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These are the Top 10 Articles on FujiRumors in 2021 (Spoiler: Fujifilm X-H2 Wins ;) )

Most Read Article

Most Read Non Rumor Article

Most Read Guest Posts

  1. Fujifilm Instax Wide Printer Concept – Note: Fujifilm listen to us and gave us the Instax Link Wide Printer (which also I ordered and I have received now)
  2. The GFX 50 Series is an ISO-less Classic
  3. The Perfect Exposure

Day with most Contacts

January 27 with the following articles (all this just a few hours after my son was born!):

  1. Does Fujifilm Need Full Frame? Fujifilm GFX100S vs Sony A1 vs Canon R5 vs Nikon Z7II Specs Comparison
  2. LIVE BLOG Starts NOW: Fujifilm GFX100S, GF80/1.7, X-E4, XF70-300, XF27/2.8II
  3. Fujifilm X Summit WATCH LIVE – NOW on FujiRumors! – GFX100S, GF80/1.7, X-E4, XF70-300, XF27MKII
  4. Fujifilm GFX100S has 16 Bit RAW and GF80mmF1.7 costs $2,299… or Setting Wrong Rumors Right (not Mine)
  5. “Just Leak it!” or the True Story of the Fujirumors GFX100S Leaks ;)
  6. New Firmware Updates for X100V, X-T30, and X-Pro3 Announced
  7. Fujifilm launches mirrorless digital camera “FUJIFILM GFX100S”
  8. Fujifilm launches FUJINON Lens GF80mmF1.7 R WR
  9. Fujifilm launches mirrorless digital camera “FUJIFILM X-E4”
  10. Fujifilm launches “FUJINON XF70-300mmF4-5.6 R LM OIS WR”
  11. Fujifilm launches FUJINON Lens XF27mmF2.8 R WR

Most Clicked…

Top 10 Articles of 2021

  1. BREAKING: Fujifilm X-H2 Will Come in 2022 and be Worth the Wait
  2. What We Expect to See from Fujifilm in 2021… and What Not!
  3. Fujinon X Mount Roadmap 2021/2022 Updated with Latest Rumored Lenses
  4. Fujifilm Releases Firmware Updates for GFX100/S (Blackmagic RAW), GFX50S/R, X-T4, X-T3, X-H1, X-Pro3, X100V, X-E4, X-T30
  5. Fujifilm X-E4 Leaked: Images, Price and Press Release
  6. While Sigma Sleeps, Tamron Confirms Three More Fujifilm X Mount Lenses Coming Next (11-20mmF2.8, 17-70mmF2.8 and ?)
  7. BREAKING: No More Fujifilm X Series Camera Coming in 2021
  8. BREAKING: Fujifilm X-H2 with 26 Megapixel coming 2022 (and Now the Big Question is…)
  9. Fujifilm Product Timeline 2021/2022: About X-H2, GFX50SII, XF150-600 and More (And What Will NOT Come)
  10. The Error Fujifilm is Doing (and Sony Not)

Fujifilm X-H2 Rumors Recap

Since apparently the topic of most interest also for 2022 is the Fujifilm X-H2, here is a recap of rumors we have shared so far in 2021.

And 2022…

… will be a whole lot of fun, trust me… just follow FR if you want to know more ;).

Social Media Boom

Our social media and pages have reached new heights compared to 2020.

And also our facebook groups grew massively compared to 2020.

2021 Rumor Check: What’s Right, What’s Wrong and What’s Still to Come in 2022 (with Reliability Ranking)

In 2022 we will have for sure a very wild ride here on FujiRumors.

But before we jump on the 2022 rumor-rollercoaster, let’s look back at how things went in 2021.

And I tell you this: I will be BRUTAL to myself, because out of the 5 wrong rumors, I personally consider only 1 really wrong. Why? Well, read my notes at the bottom of the article and I think you’ll agree with me.

Note: if you wonder where the “Sigma X mount lenses coming in 2021” rumor is, well, that was a rumor we shared back in 2020, hence it is not in this list. The rumor however has been sort of confirmed a few months later by Sigma itself, who literally wrote on their social media “we may see some X mount Sigma lenses in 2021“. And after tons of teasers, even the Sigma CEO himself confirmed X mount glass is coming. Sure, I consider this a wrong rumor shared in 2020, but it is clear to me that once again it’s the parts shortage that forced Sigma to adjust their schedule.

