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Is Fujifilm Losing Its Soul? Let’s Talk PSAM Dials! An Error or a Necessity?

When I posted my article about the top 10 failed Fujifilm cameras (and errors Fujifilm should avoid in future), of course some of you had a legit and often also well argued opinion on which cameras I should have included.

And one particular comment encapsulated nicely a fear that is spreading among the Fujifilm community.

The biggest error ! Loosing who you are! Creating PSAM cameras!

And the disappointment for PSAM dials arose again just recently, when we informed you that the Fujifilm X-H2S will have a PSAM dial too.

So what, is Fujifilm spamming us with PSAM dials?

And looking at it more broadly, is Fujifilm losing its retro soul?

Well, I think there is way too much drama around this topic. Even the most hardcore retro lover (like me) should enjoy the fact that Fujifilm is releasing cameras with PSAM dials.

Here is why.

  • Fujifilm has sold its soul to the mainstream market. They are ditching their lovely vintage style and operation to spam the market with more PSAM dial cameras.
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LEAKED: Fujifilm X-H2S New Image Shows MCS Switch is Gone in Favor of FN Button

FujiRumors was able to get its hands on another leaked image of the Fujifilm X-H2S. The image is available only here at FujiRumors.

The image is clear enough to see that the classic MCS switch in front of the camera is gone, replaced by a button that will most likely work as an FN button.

So, while I am happy that the D-Pad has survived on the X-H2S, I am less happy about the removal of the MCS switch.

If I have to see it positively, having the MCS switch replaced by a FN button (which you can assign to have the same function of the MCS switch), makes sure that you’ll never inadvertently move the lever.

But the MCS switch is one of those little tactile touches I love on my Fujifilm cameras.

But again, there is now an FN button on the same position, which you can assign to work as MCS switch.

At least that real estate on the front left of the camera won’t remain empty wasted space, but will be an FN button there.

Down below the X-H2 and X-H2S rumors recap including the links to more leaked images.

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Rumor Update: Fujifilm X-H2S with PSAM Dial

The leaked images did not show it, but many of you guys already suspected it: the Fujifilm X-H2S is going to bring the PSAM dial also to the X-H series.

And you guessed well, guys! The X-H2S will indeed have a PSAM dial.

You know what’s my take on it: nothing is more fun and more practical to use than having as many dedicated dials as possible.

However, I also own a Fujifilm camera with a PSAM dial, the Fujifilm GFX100S.

And you know what?

Also the GFX100S is stupidly easy and fast to operate… just not as fun.

The way I have set up my GFX100S is that I have it on M all the time and quickly control ISO with the rear command dial (often I just leave it at one of my three AUTO ISO settings) and shutter speed with the front command dial. For aperture I use of course the ring on the lens.

So, from a mere operational point of view, a PSAM dial is very far from being an ergonomic nightmare. On the contrary, many might find it even more convenient to use.

And I can’t blame Fujifilm for finally offering also in their high-end APS-C line a camera with PSAM dial. I am 100% sure that this will help Fujifilm to expand its customer base, as there is a huge chunk of photographers loving to work with PSAM dials.

Luckily Fujifilm has also other higher end APS-C camera lines, all with wonderful retro controls (X-Pro3, X-T3, X-T4, a future Fujifilm X-T5 or Fujifilm X-Pro4). So the X series is and will remain home for retro lovers like me and many of you.

But we all love Fujifilm and want it to succeed. So if a PSAM dial camera every now and then helps the system to grow and flourish, well, then I applaud such cameras.

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RUMOR: Fujinon XF150-600mmF5.6-8 with Internal Zoom

Fujifilm has a Fujinon XF150-600mm on the roadmap.

Back in April we unveiled the aperture range: Fujinon XF150-600mm f/5.6-8.

Today we can add one more detail about this lens, that I think will please many of FR-readers who plan to buy this lens: it will have an internal zoom, meaning the size of the lens will always remain the same even if you zoom in all the way at 600mm (900mm equivalent).

Back in 2021 Fujifilm did provide us with some technical sketches about this lens and we used it to make a size comparison to the Fujinon XF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 and the Fujinon XF200mmF2. You can see the size comparison here.

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Fujifilm X-H2S: List of Subjects Tracked by Fujifilm’s New Autofocus System

We told you that the Fujifilm X-H2S will have animal/object tracking.

Now we have received an initial list of subjects Fuji’s new autofocus system can track.

  • birds
  • animals
  • cars
  • trains
  • planes
  • bikes

And of course it will track human faces and eyes, too.

