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Top 10 Posts for November: SIGMA Lenses for Fujifilm, the X-Pan Rebirth of X-Pro1, Film Simulation Recipe Cards, XF27mmF2.8 MK II and More

Here are the top 10 posts for November:

  1. The X-Pan Rebirth of Fujifilm X-Pro1
  2. This Guy Designed Fujifilm Film Simulation Recipe Cards to Download and Print
  3. Sigma Says DC DN Lenses for Fujifilm X Mount will Hopefully Come in 2021
  4. Fujifilm X-H2, X80, GFX100V, X-Pan, Monochrome and More – FR-Readers Wishlist Corner
  5. Fujinon XF27mm F2.8 MK II Coming Early 2021 with Fujifilm X-E4
  6. Fujifilm X-E4 Coming in First Quarter 2021
  7. Tokina ATX-M 23mmF1.4 and 33mmF1.4 Pre-Order Available Soon and Release on December 11
  8. Fuji Guys Switching To Fujifilm Guide (and Finally They Explain it!)
  9. Fujifilm Introduces FUJIFILM GFX100 IR (Infrared) Version Large Format Mirrorless Digital Camera
  10. Fujifilm Manager Talks Full Frame Market Shift (and Why Fuji Sticks with APS-C), WR Versions of Older Lenses, Market Situation & More

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BREAKING: New Fujifilm Film Simulation Coming Early 2021

According to our sources, Fujifilm will launch a new film simulation in early 2021. As soon as I get more details, I will let you know here on FujiRumors.

I recently made a post telling you what’s coming from Fujifilm in early 2021. Now you can add the new film simulation to the list (check out the rest here).

My wish?

It’s hard, but if I’d have to pick one, I’d go for this one. And you?

Will there be even more surprises?

Well, just follow FujiRumors in the next days, weeks and months. All I can say now is that we are going to have a lot of fun! :)

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Photokina GAME OVER: Suspended “Until further Notice”

The Photokina team just announced that photokina has been “suspended until further notice”.

Originally, due to the Coronavirus outbreak, Photokina 2020 had been canceled and postponed to May 2022. But apparently there won’t be any photokina in 2022, and probably never again at this point.

I have been to photokina a few times (2016 report here2018 report here) and I always hugely enjoyed it. It’s sad to see this show ending. But to me, the error was made when they dropped their 2 years cycle and decided to take place every year in May. It was the wrong answer to a real problem.


What is not yet suspended, but won’t last very long, is the following deal:

TOPAZ has just launched a one-time-only mega bundle deal which allows you to save 60%+ on all Topaz Products.

You’ll get DeNoise AI, Gigapixel AI, Sharpen AI, JPEG to RAW AI, Mask AI, Adjust AI, Topaz Studio 2, and Video Enhance AI for just $299 instead of $1,000.

If you are not into video, you can remove Video Enhance AI from the bundle and hence get it all for just $199!

And if you already own at least one if not more Topaz products already, you’ll only pay for what you don’t own – meaning you still get to take advantage of some serious savings and Topaz will extract what you already own.

Check out the Topaz Bundle deal here.

Press Release

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Fujifilm develops New “Pixel Shift Multi-Shot” function to Capture and Generate World’s Highest Resolution (*1) of 400MP images with Accurate Color Reproduction

Fujifilm develops the new “Pixel Shift Multi-Shot” function to capture and generate the world’s highest resolution*1 of 400MP images with accurate color reproduction

-Applying the FUJIFILM GFX100 mirrorless digital camera for digital archiving of cultural assets
-Providing firmware and software that enable the use of this function from today

Press Release

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Cameralabs Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 Review: Tremendous Details at f/1.0 from Center to Corner, Attractive Bokeh, Simply Gorgeous


Cameralabs posted its XF50mmF1.0 review, and it’s just another stellar feedback for the XF50mmF1.0 after the ones we already posted in the past and we link for your convenience again down below.

Also, if you don’t have time to go through the 20 minutes review right now, you can read the summary I provide down below.

