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Did the Panasonic S1/R Fiasco Prove FUJIFILM Did Well to Skip Full Frame?

The Mirrorless Endgame

Some of you think that talking about “mirrorless endgame” or “mirrorless war” is a bit too dramatic. And yes, I actually agree with that, but also not!

I explain:

War” or “Endgame” suggest an epic fight with violent ending. That will definitely not happen. At least not with all camera brands.

While Samsung joined the mirrorless market spectacularly with the Samsung NX1 and left just as spectacularly, by capitulating overnight, other brands will quietly disappear, reducing their products cycles, their innovations, and one day, silently, just stop it all.

The harsh truth is: in a camera market shrinking that fast, it is not plausible to think that everybody will continue grow and prosper.

So we are in the endgame now.

The good news for us customers is: companies lower their prices, beef up their cameras, race for innovation, cover us with firmware love, and fight for every single one of us.

We, the customers, win in any case ;).

About Skipping Full Frame

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2020: A Fuji Odyssey Ends with the Fujinon XF33mm f/1.0, but Do We Really Need it?

Do We Need Super Fast Lenses?

Five years ago, in April 2015 here and May 2015 here, we shared the first Fujinon XF 33mm f/1.0 rumors, and in 2020, this long rumor-odyssey will finally end.

Thanks to the XF33mm f/1.0 we will soon:

  • stop complaining that APS-C does not deliver enough shallow depth of field
  • start complaining that the DOF at f/1.0 is too shallow and we will stop down at f/1.4 or f/2 anyway :)

And, although I am a bit scared about the recently guessed price tag, I am looking forward to this lens.

However, many of you argued in the comments, if such a fast lens really makes sense.

Tony Northrup thinks its makes sense, and in a recent video he even suggested Fujifilm should focus on making even more super fast lenses.

Others think that Fujifilm should focus on smaller, slower, and more affordable lenses.

So the question today is: do we really need the Fujinon XF 33mm f/1.0 R WR?

Today I will go against my own believes, and give you two reasons, why we do not need this lens (and yet I want it badly ;) )


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Fujifilm X100V (X200) with New Lens, but still 23mm

Fujifilm X100V/X200

When I shared the rumor about the Fujifilm X100V (or X200) having a new lens, many of you wondered if Fujifilm would change the focal length.

Would Fujifilm go with an 18mm lens like on the Fujifilm X70 / XF10? Or maybe even a 35mm lens (50 FF equiv.)?

According to our sources, the lens will be new, but keep the 23mm focal length.

I remind you that the Fujifilm X100V (or X200) will be released in 2020 only.

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The Ultimate Fujifilm NP-W126S vs Third Party Batteries Battle

Fujifilm Batteries

We have already reported about Dom Varney’s articles “Powering the Fujifilm X-T3” and “Fujifilm NP-W126S Battery Counterfeits – A Visual Guide to Spotting the Fakes“.

He now also published the most comprehensive guide to Fujifilm original and third party batteries I have ever seen on the web so far.

The tested batteries are:

It’s a massive write-up, impossible to sum up quickly. So I’ll just share a short excerpt:

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Fujifilm X100V (or X200) Coming with New Lens

We already told you that the Fujifilm X100F successor (X100V/X200) will come in 2020.

I am still working on the details, but I can now safely say, that the Fujifilm X100V (or X200) will come with a new lens (and of course we can expect the latest X-Trans IV sensor in it).

As an anonymous source also told me, “the old lens is already struggling to make use of the current sensor”.

I know you guys have questions about the new lens. And I am working on this. But for now I do not feel confident enough to give a final answer on this. But the work is in progress, so expect updates on this hopefully soon.

Thanks to the anonymous source, who contacted me yesterday confirming me it will have a new lens. I read also the rest of your message. I will make a routine checks, and share later on. Thanks a ton!

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Fujifilm X100V/X200 Coming in… The Answer in This FujiRumors Article!