When it comes to “animals” I don’t have the full list yet, but it will definitely track more than what offered by the legendary Fujifilm FinePix F80R, the first digital camera ever to offer some sort of animal autofocus recognition with its “pet-detection” mode.

If I get any more subjects to add to the list, I will make sure to inform you in an updated article.

Fujifilm X-H2 and X-H2S rumored specs list:

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BREAKING: Fujifilm X-H2S to shoot 40 fps Bursts

According to our trusted sources, the 26 megapixel stacked BSI sensor Fujifilm X-H2S will shoot up to 40 fps in electronic shutter.

If I am not wrong, that’s 10 to 20 fps faster than any full frame stacked sensor camera out there.

So, on paper, the X-H2S will be significantly superior to those cameras in terms of bursts.

But on paper also Sony cameras are weather sealed ;).

What I want to see on May 31 (the date of the X summit) is how well those 40 fps work, hence how much Fujifilm has improved its autofocus.

Because Sony, Canon and Nikon are all doing a better job in this area.

So, dear Fujifilm, offer 40 fps makes sense only if you can get at least an 80+% hit rate out of those massive bursts. Otherwise it will remain a feature for the specs sheet, but not for the real life use.

I don’t know you, but I can’t wait for May 31… lots of questions are going to be answered on that day.

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The Power of Fujifilm Colors: Leaving Fuji for Nikon Z and Back to Fuji for the Colors – A Story and an Image Roundup

FR-reader Gerben’s wrote me an email that haunted me for several weeks and finally motivated me to do something that I hardly have time to do anymore for the reasons I’ve explained on my birthday: an image roundup.

So what did Gerben write me? Well, in short, he left Fujifilm for Nikon Z but then switched back to Fujifilm for one main reason: colors!

Dear Patrick,

I have been using the xpro3 for some time, i quite liked it except the small grip, and rear LCD (I noticed i take quite a few quick shots of my daughter via the rear LCD) and some other things. Therefore I decided to look around and try Nikon. I read color rendition was about the same and face detect was better.

So i traded in my X-Pro3 and bought a Nikon Z6 and the 50 1.8s. Almost everything i liked: comfy grip, nice buttons, highly detailed EVF and LCD, top LCD, fast AF and face AF, great high ISO and so on.

But to my horror I noticed one thing was off quite often, the colors.

This was probably due to WB, but i shoot mostly family and JPEG and the skin tones either looked greenish in low light or to saturated red in good light.

Then i picked up the original X100 and shot a few scenes. BOOM, the colors and WB were right without any tweaking. Just sooc provia jpeg. Wow. I always thought fuji jpegs were great but that Canon and Nikon have good jpegs to.

It seems Fuji is still better. I really wanted to like the Z6, but if all factors are awesome but the colors are meh then its a no go for me. So i turned back the lens and body. Now waiting for my refund. Luckily my trusty 35 1.4 wasn’t sold yet. I am probably getting the X70 and X-T1 as i like the colors an X-H1 for low light and video. Ow yeah i also have the old D700. This older sensor renders sooc jpeg colors much nicer then the Z6 and are quite similar to my X100.

So i had a quick flirt with Nikon mirrorless but am back now at the Fuji camp. Guess ill be reading your post more often.

And in order to help to make non-Fuji-shooters understand what Fuji colors mean, I looked at the images shared at our Film Simulation group and picked a few of them for all of you to enjoy.

One important note: some images ARE edited.

Editing is allowed in our group. But it’s allowed, as long as one does not start to fiddle around with the colors in post. So you can add/recover shadows/highlights, sharpen, edit out disturbing elements from your image, add some contrast and whatever you want to do. But the colors must be Fujifilm colors, hence the film simulation profile must be selected in post. No other filters applied and don’t play around with the color tools in the RAW converter of your choice.

We have this rule, because SOOC is great, but here on FujiRumors we believe that also RAW shooters profit from great Fuji colors, as it shortens their editing time.

And I know what I talk about, because when I edited the tons of images I took at the wedding I photographed, just scrolling over the film sim profiles in Capture One and in a matter of seconds see which film simulation gave me the best mood for that particular picture, was a true time saver! I just focused on editing other aspects of the images, as Fuji took care of the colors for me.

Final note: members of our group also often fine tune their film simulation and make recipes out of them. If you are curious to know more details about the specific recipe just ask them in the comments of their post about it.


