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BREAKING: Fujinon XF 10-24mm f/4 Mark II Coming Soon

A Fujifilm manager said back in February 2020, that, within the next 12 months, there will be 4 new Fujinon X mount lenses.

One of them is the Fujinon XF50mmF1.0, which will be announced very soon, on September 3rd.

And thanks to our sources, we also already leaked the following lenses:

And today we are going to share the last one to come, the…

  • Fujinon XF 10-24mm f/4 MK II

So, the complete Fujifilm roadmap for the next few months is the following:

So, my job is done. FR unveiled it all for you. Now feel free to do what you can do best here on FujiRumors: commenting and letting us know what you think about it!

My opinion?

Well, the Fujinon XF10-24 is a great lens already (and I own it), but there were two things I never understood:

  1. why Fujifilm didn’t make it weather sealed (sure, there was no weather sealed Fujifilm X camera when the XF10-24 was launched, but the glorious Fujifilm X-T1 would have followed just 2 months after the XF10-24mmF4 release)
  2. why Fujifilm didn’t give it a marked aperture ring, since it has a constant f/4 aperture

I strongly hope that Fujifilm will implement those two features on the upcoming Fujinon XF10-24mm MK II.

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New Fujinon Premista Lens and More Coming September 2

A third Fujinon Premista lens will be annonuced on September 2, in addition to the 2 we already have:

More about Premista lenses:

  • – Craftsmanship of Fujinon Premista Lenses Cine Lenses
  • – FUJINON Premista PL Mount Cine Lenses Cover Fujifilm GFX sensor
  • – Fujifilm Introduces the Zoom Cinema Lenses “Premista” Series

The press conference will feature a number of presenters and guests.

Presenters Include:

Marc Cattrall – Fujifilm United Kingdom
Stosh Durbacz – Fujifilm Canada
Thomas Fletcher – Fujifilm USA
Hideyuki Kasai – Fujifilm Germany & Japan

Special Guests
Marko Massinger – DoP, Germany
Matthew Duclos – Duclos Lenses, USA

Other Products that will be Introduced include:

  • An extremely long, fast, PL Mount FUJINON zoom lens developed in response to the unique needs of the Multi-Cam Cinema Style Production market.
  • A cost-effective solution to Blackmagic’s new URSA Mini 12K camera.
  • A variety of new Third Party Products that enhance FUJINON lenses for film crews.

Zoom Session RSVP

Two Zoom sessions are available and RSVP is required to receive the links.


10:00am – London – BST
11:00am – Central Europe – CEST
Noon – Moscow – MSK
2:30pm – India – IST
5:00pm – Beijing – UTC
6:00pm -Tokyo – UTC
7:00pm – Sydney – AEST


10:00am Los Angeles – PDT
Noon – Mexico City – CDT
1:00pm – New York – EDT
2:00pm – São Paulo – BRT
6:00pm – London – BST
7:00pm – Johannesburg – CEST
8:30pm – India – IST

via newshooter

Fujinon XF Lens Roundup: The Travel King, The Pancake Experience, Best Astrophotography Lenses and More

One of the privileges I have running FujiRumors, is that I get to (virtually) meet thousands of Fujifilm X shooters every year.

I get all sorts of questions, feedback, ideas, feature requests and more.

I really try to do my best to answer you all, and one of the things I really enjoy, is that I can give additional exposure to Fujifilm X and GFX shooters out there, by sharing roundups like this.

Sure, it’s a hell of a work, but I feel it’s a nice way I can give back something to the FujiRumors community, which is always so numerous and wonderfully active here.

The content to share is still massive, so I stepped a bit on the gas, and, in addition to the mixed zone I have shared recently, here is another dedicated Fujinon lens roundup… and more will come.

Fujinon Roundup

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fujifilm X-A7 Discontinued after Only 11 Months: Fujifilm X-A8 Coming or X-A7 Failure?

The Fujifilm X-A7 is actually a lovely little entry level camera launched just almost a year ago and hit the market about 11 months ago.

But now it is already marked as discontinued at BHphoto here, it’s on low stock or backordered at Adorama here and it’s unavailable also at AmazonUS here (where you might find some via third party only) and FocusCamera.

For a long time, the Fujifilm X-A line was an absolute best seller in Asia, especially in Thailand. In fact, pushed by the X-A line, Fujifilm was able to outsell all other camera brands (Canon included) and reach an incredible 50% mirrorless market share.

Don’t believe me, but check out the official Fuji-data leaked by FujiRumors here and other Fujifilm manager statements listed below.

Now the options are two:

  1. the camera is going to be replaced already and we will soon get a Fujifilm X-A8
  2. the X-A line lost its magic appeal in Thailand and sold terribly bad

Looking at the Fujifilm X-A line release timeline, we can see that there was a successor about ever 16 to 18 months. If Fujifilm would stick with that, then the Fujifilm X-A8 should come in early 2021. So in my opinion, it’s a bit too early to discontinue the X-A7, but maybe Fujifilm doesn’t think so, or they are really going to replace the X-A7 earlier than expected.

More likely in my opinion is that the X-A line just lost its magic in Asia, especially in Thailand, and that it fell victim to the rise of smartphones and to COVID-19.

Fujifilm X-A line success story:

  • Fujifilm managers said in March 2018 to dpreivew: “In Thailand, our market share for mirrorless is over 40%.”
  • Fuji Guys Billy said in February 2017, that “Fujifilm is Nr.1 brand in Thailand“. He does not specify if DSLR is included, but it seems from the video he is including DSLR cameras, too.
  • in 2016 a source told me that “Fujifilm was the best-selling MILC in 2015, outselling all the Canon interchangeable lens cameras (DSLR and those EOS-M lines) combined
  • a Manager said to Spanish website in 2016, that ““there is a little known fact: in Thailand, for example, X-A series outsells Canon!”