With that out of the way, here is the 2021 rumor check:

  • 83 rumors shared in 2021
  • 13 rumors still to be verified (all rumors with high reliability)
  • 65 correct rumors out of 70 verifiable rumors
  • 5 wrong rumors out of 70 verifiable rumors
  • 92,8% correct rumors

Rumor Overview with Rating (about Gear coming in 2022)

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Chip Shortage Delays Nikon Z9 Delivery to October 2022 – Bad News also for Fujifilm (and Fujifilm X-H2)?

The worldwide chip shortage and the camera high demand is pushing the next stock shipment for the brand new Nikon Z9 to October 2022 according to various Japanese retailers as reported by SonyAlphaRumors.

We are talking about a flagship camera, on which Nikon totally relies on to recover from their dramatic market share decline (Nikon is behind Fujifilm in the mirrorless camera market and with DSLR included is way behind Sony and Canon).

Moreover, SAR also says that Sony has postponed most of their new camera launches to the second half 2022.

So the fact that Nikon won’t be able to ship the latest orders of their single most important camera for many months to come should put all camera manufacturers into high alert, even Fujifilm.

If the chip shortage is really going to last that long, then I wonder how this will affect also planed Fujifilm announcements for 2022.

And here is where we have to talk about the Fujifilm X-H2.

Fujifilm X-H2 Announcement

We know one thing for sure (thanks to our sources): the next camera Fujifilm will launch is the Fujifilm X-H2.

Let me say it again: no other X series camera is planed between now and the Fujifilm X-H2.

Considering that the last “real” X series camera announcement was the Fujifilm X-E4 back in January 27 (I refuse to consider the Fujifilm X-T30II a “new” camera, as it basically just an X-T30 on firmware steroids, and the Fujifilm X-T3WW is an X-T3 without charger), we are now waiting since almost 1 year for a new X series camera to come.

That’s a whole lot of time.

Given the long wait, I hope Fujifilm was somehow also able to organize enough chips for the Fujifilm X-H2 in order to announce it as soon as possible, ideally in early 2022 (as most of you speculate).

And considering how important the Fujifilm X-H2 is for Fujifilm, I am sure they’ll do everything they can to release the X-H2 as soon as possible.

But these are crazy times, and I highly doubt Fujifilm has at this point set any solid announcement date for the Fujifilm X-H2 yet.

And quite honestly, would anybody of us be surprised if the Fujifilm X-H2 would materialize only in the second half 2022? I guess not, considering the circumstances.

But let me be clear at this point: I still hope for an early 2022 announcement for the X-H2. It’s not a rumor, just a hope. I just say that if it would come later, I personally would not be overly surprised by that, even if that would mean that Fujifilm hasn’t launched a new X series camera in 1.5 years or more.

Solution for the Worst Case Scenario

If the chip shortage would force Fujifilm to postpone the launch of the Fujifilm X-H2, then I hope that they will at least make some sort of “development announcement” as they did for the Fujifilm X-Pro3.

In fact they partially already did it also for the Fujifilm X-H2 when they said that in 2022 there will be a stacked BSI X-Trans sensor for Fujifilm APS-C cameras. Sure, the X-H2 was not mentioned, but trust me, the Fujifilm X-H2 will be the first X series camera to sport such a sensor.

But that’s not enough.

In case of a longer delay (which I hope won’t happen), my hope is that Fujifilm will make a more solid and concrete Fujifilm X-H2 development announcement, in which not only they could show us mock-ups (as they did with the X-Pro3), but also give us a more solid date as far as the announcement goes.

For many professional photographers, having a perspective on where a certain system is going and developing, can be a reason to stick or switch to that system (or away from it). Hence, Fujifilm can’t keep silent for too long on the Fujifilm X-H2 front.

Sure, FujiRumors can contribute a bit to keep the buzz going thanks to the rumors shared by our sources, which help to keep confidence in the X series future (and hence keep people into the system and making others curious about it). Just take a look at the rumors below, and you’ll understand that Fujifilm is planing big things for 2022. But at some point also Fujifilm has to come forward more decisively than they already did.

With all that said, I hope there won’t be any need for a development announcement and that the Fujifilm X-H2 will come soon enough.

Fujifilm X-H2 Rumors Recap

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Viltrox AF 13mm f/1.4 XF Review: Sharpest Viltrox Fujifilm X Mount Lens coming for $469 in 2022

The Viltrox 13mm f/1.4 is on the official Viltrox roadmap since April 2020 and yes, I know that based on hints I got I said that it should be announced in November. Well, that evidently did not happen and I apologize to all of my readers.