Earlier on FujiRumors

  • read here – XF 50mm f/1.0 Easily the Sharpest Lens I Have Ever Tested at Apertures Brighter than f/1.2
  • read here – Top Tier Performance, Impressive Chromatic Aberration Performance… Magical!

Review Summary Below

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Fuji Guys Switching To Fujifilm Guide (and Finally They Explain it!)

I have given up!

For years, when I went on youtube, I saw people not familiar with the Fuji system complaining that those retro dials are not good and they want to be able to control the settings with the front and rear command dial.

Whenever I noticed those videos, I diligently dropped my comment, suggesting them to read the manual, as they’d find out that they could indeed use their ultra-retro-Fuji just like a DSLR/Sony/etc.

In fact, I consider the Fujifilm interface the most flexible on the market: you like the dials, use them. You don’t like them? Set the camera and ignore the dials.

In my opinion, Fujifilm always missed to clearly explain this massive flexibility, and finally the Fuji Guys did it in their latest video “Making the Transition to Fujifilm“.

Now, if you are a Fujilover, you probably don’t need to watch the video below. But if you are new, then you basically get a rapid user-manual overview… just in video-format.

Well done, dear Fuji Guys. Finally you go over one of the huge misunderstandings I often see floating around: that retro dials are a constraint, whereas they are actually the most flexible tool in any camera: use them if you want, ignore them and go DSLR-alike if you don’t like them.

Now let’s hope our buddy Jared will watch that video too ;)

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LEAKED: First Images, Price and Specs of Tokina Fujifilm X Mount Lenses

Nokishita leaked the first images and specs of the upcoming Tokina lenses for Fujifilm X mount here. The lenses will be released on December 11.

All details below:

Tokina atx-m 23mm F1.4

  • 60,500 yen including tax (converted this makes $582. The Viltrox 33mmF1.4 costs 35,900 yen at Amazon Japan)
  • 11 elements in 10 groups (same of Viltrox 23mmF1.4)
  • minimum focus distance 0.3m
  • filter size 52mm
  • φ65mmx72mm
  • maximum magnification 0.1 times

Tokina atx-m 33mm F1.4

  • 53,800 yen including tax (converter this makes $518. The Viltrox 33mmF1.4 costs 30,000 yen at Amazon Japan)
  • 10 elements in 9 groups (same of Viltrox 33mmF1.4)
  • minimum focus distance 0.4m
  • filter size 52mm
  • φ65mmx72mm
  • maximum magnification 0.1 times

As already for the Viltrox 85mmF1.8 and the Tokina 85mmF1.8, also in this case we are just in front of the same re-branded lens. In fact, as we reported in this article, Ben said:

Tokina and Viltrox are both working with a well established 3rd party Chinese lens manufacturer that creates prototypes and allows other companies to customize and sell their lenses under their own brand names.

And yet, even though they might be optically the same, there could be one crucial difference between both lenses that we reported about it here: Tokina has access to official Fujifilm AF lens protocols, and I am not sure if Viltrox has, too (they surely had not, when they started making X mount lenses).

  • read here: Sigma Says DC DN Lenses for Fujifilm X Mount will Hopefully Come in 2021

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Tokina ATX-M 23mmF1.4 and 33mmF1.4 Pre-Order Available Soon and Release on December 11

Tokina for Fujifilm X Mount

Back in March Tokina announced the release of three lenses for Fujifilm X mount, the Tokina atx-m 23mm f/1.4, the Tokina atx-m 33mm f/1.4 and the Tokina atx-m 56mm f/1.4.

Now, as reported by nokishita, the first two lenses will be announced very soon and start shipping on December 11. The lenses will be:

  • Tokina atx-m 23mm f/1.4
  • Tokina atx-m 33mm f/1.4

Viltrox vs Tokina: Same Same, but Different

We already discussed about the fact if the new Tokina lenses are just rebranded Viltrox lenses. Lots of things seem indeed to indicate that they are indeed just rebranded versions of the same lens.

However, there is a difference we should not overlook.

Viltrox started to release AF lenses for Fujifilm by reverse engineering the X mount AF lens protocols. There was no official cooperation with Fujifilm and we have reported in the past about some bugs with Viltrox lenses, that to be fair Viltrox usually worked hard on to fix, but that’s the downside of not having any direct access to the protocols.

That’s different with Tokina. In fact, shortly after Tokina announced its new three Fuji X mount lenses, Fujifilm made a statement that they opened their lens protocols and that Tokina is the first to profit from it.

By having access to Fuji’s AF lens protocols, it should be easier for Tokina to develop fast, stable and bug-free lenses that work smoothly with Fujifilm cameras and always stay up to date with Fuji’s latest autofocus algorithm changes.

I don’t know if in the meantime also Viltrox got access to Fuji’s AF lens protocols.

What I do hope, though, is that Sigma will. And there was already and official and totally public statement that Sigma made very recently, that gives us hope. Read more down below.

  • read here: Sigma Says DC DN Lenses for Fujifilm X Mount will Hopefully Come in 2021

via nokishita

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Notice of Fujifilm Application Software Used with macOS 11.0.1 “Big Sur”

Notice of Application Software Used with macOS 11.0.1 “Big Sur”

Nov 16, 2020
FUJIFILM Corporation

Thank you very much for using FUJIFILM products.
We have checked the performance of our application software used with “macOS 11.0.1 (Big Sur)” which was newly released from Apple. As a result, we have confirmed the symptoms described below.

We will fix the symptoms by upgrading the application software. And we plan to post the upgraded ones sequentially on our global website.
Therefore, if you plan to upgrade the OS, keep in mind that those symptoms will occur.
Your understanding is highly appreciated.

Applicable application

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The Power of Fujifilm Colors: Why I LOVE Fuji Colors and See Them in Action at Our Film Simulations Group

I don’t know you, but when I look at an image, the first thing I notice is not how sharp it is at 400% magnification or how grainy it is at 12800 ISO.


What first grabs my attention are subject/composition and colors. Those are the main “WOW” factors for me.

And while for the first one (subject/composition) no Fujifilm camera can help you and it’s totally up to the photographer to compose a pleasing image, when it comes to colors, Fujifilm cameras can be quite a good support for us photographers, and certainly they are for me.

Since I switched to Fujifilm (after a long journey searching for “my” system), I have quite radically changed (and speed-up) my editing-workflow thanks to Fuji’s film simulations.

I still shoot RAW+JPEG, I still adjust exposure, add sharpening here and there and make some other tweaks. But the more film simulations Fujifilm was releasing over the years, the less I found myself in the need to laboriously edit the color part of my images in order to set the right mood.

Not to talk of all those times, when the JPEG is just right out of the box, and I don’t adjust anything at all.

So yes, for me, Fujifilm film simulation make a whole lot of difference and are one of the main reasons why I love Fujifilm.

In order to celebrate Fujifilm colors, I recently launched the Fujifilm Film Simulation group, which has reached 10+K members in a very short time.

In this group, images can be edited in all their parts (sharpening, shadow/highlight recovery etc), except for colors. The colors must come purely out of your Fujifilm camera (or be applied in post in Capture One / Lightroom).

It is also allowed to share images that use custom presets, which means take a film simulation and fine tune its settings in-camera (increase contrast, add grain etc), creating your own receipts to store as custom profile inside your Fujifilm camera. Those are very fun to try out!

Now, since I am in total lockdown again (see me here chilling with my dog and cat at home), I have a bit more time this weekend and I decided to use it to go though the images at our Fujifilm Film Simulation group and pick out some of the most liked shots for you.

You’ll see images taken with all kind of film simulations, but you’ll notice that Classic Chrome and Classic Negative turn out to be the most shared and liked ones (or receipts derived from those film simulations).

But also ACROS, Velvia, Provia and one of my favorites, Astia, are also present down below.

Feel free to check out the images below and to join the group if you want.

NOTE: if you join the group and share images, do not forget to tell us which film simulation you used in the description of the image.

I wish you a fantastic weekend,

Film Simulation Images Roundup

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