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Fujifilm X-E4 Leaked: Images, Price and Press Release

And finally, after the leaked images of the Fujifilm GFX100S including a size comparison with full frame cameras, and after the leaked images of the GF80mmF1.7, XF70-300mmF4-5.6 and XF27mmF2.8MKII, we finally have also the images of the upcoming Fujifilm X-E4 thanks to nokishita.

We also have the press release and the full specs below.

X-E4 will cost $849 and $1049 if bundled with the XF27mm2.8MKII

All the goodness will drop on January 27 at 8AM New York time.

Press Release, Specs and Images

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BREAKING: Fujifilm Working on Fujinon XF 150-600mm Lens

Just recently we told you that there won’t be any XF300mmF4 and XF500mmF5.6 in 2021.

Well, I’ve read all the comments to that article, and while some say that those would be very niche lenses and almost nobody would buy them anyway, most of you guys were disappointed by that rumor.

But today I might have something that could cheer up some of you.

I received information from trusted sources, that Fujifilm is working on a Fujinon XF150-600mm lens!

I don’t know the aperture range, but you guys can tell us in the comments what you would like.

But you know how the game goes: slower lens means smaller and cheaper whereas faster lens means bigger and more expensive. So pick your aperture wisely.

And remember, Sigma is rumored to start to make Fuji X mount lenses in 2021 (Sigma itself hinted this!), too. And I hope they’ll be smart enough to release lenses currently not covered by Fujinon glass, hence exactly those long telephoto primes some of you need for your photography.

So, don’t give up all hope guys. ;)

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Fujifilm X Summit: Which Product are YOU Looking Forward Most? VOTE NOW!

On January 27 at 8AM New York Time, Fujifilm will have a big Fujifilm X summit.

Lots of gear will be announced, but I wanted to know from you, which one you are looking forward the most.

So, down below is a survey.

And make sure to join FujiRumors for an epic live stream and follow up live blogging on January 27 (if that little Fuji Guy will allow ;)).

I am looking forward the most to the...

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Fujinon XF27mmF2.8 R WR with Same Optics of Original XF27mmF2.8

On January 27 at the Fujifilm X Summit at 8AM New York time, Fujifilm will announce lots of stuff:

Today we have an update regarding the XF27mmF2.8 MK II.

We already told you that it will be weather sealed and have an aperture ring. Now we can add that it will share the same optics of the original XF27mmF2.8. And that’s perfectly fine. I own it, and I can tell you the image quality in terms of sharpness, fringing and chromatic aberration is really good. I frankly do not see any need to change the optics.

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Meet my New Fujinon XF Lens… and What You can Do to Convince my Wife it Was a Good Investment ;)

It was in my cart for a long time. And this time, I could not resist anymore.

I took advantage of the cashback deals expiring on January 17, and just grabbed it.

Which lens is it?

When I asked to drop the guess on Instagram here, many thought I already own the Fujinon XF27mmF2.8MKII or the Fujinon XF70-300mmF4-5.6.

But guys, that gear will be announcement on January 27. And I never get anything ahead from Fujifilm, nor any discount on gear. I pay my stuff full price just like any of you.

So, it has to be an “older” lens, and more precisely, the arguably sharpest Fujinon XF lens out there.

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Mirrorless Camera Market Share 2019: Fujifilm Third after Sony and Canon and a Quick Look into the 2020 Market Share

You might remember how back in November 2019, we shared the worldwide mirrorless camera market share data for 2018 here (for the DSLR+mirrorless data check out this article).

Now a year has passed, and Techno System Research, a major marketing research company located in Japan, has published the data for 2019.

So what changed between 2018 and 2019? Let’s compare:

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The Ultimate Fujifilm Film Simulation Guide :: Get Bleach Bypass & Co in C1 on Older Fuji Cameras :: & More – X-Trans/Film Sim. Roundup

X-Trans / Raw Converters / Film Simulations Roundup

These days I am catching up with all the content you guys shared me over the last few weeks and months, and I promised to share at some point.

