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LEAKED: This is the FUJIFILM X-Pro3 – Dual Screen and Button Layout (Sketches of X-Pro3 Top, Front and Backside)

Fujifilm X-Pro3

Yesterday, our top trusted Japanese source contacted me, asking if the FujiRumors community would like to get some accurate sketches of the Fujifilm X-Pro3.

I told the source that I was hiking on my mountains and enjoying some local dance tradition show with my wife, so if it maybe can do that on Monday, or I’d have to pass my whole Sunday on the computer.

So, fellow readers, I hope you can understand and apologize me for leaking 24 hours later, but now it’s Monday, and we’d like present to you…

… the Fujifilm X-Pro3! :)

The source just quickly drew the Fujifilm X-Pro3 for us now (100% pencil and paper work due to issues with its graphic drawing tablet).

The rumor storm will continue, so stay tuned on FujiRumors and…

A MUST for X-PRO Lovers

↓ Sketches of X-Pro3 front, back and top ↓

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Sirui 50mm f/1.8 1.33x Anamorphic Lens Specs, Price and First Sample Video Shot on Fujifilm X-T3

Sirui 50mm f/1.8 1.33x

FujiRumors already reported about the imminent arrival of the Sirui 50mm f/1.8 1.33x anamorphic lens coming for Fujifilm X.

Cinema5D is at the IBC show in Amsterdam and had the possibility to look closely at it.

In fact, the youtube video above was filmed with Sirui 50mm f/1.8 mounted on the Fujifilm X-T3.

The Sirui 50mm f/1.8 1.33x is the most affordable anamorphic lens on the market, and here are the main specs, shared by Cinema5D:

  • Lens structure: 11 elements in 8 groups
  • Aperture blades: 10
  • Aperture: f/1.8-f/16
  • Sensor coverage: up to APS-C
  • Shooting distance: 0.85m to infinity
  • Focus method: manual focus only
  • Maximum magnification: 1:15.38(V), 1:20.17(H)
  • Filter spec: M67 x 0.75
  • Rotation angle of the focus ring: 143.6°
  • Max. diameter: 68.2mm (2.69″)
  • Diameter of the focus ring: 61.7mm (2.43″)
  • Total length (without lens caps): approx. 106.6mm (4.2″)
  • Weight: approx. 553-562g (1.22-1.24 lbs)
  • Lens mount: Sony FE-mount, FUJIFILM X-mount, M4/3 mount
  • Available in January 2020
  • Price around €700

Don’t forget to:

NOVOFLEX Automatic Reverse Lens Adapters for Fujifilm X (FUX-RETRO)

In addition to the new bellows for Fujifilm X, Novoflex has also launched the Novoflex Automatic Reverse Lens Adapters for various mirorrless mounts including Fujifilm X, the FUX-RETRO Reverse Lens Adapter.

For owners of Fuji X-Mount wide-angle or zoom lenses, the FUX-RETRO opens up the world of extreme close-up photography with outstanding quality.

The FUXRETRO lets you mount the lens in reverse position on the camera. The ring transfers all control functions.

This is a wider setting range than is possible with a macro lens.

The FUXRETRO is supplied standard with a 58 mm filter diameter. Stepping rings are available for other filter sizes.

In order to protect the sensitive rear lens element we supply a high quality, multi-layered protection filter coming with the FUX-RETRO.

Technical specifications:

Size: 75 mm (2.95”)
Weight: 160 g (0.35 lbs)
Maximum extension: 550 mm (21.65”)

Check out details at Novoflex here.

via novoflex facebook

Camera Industry and Future Trends: “Fujifilm Does it Right and Will Grow Strong”

Stephan Wiesner, a very popular German youtuber and photographer, has published his 2019 camera roundup and future trend predictions, which include also Fujifilm.

Just as it happened for the Italian guy, who left Fuji for Sony, and then switched back to Fuji, also in this case you are lucky, because also German (as Italian) is one of the three languages I manage better than English.

So, if you have no idea what Stephan is talking about, down below is a transcription for you. You are welcome.

Now let’s wait for a video to share in my third language ;).


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Viltrox EF-FX Adapters Firmware Updates Relased

Viltrox has published two firmware updates for their EF-FX1 and EF-FX2 adapters

Thanks Mistral75

Fujifilm Camera Remote Update adds Fujifilm X-A7 Support

Fujifilm Camera Remote

Fujifilm camera remote 4.0.2 has just been released:

  • Now it supports X-A7
  • Bug Fixes and performance improvements.
    *Above feature varies depending on what camera you use

Download the iOS version / Android version.

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Fujifilm X Summit September 20: Big Announcements, Cool Insights and New Lens/Firmware Roadmaps?

Fujifilm X Summit

Fujifilm just announced the Fujifilm X Summit for September 20 at 1PM GMT. This means it will take place at:

  • 9AM New York Time
  • 3PM Berlin Time

There will be a LIVE STREAMING here on FujiRumors.

Fujifilm writes about the event:

Following the first round in Dubai, we are pleased to announce that the second X Summit will be held on September 20th 1PM GMT!

This time, the X Summit will be held in Shibuya, Tokyo – the mecca of street photography in Tokyo. What will happen this time?

Make sure to tune in on September 20th.

