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RUMOR: Fujifilm X-H2 Coming with 1/180,000 sec. fastest Electronic Shutter

According to trusted information we have received, the Fujifilm X-H2 fastest electronic shutter will be 1/180,000 sec.

The current fastest electronic shutter available on Fujifilm cameras is 1/32,000 sec.

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RUMOR: Fujinon GF20-35mmF4 Announcement on September 8

The Fujifilm X Summit on September 8th at 2PM New York time will have one huge protagonist: the Fujifilm X-H2.

But it won’t be an X-H2 event only, nor an exclusive X series event.

Nope, also Fujifilm GFX shooters will have something to look forward to.

In fact, according to our trusted sources, Fujifilm will announce the Fujinon GF20-35mmF4 on September 8, too.

As an owner of the incredible Fujinon GF32-64mmF4 myself, having a zoom that starts more or less where my current lens ends and goes all the way down to 20mm (15.8mm FF equiv.) making it the widest GF lens available, is something that is really tempting to add to my G mount lens arsenal.

Because even if I currently can’t go beyond 64mm with my GF32-64, thanks to the 100 megapixel on my Fujifilm GFX100S I can crop the heck out of my files and get closer while retaining sharp and crisp images. But I can’t capture things that are outside what my lens can see, so a wider option could definitely come in handy for my landscape photography.

You see… my GAS is already triggered. ;)

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LEAKED: AstrHori 75mm f/4 for Fujifilm GFX First Image and Specs

With the growing popularity of the Fujifilm GFX system, third party manufacturers started to make G mount lenses.

For example, we have a couple of nice Laowa G mount lenses, Mitakon G mount lenses, Irix G mount lenses and TTArtisan G mount lenses.

Well, another third party manufacturer is about to join the Fujifilm G mount system: AstrHori.

Now, AstrHori isn’t new in the Fujifilm world, as they already make a couple of lenses for the Fujifilm X system.

But the AstrHori 75mm f/4 will be their first lens for the Fujifilm GFX system. You can see an image of it mounted on the Fujifilm GFX100S above (in its original watermark free version ;))

  • 75mm F4
  • Format: medium format 4433
  • Focal length: 75mm
  • Aperture range: F4-16
  • Optical structure: 8 elements in 6 groups
  • Field of view: 44.2°
  • Focus range: 0.82m~∞
  • Filter size: Φ67mm
  • Size: about Φ75mm*L76mm
  • Weight: about 634.5g
  • Bayonet: Fuji GFX / Hasselblad x
  • Focusing method: Manual focus

GFX Gear

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Fujifilm Firmware Updates for X-T4, X-T3, X-S10, X-Pro3, X-T30II, X100V, GFX100S, GFX100, GFX50S and GFX50R

Fujifilm has released new firmware updates for ten Fujifilm cameras.

Down below all the details and download links.

Rumors and Discussions

Firmware Details

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Fujinon GF20-35mm f/4 Constant Aperture (According to Fujifilm’s Own Mock-up)

Back in September 2021 Fujifilm held a very interesting X summit, where they also displayed a couple of mock-ups of future lenses.

One of the mock-ups displayed was the Fujinon GF20-35mm lens (which we find also on the G mount roadmap).

Well, one detail about the GF20-35mm passed unnoticed until today.

In fact, after FR-reader Lars contacted me asking about more details about the GF20-35mm lens, I went back to the mock-ups and gave them another look.

To my surprise, I noticed a detail that during the hasty hours of the mega-launch-summit back in September I missed (and apparently nobody else noticed it either): if you look closely, blurred but still recognizable, you can see “1:4” printed next to “GF20-35mm” (see image above).

This means that, at least at the time of the X summit on September 2021, Fujifilm did plan it as a constant f/4 zoom, hence Fujifilm Fujinon GF20-35mm f/4 R WR.

So there was a change over the internal roadmap we leaked back in 2017, where it was displayed as Fujinon GF20-36mm f/3.5-4.5.

If Fujifilm sticks by that, then it would bring the Fujinon GF20-35mmF4 in line with other top tier GF zooms such as the Fujinon GF32-64mmF4 and the GF45-100mmF4.

For additional images about this lens, make sure to check out our original article here.

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Fujifilm X Summit on May 31: Still Unknown if Fujifilm X-H2s, X-H2 high res, XF150-600, XF18-120, XF56MKII, GF20-35 Will All Drop There

FujiRrumors unveiled that the an epic Fujifilm X summit will take place on May 31.

As usual during Fujifilm X Summits, we can expect lots of gear to come. And in the past we also saw new lens roadmaps, firmware announcements, displays of prototypes and more.

So definitely X Summits are a huge event for us Fuji lovers.

However, I’ve already read comments all over the web claiming that FujiRumors said the following gear will be announced on May 31:

Look, a little bit I got used to the fact that some people make their assumption based on fragments of what I write. In fact, there are at least 10 rumors I’ve never shared about the X-H2 and actually people think I’ve shared them.

So today I feel I need to make another important clarification.

