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Venus Optics Laowa “Argus” f/0,95 lens for Mirrorless Systems Coming Soon

During a presentation in China Venus Optics announced a new f/0,95 lens series named “Argus“. Mirrorlessrumros expects this lens to be available for all different mirrorless mounts.

via mirrorlessrumros via CameraBeta

New Fujifilm X Mount Viltrox AF lenses Coming before March 21


Fellow FR-readers have informed me (thanks) that the long awaited Viltrox Fujifilm X Mount trinity will come before March 21.

The screenshot you see below says:

Question: Will the new Viltrox lenses come before or after March 21?

Viltrox answer: Before!

Let’s hope there won’t be any delays anymore.

Documentary: How Fujifilm Creates Our Cameras – X-Pro3 Not a Product of Logic and About Managers Who Don’t Like Digital Cameras ;)

Fujifilm X Photographer Mindi Tan created a 90 minuted documentary, giving us a behind the scenes to the secret process behind the Fujfilm X-Pro3 creation.

It gives us a very close and also intimate look at Fujifilm’s camera creators and managers. The documentary reveals its team dynamics, beliefs and history inside the company with lots of exclusive interviews and footage.

It also features nine popular X-Photographers from all over the world who open up in their home environments to discuss what being a photographer and being connected with Fujifilm means today.

Down below you can find a summary of the video, but before that, I’d like to leave you with quick impressions I had.

It’s clear to see from the documentary, that behind our beloved Fujifilm cameras, there are not cold managers thinking at specs and profits, but really passionate photographers in the first place.

In fact, top manager’s Toshi Ilda first hobby was photography, and when his father asked him, what he wishes for his successful graduation, he said he’d like a camera.

Also, another top manager, Takeshi Ueno, deeply loves film photography, and straight out says he does not like digital cameras.

I guess this passion for the good old photography reflects perfectly in the vintage design and controls of Fujifilm cameras.

However, it comes even more surprising, that Fujifilm completely denied this “manual” DNA on the Fujifilm GFX100, which is the first Fujifilm camera I ever hold in my hands, that was not intuitive (for me) to operate, and required a look in the manual, to understand how it works.

I am sure there will be many, who love the more “modern” layout of the Fujifilm GFX100, and that’s perfect. I can understand. But it’s just not my style, not my preference.

I think Fujifilm should continue to offer what makes them unique, and part of that is not to give up vintage controls. And with the X-Pro3, they pushed this concept to its limits, by even hiding the LCD.

Also interesting:

They say the X-Pro3 is not a product of “logic”, but of instinct. In this case they did not listen to what the market dictates, but their intuition, that it was the right thing to do with the X-Pro3.

And that’s why I love Fujifilm.

If they would be like Sony for example, and just listen to market logic, Fujifilm would just offer one camera body. The same for everybody.

But Fujifilm knows photographers are not all the same, and so they offer niche products, that will never really become that profitable. By doing so, Fujifilm honors its photographic culture and heritage, it’s photo-DNA.

It’s a very lovely documentary, that I invite everybody to watch.

Video and Summary

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Fujifilm X-T4 G.A.S? These Fujifilm X-T3 Images will Help You to Resist to it ;)

Oscar Wilde once said:

The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it

But today we will prove him wrong.

We will display a series of stunning X-T3, X-T2 and X-T20 images, and show to Oscar that we don’t need a Fujifilm X-T4 to create stunning imagery.

Because no specs on the world can replace your feeling… and it’s a known fact, that feeling is the origin of your creativity and intuition.

30 Seconds Story of my Favorite Image

In the spirit of this post, do you want to hear the story behind my all time favorite image?

If you have 30 seconds… here it is:

I was in Cambodia (for my fair trade Fuji X T-shirts project), walking through an abandoned Casino in Bokor, with one of my very best friends.

I borrowed her my Fujifilm X-T1 camera, and she took a couple of snapshots.

At some point I saw some kids playing hide and seek in the building.

One of them hide behind a wall, waiting for his little friends to come up the stairs.

I noticed all this, and told to my friend “give me the X-T1, and I’ll grab the killer shot“.

She gave it to me, I placed myself in the right position… and waited.

And then it happened: the hiding kid leaned out beyond the wall, then suddenly watched down the stairs to see where his friends are. In that moment, I was ready and took the image.

I came home, printed it, and now I have it big on my wall.

And it was taken with a Fujifilm X-T1.

Call it luck, call it intuition. Whatever it was. It was nothing you can read on any specs paper.

So yes, let’s be happy about the Fujifilm X-T4, but also not forget, that what we own now, is plenty of good enough.

In the spirit of this post, enjoy the X-T image roundup below.

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Fujifilm X-T200 Coming with X-A7 alike Vari-Angle LCD Screen

Fujifilm X-T200

Now, it’s not a surprise, that the Fujifilm X-T200 will be something like an X-A7 with viewfinder.

So expect sensor and processor of the Fujifilm X-A7.

However, there is something, that might be a bit more surprising.

I just got word (thanks), that the Fujifilm X-T200 will be launched with a vari-angle LCD screen, the one Fujifilm first introduced on the Fujifilm X-A7.