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THE FINAL WORD: Fujifilm X-H2S Cooling Accessory, Good or Bad? Vote this POLL

the accessory in the image shows the front side of the Tilta for Canon R5 - not the actual accessory for Fujifilm
the accessory in the image shows the front side of the Tilta for Canon R5 – not the actual accessory for Fujifilm

I have rarely..

No wait, let me re-phrase it.

I have NEVER experienced such a divise discussion about a Fujifilm accessory as in case of the upcoming Fujifilm X-H2S external cooling accessory.

So it’s time to sum up all the position in one single survey and see if Fuji’s solution is appreciated or not.

But before you vote, keep in mind this:

  • the X-H2S will record videos also without this accessory. It’s not that you press the record button and the camera will instantly overheat
  • if you do a mix of photos and not too long videos, you don’t have to attach the cooling fan to the camera
  • the cooling accessory is probably more something for when you plan to make longer continuous videos (an interview, etc) and want to make sure you don’t occur in any overheating issues
  • this accessory is NOT like the improvised suboptimal third party Tilta solution for the Canon R5, so the backside of the accessory will NOT expose the fan and it will also be slimmer and more efficient

My take?

The DNA of the X-H line is in the letter “H” which stands for “Hybrid”!

And being hybrid, it has to work fine for both stills and video shooters.

This also means that compromises are inevitable: stills shooters tolerate the selfie screen vloggers love, and video shooters will have to tolerate to occasionally have to mount the cooling accessory on the camera for longer video recordings (how long we will see on May 31).

This is why overall I applaud this solution. it gives video shooters the option to record long videos under bright summer sun without any overheating worries and at the same times gives stills shooters a more compact and affordable camera.

But what about you? Feel free to vote the survey down below.

Regarding the optional attachable external cooling Accessory for X-H2S....

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Fujifilm X-H2S Active Cooling Accessory Additional Details (Better than Canon R5 Tilta)

We shared the rumor about an external cooling accessory that Fujifilm will offer for the Fujifilm X-H2S.

When we shared that rumor, some mentioned that Fuji’s solution reminded them of the Tilta Cooling System for the notoriously badly overheating Canon EOS R5.

Hence, many were thinking that also Fuji’s solution would imply a fully exposed fan on the backside spinning on your face and cutting off your nose ;).

But that’s not the case of the active cooling accessory for the Fujifilm X-H2S. The backside of the accessory will be nicely and safely covered.

Also, the Tilta Cooling Accessory is definitely rather thick.

But keep in mind, Canon did not design the R5 with any active cooling accessory in mind. This means that Tilta is kind of an improvised solution.

However, Fujifilm did design the X-H2S with this accessory in mind, so they have installed proper heat sinks and attachments that will allow for efficient cooling.

What this means for us in real life, is that the accessory itself will be also slimmer than the Tilta.

So, don’t worry: Fujifilm’s cooling accessory for the Fujifilm X-H2S will be overall a much more elegant, functional and efficient solution than the improvised Tilta cooling rig.

And remember: never judge anything based on rumors. Always wait for the official announcement (in our case May 31) to see by yourself, read the reviews and finally make your conclusions.

On my side I confirm: I believe this is a brilliant solution.

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BRILLIANT: Fujifilm X-H2S coming with External Active Cooling Accessory and here is How it Works (Not via Battery Grip)

We confirm everything we said:

That’s quite some impressive specs, right? And such features definitely generate a lot of heat.

So much so that other cameras offering similar specs do have a built-in fan (for example the Panasonic GH6, Panasonic S1HCanon EOS R5C and Sony FX3).

So how is that possible that the Fujifilm X-H2S won’t have a built-in cooling system as we first rumored here and later we also saw from the leaked images here?

The Nr.1 guess I’ve read in the comments was that Fujifilm would provide some sort of cooling built into the more expensive of the two battery grips to be offered with the Fujifilm X-H2S.

But that’s wrong.

In fact, Fujifilm will offer a dedicated active cooling accessory!

And how does it work?

Well, you attach it to the back of the camera, meaning you will have to flip out the LCD screen, mount it on the back on the camera and then active cooling will be performed.

Smart, isn’t it?

I mean, if you buy the Fujifilm X-H2S predominately for shooting stills, you couldn’t care less about active cooling. And Fujifilm won’t force you to buy a bigger, heavier and more expensive camera with big protruding fan.

With this solution the camera will remain cheaper, more compact and let me say this: more beautiful.

However, if video is your thing, then you have the option of this accessory. You use it (and pay for it) only if you need it.

Brilliant solution in my eyes.

This keeps the X-H line appealing also for stills shooters and makes it a great option also for video shooters.

Pretty much the perfect hybrid camera!

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