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Fringer EX-FX Smart Autofocus Adapter Firmware 1.60 Released

Fringer has released firmware 1.60 for the Fringer EF-FX Pro II and Fringer EF-FX II smart autofocus adapters.

Version 1.60 main improvemebts

  1. Added following lenses to the tested and optimized lens list:
    TAMRON SP 28-75/2.8 XR Di LD
    TAMRON SP 70-200/2.8 Di VC USD
    SIGMA 85/1.4 EX DG HSM
    SIGMA 50-150/2.8 EX DC HSM
  2. Fixed compatibility issues with X-T200 camera. Be noted, since X-T200 is equipped with a non X-Trans CMOS, its AF performance is poorer when using EF mount lenses. Please use MF mode if necessary.

Please download the firmware file and release notes from Fringer official website.

For old version, i.e. Gen.1 products EF-FX Pro and EF-FX, the new firmware (v3.30) only fixes XT200 compatiblity issue. Because the hardware resources have been used up, there won’t be any update including new lens data.e

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Meet the Dolomites, Home of FujiRumors

If you you think at Italy, my home, you probably think at Rome, Florence and Venice.

And in fact, probably 70% of the tourists coming to Italy, visit those three cities and leave.

But there are many more beautiful spots to visit here in Italy, and one of them is definitely my hometown, the Dolomites.

After I unveiled my location a couple of days ago here, I got a significant numbers of emails from readers, asking me information about the Dolomites. I tried to reply to everybody as good as I can.

One recurring question was: do I recommend visiting the Dolomites also to people, who are not so fit and used to mountains.

My answer is a very clear “absolutely yes!“.

There are tons of cable ways, that bring you everywhere. For example, you can reach the highest peak of the Dolomites, the Marmolada, at 3,300m (10,800 feet) without walking a single step and enjoy views like this.

And if you are more on the adventurous side, of course there are tons of tracks and hikes of all kind of difficulties.

Old or young, single of family, fit or lazy, there is a lot ot enjoy for everyone.

Needless to say, also photographically speaking you are in paradise here, as the images below show.

So, if you ever plan a trip to Italy, try to put the Dolomites on your “to do” list.

I can’t wait these days of lockdown and isolation to be over and get a beer on the Dolomites again.

Today I decided to go through our Fujifilm X-T and GFX group and pick a couple of images that members shared of the Dolomites, in the hope this article inspires you for you next photographic journey.

Stay safe, let’s go through these challenging times together, and done that, enjoy life again as never before!

stay strong, healthy and happy

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Five Reasons Fujifilm Won’t Make a Full Frame Fujifilm X100

DPReview published a list of 5 reason, why Fujifilm won’t make a full frame X100 camera.

  1. A larger sensor would add size and weight, mitigating a major X100 selling point
  2. Such a product would cost a lot to develop and manufacture
  3. The result would be a very expensive camera – reducing its potential audience
  4. A move to full-frame would annoy and worry existing loyal Fujifilm APS-C customers. Also, if Fujifilm announces any full frame camera, could look like a massive vote of no confidence in APS-C
  5. The risk of cannibalization within existing lineups is too great

And what about a medium format X100 then? DPR writes:

So might Fujifilm build a medium-format X100? There’s an argument to be made that it makes sense in a way that full-frame just doesn’t. Medium format would offer an increase in potential image quality over full-frame (albeit relatively modest – about 2/3EV), a significant leap in image quality over APS-C, it’s a major part of Fujifilm’s brand identity, and the larger format is a key differentiator for Fujifilm compared to competitive manufacturers.

Well, I won’t enter the argument about the “relatively modest” advantage of the Fujifilm GFX over full frame. This is a thesis DPR started pushing back in 2017, and FujiRumors comprehensively answered it in the article “DPReview Recommends 3 Full Frame Cameras Combined over 1 Fujifilm GFX“. Also, in the meantime something called Fujifilm GFX100 hit the market, with the newest sensor technology.

For the rest, the whole 5 reason list makes sense. Check out the full in-depth article at dpreview.

And one could also add one more ;)

  • full frame offers a “relatively modest” advantage over APS-C, and also has a couple of disadvantages over APS-C, that you can read here

Popular photography industry insiders, claimed that APS-C is the actual sensor size sweet spot. Keep in mind, they said “sweet spot“, not “automatically the best tool for everybody“.

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Fujifilm Camera Remote 4.5.0 Released with Fujifilm X-T4 Support, Bug Fixes and Improvements

Fujifilm camera remote 4.5.0 has just been released for iOS and Android.

What’s new:

  • Now it supports X-T4.
  • Bug Fixes and performance improvements.
    *Above feature varies depending on the camera you use.

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Fujifilm Russia says Fuji X-T4 Shipping is Delayed to May and Might see Price Change

Fujifilm Russia has published a statement on their facebook page, that the shipping of Fujifilm X-T4 cameras is delayed from April to May, 2020. Also, there might be a retail price change.

Important information about FUJIFILM X-T4

The official start of sales of the FUJIFILM X-T4 camera is postponed to a later date, from April 2020 to May 2020.

