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The Photography Community is Toxic? The Fujifilm X Cure in this Fun Image Roundup!

A couple of influencers have recently published videos and blog posts, saying that the photography community is toxic.

Well, I don’t notice such a toxicty here on FujiRumors. Maybe, as also Hugh Brownstone said here, most Fujifilm shooters are just more on the cooler side of life. So I am lucky to have you guys on board ;).

I just allow myself to notice, that sometimes it’s the influencer, who provokes and clickbaits people. So don’t just blame people, who comment, for toxicity. Always first ask yourself, if the way you share your content is maybe good for clicks, but leads inevitabily to strong reactions.

With all that said, FujiRumors is on a mission: bring lightness and fun back into the photography community.

And how do we do that?

Well, in the good old Fuji X shooter style: using the power of the images!

So, if you have just been irritated by somebody, who does not get it how to convert focal lengths from FF and MF, or who claims that APS-C is dead and only full frame is for Pros, I hope that these images can put a little smile back on your face.

Turth is: sometimes we might hit hard on each other in the comments, but if we would sit together on a beer, we would discover that there is so much more that unites us than what divides us, no matter if you shoot APS-C, Fuji, Sony, CaNikon, Full Frame, Pentax, GFX or whatever: we are united by the passion for photography.

Take it easy,

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Fujifilm APS-C Crop is Cr&p and These Images Prove Only Full Frame Delivers – #photosfujicanttake

Tuscany: Look at that terrible Dynamic Range // Dolomites: what a pain those horrible colors // Woman + Kid: that 56/1.2 rendering just destroyed every portrait

Fuji Crop is Crap

How often have we heard influcencers says that Fujifilm is not a professional system, because it is not full frame.

How often have super talented photographers, who hide behind anonymous forum accounts with no portfolio, said that Fujifilm APS-C is not good enough to keep up with their immense talent and creativity.

How often have professional photo reviewers given scientific proof that Fujifilm APS-C can hardly beat an iPhone in terms of image quality.

How often have we heard about how impossible X-Trans files are to edit.

How often have we heard youtubers complaining about the slow manual controls on Fuji cameras, making it impossible to take pictures, because you have to spend half an hour turning dials before pressing the shutter.

And today I will prove, that they were all right!

In the spirit of one of my favorite Fuji blogs,, I will list below a series of images, so horrible and painful to the eyes due to the limitations of the APS-C sensor, that you will immediately agree with forum experts, that APS-C is not for Pros.

If you are brave enough, check out the images below.

There is everything wrong, the colors, the dynamic range, the noise, the moments.

Thanks to all members of our gigantic Fujifilm X-T group for providing us these samples.

NOTE: is your sarcasm detector switched on? ;)

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DJI Ronin-SC Gimbal Launched with Fujifilm X-T3, X-T30, X-T2, X-T20 and X-H1 Support

DJI has just officially launched the DJI Ronin-SC, with Fujiiflm X-T2, X-T3, X-T30, X-T20 and X-H1 support.

Down below I share screenshots of the compatibility with Fujifilm cameras and lenses, but you can check out the full PDF file here, too.

Hands-On Video and Fujifilm Compatibility Table

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Fujifilm X-H2 and Fujifilm X-T4: How Should Fujifilm Time their Release? POLL

Fujifilm X-H2 and Fujifilm X-T4

A Fujifilm manager recently said it here: the Fujifilm X-H line will continue to evolve separately from the Fujifilm X-T line.

To me that makes sense, both lines appeal to different type of photographers, and both lines have all the potential to be successful in future.

But the big question is: in order for both the X-H2 and X-T4 to be successful, how should Fujifilm time their release?

The FujiRumors community is pretty split on this topic, so I thought I launch a poll to see what most of you guys think is strategically the best move. And keep in mind, as proven multiple times, Fujifilm manager do read you! So, vote wisely and comment elegantly ;).

NOTE: Fujifilm has said multiple times that one of their goals is to bring IBIS into smaller cameras, so I guess this means they will try to give us a Fuji X-T4 with IBIS. Keep this in mind when voting.

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Regarding the Fujifilm X-H2 and X-T4 release timeline, what should Fujifilm do?

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“Theory Says, all Future Fujifilm Cameras will have IBIS” – Fuji X Photographer Jens Krauer at FujiLove Podcast with Hugh Brownstone

Fujifilm X photographer Jens Krauer, who runs the FujiLove podcast, hosted Hugh Brownstone in his latest episode.

Both have excellent connections with Fujifilm, and I’d like to highlight the gear related part of their talk.

