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Important Note Added by Fujifilm Regarding XF Lenses Supporting 40MP Sensor on X-H2 (and Fujifilm X-T5)

When Fujifilm launched the 40MP Fujifilm X-H2, they also published a list of lenses that get the maximum benefit from the new high resolution sensor.

This led quite some folks (also here on FujiRumors) to believe that the lenses not on the list will not profit at all from the increased resolution.

Some even said that because of this, they won’t upgrade to the 40MP Fujifilm X-H2 (and also the upcoming 40MP Fujifilm X-T5)

I did try to explain that you have to see in other terms: the new sensor will finally let all XF lenses express at their best in terms of resolution. it’s just those not on the list won’t go quite up all the way to 40MP.

Finally Fujifilm understood that the message they put out was potentially confusing and now added a note on their official Fujifilm X-H2 page:

*The list specifies our selection of lenses that have high resolution performance from edge to edge at maximum aperture, allowing you to fully experience all that the 40MP sensor has to offer. Lenses not listed will also allow you to experience the improved resolution performance of the 40MP sensor.”

So if you want 40MP resolution from edge to edge at maximum aperture, then only the lenses on the list will deliver (see list below). But Fujifilm now clearly says that lenses not listed will also deliver improved resolution performance when used on the 40MP sensor.

Hence, if you want more resolution, buying a Fujifilm X-H2 or the Fujifilm X-T5 will give you that also by using lenses that are not on the list.

And from how I read it, some might even resolve all the 40MP when stopped down at least in the center of the frame. Would be nice if Fujifilm would be even more specific on that.

List of Lenses with 40MP resolving power edge to edge wide open:

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LEAKED: Image of Tamron 150-500mmF5-6.7 for Fujifilm X Mount and Announcement Tomorrow

As we reported yesterday, Tamron will release the Tamron 150-500mmF5-6.7 for Fujifilm X Mount on October 13.

Now, according to How2Fly, the announcement is scheduled to happen tomorrow, September 21.

Also, the guys at the Japanese site asobinet extracted a screengrab from a youtube video I think.

The Tamron 150-500mm f/5-6.7 for Sony enjoys very good reviews:

The next lens to come after the Tamron 150-500mm f/5-6.7 is the Tamron 11-20mm f/2.8.

via asobinet via How2Fly

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Tamron 150-500mm F/5-6.7 for Fujifilm X Mount Coming October 13

Image Shows the Tamron 150-500mm f/5-6.7 – For Sony FULL FRAME
Image Shows the Tamron 150-500mm f/5-6.7 for Sony

A couple of weeks ago I told you that Tamron would launch a telephoto zoom lens for Fujifilm X mount in 2022.

Well, Nokishita confirmed it right now.

The Tamron 150-500mm F/5-6.7 Di III VC VXD for Fujifilm X mount will be released on October 13.

And there is still one missing.

Which one?

Well, a Tamron manager gave an interview promising three more lenses:

Tamron X Mount AF Lenses

via mevius via asobinet via digicame-info

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Fujifilm Removes X-T4 and X-E4 from their Japanese Catalog Page

We already told you that major Japanese stores marked the X-T4, X-E4 and X-T30II as discontinued.

Now we have another puzzle piece to add to this: as you can see from the screenshot above, Fujifilm has removed the Fujifilm X-T4 and X-E4 from their Japanese product catalog.

The last available Google cached version of September 2021 still shows both items on the website.

What does this mean for Fujifilm X-T5, X-E4 and X-T30II? Well, I have tried to explain it as good as possible here.

via dclife

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Fujifilm X-T4, X-E4, X-T30II Discontinued at Major Japanese Stores: So Let’s Talk Fujifilm X-T5, X-E5 and X-T40

Several major Japanese stores like MapCamera, BicCamera, and Yodobashi have now marked the Fujifilm X-T4, X-E4 and X-T30II as discontinued.

Map camera still has it in stock, but they won’t be receiving anymore units for sale after their stock is depleted. There’s a note on the pages that says “在庫限り(生産完了品)” which translates to “Limited stock (discontinued item)“.

So let’s talk about it.

Fujifilm X-T5:

In the past, especially when it comes to the X-T line, once a successor was released, the older model was still manufactured for a while, simply because they remained very popular. So discontinue the X-T4 even before the Fujifilm X-T5 arrives would be very unique.

But hey, we also live unique times with the massive parts shortage.

Since the Fujifilm X-T5 will be announced shortly, Fujifilm could have decided to stop Fujifilm X-T4 production in order to use some of the X-T4 components for the Fujifilm X-T5 production. A unique, drastic but maybe necessary move. But that’s just a mere speculation of mine, trying to make sense on why it is marked as discontinued at some Japanese stores.