I guess also Viltrox struggles with the worldwide parts shortage and in fact in today’s video, Damian, who is testing the lens right now, confirms that Viltrox had to postpone the release for this lens once again. Viltrox now told him they pushed it back to 2022.

The good news: the review samples are now out, so I guess it can’t be that long of a wait anymore.

Speaking of review samples, Damian is the first to publish his first look on the Viltrox 13mm f/1.4 AF XF.

It’s a nice video which includes lots of samples and autofocus demos (for stills and video). So definitely check it out.

Personally I am happy to hear that Damian considers the Viltrox 13mm f/1.4 XF the sharpest (and best) Viltrox XF lens so far with excellent autofocus (also face detection) and very usable in the center even at f/1.4 (a bit less usable in the corners wide open). The clicked aperture ring is a bonus for me although I’d have hoped for a bit of lighter lens (it weights 420g).

It’s not free imperfections, like a noticeable vignetting wide open and some distortion and chromatic aberration, but considering that many will mostly use it for landscape photography (and hence stop down anyway) and especially considering the price of $469, to me it looks like a good value for money lens.

Now let me say this.

I generally prefer Fujinon X (or GFX) mount lenses, and not because they are better in terms image quality (if a lens is more affordable, then I can accept to give up a bit of IQ), but if there is one thing that I love about the X/GFX system, then it’s the colors I get from it (with Astia being my favorite all-rounder film simulation).

And in my experience, whenever I use third party lenses on my Fujifilm cameras, the colors simply don’t come out the way I am used to (and love it) from the Fujinon lenses. In fact, this is one of the main reason why my Fujinon XF10-24mm has basically replaced my Samyang 12mm f/2 in my camera bag. Not because the Samyang is bad, not at all (look, I have taken some of my most loved images with it). But sometimes I can be terribly lazy with post processing my images, and I know the XF10-24mm will nail the colors the way I love it more than my Samyang 12mmF2 would, and hence spare me some time in post.

In short: if you love film simulations, like I do, native Fujinon lenses will deliver better results, or let’s say results that more faithfully reproduce the vibe and tone Fujifilm intended to give us with the various film simulations.

Ah, speaking of colors, Damian says that the Viltrox 13mm f/1.4 XF colors are on the cooler side.

With all that said, I think Viltrox made a very smart move with this lens, as Fujifilm itself is not offering anything that can closely match the Viltrox 13mm f/1.4 in terms of focal length and aperture. The closest competitor at this point is the Samyang 12mm f/2, which is smaller than the Viltrox 13mm f/1.4 and also weather sealed (the Viltrox is well built, but not weather resistant). However, the Samyang is also slower and more expensive.

So overall a great addition for the X mount system and a lens that I am hugely interested in if it performs decently also for astrophotography.

We Got You Covered!

Some Images taken with my XF10-24mmF4 and Samyang 12mmF2

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Sigma Can’t Stop Teasing Fujifilm X Mount Lenses and Says Our Patience Will be Rewarded

Back in February 2021, Sigma teased Fujifilm X mount lenses coming for 2021.

Since then, Sigma confirmed the speculations by sharing several additional hints about such lenses.

And speculations basically became facts when the Sigma CEO himself said here that they are now looking on how to satisfy Fujifilm customers.

So while at this point we can be sure that something is coming, we are not so sure on when it will come.

Sigma’s own hinted timeline of “within 2021” seems to be no longer an option as I doubt any company plans major announcements during the holiday season.

In fact, in the latest hints Sigma offered on their social media, they say:

It’s only a matter of indeterminate time. Fuji X Owners patience will eventually be rewarded


We are hoping for some X mount glass in the near future

I don’t blame Sigma, as in times of parts shortage it must be complicated for companies to plan rocksolid release dates, hence I accept them being vague. I just wish at this point they’d stop teasing and just knock at our computers when they have something more solid to announce.

