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LEAKED: Fujifilm “Instax Mini LiPlay” Hybrid Instant Camera Owners Manual. Smallest Instax Product on the Market

Nokishita just leaked the Fujifilm Instax Mini LiPlay Owners Manual. You can download it here.

Main features:

  • Smallest INSTAX product available on the market
  • You can take a photo while looking at the LCD screen and save it on the camera memory or on your micro SD card
  • You can select a photo from your photo library and print it using the INSTAX print feature
  • You can edit your photos by using 10 frames and 6 filters
  • You can save your photo with the recorded sound
  • Equipped with front mirror for easy taking of selfies

The Fujifilm Instax Mini LiPlay will be available very soon at AmazonUS here, BHphoto here and Adorama here.

The Instax market is Fuji’s goldmine. Instax products are all over the very top positions of the AmazonUS best selling overall photo ranking.


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Viltrox 85mm f/1.8 Autofocus Lens for Fujifilm X Pre-orders Available


Viltrox 85mm f/1.8

The Viltrox 85mm f/1.8 autofocus lens for Fujifilm X mount is now available for pre-order at AmazonUS (shipping April 19) and BHphoto here (available May 6).

We have covered the latest reviews and compared it also to the Fujinon XF 90mm f/2 in a dedicated Viltrox 85mm roundup here.

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How to Update Your Fujifilm Camera Firmware using the Camera Remote App and More Firmware Update Tips

Fujifilm Firmware Update

In their wonderful X Summit event, Fujifilm said they have released over 250 firmware updates since the first X series has been launched 8 years ago.

That’s a hefty number, so knowing how to properly update your camera is very important.

In fact, every time an update is released, I get contacted by X shooters having issues with it. In 99,9% of the cases it helps them to read:

But today I’d like to focus on how to update your camera using the Fujifilm camera remote app.

In fact, a Fujifilm manager revealed here that way fewer people than expected (and hoped) update their camera using the App.

And since the manager looked pretty sad about it, I thought I jump in and help a bit by sharing a “How To” guide on FujiRumors.

The update via camera remote is honestly pretty intuitive and straightforward, but the main goal of this article is simply to create a bit of awareness for the in-App-firmware-update-method.

So, if your camera has bluetooth, give it a try, next time your camera gets some Kaizen love.

Oh, and dear Fujifilm X-T3 owners, your camera will be updated in April as Fujifilm said… so you are next :).

So, down below is the guide.

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Downloading the Camera Firmware

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Not Only Fujifilm X-T3: The DSLR Killer Fujifilm X-H1, Fujifilm X-T2 vs Leica M vs Leica SL, Reconsidering the Fuji X-E3 and More

Fujifilm X Camera Roundup

The Fujifilm X-T3 grabs almost all the attention in the Fuji X world. And surely it deserves it, but it also overshadows other cameras, which might not be as new and impressive in terms of specs, but they are still reliable workhorses or travel companions.

So here is a roundup of articles and videos about the Fujifilm X-T2, X-H1, X-E3 and more.

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Fujifilm X-H1

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Sigma CEO: “Fujifilm Customers Would be Our Ideal Customer, but Fujifilm Does Not Disclose Their Protocols”

Sigma Fujifilm

Just a few weeks ago we reported how the Sigma CEO said that, he would really like to make Fujifilm X mount lenses, but resources are limited and other projects have priority.

And today, in an interview with DPReview, when asked if Sigma is planing to make Fujifilm X mount lenses, Sigma CEO Kazuto Yamaki answered:

I have [had] many questions about it. I know that some [Fujifilm] customers are wishing for us to make lenses for them. It’s always a matter of priority. We know there are many good customers of the Fuji system and they’re perfectly matched with our ideal customer but [Fujifilm doesn’t] really disclose the protocol between the lens and camera, so we need to do the reverse engineering by ourselves.