Fujifilm X-E5:

It usually takes Fujifilm almost 4 years to update the X-E line. So a Fujifilm X-E5 coming so soon (X-E4 was announced in January 2021), would be extremely surprising.

If Fujifilm really discontinued the X-E4 as some Japanese stores write, then I believe the most likely reason is not because a Fujifilm X-E5 is about to drop, but because Fujifilm needs some of the parts to manufacture newer and more important cameras (in terms of revenue for Fujifilm) as the Fujifilm X-H2S, Fujifilm X-H2 and the imminent Fujifilm X-T5.

Fujifilm X-T40

Fujifilm needs about 2 years to update the X-T** line.

The Fujifilm X-T30 was released in February 2019. It’s successor, the Fujifilm X-T30II came in September 2021. So one might think we might have to wait late 2023 or early 2024 for an X-T40, but consider that the Fujifilm X-T30II is a last second emergency product of Fujifilm: they run out of parts and in order to keep the manufacturing process of the X-T30 alive, they needed to use new and slightly improved hardware parts (such as a better LCD screen).

Not even Fujifilm sees the X-T30II as a true successor to the X-T30. So I guess a Fujifilm X-T40 in not too distant future could be a possibility.

But the problem here is: I have zero rumors or ever so slight hint and whisper about it, which makes me believe that the Fujifilm X-T40 won’t come that soon.

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Fujifilm Says X-H2 Might Offer Automatic In-Camera Combination of 160MP Pixel Shift Files

Just as we rumored, the Fujifilm X-H2 turned out to be Fujifilm’s first X-Trans camera to offer pixel shift multishot.

The Fujifilm X-H2 takes 20 images, which you must then combine using Fujifilm’s pixel shift combiner software to create 160MP images.

Now, in an interview with the Japanese youtube channel of Gizmomo, when asked if it will ever be possible that the camera will combine the files internally without any need to use an external software, a Fujifilm representative answered:

[google translated] It’s very hard… (laughs). There are 40 million pixels, and the range of image processing is packed from one to here to here, so there may not be anything that can be technically impossible, so if there are so many opinions from everyone in the future, I may do my best.

So if all Fujifilm needs is pressure from us, so be it… let’s start it in the comments.

via dclife

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Fujifilm X-H2 Look Up Table (LUT) for F-Log and F-Log 2 Now Available

This LUT file is to edit the movie data below when the data is edited by a movie editor on your PC or Mac.

<LUT file for F-Log>
* F-Log movie data recorded with GFX100S, GFX100, X-E4, X-S10, X-T30 II, X-T30, X-T2, X-T3 , X-T4, X-Pro3, X-H1, X-H2S, X-H2 and X100V
<LUT file for F-Log2>
* F-Log2 movie data recorded with X-H2S and X-H2.


F-Log 3D-LUT file / F-Log Data sheet

Last updated: 9.9.2022 [10.9MB]
*Decompress the “” file and launch “.cube” file from a movie editor.
Last updated: 6.16.2022
F-Log_DataSheet_E_Ver.1.1.pdf [192KB]

F-Log2 3D-LUT file / F-Log2 Data sheet

Last updated: 9.9.2022 [1.7MB]
*Decompress the “” file and launch “.cube” file from a movie editor.
Last updated: 6.16.2022
F-Log2_DataSheet_E_Ver.1.0.pdf [120KB]


Fujifilm Updates List of Recommended CFexpress Cards for Fujifilm X-H2 and X-H2S

With the announcement of the 8K capable Fujifilm X-H2, Fujifilm has updated the list of compatible and best recommended CFExpress Type B Cards.

But attention, not all CFexpress Cards are made equal:

  • Some CFexpress Type B Cards can’t record 6K/4K
  • Some can record 6K/4K but not in ProResHQ
  • Some can record all video formats, but when used for bursts don’t last as long as others
  • Only 11 Card Models can do it all and can do it best

CFexpress Type B Cards – Official Fujifilm Recommended

Out of all the cards mentioned above, these are the cards without any compromise in performance at all:

In order for you to get the complete overview, I have added the full detailed chart at the bottom of this article.

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List of Fujinon XF Lenses that Get Maximum Benefit from Fujifilm X-H2 (and X-T5) with 40 Megapixel Resolution

What’s Best on 40MP

Let’s be clear: more or less every single Fujifilm XF lens will perform better on the 40MP sensor. So even if an older lens can’t really resolve all the 40MP, they will still perform better than on the current 26MP sensor. Some might resolve 30MP, others 33MP, others more or less.

In short: the new 40MP sensor will make every single XF lens perform at its best possible in terms of resolution.

And yet, not all take full advantage of the new 40MP sensor. And Fujifilm was kind enough to provide us with a list of lenses, that will get maximum benefit from the X-H2 40MP sensor.

The lenses are:
