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First Looks at ADOBE’s New Enhance Details Feature for Sharper Fujifilm X-Trans files

Adobe Enhance Details

Earlier today Adobe released Camera Raw 11.2 with a new detail enhancement feature, which promises 30% improved details rendering for Bayer and also for Fujifilm X-Trans files.

To access the new feature, click on the image and select “Enhance Details“, click on OK and it’s done!

As to expect there are over 100 comments already in this FujiRumors article, with lots of feedback about Adobes improved engine.

In the comments on FujiRumors, you will find bug reports, comparison files on dropbox to download and more. So make sure to check the lively comment section in this article.

Overall initial feedback: there is an improvement indeed.

Hey Adobe, too many people switched to Capture One 12, hu?

Anyway, also Thomas tested the new enhance detail feature, and here are some excerpts:

  • creates artifact free image
  • it’s very processor intensive, hence slow. Use with fast computer [FR readers say around 10 seconds processing]
  • sharper and cleaner than Iridient X Transformer, especially when it comes to colour details. Edges are cleaner, too
  • Iridient X Transformer is still faster
  • good job at rendering X-Trans files
  • It’s an extra step, but quality wise, it is up there with the best.

Thomas also explains, why Adobe does not simply change their demosaicing for X-Trans.

fixing” the X-Trans issues would have required significantly changing the most vital part of the rendering process – the demosiacing – It would have required significant engineering effort to change it for X-Trans rendering and not break the backwards compatibility, and may not have been possible without affecting the way the system works.

You can read the whole article and see comparison images at thomasfitzgeraldphotography.

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ADOBE Improves Detail Rendering for FUJIFILM X-Trans RAW Files in Camera RAW 11.2

Adobe X-Trans Support Improved

Adobe has just released Camera Raw version 11.2, and it is potentially a very important one for Fujifilm X shooters, since it literally says:

Enhance Details is introduced in Adobe Camera Raw 11.2. Powered by Adobe Sensei, Enhance Details produces crisp detail, improved color rendering, more accurate renditions of edges, and fewer artifacts.

Enhance Details is especially useful for making large prints, where fine details are more visible. This feature applies to raw mosaic files from cameras with Bayer sensors (Canon, Nikon, Sony, and others) and Fujifilm X-Trans sensors.

Do make sure to test it and let us know in the comments. Share also comparison images. And here is the link to the Adobe page.

It’s your choice, guys. Do you want to miss the news or be the last one to know, or do you want to be the first and best informed Fujifilm X shooter on earth? If it’s the second one, then make sure to follow FujiRumors on Facebook, Instagram, RSS-feed and Twitter.

Thanks to the FR-reader for letting us know.

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Fujinon XF 16mm f/2.8 Annoucement February 14 and First Fujifilm X-T30 Real Life Image

Fujinon XF 16mm f/2.8

Here on FujiRumors we already told you over a month ago ago, that the FujinonXF 16mm f/2.8 will ship in the first quarter of 2019.

According to our sources, the announcement will happen on February 14, hence on the same day of the Fujifilm X-T30 launch.

Of course it’s our pleasure to guide you through the launch party in a unique live blogging on FujiRumors :).

Oh, and btw, down below you can see the first image of the Fujifilm X-T30 in real life (the silver version).

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Fujifilm X-H1 with XF 33mm f/1.0 vs Panasonic S1 with Lumix S PRO 50mm f/1.4 Size Comparison

Fujinon XF 33mm f/1.0

Today I was curious to know how the Fujifilm X-H1 with Fujinon XF33mm f/1.0 would compare in terms of size to the brand new full frame Panasonic S1 with Lumix S PRO 50mm f/1.4.

So I grabbed one of the real life pictures of the XF33mm f/1.0 I took at Photokina 2018 and made an approximate comparison.

If the final production XF 33mmF1.0 will have the same size of the mock-up I have seen at Photokina, then the Fujinon XF33mm f/1.0 will be smaller than the Lumix S PRO 50mm f/1.4.

Let’s hope it will also be cheaper, since the Panasonic Lumix S PRO 50mm f/1.4 comes with a hefty price tag.