You Voted: These are Your Most Wanted Sigma (and Tamron) lenses for Fujifilm

  1. Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 DC HSM
  2. Sigma 50-100mm f/1.8 DC HSM
  3. Sigma 56mm f/1.4 DC DN Contemporary
  4. Sigma 16mm f/1.4 DC DN Contemporary
  5. Sigma 35mm f/1.2 DG DN Art
  6. Sigma 150-600mm f/5-6.3 DG OS HSM
  7. Sigma 10-20mm f/3.5 EX DC HSM
  8. Sigma 30mm f/1.4 DC DN Contemporary
  9. Sigma 500mm f/4 DG OS HSM
  10. Sigma 85mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art

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Top 3 Fujifilm Gear I’d Love to Buy in 2022

I think I can say that in 2021 I’ve done a decent part in supporting Fujifilm with my hard earned money, as here is the Fujifilm gear I’ve purchased:

For as much as Fujifilm made medium format accessible to the masses, buying into the 100 Megapixel GFX system still requires a significant investment. It’s worth every penny, but it’s not cheap.

So in 2022 I will try to contain my GAS as much as possible and be cautious with my purchases (do I hear you guys laughing?? ;) )

And yet, there is some gear I’d love to buy in 2022. And I mean gear that is either already announced, available or at least on the Fujifilm roadmap for 2022. So this is not about rumored gear.

  1. Fujinon GF 50mm f/3.5
    One of the main declared goals by Fujifilm is to make the GFX system smaller. A huge step in this direction was made with the Fujifilm GFX100S, which is already smaller than some full frame mirrorless cameras out there (see the Panasonic S1R) and about as big as the Canon R5. Sure, the GFX lenses are usually bigger, just as Full Frame lenses are usually bigger than APS-C lenses. Well, the Fujinon GF50mmF3.5 serves exactly the purpose to make the system smaller and mounted on my GFX100S, it could give me a very nice combo that I would probably end up carrying with me more often also for casual family stuff. And hey, I need 2 more GFX lenses to reach the average GFX shooters’ lens attachment rate* ;)
  2. Fujifilm X100V
    I mean, just look at it. It’s of a beauty matched maybe only by some Leica cameras. The only problem here is that I own the Fujifilm X-E3 with XF27mmF2.8 R WR, so the Fujifilm X100V would become a bit redundant in my lineup. And yet, it would not only be about its beauty. It also has the pull-up ISO dial from the X-Pro line that I totally love. Combined with WCL-100 II and TCL-100 II it would give me a compact and versatile leaf shutter mini-system. And just like the X-E4 it has that “invisible” tilt LCD screen that I could make good use of every now and then.
  3. Fujinon XF 70-300mm f/4-5.6
    You might know how much Iove my XF18-135mmF3.5-5.6, especially when mounted on my X-T4 (you can see the combo here on the Dolomites). But in 2022 I’d love to get a bit more into a photographic territory I haven’t explored much yet, wildlife photography. That’s why a bit more reach could come in handy then the one the 18-135 can offer me. There are some options here: from the XF200mmF2 to the XF100-400 to the XF150-600mm that is on the roadmap. And why not, also the Tamron 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 could be a nice option. But taking into account prize and size, I think the  XF70-300mm f/4-5.6 could be a reasonable choice to start with. And for even more reach I could couple it with the XF 1.4x TC WR Teleconverter.


Related Article

The Gear

*From the Interview “Fujifilm Manager: GFX Triumph and Full Frame Attack Strategy, Shrinking IBIS, AI Future, Fuji X-H2 Needs Breakthrough, COVID and More

  • 70-80% of GFX customers were coming from non-Fuji cameras. Most probably from full frame DSLR cameras
  • GFX sells 50% better than Fujifilm predicted
  • GFX lens attachment rate: about 3 lenses per 1 GFX camera
  • Fujifilm X system has a lower lens attachment rate than GFX system
  • read more in this article

Fujifilm X-H2 Fun: Which of The Following Speculations Do You Think Is Correct (or Not)? – VOTE NOW

I’ve recently shared an article, where I did clarify that some of the “rumors” out there attributed on forums to FujiRumors are actually not rumors, but speculations by forum members who misread or misunderstood or misinterpreted what I actually wrote.

This does not mean that the speculations those guys make are wrong. On the contrary, as I wrote here, some of them make a whole lot of sense and if I should place a bet, I’d specualate the same way.

But until my trusted sources can’t confirm them, they remain speculations.

And since they are speculations, I thought it could be fun to let you vote on those in the surveys down below. What do you think will turn out to be true?

Fujifilm will launch both X-H2 cameras on the same day

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The two Fujifilm X-H2 cameras will have some ergonomic differences

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The Fujifilm X-H2 will be launched in early 2022 (January to March)

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Both Fujifilm X-H2 cameras will cost less than $2,500

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The 40 Megapixel X-H2 will have a stacked sensor

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Regarding the Fujifilm X-H2 with 26 Megapixel...

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There will be a Fujifilm X-H2 with Bayer sensor and one with X-Trans

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Ten (10) Fujifilm X-H2 Rumors I’ve Never Shared, But Some Guys Think I Did (and Now I Need to Clarify)

I start reading in forums stuff that apparently I’ve claimed about the Fujifilm X-H2 cameras, but in truth I never did.

The reason this happens are mainly two:

  • Some guys misinterpret my personal speculations for a rumor coming from a source
  • Some guys read articles on a fly and skip some important parts of the rumor (or read only the headline)

Maybe all the “rumors” attributed to me (but that I’ve never shared) will turn out to be true indeed. And I wouldn’t be surprised if many did. But in any case I felt the need to clarify this, otherwise, if some of the stuff shared below does not turn out to be correct, people will start attacking me for sharing fake rumors and clickbait.

  1. CLAIM: FujiRumors said that Fujifilm will launch two X-H2 cameras simultaneously
    I don’t know if both X-H2 cameras will be launched on the same day, or just in the same year (2022).
  2. CLAIM: FujiRumors said there will be one video centric X-H2 and a stills oriented X-H2 with different ergonomics
    I don’t know if both X-H2 cameras will have the same camera body or if there will be (small or big) ergonomic differences.
  3. CLAIM: FujiRumors said the X-H2 will be launched in early 2022
    I don’t know if the X-H2 will be launched in early 2022. FujiRumors has not given any time frame until now (except for a generic “2022”). Sure, looking back at the last 10 years, the main camera announcements happened between January and March. The reason is simple: the Japanese fiscal year ends on March 31 and Fujifilm wants to show up at investors with better sale figures by launching and selling cameras before the fiscal year ends. So to anyone who guesses for “early 2022” I can understand where this guess comes from and it makes a whole lot of sense. But just to be clear, so far our sources have not confirmed that (which does not mean it could not be true)
  4. CLAIM: FujiRumors said both X-H2 cameras will cost below $2,500
    I don’t know if both X-H2 cameras will cost sub $2,500 (one should, but if both will remains open).
  5. CLAIM: FujiRumors said there will be a 40 MP X-H2 with stacked sensor
    Fujifilm said they will launch a stacked APS-C sensor in 2022. FujiRumors said there will be a 26MP and a 40MP X-H2 camera in 2022. But I don’t know if both these cameras will have a stacked sensor, or only 1 camera. Or none, and the stacked sensor will be reserved for something else.
  6. CLAIM: FujiRumors said one X-H2 will have the existing 26MP X-Trans IV sensor (currently in use on X-T4)
    No I did not say that. I said that it will have a 26MP sensor, but I don’t know if it will be an X-Trans IV sensor (maybe combined with new processor to take the most out of it), or a new 26MP sensor.
  7. CLAIM: FujiRumors said there will be one X-H2 with X-Trans sensor and one with Bayer sensor
    I did indeed write this, but it was not as a rumor! It was a mere speculation of mine. Please read again the original article here. I was just trying to figure out what the difference between the two X-H2 cameras could be, and one that came to my mind was the Bayer/X-Trans versions. But that was never a rumor. It could make sense, as Bayer has its advantages too (more affordable, easier to get features like pixel shift, less power hungry, less overheating etc – read here). But so far no source told me I am right (or wrong) with my speculation.
  8. CLAIM: Both Fujifilm X-H2 cameras will feature an updated processor
    Also in this case, this is something I’ve never claimed. I’ve speculated on a personal level that both could have the same processor, but no source has given me this information yet. And until that happens (that a source shares more details), all the options remain open.
  9. CLAIM: FujiRumors said in 2019 that the X-H line has been canceled and now cowardly backpedals his fake 2019 rumor hoping we will forget about it
    There was this fake rumor circulating and it created such a buzz that it ended up also on big photography news sites. But it was not shared by FujiRumors. On the contrary, just minutes after the fake rumor was shared I warned you all that it’s a fake and that the X-H2 will surely come (it will just need more time). On FujiRumors we do not do fake rumors that serve the only purpose to get your attention, traffic and money. We respect you, your time and your trust and therefore will never go down the fake rumor road.
  10. CLAIM: FujiRumors said the X-H2 will come in 2020, then said it will come in 2021, then said it will come in 2022. Can we still trust this guy?
    I’ve read this accusation on an Italian forum. So let’s clarify that this is another case of websites (and YouTube channels) having no clue just continuously announcing the imminent arrival of the X-H2 just to make some traffic. Here on FujiRumors we told you back in May 2019 (!!!) that the X-H2 will come, but not in 2020. And once 2020 was over, we told you in May 2021 that there won’t be an X-H2 not even in 2021*. The first time indication we gave on the X-H2 was on March 2021, when we told you the X-H2 will come in 2022.

