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Sigma CEO: “I Would Really Like to Make Fujifilm X Mount Lenses, but Resources are Limited and Other Projects have Priority”

Sigma CEO interviewed by lenstip
Sigma CEO interviewed by lenstip

Sigma Fujifilm

In a recent interview to lenstip, Sigma CEO Kazuto Yamaki said regarding making Fujifilm X mount Sigma lenses:

I really would want to but, you know, our resources are limited and it’s all a matter of priorities. I really wish we could make a lens for the X mount system but right now, just because our resources are limited, we don’t have such a plan. We have too many ongoing projects.”

Here on fujirumors we shared a rumor, that Sigma wants to see an increase in Fujifilm market share, before they start making lenses for Fujifilm.

  • read here: SIGMA Will Make FUJIFILM X Mount lenses if X series Camera Sales Increase by 20%
  • read here: SIGMA Needs Bigger Fujifilm Market Share, TOKINA Designed X Glass Already but Stopped by Royalties, TAMRON is Vague

It seems we can definitely put aside hopes for Sigma X mount glass.

Not sure if it mitigates the pain, but you can for example use the Fringer Smart AF adapter, which supports the Sigma 50/1.4 ART, Sigma 85/1.4 ART, Sigma 17-50/2.8 OS, Sigma 50-100/1.8 ART, Sigma 24/1.4 ART, Sigma 135/1.8 ART, Sigma 100-400 and many more.

There are other interesting things to read and I will highlight my best of down below.

Foveon full frame camera coming?

That is the basic plan but everything is possible. We might even use an APS-C sensor again.”

He sets his priorities:

We will work more on full frame mirrorless lenses […]; then probably there will be mirrorless cameras with APS-C and then, full frame DSLR

And how many engineers are involved in designing one lens?

A typical team consists of 1 optical designer engineer, maybe 3 or 4 mechanical engineers, 1 or 2 software engineers and maybe 1 or 2 electronic engineers so not more than 10 people. In the next stages more specialists become involved: prototype engineers, production system engineers so, in total, several dozens of people are engaged in a production of a new lens. If you add the die design, I think it’s close to 100 people for one product.

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Exif Video Resolved DR adds Fujifilm Support for EXIF Metadata Import in DaVinci Resolve

As you might know DaVinci Resolve can’t read the metadata of many DSLRs and Mirrorless cameras. A solution to this problem is now offered by Exif Video Resolved DR.

Exif Video Resolved DR is a plugin for ExifTool, that allows you to import camera EXIF metadata such as ISO, Aperture, Shutter, Lens Type, Gamma, Color Space, Focal Point, etc. to Davinci Resolve, giving you the ability to see a lot more metadata info in your Media Pool with just a few click.

The good news for Fujifilm users is, that on March 14, Exif Video Resolved DR ver. 1.1 added support for Fujifilm X-T30, Fujifilm X-T3, Fujifilm X-H1, Fujifilm X-T2, Fujifilm X-T20, Fujifilm X-E3 and Fujifilm X-A5.

Exif Video Resolved DR is not free, but very affordable. You can get the Fujifilm version for €5 and the version with all cameras supported for €14 (or €20 if you buy Windows and Mac version together). Future updates should be free.

You can check all the details at and here is the online instruction manual.

It’s my pleasure to break again the news here on FujiRumors, and if you want to be always and consistently the first to get the news and rumors around the Fujifilm world, here is what you have to do:

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Screenshots & Tutorial Videos

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Fujifilm Wins “iF Design Award” with 20 Products

iF Design Award 2019

News is news, so I share it. But I wrote a very informative piece about these awards last year. So, if you want to read how the business around (some of these) awards goes, check out this article.

Now, I do not know if the iF design award works the same like TIPA, EISA and others, but I would not be surprised if it would.

With that said, the iF Design Awards have been assigned, and Fujifilm wins with 20 products:

Fujifilm wins the internationally prestigious “iF Design Award” with 20 products

-Recognized for design excellence, advanced performance and superior operability in products of various business fields
-Portable X-ray unit “CALNEO Xair” wins the highest ranked “iF Gold Award”

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Fujifilm Managers Interview: IBIS in Smaller X-T Body is Necessary, XF Video Lenses, Why No Full Frame, XF 33mm f/1.0 and More

Fujifilm Managers Interview

The French site Phototrend interviewed Fujifilm Managers Shinichiro Udono, Jun Watanabe and Takuya Noguchi at CP+ in Japan. Here are the key points of the interview. For the full interview check out phototrend (google translated).

