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Shoten LM-FG Leica M to Fujifilm G Mount Adapter

Shoten is offering a new Leica LM to Fujifilm GFX adapter. It should be available soon at Amazon here.

  • Manufacturer’s preferred price ¥ 15,000 (excluding tax)
  • Uses high-durability and high-rigidity brass parts for high-precision mounting

Fujifilm GFX 100: B&H Photo, AmazonUS, Adorama

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via stbk

Dear Readers, Let’s See How Good Your Rumor Skills Are! VOTE NOW What the Next 3 Fujifilm Cameras will Be!

Let’s start the week with a little fun post. The serious stuff (rumors included) will follow soon enough, don’t worry about that. ;)

With the recent triple Fujifilm camera registrations, the comments section run hot about what these cameras could be.

So I thought to launch a little poll, to see how good the FujiRumors community is, when it comes to make speculations about future products.

Of course, if there is somebody, who actually knows something, feel free to contact me via email at, PM on social media or even anonymously via rumor box (feel free to use a nickname in that case).

Now pick your top three future Fujifilm cameras down below.

One Tip: Fujifilm X-Pro3 is sure, so check that box.


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Fujifilm Registered a Third Camera with Code FF190003

Nokishita spotted that Fujifilm has registered a third camera, the FF190003 here.

So we now have a total of 3 registered cameras:

  • FF190001 = ?
  • FF190002 = X-Pro3
  • FF190003 = ?

Usually it needs a few months, for cameras to be announced after they have been registered.

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NEW Images of Viltrox 23mm f/1.4, 33mm f/1.4 and 56mm f/1.4 Autofocus Lenses for Fujifilm X

Just yesterday FujiRumors reported first the news about the first images and specs of the upcoming Viltrox 23mm f/1.4, 33mm f/1.4 and 56mm f/1.4.

Now Viltrox uploaded additional images on their weibo account, that you can all see down below.

Note that all lenses have a dedicated aperture ring, as opposed to the Viltrox 85mm f/1.8 AF. Personally I consider this a fantastic news.

Viltrox 85mm f/1.8 AF lens for Fuji X: BHphoto, AmazonUS

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Fujifilm X Mount Viltrox 23mm f/1.4, 33mm f/1.4 and 56mm f/1.4 Autofocus Lenses – First Specs and Images

FujiRumors already told you a few months ago here, that Viltrox will release three more Fujifilm X mount autofocus lenses, in addition to the best selling third party lens amongst FR-readers, the Viltrox 85mm f/1.8 AF.

  • Viltrox 23mm f/1.4
  • Viltrox 33mm f/1.4
  • Viltrox 56mm f/1.4

Now we have the first images of these lenses (see below), as well as the initial specs.

They should be released around November.

Viltrox 23mm f/1.4 specs

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Not Only Fujifilm X-Pro3: One more Fujifilm Camera Coming in 2019? FF190001 Registered

New Fujifilm Camera

Just recently we reported, that Fujifilm registered a camera with the code name FF190002.

We know that the Fujifilm X-Pro3 is coming. But now nokishita spotted a further registration. It’s the FF190001 (see below).

Usually the time span between registration and announcement is about 1 to 4 months, so we can assume that one more Fujifilm camera is coming in 2019, in addition to the Fujifilm X-Pro3.

I know, given the massive rebate on the Fujifilm X-H1 (which can be purchased for as little as $299 if bundled with the XF8-16), there will be the whole internet world saying this is the Fujifilm X-H1S or Fujifilm X-H2.

Guys, listen to me: it’s not an X-H1 successor! 100% sure. Trust me! It is something else ;). And whoever tells you it’s the X-H2, is just clickbaiting you.

It is also not the Fujifilm X100V, since that one will come out sometimes in 2020 only, so that’s definitely too early to be registered already.

  • FF190001 = ?
  • FF190002 = X-Pro3

So, if you buy the X-H1 today, don’t worry about the FF190001 or FF190002 being its successor.

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Meet Minami-San, Fujifilm’s Color Guru Since 50 Years and Now Bringing Fuji’s Color Science from Film to Digital

I originally shared this part of Elia’s video in this article, but then quickly saw, that it actually deserves a post for its own.

