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BREAKING: Another Fujinon XF f/1.4 Prime Lens Coming 2021 in Addition to XF18mmF1.4 (Not XF35mmF1.4 R WR)

Fujifilm recently said that there will be “more lenses for X and GFX mount” coming in 2021.

Of course one of those will be the Fujinon XF18mmF1.4 R WR which is on the official roadmap.

And that’s already it, no other lenses are the latest Fujinon X and GFX roadmaps.

However, FujiRumors already exclusively leaked for you that there will be also:

Now trusted sources contacted me, saying that one more lens coming in 2021 will be a Fujinon XF f/1.4 prime lens. As we told you recently, it won’t be the XF35mmF1.4 R WR, though.

So, another nice and fast f/1.4 prime will join the X club in 2021.

What’s your top wish?

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Fujinon XF 18-200mm F3.5-6.5 Patent Spotted in 2014 gets Patent Revival in 2021

A patent has been spotted for a Fujinon XF 18-200mm F3.5-6.5. Now, I remember that a patent about a Fujinon18-200mm F3.5-6.5 has been spotted also back in 2014, and the optical design is similar indeed.

From the patent details we see that this lens has a higher optical magnification than the XF16-80mm F4 and the XF18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 and covers the angle of view equivalent to “25.5-300mm” in full size. The patent does not mention OIS.


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Fuji X Weekly Film Simulations Recipes App Now Available for Android

The Fuji X Weekly film simulations recipes app is now available also for Android here.

We reported about the iOS version here.

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Fujifilm Announces Delivery Delays for Fujinon XF27mmF2.8 R WR Due to High Demand

Guys, I told you to wait and pre-order the new XF27mmF2.8 R WR only AFTER I got my copy. But apparently you didn’t listen to me, tons of you pre-ordered it, and now I have to wait even longer for my Fujinon XF27mmF2.8 R WR!

In fact, Fujifilm has just announced that the demand for Fuji’s little gem, the Fujinon XF27mmF2.8 R WR is higher than they expected causing delivery delays all over the globe.

I mean, I can patiently wait for the Fujifilm GFX100S I just pre-ordered, but I can’t wait for the XF27mmF2.8 R WR and my plan was to grab one as soon as stores open again and I can leave my locked down village. But now I am afraid my local store won’t have any XF27mmF2.8 R WR for a while.

What a bad way to start the day. Well, at least I got the COVID vaccine today.

Down below the google translated Fujifilm statement.

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Top 10 February Posts: Firmware Updates, Sony A7III vs Fujifilm X-T4, Nostalgic Negative Explained, Sigma X Mount and More

So guys, February was the first month that I had to run FujiRumors as a daddy (he was born January 26).

You might therefore have noticed that sometimes I reply to tweets at 3AM, or a dramatic rise of typos in my articles. Sorry for that. ;) But I think my wife and me slowly get the hang of it.

The good thing is, FujiRumors just kept running as usual, and here are the top 10 articles for February.

  1. New Firmware for Fujifilm X100V, X-Pro3, X-T30 and XC 16-50mm II Released
  2. Sigma: “We May See Some Sigma Lenses for Fujifilm X Mount in 2021”
  3. Fujicast Interview with Fujifilm Manager: Talking Breakthrough Fujifilm X-H2, X-E4 the Last 26 MP (?), Open Lens Protocols, X80 and More!
  4. DPReviewTV: Sony a7 III vs. Fujifilm X-T4 – Which is Best?
  5. Fujinon XF 70-300mm F4-5.6 Hands On Reviews
  6. Fujifilm X-E4: Minimalist Tool and X100V or X-E4 for Street Photography?
  7. Fujifilm GFX100S “More Than Full Frame” Promo Series… and How Suddenly Sensor Size Does Not Matter Anymore for Some Youtubers ;)
  8. Fujifilm X-E4 X Lab – In Search of Lost Simplicity
  9. New Fujifilm Patent Shows Fujinon XF35mmF1.4 MK II
    Please read the follow up article: Fujifilm Currently NOT Working on Fujinon XF35mmF1.4 MK II
  10. Fujifilm GFX100S Nostalgic Negative Development Story, Recommended Settings, Samples, Exceeding Full Frame – Fujifilm X Lab

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Focus on Glass: Fujinon XF 70-300mm Takes Advantage from APS-C Size and FujiXPassion Review

I like the Focus on Glass series of Fujifilm: short, to the point, with a right mix of quick technical insights as well as field on experience by photographers.

