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Some LOVE the Fujifilm X-Pro3, and Here is Why!

Fujifilm X-Pro3 – A Camera to Hate

Today I thought I try to balance out the X-Pro3 sh*tstorm, by sharing a few stories of people, who actually either like or understand (and hence accept) the new X-Pro3 hidden tilt screen concept.

If you ask me personally, I admit that my first reaction was also something like “what the heck is this?”

But you know what I have learned from reading the massive (and brilliant) essays of Michel de Montaigne?

I have learned that we should try to “suspend our judgment“.

So, I try not to judge and to remain skeptical.

Only after I was able to try, feel, shoot and experience the Fujifilm X-Pro3 by myself, I will judge it!

Because I actually never used it… did you?

Fujifilm X-Pro3 – A Camera to Understand

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Fujifilm Manager Toshihisa Iida Interview: New Fujinon X and G Mount Lens Roadmap in 2019 and 5 to 6 New Lenses in 2020

Fujifilm Manager Toshihisa Iida Interview

Fujifilm Manager Toshihisa Iida has released an interview to the Japanese website newswitch, which you can read summed up and translated in its main points below.

But before we go ahead, I want to highlight one thing Toshihisa Iida said:

The roadmap is updated once a year

Fujifilm sort of changed the roadmap yesterday, at the Fujifilm X Summit, by scraping the Fujinon XF 33mm f/1.0 from the roadmap and replacing it with the Fujinon XF 50mm f/1.0.

But if we look at the official Fujifilm website, we see that the latest uploaded roadmaps are:

This means that Fujifilm plans to release an updated roadmap within this year, which fits with what we rumored a few days ago here.

But how many lenses can we expect to be announced in 2020? Toshihisa Iida said:

To date, we have announced an average of 5 or 6 new products each year. […] We are not going to slow that pace”

Also in this case, this fits with what we already told you back in 2017, when our sources told us that Fuji’s schedule is to release 2/3 GF lenses and 2/3 X lenses a year.

Now let’s just hope Fujifilm will listen and give us what you guys voted the most wanted X and G mount lenses here.

Interview – The Main Points

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Fujifilm Scraps XF33mm f/1.0 in Favor of Smaller XF50mm f/1.0 – Do You Agree?

Fujinon XF 50mm f/1.0

There has been a significant change in the Fujinon X mount lens roadmap.

As Fujifilm explained at the Fujifilm X Summit, in order to save size, the scraped the Fujinon XF33mm f/1.0 in favor of a smaller and ligher Fujinon XF 50mm f/1.0.

Down below you can see both lenses side by side.

Do you like this change? Vote the survey.

Is it a good Idea to change from XF33mmf/1.0 to XF50mmf/1.0 to save size and weigth?

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Fujinon XF 50mm f/1.0 Images

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Fujifilm X-Pro3 Development Announcement: Coming October 23, First Specs and Images

Fujifilm X-Pro3 Developmen Annoucement

Fujifilm has just made an official development announcement for the Fujifilm X-Pro3 at the Fujifilm X Summit here.

No surprises at all, since it looks 100% identical to our trusted Japanese source sketches here.

Fujifilm says the announcement will be on October 23, with worldwide “Fujifest” events to try it out on October 24 (also this was already rumored by FujiRumors).

Along with the Fujifilm X-Pro3, they will introduce the a new Classic Negative film simulation, also already rumored by FujiRumors.

It will come in three colors, the classic black as well as a DURA black and DURA silver (also rumored at FujiRumors).

It will be built out of titanium, which will make it 10 times tougher than steel against scratch, almost level of sapphire.

Down below some screenshots of the Fujifilm X-Pro3 from the Fujifilm X Summit

Official Fujifilm X-Pro3 Images

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Fujifilm X Summit LIVE STREAM on FujiRumors Starts Now

Fujifilm X Summit

The Fujifilm X Summit live stream starts now (video above).

In case you are late, don’t worry, down below I will provide written live summary on what has been said and shown, so you don’t miss out anything.

X Summit Summed Up

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Fujifilm X-Pro3 Coming with Extended In Camera RAW Editing Options like Clarity and More

Fujifilm X-Pro3

According to our sources, the Fujifilm X-Pro3 will introduce additional in camera RAW editing options, such as clarity adjustments and more.