  • previous episode – Elia Locardi Meets Fujifilm Managers and has a talk with them at dinner

Take this article as tribute to Minami-San the color guru inside Fujifilm, since he is the person, who developed the original Fujifilm film stock and is now responsible for how the film simulations in new digital cameras perfectly match the original film stock.

Here is an excerpt from episode 5 of Elias “moments in time” series. The talk with Fuji’s color guru starts at minute 8:28.

  • Sam works for Fujifilm since 50 years
  • Sam started in the technical stuff
  • it does not sound difficult: measure the color of the film and then just transfer into digital. But it’s much more difficult than that
  • They shoot an image and then observe it on lightbox and then try to simulate it. It’s very difficult
  • his favorite camera is the Fujifilm TX-1
  • difference between actual color and memory color
  • Fujifilm spent a lot of time to study how we remember colors
  • Velvia film was aimed to produce better color on nature scenery

I thought it is interesting to see the guy, who makes so many Fujifilm X and GFX shooters happy, by putting his working live into the science of colors.

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Elia Locardi Meets Fujifilm Managers and Asks if there is Need for High Resolution Cameras, when 90% of Images Go on Instagram

Moments in Time

Elia Locardi is currently releasing a beautiful series of “moments in time” videos.

We can’t cover them all here, so we will focus only on episode 6, where he sits down with Fujifilm managers at dinner.

Check out the video down below.

I HOPE YOU WILL READ THIS: first thanks to the reader, who sent me the link to the videos. It’s people like you, who help my work a lot and keep FR on top of everything Fujifilm X and GFX.

HANG ON ONE MORE SENTENCE: To all other fellow FR-readers, whatever you spot that could be of interest for the Fuji community, you can send it to me via email (, anonymous rumor box (on the right side of the page), or even personal message on facebook, twitter or instagram. As much effort as I put into FR, I simply can’t spot everything. Hence, your support is vital for keeping FR fast, fresh and interesting.

High Resolution Cameras vs Instagram

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Release Timeline for Fujifilm X-T4, X-H2, X-T40, X-Pro3, X100V, X-E4, X-T200 and X-A6 Based on Fuji’s Previous Camera Releases

Fujifilm Timeline

Almost 1 year ago, I published a release timeline of Fujifilm cameras, and, based on that timeline, I made guesses on when a successor could come.

Turns out that, so far, our timeline was pretty accurate. In fact, based on Fuji’s release schedule, we predicted:

  • Prediction: X-T30 in February 2019 – Reality: January 2019 – Accuracy: 1 month off
  • Prediction: X-Pro3 in January 202o – Reality: around October 2019 – Accuracy: about 3 months off

Now I thought it’s time to update our timeline, because:

  • some cameras have already been announced (X-T30) and others will be announced soon (X-Pro3)
  • this time we include cameras not listed last time (X-T200 and X-A6)

Down below you find the updated release timeline for:

The X-T4/X-H2 Grain of Salt Corner

Keep in mind that this camera replacement timeline is NOT based ON RUMORS, but on past camera release schedule of Fujifilm.

Hence, take it with a grain of salt, especially when it comes to Fujifilm X-H2 and Fujifilm X-T4 release. The timing between X-H1 and X-T3 has proven to be very damaging for X-H1 sales, so there might be some changes here.

In fact, according to our sources, the Fujifilm X-H2 might not even come in 2020! But I want to wait for more details and confirmations, before changing the below timeline.

Speaking of X-H2 and X-T4, the FujiRumors community has voted on various Fujifilm X-H2 and X-T4 release timing options. Check out the poll results here (I voted for the option currently on the 3rd position).

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Fujifilm X Camera Release Timeline

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Fujifilm Patents Touch Sensitive Top Dial with Adjustable Settings Control

Fujifilm has patented a touch sensitive top dial, that, depending on which part of the dial you touch, gives you access to certain settings.

It’s obviously just a patent, hence a concept. But I thought it could be interesting to discuss this solution. Is it something Fujifilm should go ahead with?

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