Now, Fujifilm can’t tell you this, but of course they mean to stay tuned on FujiRumors for non stop real time coverage, just as we did last time back in February with the Dubai X Summit. ;)

So, make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, RSS-feed, Youtube, Flipboard and Twitter.

What Will Happen?

Let’s take a look what Fujifilm did at the last Fujifilm X summit in Dubai:

  • they asked the Fujifilm community to vote on future lenses
  • they asked the Fujifilm community to vote on future firmware
  • they showed early Fujifilm GFX concepts, including a modular GFX
  • Fujifilm engineers talked about the X and GFX lenses and camera development
  • Fujifilm managers showed us mock-ups of future lenses such as the the XF33mmf/1.0
  • the showed a Fujifilm GFX100 prototype
  • they explained the Fujifilm color science approach
  • there was a Q&A with the community

That’s about it, and for a compact summary of the entire X Summit of February, just check out this article.

Now, you can see that Fujifilm actually did NOT announce any new gear at the last X summit, so chances are, that also this time we won’t get a full and final announcement of any new camera or lens.

In fact, our sources confirm that the final announcement with full specs and pre-orders for the Fujifilm X-Pro3 will happen on the second half of October.


I know many of you are hoping to see a Fujifilm X-H2 or maybe a Fujifilm X-T3s with IBIS.

I have not heard about it, and if something like this comes, it was Fujifilm’s best kept secret ever. But yes, there is this third mysterious camera registered, and if it comes out 2019, then I honestly have no idea what it could be.

You guys, though, seem to be much more confident: you see high chances for a Fujifilm X-H2 or X100V (but X100V will surely come in 2020 only)

What can be expect more realistically?

Well, the main course of the meal could be other things, like:

Also, there will be several Fujifilm managers to go on stage and give us technical insights, disclose further projects, show even more mock-ups and more. Also gifted photographers like Bert Stephani, David Hobby and Tomasz Lazar will be there.

One Thing is Sure!

One thing is sure:

September 20 will be a very exciting day for the Fujifilm community, and my fast fingers will cover the event at 360° non stop, to make sure you at home don’t miss a single tidbit.

So lean back, join FujiRumors, and enjoy the endless well organized stream of information about the Fujifilm X summit on FujiRumors.

Get notified as soon as the live coverage starts, by allowing in browser push notifications (click the bell icon on the bottom right of your browser) and also:

And don’t forget:

Get a beer, and enjoy the Fuji X Summit Coverage on FujiRumors

Fujifilm X-A7 Beats Fujifilm X-T3 Face/Eye Autofocus, but Firmware Update for X-T3 / X-T30 is Coming

Earlier today Fujifilm announced the Fujifilm X-A7, actually a very nice and capable camera. You can see the full X-A7 launch coverage here.

Among the others, the Fujifilm X-A7 comes with an improved face and eye detection autofocus, that, according to information Maarten Heilbron has received from Fujifilm, is better than the one on the Fujifilm X-T3 and Fujifilm X-T30.

This is confirmed also by DPR, who said (also shared in our live blog):

Fujifilm has hinted that new AF algorithms will allow the X-A7 to perform as well or better than the X-T30/X-T3.

The good news:

As Maarten Heilbron disclosed in his Fujifilm X-A7 video shared in our live blogging, Fujifilm told him they will release a firmware update to bring the Fujifilm X-T3 and X-T30 eye/face AF on par with the Fujifilm X-A7.

Now, today Fujifilm also released a firmware update for the Fujifilm X-T3 (ver.3.01 here), but this just fixes a bug, and is NOT the firmware update Maarten is talking about.

FujiRumors already rumored, that Kaizen firmware updates are in the work and ready to be disclosed soon. They might bring AF improvements, as Maarten says, but also other new features, like the “live light trail“, also already available on the X-A7, and of course you can see this feature in action at our X-A7 live blog.

I know that’s a lot of information for our fellow American readers, who just woke up and suddenly have to digest all this info, so make sure to check back our previous articles.

  • – Fujifilm X-A7 live blogging – New features, first looks and press release
  • – Fujifilm X-T3 firmware 3.01 released

And of course, do not forget to:

Fujifilm X-A7 vs Sony A6100 vs Fujifilm X-A5 Specs and Size Comparison

Apotelyt has already added the Fujifilm X-A7 to their database. The specs are all based on the latest leaks.

Hence, you can now compare it to any camera in their system. Down below a few examples you can check out:

  • Fujifilm X-A7 vs Sony A6100 – click here
  • Fujifilm X-A7 vs Sony A6600 – click here
  • Fujifilm X-A7 vs Fujifilm X-A5 – click here
  • for your own comparison access their main page here

The Fujifilm X-A7 will be announced tomorrow, September 12.

Live blogging will take place here on FujiRumors.

New SIRUI 50mm f/1.8 1,33x Anamorphic lens for Fujifilm X Coming Soon

I guess for all of us Sirui is well known for its tripods, such as my Sirui T-025X.

So it comes rather surprising, to see them launching the Sirui 50mm/F1.8 1,33x anamorphic lens for Fujifilm X.

It won’t cost more than €500 and be available for Fujifilm X, Sony FE and MicroFourThirds.

It’s a manual focus lens with 0.85m minimum focus distance. It will weight about 560 gramm.

It will be available within this year.

via mirrorlessrumors via slashcam