I looks like Fujifilm took note of our big tilt screen survey, where the X-A7 vari-anlge screen turned out to be much more popular than the (smart!) X-T100 screen, which you can see how it works here.

Personally I was always a big fan of the X-T100 screen, as it allows you to tilt the screen up and down and keep the LCD still centered to the camera, and still had a “selfie” position. Now with the X-A7 screen, whenever you want to tilt up and down, you’ll have to flip it out all the way to the side and off-centered to the camera.

But I am aware I am in the minority here. You guys want X-A7 screen, so Fujifilm delivers!

Don’t forget also…

Game Over: the lovely X-T100 LCD screen has been axed in favor of the vari-angle LCD screen?

The Era of Fujifilm X100V is Coming and the Fujifilm X100F Gets its Last Glorious Roundup!

Match Technical EP-2F Thumbs Up Grip for Fujifilm X100F

Here on FujiRumors we have always reserved a special place to what you guys voted the by far most sexy camera in the entire Fujifilm world, the Fujifilm X100 line.

In fact, the Fujifilm X100 lives in a world of its own… a world where specs do not really seem to mean a lot.

Just see our massive Fujifilm X100 group, which, among all our Fujifilm X/GFX groups, is the one with less gear talk of all.

This is a natural consequence of the philosophy behind this camera: keep it simple, focus on creating images.

One camera, one lens. Now go out and shoot.

And yet…

there is a rare time, when even X100 shooters focus a tiny bit more on gear. And that’s when a successor is about to come out. And that’s fully understandable.

FujiRumors already shared a couple of X100V rumors, but that’s not what we talk about today.

Today, just before the X100V hits the market, we dedicated an own article to the beautiful Fujifilm X100F, an extremely successful camera that sold far more than X100/S/T.

X100F (save $200): BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, Focuscamera

Let’s start:

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New DJI Ronin SC/S Firmware Update Improves Fujifilm X-T3/X-T20 Support

DJI has released firmware updates for their Ronin SC and Ronin S gimbals, which bring good news also to Fujifilm X shooters.

You can already find huge discussions and feedback about the new firmware in this Fujifilm X-T group post.

You can read all the details below.

Full Ronin SC/S Firmware Details

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Cure Your Bokeh Addiction… or When Too Much Background Blur Removes the Story and Creates Distraction

The Bokeh

We recently posted this story, about a Canon shooter, who tried Fujifilm for the first time, and there was so much she loved about it (starting from the fun using Fuji and the inspiration that comes with it), but one thing she missed: the bokeh she had with her Canon f/1.2 lenses.

So I thought to dedicate an own article to the “bokeh-discussion”, starting from two youtube videos below, that I have summed up for you.

And to give it all are more light and fun touch, I’ll share also the recent Camera Conspiracies video :).

I just remind you, that for the ultimate bokeh Fujifilm is going to release the Fujinon XF 50mm f/1.0.

  •  – Fujinon XF 50mm f/1.0 Accurate Size Comparison with XF 56mm f/1.2 and XF 50mm f/2

Camera Conspiracies

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DPReview TV: What Happened to Fujifilm’s Kaizen

Fujifilm built a reputation for bringing continuous improvements to its products, a process frequently referred to as ‘Kaizen’.

In 2019, however, we saw major firmware updates from almost every camera company except Fujifilm.

So now Chris and Jordan ask, “What happened to Kaizen?”

Especially now, that the Fujifilm X-Pro3 is out with many major improvements (and the same sensor/processor of X-T3), many hoped for a big firmware update that will bring the X-Pro3 goodness also to other cameras.

But Chris remembers, that delaying the firmware love for the Fujifilm X-T3 and X-T30, is also a way to protect Fujifilm X-Pro3 sales for a little bit longer.

And guys, honestly, Fujifilm is a company that at the end of the day has limited resources and has to make profits.

So I understand if they delay their firmware, and I am fine to wait a little bit longer to get my firmware love. It’s a compromise: Fuji makes more money, and I still get what I want, just a bit later.

And as a long time Fujifilm lover (and blogger), I remember this discussion popping up so many times already.

In fact, back in 2015 I wrote this article, where we discuss the future of Kaizen already, as already back then, people were worried that Fujifilm abonded their Kaizen philosophy. Of course all discussions ended, once Fujifilm released again several huge updates.

The point is, there can’t be updates all the time and non stop. Sometimes, it just takes a bit longer.

Sure, it was not a great 2019 Fujifilm Kaizen year, but I am confident that in 2020, we will be able to “download a new camera” again ;).

I mean, Fujifilm also publicly asked us Fujifilm users, which firmware we would like next, and 14,000+ of you voted on their new favorite firmware features.

This alone shows that they do care, and that improving their cameras via firmware is always a goal Fuji has in mind, but they can that only do when:

  • they have enough resources to develop it
  • the firmware is mature and ready
  • the “market-moment” is right, meaning for example a new firmware won’t affect sales of a brand new camera all too badly.

So, be patient, and Kaizen love will be back :).