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Which Fujifilm Camera do you Hope to Get in 2021?

Recently we checked out how many cameras Fujifilm usually released in the last few years, and we saw that in the last 3 years Fujifilm released 3 cameras. So, assuming that Fujifilm keeps the same pace, we can hope to get 3 cameras also in 2021. But obviously this is just a reference: there could be more or even less than that.

So let’s go crazy with our wishes and make a list of our top dream cameras in the comments.

Everything goes, everything is allowed, all your secret wishes, your forbidden dreams, you biggest desires… as long as you are also willing to pay for them :).

P.S.: yes, we rumored the Fujiflm GFX100S and the X-E4 already. Both will be announced on January 27…. along with so much other stuff! But until now they are “just” rumors that have exclusively shared on FujiRumors.

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BREAKING: Fujinon XF27mm f/2.8 MKII will be Weather Sealed and Have Aperture Ring

We already told you back in July 2020, that Fujifilm would launch the Fujinon XF27mm f/2.8 MKII.

Recently we also told you that this lens (among lots of other stuff) will be announced on January 27.

And today we have more :).

The Fujinon XF27mm f/2.8 MK II will have:

  • weather sealing
  • aperture ring

I’ll buy it… and I won’t tell my wife about it ;).

I’ll just sell my old 27mm first and she hopefully won’t notice that the new one has an aperture ring. Smart, huh? And if she ever asks, you guys nicely back me up and say in the comments the XF27mm always had an aperture ring ;).

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DON’T PANIC, the Fujifilm X-E4 has an EVF!

Yesterday I reported that the Fujifilm X-E4 will have a flip up screen, similar to the one you see on the Fujifilm X70 and Sony A6400.

When I shared that rumor, I also shared an image with an X-E4 mock-up I made (not the real camera) and two images of an X70 with tilted screen, so that you guys can see immediately how the X70 screen works.

The image I shared was the one you see above. The two smaller cameras on the right show the X70 (and you can read it also printed on the top of the camera).

But for some reason, especially over on facebook, lots of people thought that this means the X-E4 won’t have a viewfinder. But what you see on the left, are two images of the X70 (it’s acutally also written on top of the camera). But probably, scrolling fast and giving just a rapid look at it, people misudnerstood it for a leaked X-E4 image.

And since 24 hours after that rumor, some people still say “oh, X-E4 has no viewfinder“, I feel I need to address this in a dedicated article. I mean, I don’t want anyone to go around in forums and spread the word that FuiRumors said the X-E4 has no EVF.

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Fringer NF-FX AF-C Tracking Test with Nikon AF-S 500mmF4G VR on Fujifilm X-S10

Fringer has just tested and optimized the performance of the Nikon AF-S 500mmF4 G VR using the new Nikon NF-FX smart AF adapter on a Fujifilm X-S10.

Fringer has also optimized Nikon AF-S 600/4G VR. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work as stable as 500/4G on X mount due to the power supply limitation. The next firmware release, i.e. v1.10, will include supports for these lenses as well as some of the other big primes.

You can see the AF demo video as well as the full list of supported lenses below.

VIDEO DEMO + Full List of Supported Lenses

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Fujifilm Aims to Become Japan’s Top Medical Device Maker and What About the Future of their Camera Division?

Fujifilm largest and most promising branch is the medical business.

As a consequence, that’s where Fujifilm puts lots of R&D.

How active Fujifilm currently is in the medical segment and how much money they are investing and making, can be read in an interesting article at Nikkei.

Fujifilm is seeing a massive growth, but it’s still not the Nr.1.

Despite its advances, Fujifilm will still not be the biggest medical equipment maker in terms of profit. […] the company foresees an operating profit ratio of 8.3% to sales in the medical-related business in fiscal 2020, lower than Terumo’s 15% and Olympus’ 18.6%.

However, one of the biggest advantages Fujifilm has, is that:

Fujifilm produces its own software while other medical equipment makers often outsource the work

That’s all fantastic news for Fujifilm, especially considering that the other two main branches they work in are struggling:

The group’s medical business has become a powerhouse for earnings, offsetting declines in sales of office equipment and cameras.

But is this good or bad news?

