX100II New Dynamic Range King of Mirrorless Cameras

Photons to Photos has published its dynamic range results for the Fujifilm GFX100II.

As to expect, the GFX100II now takes the lead as the mirrorless camera that will give you the highest dynamic range with a slight boost over the Fujifilm GFX100S due to an optimized sensor design, as we explained here.

So, if you want to have a bit more margins in terms of dynamic range, the Fujifilm GFX100II is the way to go. And all this by delivering substantially more megapixel over its high resolution full frame competitors.

There are only 3 digital cameras that are better than the GFX100II listed on Photons to Photos:

  • Phase One IQ4
  • Phase One IQ3
  • Hasselblad H6D-100c

But the above are not mirrorless cameras. And they are huge, heavy and cost more than my car.

You can access the comparison we made above at this link (and also make your own one).

Read also:

Camera Model

Maximum PDR

Low Light ISO

Low Light EV

Fujifilm GFX100II




Fujifilm GFX100S




Hasselblad X2D




Canon R5




Sony A7rV




Nikon Z8




Japanese Fujifilm Managers: X-Pro and X-E line Not Stopped, X-Trans is Here to Stay, PSAM vs RETRO, GFX Sports Photography and More

image courtesy: Phototrend
image courtesy: Phototrend

At the last CP+, the French Website Phototrend had the opportunity to talk to Japanese Fujifilm manager Jun Watanabe about the X series and to Japanese Fujifilm manager Makoto Oishi about the GFX series.

Down below you can find a quick summary. For the full French version check out the articles at Phototrend here (X series) and here (GFX series). Plus a little rant at the end.

X series

  • Fujifilm can not confirm if X-Pro4 will arrive soon or not
  • X-Pro line is not stopped
  • X-T and X100 series do not satisfy all customers who want a “pure photography” experience
  • Fujifilm is studying different possibilities
  • feedback and expectations are high for the next X-Pro
  • X-E line is not stopped
  • sports photography is a difficult market
  • other brands are long established there and for Fujifilm it’s new terrain
  • Fujifilm can not confirm anything about eventual future lenses for sport photographers
  • Fujifilm has received great feedback about the latest autofocus system, but they will continue to improve
  • renewing older lenses is something that Fujifilm has in mind
  • XF16-50mmF2.8-4.8 [admin note: will replace the XF18-55mmF2.4.8]
  • Fujifilm is not considering any option other than X-Trans for their APS-C cameras
  • its unique matrix offers the advantage of combining high definition and suppression of moiré and chromatic aberrations
  • for X100VI, Fujifilm has developed the smallest and thinnest IBIS unit to date
  • the X100VI IBIS wiring has been moved to the side – see here
  • IBIS system uses data from the image in addition to the gyroscope (motion blur is analyzed from the live-view image)
  • the grip of the X100VI is a tenth of a millimeter deeper than X100V for a better grip

GFX series

  • GFX100II market return (sales) is very good, not only among professional photographers, but also filmmakers and directors
  • GFX100II sales exceed Fujifilm’s expectations
  • GFX100S is still very popular because Fujifilm has lowered its price
  • GFX100S still very popular in some markets like China
  • professionals go for GFX100II, enthusiasts for GFX100S
  • Fujifilm never looked at its market share in medium format segment
  • other manufacturers have no announced so many new products, so Fujifilm thinks they are Nr.1
  • some expect a faster 50MP GFX. But Fujifilm thinks high definition is more popular
  • there are lots of FF cameras offering 50/60 megapixel, so offering 50MP now has become almost banal
  • Fujifilm focuses on improving the 100MP sensor performance
  • for professionals ergonomics are very important
  • first GFX cameras had dedicated dials but now they switched to a easier to operate PSAM dial layout
  • Fujinon GF 500 mm f/5.6: it’s time for Fujifilm GFX to approach wildlife and sports photography
  • normally APS-C lenses are compact than FF and MF (hence also smaller AF motors)
  • but regarding telephoto lenses, size primarily depends on diameter and aperture. Regardless of whether it’s for APS-C, FF or MF, the fundamental construction of telephoto lenses, particularly on the front lens side, is the same
  • Fujifilm tries to make the GF500mm as small and light as possible to obtain faster autofocus
  • tilt-shift lenses are the most difficult to design
  • Fujifilm started to develop its GF tilt shift lenses back in 2019
  • why not retro? High end high speed cameras need to be operated quickly, hence PSAM. Also good for hybrid shooters for video

Let me just say that I strongly, vehemently, vigorously and fervidly disagree with Fujifilm in regards to what they said why they stick with PSAM on their GFX lineup.

First: the GFX system is not know to be blazing fast and immensely popular among high end sports photographers. I actually feel the GFX system would be the ideal system to use a retro layout.

Second: maybe Fujifilm should watch my video so they learn how to operate their own cameras.

They will find out that one can operate their retro styled cameras exactly as any PSAM camera out there. It’s a marvellous and ingenious design that gives us photographer the best of both words: retro if I want to have fun shooting or want to actually operate the camera already before turning it on, and PSAM if one needs to make lots of adjustment all the time on the fly.

Retro Fujifilm cameras offer both options. PSAM cameras force you into one way to operate the camera.

And in my opinion not offering retro styled GFX cameras anymore is one of the all time biggest mistakes Fujifilm is doing.

