New Firmware for Fujifilm X-T3 and X-H1 Released – Download NOW
Fujifilm has released firmware updates for Fujifilm X-T3 and X-H1.
The new Fujifilm X-T3 firmware will make lots of X-T3 shooters happy today :).
Fujifilm has released firmware updates for Fujifilm X-T3 and X-H1.
The new Fujifilm X-T3 firmware will make lots of X-T3 shooters happy today :).
I already said it in my X-S10, Attack on Sony article: the Fujifilm X-S10 makes a whole lot of sense.
And yet, I do understand one of the critiques made to Fujifilm: their line-up is huge and potentially confusing.
There are indeed some lines, that in some occasions do not not differentiated themselves enough from each other.
But this is an issue Fujifilm realized and I feel that they are taking care of it, for example:
Fujifilm understands the problem and is finding ways to separate the lines better.
And yet… there are some lines that should be dropped, in my opinion.
Let’s take a look it at, by using an official Fujifilm media sheet that has been sent to me, which shows a pyramid with all Fujifilm X series cameras listed and ordered by Fujifilm itself.
Evidently some still don’t get it that APS-C is not for Pros, and this is why we continue to see this:
And now we can add another one to the bunch.
The upcoming Hollywood blockbuster “Monster Hunter” poster image has been taken on a Fujifilm X-T2 (with XF50-140mmF2.8 lens) by fellow Fujifilm X shooter Coco Van Oppens (IG: Cocostills – IG: monsterhuntermovie)
Coco has shared this information here at our massive X-T group.
I will share the trailer of the movie below, as well as a 1 hour interview with Coco (I’ll let it start at minute 47:08 for you, which is when she talks about the gear she uses. But make sure to watch it all as soon as you have time).
Here is some of the gear she uses:
She is looking at the Fujifilm X-T4 as well.
Why does she like Fuji? A lot of reasons:
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Just as we rumored, Fujifilm included the Fujinon XF18mmF1.4 on the official new X mount roadmap.
I took the technical sketch of the upcoming XF18mmF1.4 that Fujifilm showed us at the recent Fujifilm X summit and used it to compare its size to its closest internal f/1.4 competitors, the Fujinon XF16mm f/1.4 and the XF23mm f/1.4.
The result can be seen above.
Based on what Fujifilm provided us, we can say that the size will be basically identical to the one of the Fujinon XF16mm f/1.4.
If you want to see the size comparison between the Fujinon XF70-300mmF4-5.6 and other Fujinon lenses, check out this article.
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The Fujifilm X-S10 features a brand new IBIS unit.
You can see the IBIS unit of X-S10 side by side with the one of X-T4 and X-H1 in this article.
But which Fujinon X mount lens gets how much stabilization on the X-S10? Well, you can see the answer in the chart above.
Also, the IBIS data above gives you a side by side comparison between X-S10, X-T4 and X-H1.
To sum it quickly up:
Remember: Fujifilm declared downsizing IBIS one of the top priorities. And so far it seems they are proceeding pretty fast.
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Recently FujiRumors broke the rumor about the Fujifilm X-E4 to come in early 2021.
The rumor triggered a stunning number of 230+ comments, and many of them are, as to expect, speculations and wishes about the features of the Fujifilm X-E4.
One of the hot topics was if the X-E4 has IBIS or not.
At this point in time I do not know the answer to this question.
All I could do is to try to imagine if the new smaller IBIS of the Fujifilm X-S10 would fit in the small body of the Fujifilm X-E3.
So I searched long on the internet, until I found a nice and clear technical Fujifilm official sketch of the Fujifilm X-S10 IBIS.
Based on that sketch, I was able to virutally mount the IBIS unit of the X-S10 with high accuracy on the Fujifilm X-E3.
The result is clear: it fits!
And not only it fits, but it seems that it would leave still enough room for the other components, as it would not take away precious space to the EVF, the battery compartment, etc.
Again, I have no idea if the Fujifilm X-E4 will have IBIS (and if anyone out there knows the answer to this question, feel free to let me know via or via personal message on social media).
But it certainly looks like if Fujifilm wanted, they could squeeze IBIS into the Fujifilm X-E4, of course provided that the X-E4 keeps the body size of the X-E3 and doesn’t make the X-E4 much smaller than the current X-E3, which is another thing I have no idea of (if X-E4 will have same size of X-E3).
So, there is still a lot we have to find out about the Fujifilm X-E4, and if you are interested, then you should definitely follow FujiRumors.
With all that said… take care, share love, take pictures and see you soon in the next article.
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Fujifilm has just updated its complete Fujifilm X Series guide and added the Fujifilm X-S10 and the Fujinon XF10-24mm f/4 R OIS WR
You can download the new X series guide here.
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UPDATE: Fujifilm Spain has now deleted the comment and told to Spanish news sites that Classic Negative for X-T3 is not confirmed. Read all details here.
Fujifilm has recently officially announced a major firmware update for Fujifilm X-T3 to come on October 28.
To know what it will bring, check out this post.
Missing from the official list of features is the lovely Classic Negative film simulation (which I love to use for my street photos).
But there is hope!
According to a report by the Spanish website Fujistas, they got confirmation from Fujifilm Spain that Classic Negative will be included in the big Fujifilm X-T3 firmware 4.00 update of late October. And indeed, if you look at Fujifilm Spain Instagram, you can see they told to their followers that Classic Negative will be included.
So, let’s cross fingers. I really love Classic Negative on my X-T4, and I strongly hope that also all X-T3 shooters will soon be able to enjoy this beautiful film simulation, too.
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One of the most my personal most pleasing surprises of yesterday’s Fujifilm X Summit, was to see the lovely Fujinon XF70-300mmF4-5.6.
It’s compact, it works with both, the 1.4x teleconverter and the 2x teleconverter and it is definitely a lens that I can see becoming a huge hit for Fujifilm.
Fujifilm showed some hands-on images yesterday at the X summit (all visible in our dedicated article), and they also shared some technical sketches.
I couldn’t resit my own curiosity, so I took the technical sketches and used it to compare it to other Fujinon lenses, more specifically to the.
You can see the results above.
Based on the size comparison, I tried to approximately measure the size of the Fujinon XF70-300mm f/4-5.6, and I saw that it is roughly 1.5 cm longer than the Fujinon XF55-200mm f/3.5-4.8.
Hence, according to this calculation, the Fujinon XF70-300mm f/4-5.6 is about 133 mm long.
Also, according calculations made by FR-reader Fujiste, it should have a 72mm filter size.
If you want to see all the hands-on images of the the Fujinon XF70-300mm f/4-5.6 mockups, check out this article here.
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There were many questions yesterday, on whether the upcoming Fujinon XF70-300mm f/4-5.6 is weather resistant or not.
Well, as you can see from the mock-up displayed at the Fujifilm X summit yesterday, it is marked as “weather resistant”.
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