When it comes to camera bodies, the Panasonic S1 is noticeably bigger than the Fujifilm X-T3, X-H1 and also other full frame cameras like the Sony A7III.

My guess is that the bigger body is needed for proper heat dissipation to allow 4K/60 and avoid overheating. This is probably also the reason why no Sony A7 camera currently offers 4K60p.

But despite the larger body, the Panasonic has still to do compromises in terms of 4K/60P compared for example to the Fujifilm X-T3.

  • Fujifilm X-T3: 4K/60 with only 1.18x crop without line skipping
  • Panasonic S1: 4K/60 with 1.5x crop (basically APS-C size)
  • Panasonic S1R: 4K/60 with line skipping

In our article about the several advantages of APS-C sensors over full frame, we explained how smaller sensors are faster to read out, hence generate less heat and allow for features like the blackout less EVF at 30fps continuous shooting, and, in this case, a better 4K/60 readout.

The Fujifilm X-H1 has no 4K/60, but this is a limitation that comes from the older and slower X Processor Pro.

So, every sensor size has its advantages. It’s now up to Fujifilm to fully take advantage of them. And I expect especially the Fujifilm X-H2 to raise new standards and be a clear step ahead of the competition.

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The Magic of the Fujinon XF 35mm f/1.4 Explained and Why Fujifilm Should NOT Make an XF 35mm f/1.4 MK II

The Fujinon XF 35mm f/1.4 Magic

Why an article about Fujifilm’s oldest X-series lens, the Fujinon XF 35mm f/1.4, in 2019?

Because our recent poll has shown, that the XF35mmF1.4 is the most loved Fujinon lens overall, and I thought that, based on official Fujifilm statements, we try to investigate what makes this lens so incredible popular and loved.

Fujifilm said that, when designing the XF 35mmF1.4, they had 2 choices:

  • follow the MTF test criteria and create a lens that scores high at MTF charts
  • don’t care about specs & charts and design the lens thinking at the real life use

Fujifilm went for the real life use, and the result is a lens, the Fujinon XF35mm f/1.4, that is “decent” according to MTF charts, but amazing in real life. To know more about it, check out the XF 35mm f/1.4 development story at fujifilm-x.

Also Fuji Guy Billy recently said here, that Fujifilm did not want to create a clinically perfect lens, but a lens with character. We could call it a “perfectly imperfect” lens, a unique lens, or, in other words, a lens with a “magic touch“.

I also remember Fujifilm saying a few years ago, that while designing the Fujinon XF35mm f/1.4, they decided to go for a slower focussing lens, because they saw that, with a faster focus mechanism requiring a different internal design, the XF35/1.4 would have lost its “magic“. If I find the article, I’ll share the link here later on.

  • fuji-x-forum: That 35mm f1.4 magic in other Fujinon lenses?

XF 35mm f/1.4 MK II ?

And now comes the part that will make me extremely unpopular and you will probably ban me from FujiRumors. :)

While working on this article, I thought that maybe Fujifilm should NOT make an XF 35mm F1.4 MK II (which is your first choice for a MK II version according to this poll).

But before you destroy your keyboard while typing angry comments, give me a chance to explain why.

In the light of what Fujifilm officially stated, I agree with what FR-reader (and X-Pro line lover ;) ), PC1512 said here:

People need to understand that the existing 35 1.4 will never be “updated” with a magic new motor and suddenly be quicker focussing; the optical formula people like so much is the reason that it’s a slower focussing lens, because of the weight of all the elements which are designed to be moved as one unit to achieve focus.

To speed that up significantly you need to change the optical formula, which means it becomes an entirely different lens. Effectively that’s what they did when they produced the 35 f2 – and wisely kept the 1.4 still available as an alternative.”

We love our Fujinon XF35mm f/1.4 for its “magic”… a magic that would probably go lost in a Mark II version.

Do you want weather sealing?

Well, when I destroyed my Fujifilm X-E2 (I had to jump into a river with all my gear), despite my desperate attempts to rescue my X-E2, the camera died forever, but my beloved Fujifilm XF35mm f/1.4 survived, and still today it works like a charm. So I am confident it will survive also if I am catched by some rain.