So, until any of the above is confirmed (or debunked) by my sources, they remain mere speculations. Some of them very reasonable speculations, but still, just speculations.

Look guys, here on FujiRumors the Fujifilm X-H2 marathon just started. So definitely give FR a look every now and then to see if something new goes online. And it will… oh boy it will ;).

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*We told you there won’t be any more X series camera in 2021 after the X-E4 (hence also no X-H2 will come in 2021). Now you tell me that we got the X-T30II o September 2021, but that camera was a last second decision by Fujifilm and it’s an X-T30II with new firmware and better LCD and and RAM.

BREAKING: Fujifilm X-H2 with 26 Megapixel coming 2022 (and Now the Big Question is…)

Look guys, this is trusted stuff. Solid and reliable. And 100% true. Believe it or not. It’s going to happen.

The Fujifilm X-H line has been canceled!!! Axed! Forever!!!

Nah, just kidding… we don’t do fake rumors here ;).

So let’s get serious and tell you exactly what is going to happen.

FujiRumors told you that there will be two Fujifilm X-H2 cameras and that they will have a different megapixel number.

According to our sources, one will sport a high resolution 40 megapixel sensor (not 43 megapixel as many speculate based on available Sony sensors).

And what about the other Fujifilm X-H2?

Well, we did get additional information from our sources. Multiple trusted sources. And they told us that the second Fujifilm X-H2 camera will have 26 megapixel.

I know what you want to know now.

You want to know if it will be the same 26 megapixel sensor we have in current X series cameras such as the Fujifilm X-T4 or if it will be a new 26 Megapixel sensor.

At this point I can’t answer this question.

Some of you might remember that I once said the Fujifilm X-E4 would be the last X-Trans IV 26 Megapixel camera. But evidently I was wrong, as we got the Fujifilm X-T30II (although that’s basically just an X-T30 on firmware steroids and new LCD). So I might well be wrong again?

Let’s see the two options I see for now:

  1. Fujifilm decided to make a high resolution and more expensive Fujifilm X-H2 and offer at the same time a much more affordable version of the X-H2 using the proven and trusted X-Trans IV BSI 26 Megapixel sensor.
  2. Fujifilm will use a new 26 Megapixel sensor

My opinion on both options:

  1. Fujifilm could have decided to use the X-Trans IV sensor of the X-T4, but combine it with the new processor on the X-H2 to squeeze the most out of the X-Trans IV sensor. That would be siimilar to what they did with the Fujifilm GFX50SII, where they used the old sensor of the original GFX50S, but combined with the newer processor of the GFX100S Fujifilm was able to take more out of it (faster autofocus speed, more film simulations etc.)
  2. This would be very atypical for Fujifilm, to launch in one year (2022) two completely new higher-end APS-C sensors. But just because Fujifilm never did it before, it does not mean it can’t happen with the Fujifilm X-H2.

Which one do you consider more likely? Feel free to vote the survey down below.

And make sure to follow FujiRumors to get more Fujifilm X-H2 rumors soon.

Regarding the Fujifilm X-H2 with 26 Megapixel...

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Fujifilm X-H2 Rumors Recap

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Vote Your Top Fujifilm (Related) Product and Roadmap Lens 2021

click the image to find out what FujiRumors considers Fujifilm's top product for 2021
click the image to find out what FujiRumors considers Fujifilm’s top product for 2021

Top Fujifilm Related Product 2021

There won’t be any more announcements in 2021, so time to look back at the Fujifilm year 2020 and vote which one according to you was the top product of the year launched by Fujifilm.

And why not, let’s include also the third party autofocus lenses for Fujifilm launched (or announced) this year as well as the latest Instax products.

Also, you can vote on what in your eyes is the most exciting lens on the X roadmap and GFX roadmap. In this survey I will include the rumored XF56mm f/1.2 II as well as the lenses on the Viltrox roadmap and TTArtisan roadmap.

So the gear you can vote on down below is this one (the surveys itself is at the bottom of this article):

I hope I didn’t forget anything. The survey is down below.

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