Due to the sharply increased volatility in the foreign exchange market, by the time the FUJIFILM X-T4 camera starts selling, it is possible to revise the previously announced recommended retail prices.

This is definitely unfortunate for our fellow Russian Fujifilm X shooters, and we hope we won’t see the same delay or price changes in any other country.

So far, neither Fujifilm Japan, North America or Europe have announced anything similar. Most of their press releases still show “April” as shipping start.

But surely, even if the Fujifilm X-T4 starts shipping in April, it will be available only in very limited numbers.

I pre-ordered a Fujifilm X-T4 myself, and I hope I get it in time for June, when I have to photograph my friends’s wedding.

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These Guys Left Full Frame Sony, Canon and Nikon for Fujifilm APS-C

Switch to X

Here is a roundup about photographers, who are switching from full frame Sony, Canon and Nikon to Fujifilm X.

Mostly they say that the difference in image quality compared to full frame is negligible. But the difference in ergonomics, functionality, menu system, look, size, beautiful lenses, color science etc is much more significant. These aspects make the real difference and worth it to go with Fujifilm APS-C.

At the end, the most important thing is getting into a system that makes you want to shoot more, and Fujifilm is, for some, the best choice for that. As one of the them said:

There is something about Fujifilm, where they want you to get the most for what you pay for.

And to be clear: if you shoot any other brand, and are happy with it, then you did everything right, and you should not care about what the people below say. You have your needs, and you are right to ignore Fujifilm.

But here we are on a Fujifilm blog, so we talk about people, who shoot Fujifilm.

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DPReview Entry Level Shootout: Fujifilm X-T200 vs Sony A6100 vs Canon EOS M50

DPReviewTV compares the Fujifilm X-T200 with the Sony A6100 and the Canon EOS M50.

Here are their findings:


  1. EOS M50: nice quality camera. Best grip. Wonderful touch screen interface
  2. X-T200: beautiful. Very customizable. Feels cheap holding in the hands. No AF-ON button. Handles well, grip improved
  3. A6100: same old design


  1. X-T200: similar EVF like Canon. 16:9 aspect ration LCD
  2. EOS M50: best EVF. Fully articulating screen
  3. A6100: too low res viewfinder. Fully articulating screen would have been better

Image Quality

  1. X-T200: easy win. modern sensor. Very good ISO performance. Great Fujifilm JPEG. Fastest sensor scan rate
  2. A6100: better high ISO than Canon. Rolling shutter issue
  3. EOS M50: oldest sensor. 24MP. Slow scan rate


  1. A6100: easy win. Sony’s eye and face AF is fantastic. Great tracking. Intuitive to use. Highest hit rate. You get the same advanced AF as their Pro bodies
  2. EOS M50: dual pixel AF. Great touch screen interface. Sticky tracking
  3. X-T200: much better than X-T100. But other cameras have a bit better interface. X-T200 has very short buffer


  1. X-T200: 16:9 flippy screen. You can monitor audio via USB-C adapter. Beautiful 4K and nice slow motion
  2. A6100: best AF, usable 4K. Pretty severe rolling shutter. Screen tilt upwards. If you use microphone on hot shoe, it blocks the screen
  3. EOS M50: 4K has huge crop and no longer dual pixel AF


  1. X-T200: Fujifilm continues to dominate in having the best and most lenses available. No big third party support, though. But probably there is not really the need for it. It’s hard for third party manufacturers to come and compete with a company, who makes very affordable zooms, affordable primes like the XC 35mm f/2, kit lenses are often better then some of the Pro lenses other manufacturers make. Lots of Pro lenses, too
  2. EOS M50: opposite of Sony. No higher end lenses. You need an adapter and adapt EF lenses. Not much third party support. Canon has affordable good quality lenses for users starting out. The kit lens is way better than the Sony kit lens
  3. Sony: lots of third party support. Excellent and expensive E mount lenses. But this is an entry level camera, and needs affordable lenses. Sony lacks of such lenses


  1. X-T200: well deserved win. Great AF, excellent video, sexy body, very customizable, lenses, etc. It fixes all the issues they had with the X-T100
  2. EOS M50: affordable, capable, versatile
  3. A6100: lack of lenses. Not sexy cameras. Autofocus is great

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Tokina to Launch Three Fujifilm X Mount Lenses in 2020

Tokina has just announced three Fujifilm X Mount lenses coming for Fujifilm X.

  • Tokina atx-m 23mm f/1.4
  • Tokina atx-m 33mm f/1.4
  • Tokina atx-m 56mm f/1.4

You can see the annoucement page here.

To me, these look like re-branded Viltrox autofocus lenses.

Don’t forget:

Fujifilm X-T2 Firmware 4.32 Released

Fujifilm X-T2

The Fujifilm X-T2 firmware 4.32 has just been released.

The firmware update Ver.4.32 from Ver.4.31 incorporates the following issue:

  1. The phenomenon is fixed that in rare case, a freeze could occur with the firmware version 4.31.

You can access and download the new firmware here.

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