Hybrid Market

  • hybrid market had already reached 48% of annual sales (in value)
  • in the second half of 2019, the hybrid market has already exceeded the 50% mark
  • the managers think in 2020 year it we will be around 55 or 60%
  • Fujifilm launched first hybrid in 2012
  • now Fuji has already has 31 XF lenses + 10 GF lenses (roadmap lenses included), so the Fuji system is well established in relation to new entrants, both in terms of lenses and a very wide range of products

Why many lenses close or same in focal length (for example XF35mmF1.4, XF35mmF2 and XF33mmF1.0)

  • we want to offer different options to photographers, not only in terms of focal length, but also according to the shooting style. That’s why we have many fixed focal lengths with different focal lengths and apertures. It’s our concept

XF Cine Lenses

  • when Fuji launched X-Pro1 seven years ago, focus was on still images, hence lenses for stills
  • Fujinon XF 16-55mm f/2.8 R LM WR and Fujinon XF 50-140mm f/2.8 R LM OIS WR zoom lenses are very good lenses for video
  • maybe in the future Fujifilm will offer XF zoom and prime lenses with a mechanism optimized for video shooting
  • The current Fujinon MKX lenses cover alreary most of the needs of professional videographers
  • Fujifilm thinks of making XF lenses with better video performance, and not more MK lenses

Fujifilm X-H2, IBIS in Fujifilm X-T3

  • with the XH series, Fujifilm targets professional users, while with the XT series they focus on enthusiasts
  • IBIS: Fuji does not want to compromise on image quality so they need a bigger package for now to get excellent image quality and image stabilization
  • IBIS is currently not possible in cameras of size of Fujifilm X-T3
  • But in the future, Fujifilm believes that it is necessary to offer IBIS technology on more compact cameras (X-T line).
  • Fuji X-H1 size is not only due to IBIS, but because Fujifilm wanted to create larger body with better grip and ergonomics for Pros. Even without IBIS, the X-H1 would have the same size/style

Full Frame Fujifilm?

  • we do not really know what’s in our customers’ heads (laughs). But in our case, we also have the GFX medium format camera system
  • we believe that the combination of medium format and APS-C is the best option
  • Canon, Nikon or Sony offer great full format products
  • Fujifilm had an internal discussion on the sensor format they had to use
  • they did a lot of simulations with engineers. They decided not to go FF, because APS-C allows for a smaller system, also lenses are smaller and lighter
  • Fujifilm is a photography company and they really want customers to take more photos. If the camera is bigger and heavier, they will not necessarily want to take it all the time with them and we do not want that
  • we want our customers to take their camera everyday and enjoy photography. This is the concept of our APS-C system
  • but Fujifilm knows that some customers want a system with a higher resolution and a larger sensor. For them, we have a system with a larger sensor than the full format and it’s the GFX

Fujifilm X-T30

  • Fuji does not intend to stop X-T20 production. The X-T20 will be sold cheaper than the X-T30

Fujinon XF33mm f/1.0

  • the goal is to deliver a lens with the most beautiful bokeh effect
  • at f/1.0, the manual focus is very difficult and that’s why we made this lens with autofocus
  • we already had this idea in mind, but we needed the technology to integrate an autofocus system on such a bright lens

Fujifilm GFX 100 Megapixel and GFX50R

  • the GFX100 will have much faster autofocus than current GFX50S and GFX50R
  • it will have IBIS
  • Our development team is working very hard on IBIS, because the sensor is much larger and it is very difficult to control the movements of the sensor
  • 4K 30p without cropping
  • GFX100 target are professional photographers, especially in the world of fashion, advertising and portraiture. But since this camera is faster, we may be able to extend the audience
  • Fujifilm GFX 50R sales are bigger than expected. Many advanced amateur photographers are buying the GFX 50r, especially for landscape or street photography

Modular GFX (Report & Images & Videos Here)

  • The modular GFX body was of course only an idea, there was no technical research on how we could achieve this result
  • For the moment, we have no plan to develop a modular GFX. But once we have the right technology to produce this type of device, maybe we will consider that option
  • Fujifilm was surprised by the huge reaction there was about the modular GFX. Some customer misunderstood, and thought it’s an actual prototype and future product

Kaizen Firmware

  • software technologies evolve on a daily basis, and new features are developed
  • we are always looking for the benefit for the consumer, it’s our way of thinking
  • when a new feature is developed for latest sensor/processor, it is very hard to bring it to cameras with older sensor/processor. It requires much more complex work. It’s not impossible, but it depends on situatuin and development resources

Market Trend

  • SLR market, each year this market will shrink, by 10 to 20%
  • Fujifilm is in the hybrid market for 6 to 7 years, it’s a good thing more manufacturers are coming up with more products because it creates a strong message for the hybrid with customers

A few product images from the interview below.


SLR Magic launches Six MicroPrime Lenses for Fujifilm X Mount

SLR Magic has launched their compact MicroPrime Cine Lenses for Fujifilm X Mount.

We remind you that SLR Magic already offers the following lenses for Fujifilm:

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Fujifilm X-Pro3 Coming in 2019 – Trusted Source

Fujifilm X-Pro3

According to our trusted sources, the Fujifilm X-Pro3 will come in 2019.

I have no specs for now, but it is safe to assume (personal guess), that it will feature the same sensor and processor of the Fujifilm X-T3.

