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Fujifilm GFX100 II Autofocus Tests, GF55mmF1.7 and GF Tilt Shift Reviews – The Latest and Greatest GFX Roundup

This is a roundup about the latest and greatest Fujifilm GFX gear.

GFX100 II Blog Posts

  • zhuanlan (Chinese) – GFX100II test. Shows person running towards camera and they got “at least” 80% hit rate
  • benosaradzic – Fujifilm GFX100II, the best medium format camera just got better
  • peterziegler – Sabawald with GFX50R
  • blog.kasson – GFX100 II pixel shift
  • alikgriffin – Kipon Baveyes Contax 645-GFX AF 0.8X Adapter Review (used on GFX100 II)

GF Lenses Blog Posts

Videos (GFX100 II + latest GF Lenses)

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Fujinon GF14-20mm Coming – Really?

FujiRumors mock-up
FujiRumors mock-up

Fujinon GF14-20mm

A long list of “rumored” Fujifilm gear “leaked” on the web and we reported here.

I instantly warned you about a lot of inaccuracies in that list. Wrong stuff that we started to correct.

The first one to be unveiled as wrong is the Fujifilm GFX25.

Anyway, there was another piece of gear on that list, that intrigued people: the Fujinon GF14-20mm.

So let me put it this way:

The best I can say about it for now, is that none of our sources is aware of such a lens.

I don’t call it a “wrong rumor” simply because there is a difference between our sources saying something is fake (GFX25) and our sources saying they are not aware of certain gear.

But the fact that already the GFX25 rumor is wrong (and more on that list will be proven wrong), could be an indication that pretty much anything “leaked” on that list has to be taken with a grain of salt and it’s probably just a compilation of guesses and speculations wrapped into a more tasty rumor package to give it more credibility. I am NOT saying E8M made it up, it is likely that somebody else made it up and passed it to E8M, who then shared it. That’s the way guys try to convince you to publish wrong info.

Anyway, I have to be accurate when I report what our sources say. And they tell me they have no information about such a lens.

For me, this means that I have zero hopes for an eventual GF14-20 to come in 2024 and I am also not overly optimistic to see one in 2025. And if it never comes, I would not be surprised either.

If you need to go wide, your best option for a long time will be the Fujinon GF20-35mm f/4.

What will come for sure though, is what is on the roadmap: the Fujinon GF500mmF5.6 and the GF Power Zoom lens.

GF Lens Patents

The Future of Fujifilm in Patents (X and GFX gear). Filtered below you find the GFX gear related patents.

Fujifilm FF240001 Registration Found (3rd Unreleased Product): The Rumors Go Wild with Fujifilm GFX25, GFX100SII, X-Pro4, X100 and More

On the Chinese Weibo (linked below), the patent for a third unregistered Fujifilm camera has surfaced, the FF240001.

So we are now at a total of three registered cameras that have yet to be released.

  • FF230002
  • FF230003
  • FF240001

From here all possible speculations start and you can read them down below.

How do I know these are just made up speculations and not rumors?

Well, because there are so many errors I will have to correct ;). In short here are the “rumors”.

  • What they say is Sure (+ Possible)
  • 4 to 6 cameras coming in 2024
  • GFX100SII with X-T5 retro style body and no 8K video and lack of many video functions
  • X100V successor almost done. 40 MP biggest possibility
  • Highly Reliable
  • X-Pro4 updated to X-T5 performance with normal flip screen. But another source it has still the mini-LCD on the back. New film simulation
  • X100V with IBIS and OIS and 160MP High resolition mode
  • Generally Reliable
  • X100V with 50mm mode (20MP resolution)
  • 2024 is the year of GFX, with GFX100SII and several GF lenses with good focus performance
  • GFX25 coming mainly for video shooting (multiple sources confirm this)
  • Basically Impossible
  • GFX200 with 200 Megapixel
  • X-T40 ready to be released with 40 megapixel
  • No Reliability Rating
  • X-E series update in summer 2024
  • GF 14-20mm coming
  • 2x TC for GFX

But hey, it’s online. Let’s have fun even if it’s just made up stuff :).

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Fujifilm on Fire in 2024 :: Major XF16-50mmF2.8-4.8 Leaks :: First GFX100S II Rumors :: Top 3 Cameras Fujifilm Should Make and More – Top 10 of November

Fujifilm is On Fire

Fujifilm is on fire. They are preparing lots of good stuff for launch in 2024.

This means that, thanks to our awesome sources, it’s high-rumor-season here on FujiRumors.

That’s why in November lots of rumors have been shared. And more will follow. So stay tuned on FujiRumors.

  1. RUMOR: Big Start for Fujifilm in 2024 with Multiple (and Record?) Camera Announcements
  2. Fujifilm 2024: A Look Ahead Between Rumors and Speculations (X-Pro4, X100R, X-E5, X-T40, New XF Lenses, GFX Future)
  3. BREAKING: This is Fujifilm’s Next MILC Camera Coming Early 2024
  4. BREAKING: Fujinon XF16-50mm Coming to Replace XF18-55mm f/2.8-4
  5. Sony A9III: The Revival of Global Shutter and a Glimpse into the Fujifilm X-H3s?
  6. Which Cameras Do You Think Fujifilm Will Announce in First Months 2024? VOTE NOW
  7. Top 3 Cameras Fujifilm Should Make for Instant Success (X and GFX)
  8. LEAKED: First Images of Fujinon XF16-50mm f/2.8-4.8 R LM WR
  9. Third Party X Mount Autofocus Lenses Ranked by Popularity (among FR readers)
  10. Fujinon XF16-50mm f/2.8-4.8 with Internal Zoom (Will Not Extend when Zooming)

Top Videos

Videos Filmed in:

Internal Fujifilm GFX100II Slide Claims 97% Eye AF Accuracy with GF55mmF1.7 in Studio Use

One of the questions is how accurate the Fujifilm GFX100II eye autofocus is.