Do you want faster autofocus?

Try to get a Fujifilm X-T3, which breaths new life into older lenses in terms of AF speed.

I’d love to hear what you guys think about it… and yep, I have my shitstorm helmet on ;).

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Five Reasons to Switch to Fujifilm for Weddings, From Full Frame DSLR to Fuji X, Worth it? and More Switch Stories

Fuji X Switch Stories

FujiRumors is a 100% independent space.

I don’t get free or discounted gear from Fujifilm, I don’t get special customer service, I don’t get invitations and free flights/hotels to launch parties, I don’t get free t-shirts or hats… and that’s good so.

I wake up, I go to work, I come back home, I blog and I write whatever I want.

This independency allows me to write for example articles like the ones below, that Fujifilm surely did not appreciate:

So actually I don’t think there is one brand out there, that we attacked more than Fujifilm ;).

But my job is not to make Fujifilm happy, but to be loyal to those of you, who decide to read this blog. And hence, I will report everything. Fujifilm does not pay me a penny, and if this blog runs at all, it’s only because you decide to support it.

On the other hand, I can’t hide that I simply fell in love with Fujifilm many years ago, and it’s a love that gets stronger as the years pass by.

So, while I will keep up delivering you everything, every now and then, I also feel like sharing some good switch stories of people, who talk so passionate about Fujifilm.

It’s the same enthusiasm that caught me many years ago, hence, I will share a few of these stories today.

Check them out or not, it’s up to you.

Enjoy your weekend, love you all (even if don’t shoot Fuji ;) )

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Switch to Fuji X

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Major Fujifilm X-T3 Firmware Update Coming in Spring 2019

Fujifilm X-T3 Firmware Update

Back on November 13, Fujifilm promised to release a major firmware update for Fujifilm X-T3 in December, which would, amongst the others, remove the 4GB file record limit.

Fujifilm did indeed release Fujifilm X-T3 firmware ver. 2.0 on December 17, but it did not include the removal of the 4GB recording limit.

All Fujifilm told us was:

Regarding the new function “Recording over 4GB movie file as one file” which was planned to add to the firmware Ver.2.00, we will announce the schedule to release the firmware with the function in January 2019

I started to get many requests on my Facebook and Twitter page, so, while waiting for Fujifilm to disclose more details, I reached out to some of my sources.

The initial feedback I got, is that currently Fujifilm plans a major Fujifilm X-T3 firmware update in spring 2019.

It should go well beyond the removal of the 4GB recording limit, hence there is hope we will be able to call it a big Kaizen firmware update. [UPDATE: the 4GB record limit will be removed with X-T3 fimrware 2.10 on February 7. The spring firmware should bring other improvements]

I’ll keep you posted as soon as I get more details, so make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, RSS-feed and Twitter

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Price of Fujifilm X-H1 Falling Worldwide, but No Fujifilm X-H2 Coming in 2019

Fujifilm X-H2 Coming?

Lately I get many emails asking me if the Fujifilm X-H2 is around the corner, since the price on the Fujifilm X-H1 is dropping drastically all over the world (latest countries to join is the United Kingdom today here).

My answer is no, there will NOT be a Fujifilm X-H2 in 2019.

The reason for the price drop on the Fujifilm X-H1 is not because the X-H2 is coming, but because… well, I have a smart community, and I’m sure you can figure it out by your own ;).

  • read here: VOTE: Fujifilm X-H2 with 3 way Tilt Screen, Swivel Screen or X-T100 Flippy Screen?
  • read here: If the Fujifilm X-T3 had IBIS, would You Prefer it over the Fujifilm X-H2?

The only camera to get a successor very soon, is the Fujifilm X-T20, since the Fujifilm X-T30 is coming on February 14.

