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Fujifilm X-T3 Uses 26 Megapixel BSI Sony Sensor as Listed at Sony

Fujifilm X-T3 Sony Sensor

Recently a Fujifilm manager said here, that the sensor inside the Fujifilm X-T3 is not a Samsung sensor.

And yet, some people were still sceptical, especially considering that Sony does not offer any 26 megapixel BSI sensor.

Well, this argument seems to be gone now, since, as spotted by mirrorlessrumors, Sony updated its sensor page and we can now find the IMX571 26 megapixel BSI sensor listed on their website here.

Comparing it to the sensor of the upcoming Fujifilm GFX 100 (also listed at Sony) we can see both, the APS-C and MF sensor, have the same pixel size (3.76).

Keep in mind that Fujifilm officially said the GFX 100 will have 102 MP. This indicates that the GFX 100 has the same X-T3 sensor technology (except for X-Trans CFA), just about 4 times bigger.

We have already documented in this article, that sensor stitching happens already with the Fujifilm GFX 50S.

Fujifilm X-T3: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera


Panasonic Says Organic Sensor Cooperation with Fujifilm Continues. Mass Production Will Take a Bit more Time

Organic Sensor

Over 5 years ago, Fujifilm and Panasonic announced the development of the organic sensor.

Now Panasonic Manager Mr. Uematsu said to personal-view here, that the organic sensor is still in development with Fujifilm, but it takes more time than expected:

As you know, since its initial announcement in 2016, there is a continuous cooperation between Panasonic and FujiFilm in development of the organic sensor technology.

The recent results are very promising. The mass production of this kind of sensor, however, will take a little bit more time, and today I cannot say when we can use this kind of sensor.”

I remind you that in December 2014, our sources told us here, that the crucial problems to be solved with the organic sensor are heat generation and battery drain.

As Panasonic officially said in February 2016 the organic sensor (with global shutter) has 123dB dynamic range.


Organic sensor announcements timeline:

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Fujifilm X-H2: Are You Waiting for X-H2 to Upgrade/Switch or Did you Get the Fujifilm X-T3 Already? POLL

Fujifilm X-H2

After the announcement of the Fujifilm X-T3, I get countless emails, asking me when the Fujifilm X-H2, Fujifilm X-Pro3, Fujifilm X-T30, Fujifilm X-E4, Fujfiilm X100V or Fujifilm X200 with latest X-Trans sensor 4 and X Processor 4 will come.

I am working on this, and I will post updates on FR as soon as I can. So make sure not to miss them by following us on Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter.

One of the guys, asking me about the Fujifilm X-H2 is FR Sacha, who wrote me:

What would you think of running a poll to get a feel for the interest with the Fujifilm X-H2?

More specifically to have an idea of how many users didn’t upgrade to the X-T3, and are actually waiting on the Fuji XH2. This is something I see come back a lot in the comments of the X-T3 reviews so I’d be curious to see what a poll would look like. It could even motivate Fujifilm to hasten the X-H2’s release date, after seeing the results of the poll :)

One note: I feel people waiting on the Fujifilm X-H2 are actually mostly non-fuji users who want to switch to Fuji but maybe are still on the fence and would like the “whole package” with IBIS to really switch. So maybe the results for Fuji users could be a bit less in “favor” of the X-H2.”

And since your participation, ideas and contributions are the heart and soul of this blog, I will be happy to take Sacha’s advice and make a poll out of it.

Check out the poll below… and read the options carefully ;)

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Fujifilm X-H2 and X-T3: The Upgrade/1st Fujifilm Poll

  • I own older Fujifilm X cameras and I am waiting for the Fujifilm X-H2 to upgrade (25%, 1,875 Votes)
  • I own older Fujifilm X cameras and I did upgrade already (or will upgrade soon) to Fujifilm X-T3 (18%, 1,322 Votes)
  • I own older Fujifilm X cameras and I don't know yet what I will do (15%, 1,073 Votes)
  • I own older Fujifilm X cameras and I am waiting for the Fujifilm X-Pro3/X-T30/X-E4 to upgrade (13%, 995 Votes)
  • I own other camera systems and I will wait for Fujifilm X-H2 to enter the Fujifilm X system (9%, 629 Votes)
  • I own older Fujifilm X cameras and will not upgrade to any X-Trans 4 camera (8%, 595 Votes)
  • I own other camera systems and I did purchase (or will soon purchase) the Fujifilm X-T3 to enter the Fuji X system (4%, 324 Votes)
  • I own other camera systems and I don't know yet what I will do (3%, 249 Votes)
  • I own other camera systems and I will wait for Fujifilm X-Pro3/X-T30/X-E4 to enter the Fujifilm X system (3%, 228 Votes)
  • I own other camera systems and I do not plan to enter the Fujifilm X system (1%, 83 Votes)