  • Hugh fell in love with manual controls on Fujifilm cameras
  • IBIS makes a huge difference for stills and video
  • Hugh is waiting for the Fujifilm X-H2, to replace his Panasonic GH5
  • Jens says that there is a theory floating around, that all Fujifilm cameras will have IBIS
  • Hugh says in this talk to Fujifilm managers, they confirmed him that shrinking IBIS is important, so that they can put it into smaller cameras
  • Hugh says that, if Fuji could, they would put IBIS in an X-T4
  • Hugh prefers the definition “super full frame” instead of “large format” for the Fujifilm GFX
  • Hugh says taking the dials of the GFX100 makes absolute sense
  • Hugh would like a GFX50S with dials and without that brick on the back
  • Jens says he thinks Fujifilm is working on that
  • Hugh says Fuji should refresh their lens lineup to make them more silent and suitable for video
  • Hugh loves the Fujinon MK lenses, although he’d prefer to have 16mm instead of 18mm on the wide end
  • Hugh desires a tilting EVF for Fujifilm’s APS-C cameras [currently only available only on GFX system]
  • His desert island gear would be a Fujifilm X-T3 with XF35mm f/1.4
  • Fujifilm X shooter are different (in the positive way) from fans of other brands, Hugh notices that in the comments to his Fuji reviews compared to Sony etc.

The whole 1+ hour episode is well worth to listen, so head over at sticher or Fujilove.

Thanks to the anonymous FR reader for letting me know, and looking forward to hear from you again ;).

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Fujifilm Patent Shows Compact Camera with Dual Rear Command Dials for Digital Dials Control

I stumbled on a Fujifilm patent, that shows a compact camera with dual rear dials that operate synchronized to a top LCD panel.

This reminds us at the Fujifilm GFX100 fake dials, with the difference that this time we have 2 rear command dials that can be assigned to operate different camera functions, which then will be displayed in form of fake dials on the top LCD screen.

It looks like Fujifilm is continuing to develop a hybrid analog/digital solution, in an attempt to melt the best of both worlds into one user interface.

In this case, virtual dials could allow for a smaller camera design. Who knows, maybe something for a Fujifilm X80, if something like that will ever hit the market.

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The Rise of Chinese Lenses and Top 7 Chinese Fujifilm X Mount Lenses

The Rise of Chinese Lenses

In the last few weeks, we covered a couple of new Chinese Fujifilm X mount lenses here on FujiRumors, such as the brand new 7Artisans 60mm F2.8 1:1 Macro and the Kamlan 50mm f/1.1 MK II.

In 2019, a lot of buzz has been created also by the first third-party reverse-engineered autofocus X mount lens, the Chinese Viltrox 85mmF1.8, whereas in 2018 the Lawoa 9mm f/2.8 was the very best seller here on FujiRumors (yep, it sold better than ANY Fujinon XF lens amongst FR-readers).

Chinese lenses: the price is (mostly) low, the quality goes up and the sales explode!

Here are the best selling ones.

  1. Meike 35mm f/1.7
  2. Viltrox 85mm f/1.8 AF
  3. Neewer 25mm f/1.8
  4. 7Artisans 35mm f/1.2
  5. Mitakon 35mm f/0.95 MKII
  6. Meike MK 25mm F1.8
  7. Meike MK-35mm F/1.4

It looks like the lable “made in China” is no longer something photographers are too skeptical of.

Today I’d like to ask you if you own any of these lenses, and if you want, you can share your feedback in the comments down below. Your feedback might be helpful for the rest of the Fujifilm community.

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Fujifilm X100V is the Name of the X100F Successor

Fujifilm X100V

Rumor Flash:

The Fujifilm X100F successor will be called Fujifilm X100V.

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Fujinon XF 33mm f/1.0 Listed for $2,350 at Romanian Store

XF33mm f/1.0

A Romanian store has the Fujinon XF 33mm f/1.0 R WR listed at their store for $2,350. That’s definitely a better price than the $3,100 listed at the Czech store a few months ago here.

Now, I think that this is just a price holder and not based on real information they have. But it’s a good opportunity for us to talk about the XF 33mm f/1.0 pricing.

UPDATE: Mistral75 said in the comments:

The ROn 9,899.99 price includes the Romanian VAT (19%). You have to subtract the VAT amount to compute a USD price. The result is $1,976.84, say $1,999 when rounded.

The Right Price

In my opinion, Fujifilm must price the Fujinon XF33mm f/1.0 very aggressively, and as our Fujifilm XF 33m f/1.0 recommended price poll showed, already a $2,000 price tag would be a deal breaker for many.

The brand new full frame Panasonic Lumix S PRO 50mm f/1.4, which is an XF33mm f/1.0 equivalent, costs $2,300.

So Fujifilm can, under no circumstances, sell it higher than $2,300. But also, they should show the advantage of APS-C by pricing it lower than the Panasonic 50mm f/1.4.

And if Fujifilm thinks to set a higher price at the beginning, for later on offering some deals on it, then I allow myself to tell Fujifilm (who reads this blog and even adds those lenses to their roadmap, that the FujiRumors community recommended them to make), that this is a bad idea.

Just set a great price right from the start, and don’t launch any deals on it for a long time. You will start making money with this lens immediatly, instead of having to wait several months for finally selling it.

Considering the Fujinon XF 56mm f/1.2 sells for $1,000, anything between $1,200 and $1,500 would be a good price for the Fujinon XF 33mm f/1.0.

Dear Fujifilm, many credit cards (mine included) are ready to suffer right at announcement day. So don’t let this surely marvellous piece of lens engineering sit in warehouses unsold by setting a too high price tag.

  • read here – 2020: A Fuji Odyssey Ends with the Fujinon XF33mm f/1.0, but Do We Really Need it?

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