Check out the new prices on Fujifilm gear in your country*:

Fujifilm X-H1 body – $1,299 (includes battery grip!) / £1,199 / €1,299

Fujifilm X-H1 w/grip – $1,299 / £1,299 / €1,399

Fujifilm X-T2 – $1,099 / £999 / €1,099

Fujifilm X-T20 – $699 / £629 / €699

Fujifilm X-T100 – $499 / £449 / €499

Fujifilm X-E3 – $699 / £629 / €699

* in € price might change according to country. There might also be variations in €, £ and $ according to different shops

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Competition Compared: Sony a6400 vs Fujifilm X-T20 vs Fujifilm X-T3 vs Sony a6500 vs Fujifilm X-T30

Sony A6400

Sony announced the Sony A6400, which, given its price and features, we can consider the Fujifilm X-T30 competitor.

The Fujifilm X-T30 will be announced February 14.

Above you can find a specs sheet comparison between the Sony A6400, Fujifilm X-T20, Sony A6500, Fujifilm X-T3 as well as an initial list of Fujifilm X-T30 specs, assuming it has the same sensor/processor of X-T3.

Animal Face/Eye Detection

Fujifilm already has it! :)

In fact, this forgotten Fujifilm digital camera offered “pet detection” for cats and dogs already 8 years ago.

Of course Sony’s solution is much more sophisticated and potentially very useful for wildlife photographers, so let’s hope Fujifilm will catch up on that feature, improve and extend it, and bring it to us Fuji X series lovers via Kaizen love soon.

New Autofocus

The showpiece of the Sony A6400 is definitely the new autofocus system, but we have to wait real life reviews to see if it really lives up to the hype Sony created with its promo videos.

If so, then it’s definitely impressive.

The Fujifilm X-T30 will feature the new sensor and processor of the Fujifilm X-T3, hence we can expect an excellent performer in terms of autofocus and eye-AF. Can’t wait to see the first real life comparisons with Sony’s new AF system.

Dealbreaker Selfie Screen?

The Sony A6400 also targets vloggers. However, with an on camera microphone attached, you can no longer see yourself in the upwards tilting selfie screen. A possible dealbreaker for vloggers.

If the Fujifilm X-T30 has a selfie screen, then it could be the one of the Fujifilm X-T100, which I consider a brilliant solution for hybrid stills/video shooters, except for one downside, as we told you here.

You guys already told us which kind of tilt screen you prefer (for Fujifilm X-H2). Check out and vote the poll here.

Lack of APS-C Lenses

If Sony’s wants to create an attractive APS-C system, they need to add several high quality APS-C lenses, but sadly Sony didn’t announce any new APS-C lens.

To cover the gaps in their APS-C lens line-up, you must get the more expensive and bigger FE-mount full frame lenses, which kind of destroys the purpose of buying into APS-C.

The Fujifilm X-T30 has on its side a terrific lens line-up specifically designed for APS-C. You find from big, heavy and expensive glass to small, portable and afforable lenses. A mature system.

Sony Kaizen

The probably most exciting part of the recent announcements, was Sony’s promise to add the new autofocus system as well as new features (interval recording) via firmware update to the Sony A9, Sony A7III and Sony A7rIII.

Let’s hope Sony will permanently adopt Fujifilm’s Kaizen strategy, since customers will benefit so much from it (companies a little bit less, since they hold off people from upgrading more frequently to newer models).

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size/weight comparison by apotelyt

BREAKING: Fujifilm X-T30 Announcement on February 14

Fujifilm X-T30

According to our trusted sources, the Fujifilm X-T30 will be announced on February 14.

FujiRumors will be live blogging the event non stop, so make sure to join FujiRumors on Facebook, Instagram, RSS-feed and Twitter.

And remember that:

Check out our Fujifilm camera and lens timeline 2019/2020 for more details.

And I know that given the terrific rebate on Fujifilm X-H1 ($900 cheaper than just at launch price), many speculate the Fujifilm X-H2 could be annouced, too. But so far I do not have any indication that leads me to correct my previous rumor, which said the Fujifilm X-H2 will not come in 2019.

More rumors are coming :), so make sure to get notified instantly by following FujiRumors on Facebook, Instagram, RSS-feed and Twitter and hitting that little bell icon on the bottom right of your browser.

Fujifilm X-T20 new MSRP + Fujifilm X-H1 Super Deal

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