So, after a big camera roundup and a big lens roundup, here is a X-Trans Raw Coversion film simulation roundup.

Why all this in such a short time?

Well, because soon Fujifilm will unleash a product-strom, with the announcement of:

And all this goodness will come on January 27.

Ahead of January 27 there will be lots of rumors, and after that, FujiRumors will cover everything you need to know about the new products.

So I am using this weekend of realitive quiteness to catch up. And I know there is still content you guys sent me that has not yet been shared. I have it all saved. And at some point I’ll share that one too.

I really do my best, but it’s a huge amount of content you send me and that I have to check out. And no matter how hard and how much I work, it’s not easy to keep up sometimes.

Down below you can check out today’s roundup.

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BREAKING: Next Fujifilm Film Simulation to be Called NOSTALGIC NEGATIVE

Nostalgic Negative

According to information we have just received from trusted sources, the long rumored new film simulation to be launched on January 27 will be called “Nostalgic Negative“.

I don’t know you, but I already love the vintage sound of it ;).

I don’t know which original film will serve as inspiration for this particular film simulation. Classic Negative is based on Superia, as you can see from Fuji’s own presentation sheet here.

I am crossing fingers that it will based on this one!

And if you wonder why Fujifilm doesn’t give it the name of existing film, then feel free to read the explanation of Fujifilm engineers here.

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Fujifilm X-E4 Will Not Have IBIS

A while back, we investigated if the brand new compact IBIS system of the Fujifilm X-S10 would fit in the Fujifilm X-E3.

I took technical sketches of the X-S10 IBIS unit provided by Fujifilm and overlapped it to the X-E3.

We could see, that techinically it looks like there would be space for the X-S10 IBIS in the X-E3, and hence also on the upcoming X-E4 (if the X-E4 would have the same size of X-E3).

But today I have to report that, according to our information, the X-E4 has no IBIS.

I don’t know if this is just a matter of costs, or if Fujifilm decided to make the X-E4 even smaller than its predecessor.

Or maybe it’s the price we have to pay to get a flip up screen that still allows the LCD to be flush to the body like on the X100V.

So what, is the potential lack of IBIS a dealbreaker for you? Feel free to let us know in the comments.

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Nope, there is No Fujinon XF300mmF4 and XF500mmF5.6 Coming in 2021

Do you know those automatic tennis ball machine launchers that constantly fire off balls at you, so fast that at some point you just can’t catch them all anymore?

Well, it’s not much different with fake rumors ;).

Sometimes the fake rumors are thrown out in the world with a pace, that here on FujiRumors we just can’t debunk them all fast enough.

But I try to catch up, and here is one that passed the FujiRumors firewall so far but will now be set right.

Back in March 2020 we reported about two Fujifilm patents showing a Fujinon XF300mmF4 and Fujinon XF500mmF5.6.

Now, I keep getting emails of people firmly believing that the Fujinon XF300mmF4 and Fujinon XF500mmF5.6 will come out for the summer Olympics 2021 in Tokyo.

And guys, I hate to be the one that brings the bad news, but whoever told you that, it is not going to happen.

As a matter of fact, those lenses won’t even come in 2021.

Will they come in 2022? Or in 2023? Or maybe never? I have no idea at this point.

But I tell you this: I blog on FR since 9 years now, and I have reported about countless of patents. And if I have understood something about patents in all these years, then it’s that there is a long way between a patent and a final product. And often patents never even materialize into a final product.

So, take patents with a grain of salt, always.

With that said, I do hope those lenses will come. Maybe Sigma will do them?

Stay tuned on FujiRumors, and I will give you updates as soon as I have them.

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Fujinon Wildlife Photography Lenses – POLL

Fujifilm Lenses for Wildlife Photography: Fujinon XF 400mmF4 and What Else?