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LIVE NOW: Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 Beta Tester Shows First Sample Images

UPDATE: the video live stream has been interrupted

Youtuber John Branch has a live stream now, where he said the images were taken with a lens he can’t talk about. The samples look stunningly creamy and have all the pop you can desire ;).

Turns out that, when he scrolled over his images, the metadata shows “Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 R WR”.

Looks like the beta testing phase has started. And no wonder, as Fujifilm promised this lens to come within 2020.

FujiRumors has already leaked the estimated price, which you can find here.

The live stream can be found below.

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The Fujifilm X Love is Spreading: From Former Presidents to Current Influencers, from Apple Ads to TV Shows

Every once in a while, I share a little “famous X shooters roundup” or roundups where we see Fujifilm cameras used in popular TV shows or ads. Here are a few of them:

  • fujirumors – French Presidential Candidate Stops Interview and Asks “Is This the Fujifilm X-T2?”…. and He Ends Up Photographing the Journalist!
  • fujirumors – No Joke: Official JOKER Movie Images taken With Fujifilm X Series Gear ;)
  • fujirumors – Hollywoods’ Dunkirk Movie Official Photos Taken with Fujifilm X-Pro2 and XF 18-135!
  • fujirumors – CELEBRITY & CURIOSITY: X-shooter Beyoncé (X100S), Jane Goodall (X20) and Ara Güler (X-T1)
  • fujirumors – Ron Howard Shoots New Star Wars Movie… and Fujifilm X100F :)
  • fujirumors – FUJIFILM ROYAL: Long Live King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden and Fujifilm X Shooter
  • fujirumors – National Geographic Photographers Shoot Fujifilm GFX 50S :: Hollywood Loves Fujifilm :: Famous Fujifilm X Shooters & More
  • fujirumors – Magnum Photographer David Hurn Shoots Fujifilm X: “Photography has Just Two Controls: Where You Stand and When you Press the Button”
  • fujirumors – Fuji X for Photojournalism: Martin Shkreli at the Congress “Captured” by 2 Fujis (via New York Times)
  • fujirumors – Fujifilm X100F at George Bush Funeral, X-Pro2 at Angela Merkel Press Event, Fujifilm X in Ads and Cinema and More
  • fujirumors – Pete Souza, Obama’s White House Photographer, Uses Fujifilm X-Pro2 and XF23mmF1.4
  • fujirumors – Fujifilm Goes Hollywood :: Fuji X-Pro1 used in Movie “The Neon Demon” by Nicolas Winding Refn – NSFW
  • fujirumors – The “old” (and cheap) Fujifilm X-Pro1 Snaps the Wall Street Journal Front Page image!
  • fujirumors – The X-VIRUS is spreading: Rock Star Brandon Boyd (Incubus) takes Selfie with his X-PRO1!

What’s the point of these posts?

Well, surely not to tell you “look, this famous guy shoots Fuji, so you should too“. For that purpose, it might be more convincing to know, that photographers using Fujifilm X cameras creamed off all (!!!), top awards at the recent World Press Photo Awards.

I guess the point of these posts, is just to share little curiosities, because I have fun collecting these things, and if it’s fun for me, it helps me to run FujiRumors with even more joy. So, in case you are not interested, just skip these handful of posts a year, and wait for the 60+ rumors I share a year or the rest of the 1,000+ free articles a year.

With all that said, here is another Celebrities and Curiosities roundup.

Celebrities & Curiosities

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Gear Talk Detox Corner: Enchanting and Inspiring Fujifilm APS-C Image Rounudp

There is something I can promise you: in terms of gear talk, we have exciting times ahead. Fujifilm ain’t sleeping ;).

But as exciting as it will be to talk rumors and specs, we should never forget that at the end of all this talk, there is one single goal: get the picture!

And little it matters, that the images down below have all been taken with Fujifilm X-T APS-C cameras and shared at our Fujifilm X-T facebook group.

Today it’s all about inspiration, motivation, ideas and art.

So, may this post motivate you to close that browser tab, where people discuss about the “zero-point-something” difference at 400% magnification between camera X and Y, grab your camera, and simply go out and take pictures.

Oh, and don’t forget:

… the by far fastest growing Fuji X community, is our Fujifilm film simulation group, where we showcase the unedited power of the much praised Fujifilm colors. Make sure to follow that group too, if you want to see what you can get right in camera.

Image Roundup

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7Artisans 35mm f/1.2 Mark II Coming Sooon – Official Product Images

7Artisans has officially announced that they will soon release the 7Artisans 35mmF1.2 Mark II.

You can find the 7Artisans 35mm f/1.2 MK I at BHphoto, AmazonUS and Adorama.

Down below you can see a few official product images.

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via 7Artisans

Viltrox 23mmF1.4 and 33mmF1.4 Firmware Updates Improve Video Autofocus Performance

Viltrox has released new firmware updates for their Viltrox 23mm f/1.4 AF and 33mmF1.4 AF lens for Fujifilm X mount.

The new firmware improves the video autofocus performance on both lenses. You can access the Viltrox firmware page here.

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RUMOR: Fujifilm to Release a New Mid-Range Camera that is NOT an X-T30 or X-E3 Successor

Tell me, what would be the fun, if Fujifilm would just release what we customers expect? No fun at all, right?

So Fujifilm decided to surprise us and give us something unexpected ;).

But I invite you to read carefully to avoid misunderstandings!

A few months ago here, we told you that Fujifilm will release two mid-range cameras within the end of the Japanese fiscal year (March 2021). Of course if COVID-19 does not force Fujifilm to change plans again.