Looking at the Fujifilm X series camera release timeline we shared last year, and comparing it with the current rumors, we can say that it turns out to be pretty accurate… except for one camera: the Fujifilm X100F successor (may it be called X100V or X200 or whatever)

The X100 line had a refresh cycle of about 2 years, and given that the X100F was launched in January 2017, everybody speculates it will come very soon, at least within 2019.

But trusted sources now informed us, that the Fujifilm X100V (or X200) will be launched in 2020 only!

This time Fujifilm decided to wait longer than ever to give us a successor.

And by the way, if you want to know which is the Fujifilm facebook group with less gear talk, less gear shots, less gear discussions and mostly focussed on the art of photography and images, than this is definitely our Fujifilm X100 facebook group.

I think this is representative for the people, who buy this camera: never think about gear again. Get the camera, one lens only, and go out and shoot. It’s all about being focused on taking pictures.

The liberation of limitation!

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These 4 Fujifilm Cameras Snapped World Press Photo 2019 Winning Photos

World Press Photo is world’s most prestigious photojournalism contest.

In 2017, Fujifilm was the only brand to break the DSLR hegemony and also in the 2016, the X-Pro1 was the only MILC to snap a winning price.

In 2019, it is still DSLR that dominates, by taking 71% of the winning photos, but it’s less than in the past:

2019 has been Fuji’s best year so far, since Fuji X shooters snapped 4 winning images.

Interesting to note that Fuji’s rangefinder styled cameras win over the DSLR-styled ones, as opposed to real life, where the X-T line far outsells them all, the X-Pro, X100 and X-E line.

But at the end of the day, what matters is that we can see lots of great images at the worldpressphoto page here, and I am pretty sure you won’t care which image has been taken with which camera, but simply be captured by the stories they tell.

via photolari (original source) – petapixelfujistas

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Fringer EF-FX Pro II Coming before May 11

Fringer EF-FX Pro II

Fringer just released the Fringer EF-FX Pro II autofocus smart adapter for pre-order.

Main improvements of the 2nd generation of EF-FX Pro include

  • Redesigned aperture ring for more convenient operation
  • New MCU (more powerful, more resources for firmware update)
  • Better light absorbing design

The price is $299 + $25 (worldwide expedited shipping included. tax/duty not included). Fringer will begin to ship it before May 11.

The functions and performance of gen1 and gen2 are the same.

So far only the Fringer EF-FX Pro II is released. The non-Pro version is still available only in its first generation. In future, the functional firmware update for gen1 and gen2 will be released at the same time as long as the resources of gen1 are enough to support that.

For more details about the Fringer EF-FX Pro II check out Fringer website here.

The Fringer EF-FX Pro II is open for pre-order now at Fringer store.

You can read customer reviews for the Fringer EF-FX Pro version 1 at AmazonUS here and Amazon US here.

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How to Save and Restore Your Camera Settings

How to Save & Restore Camera Settings

Every now and then I get emails from fellow Fujifilm X Shooters, complaining that their camera settings get completely deteleted. There are several reasons this can happen:

  • after firmware update (it should not happen, but it can)
  • discharging of the small build-in internal battery: happens if you leave your camera too long without battery. In case of new cameras, give it a long first charge, or settings will delete shortly after battery has been removed

So the first thing you can do, is to avoid the errors we mentioned above.

And yet, sometimes it’s not a user error (see firmware update), so you better have a Plan B in case all your settings get lost, and in our case, our Plan B is called Fuji X Acquire.

And since just right after the Fujifilm X-T3 firmware update, some FR-readers couldn’t find the back-up feature, I thought I share a quick guide on how to save & restore your Fujifilm camera settings using Fujifilm X Acquire.

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Fujifilm Camera Remote 4.0.1 Update Released and Why it is Still Disappointing Compared to Panasonic Camera Remote App

Fujifilm Camera Remote App

Fujifilm Camera Remote 4.0.1 update has been released.

  • Updates of supported cameras
  • Bug Fixes and performance improvements
    *Above feature varies depending on what camera you use

You can download the iOS version at the AppStore.

The Android version has not yet been updated. The next update is scheduled for May 2019.

Still Disappointing?

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