  • fujirumors –  Fujifilm X-Pro3 Concepts and Share Your X-Pro3 Wish List (includes survey)
  • fujirumors – What to Expect from Fujifilm X-Pro3 (includes another survey)

When exaclty will the Fuji X-Pro3 come?

Well, we have already analyzed the complete Fujifilm X cameras refreshment rate, and if Fujifilm would keep the usual product cycle, the X-Pro3 should be out in January 2020.

Today’s rumor, though, suggest that Fujifilm anticipates the release of the X-Pro2 successor. My personal guess (NOT RUMOR) is that this will happen towards the end of 2019, hence being very close to the January 2020 date.

But to be clear, I have no time indication, which could mean the Fujifilm X-Pro3 could be annouced anytime in 2019. I will let you you know more details as soon as I can.

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SONY User Tries FUJIFILM for the First Time, Didn’t Read the Owners Manual and Why You Know Your Gear Better than “Pro” Reviewers

Sony vs Fujifilm

Manny Oritz (former Sony ambassador, who left the program to focus on his youtube channel and to be able to cover more products) tested his first Fujifilm camera, the Fujifilm X-T3 and he has lots of great things to say about it.

  • Very responsive
  • Great weather sealing
  • beautiful color science, much better than Sony A6500
  • XF56mmF1.2 is a fantastic lens
  • Lightroom RAW processing not optimal [FR-NOTE: after his video, Adobe just offered a solution with the “enhanced detail” feature.]
  • Eye-AF is good but it’s better on Sony [FR-NOTE: major eye-AF improvement is coming for X-T3 in April].
  • Definitely a camera he could add to his current Sony kit
  • X-T3 makes you want to go out and shoot
  • The Fujifilm X-T3 exceeded his expectations in the field

A fair and objective review… but there is one thing I want to highlight.

Owners Manual Anyone?

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FUJIFILM X-T30 and XF 16mmF2.8 Launch LIVE BLOGGING and Fujifilm X-T3, X-T100, X-A5, Camera Remote 4.0 Updates

Fujifilm X-T30 and XF 16mm f/2.8 Live Blog

Pre-order Options

Fujifilm X-T30: BHphoto / Adorama / AmazonUS / FocusCamera
Fujinon XF16mm f/2.8: BHphoto / Adorama / AmazonUS / FocusCamera
Fujifilm Finepix XP140: BHphoto / Adorama / AmazonUS

Official Fujifilm Info

Fujifilm X-T30

Fujinon XF16mm f/2.8


First Look Reviews

Fujifilm X-T30

Fujinon XF16mm f/2.8

  • keithwee – Review of the Fujifilm Fujion XF16mm f/2.8 – 5 reasons for the essential wide lens
  • jonasraskphotography – Compact Impact – Fujinon XF16mm f/2.8 review
  • ephotozine – XF16mmF2.8 samples
  • dpreview – samples gallery

Firmware / Software News

All Video Reviews

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Dear Fujifilm, We Decided: These are the X and G Lenses You should Make Next

Top Lenses Results

So, the jury is in and a record-breaking 14,000+ of you guys voted the lens future polls!

It was an exciting head to head battle and for the overall results check this article.

For the X system, I have picked the most voted prime and most voted zoom lens, since last time we launched a huge lens request poll, Fujifilm also picked our top prime and top zoom, and made our wishes become reality.

For the G system, the selection was smaller, so I picked only the most voted lens.

When it comes to firmware wish lists, the race is extremely tight. Check the winner down below.

Top X Mount Prime and Zoom

  • Fujinon XF 10mm F2
  • Fujinon XF 18-35mm F2

Top G Mount Lens

  • GF 21mm F4 Tilt Shift

Top Wanted Firmware

  • Focus Bracketing Function

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Fujifilm X Summit: Recap of A Unique Event and One More Reason to Fall in Love with Fujifilm!

Fujifilm X Summit

What crazy days we had, triggered by the wonderful Fujifilm X Summit.

Fujifilm managers, engineers and designers explained their work, gave interesting insights and answered live questions of their customers.

Fujifilm even publicly asked us which lenses and firmware we would like next, letting us vote on various options (with overwhelming response by the FujiRumors community).

The X Summit shows, that the way Fujifilm interacts, listens and follows to customer needs, is more unique than rare, and it’s one more reason to fall in love with Fujifilm!

In case you missed it, make sure to check out our compact Fujifilm X Summit summary.

Fujifilm did an amazing job, customers answered in the best way possible, and for what it’s worth, I’ve also tried to honour the event by working restlessly and publishing 14 articles over the last weekend.

However, it seems that not everybody was able to keep track of it all, since I start to get emails from readers notifying me about news I have already published.

So I thought a quick recap could help:

Fun fact: at the X Summit Fujifilm said they will cooperate with Adobe for better X-Trans support, and four days later came this news:

  • click here – First Looks at ADOBE’s New Enhance Details Feature for Sharper Fujifilm X-Trans files
  • click here – ADOBE Improves Detail Rendering for FUJIFILM X-Trans RAW Files in Camera RAW 11.2

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