Previous Fujifilm X-Pro3 rumors

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Photokina 2020: Nikon, Leica and Olympus Drop Out! And Where is Fujifilm?

As you know, I have been to photokina two times (2016 report here2018 report here).

Both times it was fantastic, just for the sheer magnitude of the event.

But then, in my opinion, Photokina did an error: they dropped their 2 years cycle and decided to take place every year in May.

I immediately disagreed with decision, and when I said on FujiRumors, that Photokina will now become a smaller, regional show, many in the comments critiqued my idea, saying that Photokina is Photokina, and will always remain the go to place for all manufacturers (and camera vloggers/bloggers).

But at some point I remember even Fujifilm US manager Steve saying that Fujifilm organized big product launches in conjunction with Photokina, but that will be no longer be the case.

Well, turns out I was right… and actually seems to be even worse than I thought.

In fact, Photokina writes:

“We look forward to strong demand and applications from both the new and the classic segments of companies like Canon, CEWE, GoPro, Sony, Panasonic, Kodak Alaris, Sigma, Tamron, Carl Zeiss, Hasselblad, Hahnemühle, Arri, Rode Mikrophones, DJI and Insta360”, says Christoph Werner, Vice President of Koelnmesse. These are contrasted by cancellations, including from Leica, Nikon and Olympus.

Leica, Nikon and Olympus dropped out of the show. That’s a huge loss for Photokina. Especially Leica and Nikon always had massive booths.

Still on board are Sony, Sigma, Panasonic, Canon and others.

And Fujifilm?

Well, the official Photokina press release does not yet mention Fujifilm, neither in the list of companies, who will be present, nor in the list of those, who dropped out. Whatever that means.

FujiRumors at Photokina 2020?

While going to photokina was always a huge fun, I very likely won’t go there in 2020.

In fact, a visit to photokina always comes during my teaching work job, and it has always been cumbersome to change the lesson schedule to be replaced for several days (and once back from photokina, I had to work A LOT to give back the extra hours my colleagues had to work to replace me).

Photokina is no longer Photokina, and I think it’s not worth anymore all the hassle it brings to me and my colleagues at work.

But you know what?

At least I can say, I was still there, when Photokina was still the epicenter of the photography world.

via SonyAlphaRumors via Photokina

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Viltrox 23, 33 and 56mm f/1.4 Fujifilm X Mount Coming December 2019 with Seriously Aggressive Price Tag


FujiRumors broke the rumor about new  23, 33 and 56mm f/1.4 Viltrox lenses coming already back in May.

Since then, we all waited patiently for more details, and we got the first ones here on this FujiRumors article, as well as additional lens images in this article.

Now Viltrox displayed the lenses at the IBC 2019, adding more detailed information about price and release date – via digitalcameraworld.

All three new Viltrox lenses will be:

  • for sale in December 2019
  • priced around $250

This means it will be even cheaper than their currently only autofocus lens for Fujifilm X mount, the Viltrox 85mm f/1.8 AF.

That’s very aggressive and if they are as good value as the Viltrox 85mm f/1.8 (customer reviews on AmazonUS and on BHphoto), then our beloved Fujinon XF23mm f/1.4, XF 35mm f/1.4 and XF 56mm f/1.2 are getting some good competition.

Down below our specs shared in earlier articles, and for many images of all these lenses (included mounted on Fujifilm cameras), check out this article on FR and the images at digitalcameraworld.

Viltrox 23mm f/1.4 specs

  • aperture range: 1.4 – 16
  • 9 aperture blades
  • 10 groups, 11 glasses
  • filter size: 52
  • weight 250g
  • for sale in December 2019
  • priced around $250

Viltrox 33mm f/1.4 specs

  • aperture range: 1.4 – 16
  • 9 aperture blades
  • 9 groups, 10 glasses
  • filter size: 52
  • weight 270g
  • for sale in December 2019
  • priced around $250

Viltrox 56mm f/1.4 specs

  • aperture range: 1.4 – 16
  • 9 aperture blades
  • 9 groups, 10 glasses
  • filter size: 52
  • weight 290g
  • for sale in December 2019
  • priced around $250

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