Now here is the thing.

When FujiRumors shared that rumor, 99% of you guys said “easy, those must be the long awaited X-T40 and the revived X-E4.”

Well, not really.

I can tell you today, that one of those two cameras will be a new mid-range camera line, hence not a direct successor to the Fujifilm X-T30 or Fujifilm X-E3. It’s something different.

And to be clear: there will be two mid-range cameras. This means, besides this new camera we rumor today, there will be another one, which could be a refresh of something we already know, or Fujifilm could surprise us also with the second one.

Hence, in terms of mid-range cameras, here is what we can expect in the next few months:

  • new mid-range camera NOT direct successor to Fujifilm X-T30 or X-E3
  • another mid-range cameras (unknown if a refresh of current camera lines or something new)

And now have fun speculating on what it could be in the comments (although I am pretty sure that nobody of you will make the right guess ;) )

Now that the I am on holiday from my teaching job and I am back from my 2 weeks trip in South Italy, I am working on this and many (!!!) more rumors. The right time to drop the rumors will come, and when it happens, make sure to be instantly notified by following FR on Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter.

Take care guys, and have a fantastic day ahead!
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This Professional Landscape Photographer Explains Why he is Leaving SONY Full Frame for FUJIFILM APS-C

Mark Denney is a professional landscape photographer, who is growing strong also on youtube now (122.000 subscribers).

He now published a video, where he explains why he left Sony Full Frame for Fujifilm APS-C.

Down below I provide you with a written summary and you’ll also find the full video below:

Leaving Full Frame for APS-C – The Reasons!

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This Guy Claims You can Upgrade Your Viltrox 85mm f/1.8 to f/1.6 via Firmware plus Viltrox Official Statement to FujiRumors


I actually wanted to ignore this news (for reasons I will explain below), but readers keep sending me the video, so it is time to address it.

According to a video shared by Stefan, the Viltrox 85mm f/1.8 is actually firmware upgradable to f/1.6!

To be clear, this is not an officially released firmware. It is circulating on the web and has been picked up by Stefan Malloch on one of his youtube videos.

I did contact Viltrox back in May about this, and the screenshot below will show you their answer.

Dont’ Do That

After Viltroxs’ answer, I did decide maybe it is better to just ignore it, as I do not recommend anyone to download an unofficial firmware, which could potentially create problems to your lens. Or, when a new firmware with the same number is officially released, you might not be able to update your lens, as the lens will think you have it already installed!

But given that apparently the news spreads anyway, at this point it’s better to address it on FR, too.

Is this Possible?

Now, it’s not unusual, that lenses are actually potentially faster, than the manufacturer says. For example, the Fujinon XF-16-55mm f/2.8 aperture blades are closing down a bit, even when the lens is used wide-open at f/2.8, hence for the most part of its range the XF16-55 is potentially even faster than f/2.8.

This could be the case also with the Viltrox 85mmm f/1.8.

But even if it would be possible to unlock the extra 1/3 stop of light via firmware, I’d not do it, unless it’s a final firmware officially released by Viltrox.

You can check out the videos below.

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Focus On Glass: Fujinon XF 50-140mmF2.8 Even Better with Future X Bodies and Why no OIS on XF 16-55mmF2.8

We already reported in this post, about the first episodes of the Fujifilm series “Focus on Glass“, which included the XF8-16mmF2.8 and the GF30mmF3.5.

Now new episodes have been uploaded at Fujifilm Spain, this time about two lenses, that we can define the “workhorses” in the X mount lens lineup, the Fujinon XF16-55mmF2.8 and the Fujinon XF50-140mmF2.8.

It includes statements made by Fujifilm managers and engineers about those lenses, which I will report in written form here, to make you safe some time ;)

Fujinon XF50-140mmF2.8

  • no excuse is allowed for this lens:
    – autofocus has to be fast
    – image quality has to be impressive
    – weight has to be light
    – size has to be compact
    – it has to tick all boxes
  • it has outstanding resolution
  • a flawless lens
  • clear color reproduction
  • minimal chromatic aberration
  • Fujifilm is proud of the result
  • 23 glass elements inside with many ED lenses
  • the more the Fujifilm X bodies evolve, the more the potential of this lens is executed
  • an engineer says he can see its performance extended even further in future

Regarding the better performance in future, they probably refer to autofocus speed, but possibly also to sharpness. We know from this Fujifilm manager statement that Fujifilm X glass can resolve at least 32 megapixel, hence, Fujifilm might hint that the XF50-140mmF2.8 is one of those lenses that is currently underperforming on the 26 megapixel X-Trans sensor.

Fujinon XF16-55mmF2.8

  • in order to maximize optical performance, Fujifilm decided to remove OIS, it was not an easy decision
  • it’s a must have lens
  • you can attempt any photo shoot with this lens
  • a reliable partner
  • no excuses are allowed, when making a red badged lens
  • Fujifilm would give it 5 stars

I have been told in the past by my sources, that the optical performance at the wide end did not satisfy Fujifilm completely, hence they decided to remove OIS. At that point in time a strongly debated discussion, but now that Fujifilm offers cameras with IBIS, we can say that in the long term this was the right decision.

You can see both videos down below.

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Meike Metal Hand Grips for Fujifilm X-T4 and Fujifilm X100V

Meike has released new metal hand grips for Fujifilm X-T4 and Fujifilm X100V cameras.

They are currently available at eBay here and probably soon also at AmazonUS here and Co.

Fujifilm X-T4: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, FocusCamera
Fujifilm X100V: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

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