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LEAKED: Fujinon XF 50mm f/1.0 Specs and Coming Sep. 3 for $1,499

Now also nokishita leaked the Fujinon XF50mm f/1.0 specs, and they confirm what we already told you and add a few more details.

  • 12 elements in 9 groups (including 1 aspherical lens and 2 ED lenses)
  • minimum shooting distance 0.7m
  • maximum shooting magnification 0.08x
  • number of diaphragm blades 9
  • Filter diameter 77mm
  • size φ87mm×103.5mm
  • weight 845g

Nokishita does not tell us about the announcement date and also not the price, but FujiRumors leaked it for you guys exclusively already.

Make sure to follow our LIVE BLOG on September 3.

via nokishita

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Fujinon XF 50mm f/1.0 to Weigh About 845g and Faster Autofocus than XF56mmF1.2

Ok guys, here is another bit of information I have just received and I am happy to share with all of you:

The Fujinon XF50mm f/1.0 will:

  • weigh about 845g (the Fujinon XF56mmF1.2 weights half of that)
  • have faster autofocus than XF56mmF1.2

Guys, if you want a fast lens with huge glass elements and at the same time fast autofocus thanks to powerful AF motors, then it’s clear that the lens won’t be the lightest around. At least not until Fujifilm can break the law of physics and revolutionize lens design.


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Fujinon XF 50mm F1.0 to Cost €1,599 / $1,499

FujiRumors already leaked the price in dollar for the upcoming Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 almost 2 months ago here, and we confirm it will be of $1,499.

But I owe you still the price in Europe which, according to our sources, will be of €1,599.

FujiRumors has already leaked the official announcement date, which will be September 3rd.

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Fujifilm X-T4 vs Sony A7R IV Comparison with Fujifilm Manager Warwick Williams

Josh from Georges compares two cameras the Fujifilm X-T4 and the Sony A7R IV to see what they are like for both stills and video.

The curious thing about this comparison, is that he is assisted by Warwick Williams from Fujifilm Australia.

The gear used, beyond the Fujifilm X-T4 (26 MP) and the Sony A7rIV (61 MP):

Of course, when zooming in a lot into the image, the 61 megapixel have an advantage in terms of resolution. But I guess if resolution is what you need, then why just be happy with 61 MP when you can get 102 megapixel with the Fujifilm GFX100 ;).

Then they compared the depth of field between the XF56mmF1.2 and the FE85mmF1.4 and the Sony blurs the background a bit more. Warwick says he should have used the XF56mmF1.2 APD version to get results even closer to the ones you get with the Sony 85mmF1.4.

Let me add a comment: get the upcoming Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 if you really want the ultimate background blur.

A bit more dynamic range for the Sony, but the APS-C sensor hold up very well.

APS-C systems are generally smaller and more affordable.

Georges ends up saying that after looking at the samples, there is a difference between FF and APS-C, but it is a lot smaller than he would have expected.

Warwick ends up saying that Fujifilm wants to keep the APS-C system smaller and lighter, and for that purpose APS-C is better as it allows for smaller lenses. He also speaks for X-Trans, which he says has advantages over Bayer (which FujiRumors explained here, but we also talked about disadvantages in the same post).

Warwick concludes that “smaller and lighter means you are going to use it also more“.

George ends up saying, it all comes down to personal preferences as each system as its Pros and Cons (which we highlighted in this article).

Nobody talks about the price difference ;).

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BREAKING: Fujinon XF 50mm f/1.0 Announcement on September 3 and cost $1,500

If you are a regular FR-reader, you’ll know already quite a bit about the upcoming Fujinon XF50mm f/1.0, such as the final price tag, and if you were fast enough, you’ll also have seen some sample images taken with the 50/1.

Now, thanks to a kind source, it’s time to unveil the official Fujinon XF50mm f/1.0 announcement date: September 3!

Of course there will be an epic FujiRumors live blogging, so stay tuned on FujiRumors.

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FUJIFILM Explains Which Fujinon XF Lenses are Best for Video

One of the main critics to the Fujifilm system, and that we often read here in the comments on FujiRumors, is that despite Fujiiflm cameras becoming great video tools, not all Fujinon lenses are suitable for video.

It seems that Fujifilm felt pressed enough by your critics that they now decided to release a dedicated video explaining which Fujinon lenses are best for video.

The criteria they consider are:

  • Autofocus
  • Breathing
  • Stabilization

And here are the lenses Fujifilm officially recommends:

Fujifilm also mentions that with those zoom lenses, you do not have to worry about AF motor noise.

But honestly, if you are seriously into video, you are probably going to use an external microphone anyway. For example, I filmed my online teaching lessons for my students (during COVID-19 lockdown) with the XF23mmF1.4, which isn’t the most silent, but I used my Rode Smartlav+ Mic Lav, so I couldn’t care less about how noisy the AF motor is.

For those wanting a unique look and feel, Fujifilm recommends to use primes, such as the:

The Fujinon XF80mmF2.8 Macro allows you to captures scenes with a different perspective.

That was it already. So you are basically best of with the 3 zooms mentioned above. Although I feel that the list could have extended and included the XF16-55mmF2.8.

I feel that the currently most comprehensive “Fujinon lenses for video” testing has been made by Philip Bloom. You should definitely check it out here, but keep in mind he used an older firmware, and not firmware 1.02, which, as FujiRumors reported exclusively, improved AF with lenses using DC motors (such as the XF56mmF1.2).