A kind source decided to answer this question, and passed me an internal Fujifilm slide about the Fujifilm GFX100II, which shows that, for portraits and coupled with the Fujinon GF55mm f/1.7, Fujifilm has calculated a 97% autofocus accuracy.

This is of course for portraits. We are not talking about the accuracy when tracking any athlete running at full speed or something like that.

But I guess the most realistic scenario for the combination GFX100II and GF55mmF1.7 is anyway portraits or not really fast moving subjects (people at a wedding etc).

New GF Lenses

GFX Deals

New Firmware for Fringer EF-FX Pro III, EF-GFX Pro, NF-FX and NF-GFX

Fringer has released a couple of firmware updates.

Fringer adapters can be ordered at BHphoto, Amazon and Adorama.

List of Smart Adapters

Firmware Details & Download Links

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RAW File Converter EX3.0 adds Fujifilm GFX100II Support

RAW File Converter EX3.0 adds Fujifilm GFX100II support.

RAW FILE CONVERTER EX 3.0 powered by SILKYPIX Ver. – download here
The software update Ver. incorporates the following issue:

  1. Applicable models for the “RAW FILE CONVERTER EX 3.0 powered by SILKYPIX” are added.
    Applicable Model : FUJIFILM GFX100 II

Latest GFX Gear

GFX Deals

Fujifilm GFX100 II Engineers and The Truth About the “New” Sensor and “Up to Twice” Readout Speed

Fujifilm GFX100II

Over the past few weeks, many have contacted me asking why I don’t talk about the reports that claim:

  • the Fujifilm GFX100 II sensor is not new
  • the Fujifilm GFX100 II does not read out at twice the speed and faster readout speed is achieved only with software tricks, meaning dropping down at 12 bit when in 8 fps mode

The answer is simple:

When Fujifilm published their first Fujifilm GFX100II development story episodes, they said they would talk about the GFX100II sensor in future episodes.

This is why I decided to wait, hear Fujifilm’s position, and then write an article that is as comprehensive and complete as possible.

And I am happy I waited, because in the 5th X Lab episode dedicated to the GFX100II, we get some helpful insights in the inner workings of the sensor (full episode with summary below)..

But before we dive into it, let me express my admiration for Jim Kasson’s brilliant work in analyzing the inner workings of the GFX100II and to Petapixel for bringing his findings to the attention of the larger public.

I decided to wait for more details coming from Fujifilm before reporting about it, but maybe they would not have disclosed those in such detail, if Jim would not have done his great work, and Petapixel made a huge buzz out of it.

The Truth in a Nutshell

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Fujifilm GFX50S II No Longer in Production and Fujifilm’s Biggest GFX Error Exposed

The first stores in Japan have started to mark the Fujifilm GFX50S II as no longer in production, as reported by the Japanese website asobinet.

No longer in production does not mean you won’t find samples anymore around tomorrow. It is more likely that there will be still stable stock for quite some months ahead.

And yet, this news induces me to share some thoughts about the GFX50SII and the GFX system overall.

The GFX50SII was launched back in September 2021.

During these two years, it was often sold with a $800 discount (as right now), showing that the GFX50SII struggled to sell nearly as well as Fujifilm hoped.

The main drawback: the GFX50SII used the old non BSI sensor of the original GFX50S (and the even older Pentax 645Z)  in times when Fujifilm already offered the GFX100 and GFX100S with modern BSI sensor and 100MP. I guess most people decided to go for the more modern and higher resolution models.

In my opinion, the GFX50SII could have sold much better if only Fujifilm would have kept the retro dials layout of the original GFX50S. It would have differentiated it much more from the rest of the lineup.

And overall, the lack of a proper retro styled cameras in the GFX lineup is one of the big mysteries of our time. It’s Fujifilm’s biggest error and an enormous missed opportunity. Especially in times where there is no significant development on the sensor area, the one thing that can really boost sales for a new camera is offering a different shooting experience, which in the GFX world would mean to offer something different than the usual PSAM layout.

Make no mistake: my Fujifilm GFX100S is giving me great joy and it is extremely easy to operate. That’s not the issue. But if Fujifilm would make the camera with exactly the same GFX100S specs but with an X-T layout, I would sell it and go for the Fujifilm GFX100T (imaginary name).

I hope somebody at the higher ranks of the Fujifilm Japan HQ is reading these lines (and they do, they even use FujiRumors surveys for internal meetings).

I know, Fujifilm, you consider PSAM the “safe” approach, as it is more mainstream. But unless you drop a 150MP GFX or a 100MP stacked sensor GFX, you will keep struggling to sell GFX cameras (or be forced to give them huge rebates).

If you decide to stick with the current 100MP BSI sensor (no matter how much you optimise its circuits, AD converters, microlenses, etc), then the best thing to do to create a camera that sells like hot cakes is to offer a different photographic experience. And that camera is called Fujifilm GFX100T or alternatively also the GFX100R.

Trust me on this Fujifilm. Do it, and we will throw our money at you… and my money will be the first to fly to your bank account.