C’mon Fujifilm, look at what is selling best in your X system. You’ll see that retro X cameras outsell PSAM cameras by very far. And Nikon had a colossal success with the Nikon Zf lately. It’s clear that in times where every camera is just so good, what people really look for is to have a different photographic experience thanks to dedicated vintage dials.

The joy of shooting sells better than any specs boost you can show off on paper.

An example?

The X100VI sells like hot cakes. The revolutionary global shutter ultra modern high speed blazing fast Sony A9III is selling way below Sony’s expectations (you could always find it in stock everywhere all the time because demand is not high… ask your local retailer).

Make sure to read/watch below:

Kase 200mm f/5.6 Lens for X/GFX Announced

Kase has announced the following lens for several mounts, including X and GFX mount:

  • Kase 200mm f/5.6 catadioptric lens

Kase products can be found at BHphoto and Amazon.

Main Specifications

  • Format: Full size
  • Mount: GF/X/RF/EF/E/Z
  • Focal length: 200mm
  • Aperture value: F5.6
  • Aperture blade:-
  • Lens configuration: 6 elements in 5 groups
  • Shortest shooting distance: 2m
  • Maximum shooting magnification: 0.11x
  • Filter diameter: 67mm
  • Size: φ71×116mm E-mount
  • Weight: 424g E-mount
  • Dustproof and splashproof:-
  • AF:-
  • Image stabilization:-
  • Other features:
    ・Nano coating
    ・Multi coating
    ・Aluminum lens barrel
  • Price: 3800-4200 RMB

Source Kase on Weibo

Fujifilm Displays 10 Lenses “Under Study” and Talks X-Pro, X-E, GFX-R and Fixed Lens GFX Future

With all the talk about the Fujifilm X100VI in these days, we can now report also something interesting for those of you, who are not into the X100 line (thanks to Mistral!).

In a session with journalists, Fujifilm shared 10 lenses that were “under study” and also talked about future X/GFX cameras, as reported by the French website lesnumeriques here, who also is to credit for the images.

10 Lenses “Under Study”
(Images at the Top of the Article)

Fujifilm did display 10 lenses currently “under study” by Fujifilm. But please guys, don’t take this as any sort of “roadmap”, for the reasons I’ll explain below.

  • Super-Telephoto Prime lens XF 400mm or longer
    – 11-110mm diameter
    – weight 1,300-1,400g
  • XF120mmF2 (in between XF90mmF2 and XF200mmF2)
    – Size 140-160mm
    – 90-110mm diameter
    – 900-1,000g
  • Super Wide-angle Fast Lens for Astro Photography
    – Size 80-100mm
    – 70-80mm diameter
    – weight 400-600g
  • XF 23mm Pancake
    – size 20-40mm
    – 60-65mm diameter
    – Weight 80-100g
  • Super Zoom Lens XF 16-200mm
    – size 120-140mm
    – 70-80 diameter
    – weight 600-800g
  • Tele-Photo Zoom Lens at F4
    – size 120-130mm
    – 70-80 diameter
    – weight 500-700g
  • Compact Wide Zoom Lens at F2.8
    – size 70-90mm
    – 60-75mm diameter
    – weight 200-300g
  • Fish-Eye Lens
    – size 50-60mm
    – 55-70 diameter
    – weight 200-300g
  • Affordable Thin Standard Zoom Lens – XC Lineup
    – size 30-40mm
    – 60-70mm diameter
    – weight 100-130G
  • Affordable Wide Zoom Lens – XC Lineup
    – Size 40-50mm
    – 60-70mm diameter
    – weight 130-170g

It’s not the first time that Fujiflm gave us a list of “lenses under study“. It happened also back in 2019, when they even wanted us to vote on those lenses (as they wanted the journalists to vote on the lenses we display today). And if we look at the list, except for some MKII lenses, not much on that list ever materialized in a real product.

So don’t take it as a solid indication on anything.

Future X Cameras

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fujifilm X100VI Coming with with REALA ACE Film Simulation… and About Reala Ace Being Possible only with GFX100II Sensor

The Fujifilm X100VI will be Fujifilm’s first APS-C camera to feature the new REALA ACE film simulation.

Some of you might think that’s an obvious rumor. But others might think it can’t be true.

And the reason why some might think it can’t be true, is because when the Fujifilm GFX100 II was launched, Fujifilm engineers said this during the X summit about the new Reala Ace film simulation:

The new GFX100II sensor is the best fit Reala Ace. Without this sensor, we are not able to realize REALA film simulation in it

But according to our sources, what Fujifilm said is not true. Or maybe Fujifilm just used a very unlucky and confusing formulation.

Because Fujifilm is able to realize Reala Ace also without the Fujifilm GFX100II sensor and the first camera (besides GFX100II) to have it will be the Fujifilm X100VI.

Maybe it would have been better phrased if Fujifilm would have said like back then during the Fujifilm GFX100S and Nostalgic Negative launch:

For nostalgic negative, Fujifilm needs large sensor. It can’t be implemented simply to APS-C. Fujifilm needs more time to develop Nostalgic Negative for the APS-C system.

Now let’s cross fingers that Reala Ace will come via firmware update also to all other 5th generation Fujifilm cameras.

Film Simulation Articles

Watch the Video for Great Landscape and Sunrise on the Dolomites