It’s a really time-consuming process so we need to prioritize support for Sony E mount, our L-mount system, existing DSLR mounts and Micro Four Thirds.”

DPReview then adds:

According to Mr Yamaki, the cost of the R&D required is easy to justify for major mounts, where sales are guaranteed. The flip-side, of course, is that for systems with a relatively small market share, and / or a large range of attractive native options already in existence – like Fujifilm X – it’s a trickier proposition.”

Just recently, Fujifilm top manager Toshihisa Iida said here that Fujifilm does not believe they need to share their X mount protocols with third-party manufactures, since Fujifilm offers already lots of glass.

On the other hand, when asked about third parties reverse engineering their lenses, Toshihisa Iida said “I guess that’s good for customers“, which to me sounds like they won’t sue Viltrox for making the Viltrox 85mm f/1.8.

Yes, dear Fujifilm, customers like indeed more lenses!

So please, share those protocols and help even more people to join the X family, by widen your lens offer and open for third parties. Because, as they say, we buy cameras, but we marry lenses. And the more sexy lenses a system has, the more people will buy into and stick with it.

  • read here: SIGMA Will Make FUJIFILM X Mount lenses if X series Camera Sales Increase by 20%
  • read here: SIGMA Needs Bigger Fujifilm Market Share, TOKINA Designed X Glass Already but Stopped by Royalties, TAMRON is Vague

Not sure if it mitigates the pain, but you can for example use the Fringer Smart AF adapter, which supports the Sigma 50/1.4 ART, Sigma 85/1.4 ART, Sigma 17-50/2.8 OS, Sigma 50-100/1.8 ART, Sigma 24/1.4 ART, Sigma 135/1.8 ART, Sigma 100-400 and many more.

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Fujifilm X Photographer Shares Fujinon XF 33mm f/1.0 Image on Instagram. Beta Testing Started?

Fujinon XF 33mm f/1.0

Russian wedding photographer and official Fujifilm X photographer Alexey Malyshev (instagramfujifilm profile) just shared this instagram story, where he publicy asks people to guess which lens is mounted on his Fujifilm X-T3 (or maybe X-T2).

He gave us a hint: it’s not for sale yet.

Easy, this is definitely the Fujifilm Fujinon XF 33mm f/1.0 R WR lens, which is scheduled for 2020 release.

I am not sure, but Alexey posts could indicate that the beta testing program just started, but it could also be just a dummy*. In any case I will follow his instagram now, and in case I see images with razor thing DOF, I will let you know ;).

*UPDATE: Jonas Rask said in the comments to this post it is just a dummy, since it does not mount properly

Would be great if any Russian FR-reader could entirely translate what Alexey wrote in his instagram story [UPDATE: translation came in, thanks. Read below].

Who can guess what lens it is? If lens will be guessed, I gonna show some new super gun. Hint: It’s not even for sale yet.

Here on FujiRumors we have discussed the Fujinon XF33mm f/1.0 R WR extensively, for example:

  • read here: Czech store lists Fujifilm Fujinon XF33mm f/1.0 for $3,100
  • read here: Fujinon XF33mm F1.0 R WR: Clutch Focus? Price? AF-speed? and More – Multiple POLLS
  • read here: Fujifilm X-H1 with XF 33mm f/1.0 vs Panasonic S1 with Lumix S PRO 50mm f/1.4 size comparison
  • read here: Fuji Guy Billy explains the Fujinon XF 33mm f/1.0 development challenge
  • read here: Fujinon XF 33mm F1.0 vs XF 35mm F1.4 vs XF 35mm F2 size comparison
  • read here: Is the Fujinon XF 33mmF1.0 too Big? POLL
  • read here: Side by side – Fujinon XF33mm F1.0 vs Fujinon XF16-80mm F4 vs Fujinon XF16mmF2.8
  • read here: tell us why we should buy the Fujinon XF 33mmf1.0

That lens can’t come soon enough!!!

stay tuned on FujiRumors… hot rumors are coming soon ;)

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Customer Service Compared: Fujifilm keeps up with Canon, Sony is Worst – How Good is the Fuji Service in Your Country? (POLL)

Tony Northrup investigated in a poll, which camera service is the best. The results:

  1. Olympus: 90.5% satisfaction
  2. Canon: 84.6% satisfaction
  3. Fujifilm: 84.6% satisfaction
  4. Nikon: 80.5% satisfaction
  5. Sony: 70.6% satisfaction

Speaking of Fujifilm service…

I am curious to know how satisfied you are with the service in your country.