Total Voters: 7,373

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Fujinon XF8-16mmF2.8 vs XF16mmF1.4 and XF200mmmF2 on Fujifilm X-T3

Fujinon XF8-16mm F2.8 & XF200mm F2

During my stay at photokina 2018, I had the priviledge to test out the Fujinon XF 8-16mmF2.8 as well as the XF 200mmF2.

I could not really put those lenses through its paces, since I could only test them out at Fuji’s touch & try corner, but even during my short flirt with them, they didn’t fail to impress me (I used them both on the Fujifilm X-T3).

Yes, the XF 8-16mmF2.8 and XF 200mmF2 are not a bargain, but as they say, “you get what you pay for“. Enough said ;) .

Reviews about the XF 8-16 and XF 200 are not easy to find on the web and we will have to wait for them to be available in October/November, to see more of them.

We did share a major roundup a few weeks ago here, and here are some tidbits, including a quick comparison between the Fujinon XF8-16mmF2.8 and XF16mmF1.4, which is arguably one of the top three primes in Fujifim’s entire lens lineup.

You will find blog posts and videos down below:

XF 8-16mm F2.8: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, Focuscamera
XF 200mm F2: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, Focuscamera
XF 16mm F1.4 (save $150): BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama

Hands On and Samples

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Fujifilm Wins “Good Design Award 2018” with 29 Products in Recognition of their Design and Performance

Good Design Award

Fujifilm won 29 awards at the Good Design Awards 2018.

Now, I don’t know how the Good Design Award works, but if it’s like EISA and TIPA, then don’t take it too seriously. We have documented here, how EISA and TIPA work. Check the article out, if you want to know get clarity about the (not so transparent) award business.

With that said, Good Design gave an award to 29 Fuji products. Here are the cameras and lenses:

You can check out the full list in the press release below or here at good-design.

Press Release

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Fujifilm X-H1 Review Roundup in Times of Fujifilm X-T3

Fujifilm X-H1

With all the eyes pointed towards Fuji’s brand new speed monster, the Fujifilm X-T3, I thought it might be a good idea to dedicate a roundup to the one camera, that definitely has been mostly overshadowed by the X-T3 release, the Fujifilm X-H1.

I have tested the Fujifilm X-T3 during my Photokina stay, and it’s undeniable that Fujifilm achieved significant speed improvements.

But as we reported in latest rumors, the Fujifilm X-H1 is definitely also a fast focusing camera, and will get some improvements via firmware update in future. Surely IBIS will become better, but who knows if also some AF improvements can be expected.

Moreover, if you need IBIS, a bigger grip, an EVF that protrudes even further out, bigger buttons, an even tougher body (8H hardness) and other aspects that the X-H1 offers over the X-T3, then the Fujifilm X-H1 might be the best choice for you in the Fuji X camera system.

FujiRumors is everywhere: Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter

Fujifilm X-H1 News, Rumors and Discussions
Fujifilm X-H User Group
Fujifilm X-H Page

Fuji X-H1 Roundup

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No Samsung Sensor in Fujifilm X-T3 says Fujifilm Manager (still Sony)

Fujifilm X-T3 Sensor

Here on FujiRumors we never joined the big “Fujifilm X-T3 sensor is made by Samsung” buzz and you won’t find a single article or a single comment, where I say that.

All we did is to report about the official cooperation between Samsung and Fujifilm on the ISOCELL+ technology and we reported about rumors surfacing on the web, about Samsung possibly supplying APS-C sensors “in future” (and not now already).

I have always avoided to join Samsung X-T3 sensor speculations, also because I have been contacted by some sources (thanks), who told me it’s a Sony sensor.

Now Fujifilm UK manager Theo Georgiades sets an end to all the speculations by saying in this video at minute 3:38.

I can confirm that it is definitely not a Samsung sensor. It’s the same manufacturing process that we have gone through with all other X-Trans sensor cameras. Still designed and tested all by our R&D team, but it’s definitely not a Samsung sensor.