Well, it’s a mixed bag I think.

It’s surely good that Fujifilm is a healthy company. That’s the conditio sine qua non to keep the company running.

However, with the medical division becoming so dominant for Fujifilm, other branches lose importance and will have to justify their existence by making profits, too.

Because don’t think that the money the medical solution makes is pumped into the imaging division. That’s not how it works. The money BMW makes with motorbikes is also not pumped into their cars business or vice versa. Every segment uses the profits it makes, to reinvest in its own branch again.

For many years, the product that really kept the imaging division afloat was Instax. In the meantime, though, also the X and GFX series saw a certain growth and were finally able to walk on its own feet.

However, overall the situation of the imaging division is much more complicated than the one in the booming medical industry, and hence the future, for every camera brand, is relatively uncertain.

But I’d not be all that pessimistic overall… for these 3 reasons:

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LEAKED: First Image of NiSi Wide Angle lens for Fujifilm X

NiSi is going to launch its first camera lens. It will be a wide angle lens and it will be availbale also for Fujifilm X.

From the higher resolution version image below, it looks like an f/4 lens

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There is a Sensor, 70% FULLER than FULL FRAME and Here is Where it SHINES!


There will be rumors, I tell you that!

We’ll talk about gear & specs. We will get mad at some, we will love others. But in any case, we are going to have fun.

And yet, that’s not how I’d like to start 2021 here on FujiRumors.

Nope, I’d like to start with an image roundup, because what I love most on my Fujifilm system, is not all the cameras and lenses that I have in my bag, but the images I was able to print big and put on my wall thanks to it.

And little it matters which gear you use, as long as it is fun to you.

May it be APS-C, full frame, or that sensor, that is actually 70% “fuller” or “bigger” than full frame and you find inside Fujifilm GFX cameras.

Every system has its strenghts, and the one of the Fujifilm GFX system is definitely portraits and landscape.

And that’s what we want to focus on today: the Fujifilm GFX.

You know, a new and amazing Fujifilm GFX100S is coming soon, so I thought we can give you guys a taste of its power, by sharing images fellow Fujifilm GFX shooters shared at our fantastic Fujifilm GFX group.

I hope you’ll enjoy the images as much as I did, and I wish you a fantastic weekend.

Fujifilm GFX Image Rounudp

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Nitecore FX3 Dual Battery Fast Charger for Fujifilm X-T4

As the Fujifilm X-T4 comes without a charger, the first investment I did along with my X-T4, was to get the Fujifilm BC-W235 Dual Battery Charger.

Since a few weeks now, also Nitecore offers it’s own dual charger for Fujifilm X-T4 batteries, the Nitecore FX3 dual battery charger for Fujifilm X-T4. It costs you about half the price of the original charger.

As of now you can get it in various combinations:

The Nitecore FX1 dual charger for NP-W262S batteries was one of the top 5 sellers on FujiRumors in 2018.

It will soon be available also at other stores:

But as said, it’s not the only option out there. There is for example:

Laowa Argus 33mm f/0.95 Coming 2021

image shows the Laowa Argus 35mm f/0.95 for Full Frame
image shows the Laowa Argus 35mm f/0.95 for Full Frame

A few days ago I made the big 2020 rumor check, and among the not yet verified rumors there was the one talking about the fact that Venus optics would release the widest f/0.95 lens for Fujifilm X Mount.

Some people wondered if that is the 35mmF0.95 lens for Full Frame recently announced.

But it’s not.

According to information I have received, it will be a 33mm f/0.95 lens and it is scheduled for release in 2021.

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Focus On Glass: “Higher Megapixel Cameras May Come in Near Future and XF200mmF2 Will Satisfy Increased Resolution Requirement”

Focus on Glass

Fujifilm continues to launch dedicated “Focus On Glass” promo videos to their lenses, new and old ones.

Today I’d like to highlight the one they released about the Fujinon XF200mm f/2 R LM OIS WR, a lens that belongs to the very best ones Fujifilm ever made, and is hard to beat in terms of IQ also by similar lenses of other brands. You do get what you pay for!

So how did Fujifilm achieve this tremendous image quality? In the Promo video, managers and engineers explain:

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