FujiRumors never said that all the gear listed above will be announced on May 31. What we said is that this is the stuff Fujifilm has surely in the pipeline for 2022 and surely some of it must come on May 31. But I have no idea if all of it will come on that date. Maybe yes, I certainly hope so, but my hopes are not rumors.

So I ask you a bit more of patience and I’ll update you as soon as I have solid information on exactly we can expect on May 31.

Fujifilm X-H2/S Rumor Recap

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World Press Photo 2022: Two Awarded Images Captured with Fujifilm X and GFX Gear

The Spanish site Photolari has looked into which cameras were used to snap an awarded image at the World Press Photo 2022 contest.

Our Spanish friends at Fujistas summed it up nicely:

  • 24 winners were selected
  • only 8 of the 24 images were taken with mirrorless cameras
  • 13 images were taken with DSLRs
  • Fujifilm takes represents 10% of the winning images share
  • it was not possible to look into the EXIF of all images

The gap between mirrorless and DSLR is getting smaller and smaller. Here is the comparison to the previous years:

  • 2022: 54,1% DSLR – 33,3% MILC
  • 2021: no data
  • 2020: 64.3% DSLR – 23.7% MILC
  • 2019: 71.1% DSLR – 4.4% MILC
  • 2018: 83.5% DSLR – 11.3% Mirrorless
  • 2017: 88.8% DSLR – 5.55% Mirrorles

And yet, there are still plenty of DSLR users out there. At some point they might switch to mirrorless, too. And hopefully the Fujifilm X and GFX systems will be able to attract many of them.

With that out of the way, let me say the most important thing: congratz to ALL the winners. I will share the awarded images taken with Fujifilm gear down below. But make sure to check them out all at the dedicated World Press Photo 2022  page.

"Palestinian Children in Gaza". Photograph by Fatima Shbair winner of World Press Photo in the unique image category and Asian region. Fujifilm X-T2.
“Palestinian Children in Gaza”. Photograph by Fatima Shbair winner of World Press Photo in the unique image category and Asian region. Fujifilm X-T2.
"The People Who Feed the United States". Photograph by Ismail Ferdous winner of World Press Photo in the photo series category and North/Central American region. Fujifilm GFX 50S.
“The People Who Feed the United States”. Photograph by Ismail Ferdous winner of World Press Photo in the photo series category and North/Central American region. Fujifilm GFX 50S.


Fujifilm X Shooter Magdalena Wasiczek Wins International Garden Photographer of the Year Award (XF80mmF2.8 Macro)

Fujifilm X shooters have won plenty of the most prestigious awards over the years using their X and GFX gear.

Not enough? Well, then know that photographers using Fujifilm cameras also…

  • won the world wildlife photography award (story here)
  • made the cover of the TIME magazine (story here)
  • won the World Photography Arts&Culture Award 2015 (story here)
  • won the First Prize of the World Press Photo Category “Stories (stroy here)
  • made the front page of the Wall Street Journal (story here)
  • were good enough for God’s work (story here)
  • captured America’s most hated man (story here)
  • distracted a French presidential candidate during his interview (story here)

One of the most recent entires in the awards list is the one of Fujifilm X shooter Magdalena Wasiczek, who won the International Garden Photographer of the Year Award (IGPOTY).

She used a Fujifilm X-T3 with the insanely sharp XF80mmF2.8 macro (a lens that I also own).

The judges write:

Magdalena has created this stunning, shimmering play on light, as she elevates this humble butterfly to the heavens. The magic of this capture is literally in the very air, with raindrops and macro lens used to great effect.

With this calibre of capture, it is easy to see why this will be her third overall IGPOTY win, and I offer her my congratulations for achieving this most amazing distinction.”

Congratz to Magdalena! You can check out all the details and see the image in full size at igpoty here.

But wait, there is more!

Also John Pettigrew made it among the finalists in the wildlife in the garden category with an image taken with X-T30 and XF55-200 (image below).

Hey Mr. Polin… are you really sure about that Fuji, LOL? ;)

Fujifilm Talks Future of X/GFX, Why First 10 Years were Very Difficult, Lens Design vs Production, Fujinon vs Third Party and More

A couple of days ago, Fujifilm managers and engineers have published an almost 20 minutes interview in Japanese.

The whole talk is in Japanese and a real pain to watch using the automatic youtube translator tool.

A pain FujiRumors readers should not go through, so I did what nobody else did: I rolled up my sleeves and put 1.5 hours of my time into making sense of the talk and summing it up for you guys with the greatest care and highest accuracy.

You’re welcome guys ;).

Fujifilm Mangers & Engineers Talk

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New Firmware Features Guide for Fujifilm X-T4 and X-S10 (and New Firmware for X100V, X-Pro3, GFX100S, GFX100)

Earlier today Fujifilm has released these firmware updates for the following cameras: X-T4, X-S10, X-Pro3, X100V, GFX100S and GFX100.

And since the firmware for the Fujifilm X-T4 and Fujifilm X-S10 add support for the Tascam CA-XLR2d-F XLR, Fujifilm did release also a New Features Guide for these two cameras.

A future update should bring support for Tascam CA-XLR2d-F XLR also to the Fujifilm GFX100S.

For the full list of firmware details and download links, check out this article here.

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