He never mentions Sony, but we know that it’s currently Sony, who manufactures the sensor “designed and tested” by Fujifilm.

However, who knows what will happen in future. The cooperation between Samsung and Fujifilm is real (there is an official press release), and I don’t feel like I can tell you now with 100% certainty, that Samsung will never ever be back in the APS-C sensor business.

Personally I would certainly be happy about Samsung making APS-C sensors again one day, because customers would definitely profit from more competition to Sony in the sensor business.

Fujifilm X-T3 (save $130 w/grip): BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera

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Is the Fujinon XF 33mmF1.0 too Big? POLL

XF33mmF1.0 mock-up image shared by photographyblog as reported here

Fujinon XF33mmF1.0

At photokina 2018 we have finally seen the first mock-ups of the Fujinon XF 33mm F1.0 lens.

The very first detailed image with size comparison was shared by fujirumors here.

After having seen it, the discussions went hot whether this lens is too big or not.

My guess is that Fujifilm knew that a XF33mmF1.0 with autofocus would not be really a portable travel lens anyway, so they decided to go all-in in terms of image quality and AF speed, and make it as big as necessary to become a stellar lens that professional photographers will love to use.

But today I’d be curious to know from those of us, who were interested to buy the Fujinon XF33mmF1.0, if the current size of the Fujinon XF33mmF1.0 is a dealbreaker.

The Fujinon XF33mmF1.0 is still under development and will hit the market in 2020. So keep in mind that some things are likely to change until the final release.

We also launched XF33mmF1.0 feature polls in the past, that you can check out here.

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If you were interested to buy the XF33mmF1.0, is the Size of it a dealbreaker for you?

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PhotoKina 2018: The Year DSLRs Died. What to Expect from Fujifilm and will FujiRumors be There?

images I took at photokina 2016… can you find Waldo

The Year of Mirrorless

This years’ photokina will probably the most exciting of the last 20 years.

We will assist to the death of DSLR’s (that’s it my friends, just accept it), and open the new era of mirrorless.

Paraphrasing the famous sentence from the movie Deadline we could say “that’s technology, baby, there is nothing you can do about it, nothing“.

Sure, the transition from DSLR to mirrorless won’t happen overnight. But that’s the trend. And that’s why Canon and Nikon are starting to get serious about mirrorless, too.

On this years photokina we will see the following new mirrorless cameras from Fujifilm:

Not a rumor, but regarding Fujifilm lenses, I’d not be surprised to see:

  • Fujinon GF 100-200mm F4.5-5.6
  • Fujinon GF 35mm F2.8
  • Fujinon GF 20-36mm F3.5-4.5
  • GF pancake lens is not confirmed
  • and of course the XF200mmF2 and XF8-16mmF2.8


  • Fujinon XF16-80mmF4
  • Fujinon XF16mmF2.8
  • Fujinon XF33mmF1.0 (not sure)

FujiRumors @ Photokina

I am 80% sure I will be there, but if I go, I sadly I can’t be there for more than 1 or (best case) 2 days.

I was at photokina in 2016, also just for one 1 day.

In 2016, the by far busiest booth was the one of Fujifilm, but, between me and you, the most beautiful one was without a doubt the one of Leica (don’t tell Fuji, but I’ve spend hours (!!!) there).

This year, Fujifilm won’t have such an easy game to play like in 2016. The competition is strong, and that’s good for us customers.

The biggest problem?

Well, on the same Photokina days, there is also worlds largest beer festival, the Oktoberfest in Munich (I’ve never been there). So I stand in front of tough decisions: Oktoberfest or Photokina? Life can be so cruel!!!

Let me know in the poll, where I should go ;)

FujiRumors Should...

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Now it’s My Turn: 3 Firmware Updates I wish for my Fujifilm Cameras (Includes Stop Self Timer Reset!)

My favorite lens on my Fujifilm X-E3 is definitely the XF 27mm F2.8

My 3 Little Firmware Wishes

When it comes to firmware updates wishlists, you guys are simply unbeatable and give Fujifilm a terrific feedback.

But today it’s my turn to give a little contribution, in the hope (well, I actually know it) that Fujifilm will read this.

If you agree with me, then please comment down below. The more we are, the better Fujifilm will listen.

I won’t ask for the “big things” (such as internal F-log my X-E3 or 120 fps for my X-T1), but for 3 “minor” things, which, if fixed, would simplify my shooting experience A LOT!

1 – Keep Self-Timer Enabled

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