And while today we will focus on the brand new Fujinon XF70-300mmF4-5.6 lens, which I believe will become a terrific best seller for Fujifilm, we invite you to check out also the previous Focus on Glass episodes:

And here is what they have to say about the Fujinon XF70-300mmF4-5.6:

Summary + Fuji X Passion Review

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BREAKING: Fujifilm Currently NOT Working on Fujinon XF35mmF1.4 MK II

Just recently we shared the news about a patent showing a Fujinon XF35mmF1.4 MKII.

I did warn you already in that article: attention, don’t get too excited about it, as this is just a patent, and as many other patents, it might never see the light of the day (remember XF16-55mmF2.8 OIS anyone?)

Well, after the article, multiple trusted sources immediately reached out to FujiRumors and told me that Fujifilm is currently not working on a Fujinon XF35mmF1.4 MKII.

Pay attention: “currently not working” does not mean Fujifilm will “never ever” make a XF35mmF1.4MKII. What it means is that right now Fujifilm is investing zero money and time into a XF35mmF1.4 MKII, and 100% of their X-mount lens R&D goes into other X glass.

What will really come?

Surely the XF18mmF1.4. Fujifilm is also working on a Fujinon XF150-600mm.

What else?

Well, I’ll let you know on FujiRumors soon enough ;).

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X Lab Fujifilm X-E4 Development Part 2: Designed to Make You Want to Carry it Always with You

We did cover the first part of the Fujifilm X-E4 development in this article. The focus there was on why Fujifilm made certain design choices.

Now Fujifilm shared Part 2 of the Fujifilm X-E4 development story. It’s again in Japanese, and again we rely on google’s automatic translation tool.

Much goes lost in the automatic translation tool this time, but there is one sentence I’d like to highlight: “it’s really important to have a camera that you want to carry around with you“.

For me, this sums up my X-E line shooting experience.

The combination of X-E3 and 27mm results in such a small package, that it is with me just everywhere.

For example, in pre-COVID times, when my brother asked me if I could pick up his kids after school, I always did so with my X-E3 and 27mm. No strap, no bag, no nothing. Just put in the pocket of my jacket, and you never know, maybe there will an interesting image to take on the way. And if not, peace, I didn’t even notice the weight and size of the X-E3 and 27mm in my pocket anyway.

All I needed to make my everyday snapshot photography life perfect, was an aperture ring on the XF27mmF2.8, and finally Fujifilm delivered.

One day, when the hard lockdown we are forced into again, when photography stores will open again and I can leave my 1.000 souls small village again, I’ll run to my local store and grab that new 27mm.

Down below you get a summary:

Video Summary

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New Fujifilm Patent Shows Fujinon XF35mmF1.4 MK II

A new Fujifilm patent published today shows an XF35mmF1.4 with a different optical design compared to the original Fujinon XF35mmF1.4, although the base lens configuration is similar.

Hence, it looks like a XF35mmF1.4 MK II lens.

Also the size seems to be a bit larger compared to the original 35mmF1.4, maybe to further improve optical quality. The size increase might also indicate a better AF motor and weather resistant design.

Here are the details of the patent:

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Fujifilm X-T200 Firmware 1.12 Released

Fujifilm has release firmware 1.12 for X-T200 cameras.

The firmware update Ver.1.12 from Ver.1.11 incorporates the following issues:

  • Image quality displayed after one frame delete is improved.
  • Fix of a minor bugs

You can download the firmware here.

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