Recently I wrote one of the most commented articles of the year here on FujiRumors about the rise of selfie screens.
In that article, I also explained which one are my preferences when it comes to screen designs for the upcoming Fujifilm X-E4.
Well, today I have an update for you guys.
A source read my article and told me I should take one option from the list: the fixed screen.
So, the Fujifilm X-E4 will not have a fixed screen. Honestly this surprises me a bit, as the X-E1, X-E2, X-E2S and X-E3 all had fixed screens. So that’s definitely a signifcant change for the X-E series.
An X-E4 with fixed screen was my second favorite option. If you want to know the others, check out this article.
I am working on more details and I’ve scheduled a call with the source in the next few days, so I hope I can give you updates very soon.
Of course this generated a heated debate. And today we are going to discuss this in a dedicated post.
Now, I think we can all agree that the Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 is not the sharpest Fujinon lens. But I doubt anyone would seriously expect that from an f/1.0 lens.
I think Jonas Rask described this lens best, when he wrote:
The images coming from XF50mm f/1 R WR has those exact same undefinable traits that makes me love my XF35mm f/1.4 so much. The sharpness that is sharp, yet not overly sharp. A flattering kind of sharpness that seems more rounded, organic and less digital/clinical.
[…]You know that “magic” that everyone is referring to when talking about the old XF35mm f/1.4? […] The focus on making a character lens instead of a “perfect” lens. And that is EXACTLY what the XF50mm f/1 R WR is. A lens full of character, but not a perfect optical creation.
But being not the sharpest, does not mean that it is unusable soft at f/1.0.
On the contrary, many other reviewers praise it for its sharpness all over the frame already at f/1.0.
Christopher Forst says here – XF 50mm f/1.0 Easily the Sharpest Lens I Have Ever Tested at Apertures Brighter than f/1.2
ePhotozine says here – Top Tier Performance, Impressive Chromatic Aberration Performance… Magical!
Now also ivanjoshualoh joined the discussion, with his article “Meet the Worst Lens of 2020“. He shows samples taken at f/1.0, and quite frankly, for being at f/1.0, I think that they look totally fine. You can see one of his samples at 200% magnifications in this instagram post and you can check out his full article here.
Viltrox AF 23mm f/1.4 XF – firmware ver. 1.0.9 – details here
Fixed the issue that may cause a crash when viewing photos and returning quickly
Added the function of infinite aperture
Fixed the twitching problem when video focusing on the X-A5 body
Enhance stability
Viltrox AF 33mm f/1.4 XF – firmware ver. 1.0.9 – details here
Fixed the issue that may cause a crash when viewing photos and returning quickly
Added the function of infinite aperture
Fixed the twitching problem when video focusing on the X-A5 body
Enhance stability
This firmware is divided into two versions: gold logo and white silk screen logo. The golden logo firmware is called: UPD3314XFV109.DAT. The white silk screen logo firmware is called: UPD3314XFSV109.DAT. Note: The “AF 33/1.4 XF” on golden logo lens is gold, and the white silk screen logo is white.
Viltrox AF 56mm f/1.4 XF – firmware ver. 1.0.9 – details here
Fixed the issue that may cause a crash when viewing photos and returning quickly
Added the function of infinite aperture
Fixed the twitching problem when video focusing on the X-A5 body
Can we really hope to get Sigma lenses in 2021 or is it all just a false alarm?
Well, just today I received reply from one of our trusted sources, who (for now) simply told me:
Yes, there will be Sigma lenses for Fujifilm coming in 2021
At the moment I have not received additional details on when exactly the new Sigma X mount lenses will be launched, nor which lenses will come. But I’ll l inform you immediately via FujiRumors as soon as I have more details.
New feature of Fringer NF-FX adapter: LaCA correction
Fringer NF-FX (Nikon F mount to Fujifilm X mount) smart adapter will be released soon. Today we’d like to introduce an interesting feature of the adapter, i.e. LaCA correction.
LaCA, stands for lateral chromatic aberration, is resulting from a difference of image scale at different wavelength of red, green and blue light. LaCA causes colored fringes at high contrast edges of the image.
When we shoot RAW, LaCA can be easily removed by post processing. However, a key feature of Fujifilm cameras is their film simulation. In other words, we usually use the jpeg files directly out of the camera with few post processing. When using native X mount lenses, there is no problem since Fujifilm cameras will correct all the LaCA automatically. But when using adapted lenses, LaCA become a problem.
Fringer NF-FX has a built-in LaCA correction profile data base for all the lenses that have been tested and optimized (see this list). When shooting jpegs, the adapter will provide the LaCA correction profile of current lens to the camera automatically. The latter will use that profile to correct LaCA when generating jpeg pictures. Finally, user get a jpeg photo directly out of the camera which is LaCA free.
The Fuji Guys published a short video, where they talk about the Fujifilm camera remote App.
They say this video is for those, who download the App for the first time or if you are having any troubles with the App itself.
The issues can happen for example if you updated your smartphone.
In this case, the Fuji Guys recommend to delete the App as well as to delete the pairing registration in your camera menu connection settings.
Then download the Fujifilm Camera Remote App again and pair camera and smartphone again.
When you try to transfer images on your phone, the camera might ask you to start up the Fujifilm camera remote App. If the camera does not connect to the smartphone, click “Change – OK” on the camera.
Why this? Francis says:
because if you use the camera on your iPad and on your iPhone, you need to change the registration for which device is going to be using
Done that, click on “join name of your camera wifi network” and wait for the camera and phone to connect.
In my experience this works sometimes to get things going, but not always. Sometimes I can try whatever I want, and it does not connect. Usually I fix it by getting a beer, waiting a while, and try again. Sometimes that works!
Anyway, thanks Fujifilm, we appreciate the effort in explaining the issue. But do you want to do really something cool? Well, then check out the Panasonic camera remote App and copy that one 1:1.
Lots of things make me happy in the Fuji world… the App is not one of them.
FUJIFILM Pixel Shift Combiner (Ver.1.0.0) is added to the applicable application software above. Compatibility with macOS 11.0 Big Sur is added to the application software below. Download them from the website and install them.
There won’t be any more announcements in 2020, so time to look back at the Fujifilm year 2020 and vote which one according to you was the top product of the year launched by Fujifilm.