According to feedback I got so far, I have the impression that the service in UK is probably the best in the Fujifilm world. But I also hear stories that are pretty frustrating coming from other countries.

In order to let Fujifilm know, I decided to launch a poll, which might help them to see, where there is still room for improvement.

Of course I can’t include all countries, so I will select the top 10 countries amongst FujiRumors readers.

NOTE: I have just been informed that Fuji professional service (FPS) has been launched also in Australia. Register here

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Your Fuji Support Poll

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Commlite CM-EF-FX Firmware Update 1.21 released

Commlite CM-EF-FX Smart AF Adapter firmware update version 1.21 has just been released.

  • Bug Fix: Fixed blackout and improved stability when using X-H1, X-T3 and X-T30
  • Operation stabilization and focus accuracy have been improved for some sigma lenses

Download links:

Amazon Purchase Link:

List of smart adapters available for Fujifilm X mount

Viltrox 85mm f/1.8 vs Fujinon XF 90mm f/2 Comparison

The brand new Viltrox 85mm f/1.8 autofocus lens for Fujifilm X is getting the more and more attention since FujiRumors started covering it with this hands-on test back in September 2018 (includes RAW samples to download).

This time Mattias and Andrew compare it also to the Fujinon XF 90mm f/2. Mattias used it on an X-Pro1 and X-E3, whereas Andrew on the Fujifilm X-T3. Their findings do not correspond always.

Viltrox 85mm f/1.8 for Fujifilm: BHphoto, AmazonUS

Check out the main points below:

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Fujifilm X-H2, X-T4 and X-Pro3 with Samsung Pixel Merge Technology for Variable Megapixel Sensor

Fujifilm & Samsung

Back in 2018 Samsung and Fujifilm officially announced the development of a new CMOS image sensor technology for enhanced light sensitivity and color fidelity, called ISOCELL+ sensor (full report here).

This sensor structure also allows for the revolutionary “pixel merge technology“, already used in the Samsung Galaxy A7

This is how it works on the Samsung Galaxy A7: the 24 megapixel sensor can, for better low light image quality, combine 4 pixels into 1 pixel and end up with 6 MP files (via

The hot rumor today is:

Samsung will provide Fujifilm with APS-C and Medium Format pixel merge technology sensors.

The rumor is of a 36 megapixel APS-C sensor, that could be switched to 9, 18 or 27 megapixel according to your needs. You will also be able to switch between Bayer and X-Trans layout. Last but not least, the pixels will also be able to flip by 180° into black & white mode.

The source told me, this technology will be ready for the Fujifilm X-H2, Fujifilm X-T4 and Fujifilm X-Pro3, followed by a 150 megapixel medium format Fujfilm GFX 150.

This “universal all-in-one” sensor is Fujifilm’s answer to customers’ often impossible desires: one sensor, to satisfy them all!

But Fujifilm’s mission to deliver what we really desire and need does not stop here!

According to our source, the next step is the use of Vibranium from Wakanda for lens development, which should allow for a fully optically corrected XF 8-600mm f/0.85 pancake lens for less than $500.

It looks like our constant complaints finally pushed Fujifilm to re-invent the laws of physics.

This digital photography revolution starts today, with this rumor, on this special, very special day, that I will mark in my calendar… and you should do the same :).

stay tuned on FujiRuomors… not only April 1 ;)

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