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FujiRumors is Back from “Holidays”: Ready for Rumors and Editing Pictures (but Fujifilm Film Simulations make Life Easier)

FujiRumors Blogging on the Road :)

My Holidays

It’s done… I made it…

I drove over 2,500 miles (4,000+ km) with my girlfriend on my old Mazda2 and since a few days now I am back home.

It was a rather complicated road trip, due to the huge Fujifilm rumors and announcements in July. But I had great moments during my trip, and also blogging was exciting… especially the new roadmap made me happy :)

I am now about to edit my images, but I am so happy that I guess in about 80% of the cases I will get excellent results applying Fujifilm film simulations only (or slightly fine tuned).

I travelled with my Fujifilm X-E3, XF10-24, XF18-135, XF35mmF1.4, XF27mmF2.8 and Samyang 12mm F2.

And of course my trusty Sirui T-025X carbon fiber travel tripod (bought upon your recommendation).

My most used lenses were the XF10-24 and XF18-135, since I mostly focussed on landscape photography in this trip.

I used the 35 and 27 mainly to make some portraits of my girlfriend and some street photos, but so far I could not convince her to give me permission to share them on FujiRumors, but I’ll not give up, and if I get permission, I will share them on my Instagram page here.

I have shared the first few images of my trip on my social media already (more will come), so in case you would like to find out which places I have been to, just check out my Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages.

Just a teaser (includes yet unedited images):

Your Rumors

Now I am back… 100% focussed on FujiRumors… and I tell you: I have the feeling that rumors will come. Many of them. And here is what you should do, if you don’t want to miss them:

  • ALLOW PUSH NOTIFICATION: at the bottom right of your browser, you’ll see a little bell icon. Click on it to enable browser push notifications (or disable them, if you don’t want them). This is an excellent way to get instant notifications.
  • FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: another excellent way to get the rumors in your news feeds is to follow Fujirumors on Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter

Guys, we are going to have fun… and I have the feeling you don’t want to miss the exciting Fujifilm rumors that are coming ;)

And to have an idea of what is awaiting us, make sure to check out our 2018/2019 Fujifilm rumor timeline.



… have a fantastic day,

FUJIFILM USA Currently has No Plans to Sell Brown X-E3 and X100F. Fujifilm X-T100 Brown Color in Asia

Fujifilm Camera Colors

Back in February, we told you that Fujifilm had plans to launch a brown X100F. And indeed, starting from May, the brown Fujifilm X100F started to appear at stores all over the world.

Then, in June, here on FR we also broke the news about the brown Fujifilm X-E3, which today is available in many markets.

Everybody was expecting these two color configurations to sell soon also in USA, especially since they are available in Canada already, but it seems we were wrong.

According to our sources, Fujifilm USA has currently no plans to sell the brown Fujifilm X100F and brown Fujifilm X-E3 in USA.

If those colors will turn out to be very popular, then Fujifilm USA might decide to introduce them to the US market, too. But at this point, Fujifilm USA is not interested.

Fujifilm X-E3: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, FocusCamera
Fujifilm X100F: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, Focuscamera, PCHstore

Fujifilm X-T100 Colors

Wow, I got some very excited emails this morning, telling me that also the Fujifilm X-T100 is now available in dark silver.

But guys, the dark silver X-T100 is available since May 24, 2018, the day the Fujifilm X-T100 was launched. :)

If you missed this and other X-T100 information, you better check back our X-T100 live blogging.

What you can find, though, is the brown X-T100 here, as spotted and shared with us by FR-reader imagei here. The brown X-T100 is only available in Asia, and it remains to see if it will be sold also in Europe and North America.

Overall Asia seems very color friendly, when it comes to offer Fuji cameras in different vests. We reported yesterday that there is a graphite X-A5 in Asia, and it is available in Europe too.

Fujifilm X-T100: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, FocusCamera


FUJIFILM Firmware Updates for X100F, X-T20, X-T10, X-E3, X-E2S, X-E2, XF18mmF2 and XF60mmF2.4

Fujifilm Firmware Updates

Fujifilm has released firmware updates for several cameras and lenses. Full list below.

Do you want to be the first to know this and other news?

Then make sure to follow FujiRumors on Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter.

Useful read: Tips for Updating your Firmware


Fujifilm X100F ver 2.11download here

The phenomenon is fixed that when pressing the shutter button halfway under certain conditions, the live view can flicker

Fujifilm X-T20 ver.2.01download here

The phenomenon is fixed that when pressing the shutter button halfway under certain conditions, the live view can flicker

Fujifilm X-T10 ver. 1.31download here

The phenomenon is fixed that exposure control can work wrongly when aperture priority with M mount adaptor

Fujifilm X-E3 ver 1.21download here

The phenomenon is fixed that when pressing the shutter button halfway under certain conditions, the live view can flicker

Fujifilm X-E2 ver. 4.11download here

The phenomenon is fixed that exposure control can work wrongly when aperture priority with M mount adaptor

Fujifilm X-E2S ver. 1.11download here

The phenomenon is fixed that exposure control can work wrongly when aperture priority with M mount adaptor


XF18mmF2 ver. 3.12download here

The phenomenon is fixed that the angle of view can change during 4K movie and closeup shooting

XF60mmF2.4download here

The phenomenon is fixed that the angle of view can change during 4K movie and closeup shooting


Fujifilm XF 8-16mm F2.8 and XF 200mm F2 Images and Price Leaked

New Fujinon Lenses

The price and the first images of the Fujinon XF 200mm F2 and XF 8-16mm F2.8 have been leaked by nokishita.

In British pounds the lenses will cost:

  • XF 200mm F2 with new 1.4x Teleconerter – £5,399. ($7,000)
  • XF 8-16mm F2.8 – £1,799 ($2,332)

And how much in US Dollar $$$?

In UK, the XF 8-16mm F2.8 will be £100 ($130) cheaper than the XF100-400, which is sold in USA for $1,899. So maybe we will get for about $1,799 in USA?

Regarding the XF200mm F2, our sources said months ago it will be sold for about $6,000 with 1.4x TC.

Also, as we told you back in March, the XF200mm F2 won’t be black as displayed by Fujifilm at every photography fair, but white/light silver.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Both lenses will be announced in July… just stay tuned on FujiRumors, and you will get the live blogging 0,001 seconds after the announcements.


stay tuned…

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Fujifilm XF10 Annnounced – Launch Coverage LIVE BLOG


Fujifilm XF10 Pre-orders: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama

XF10 Official Fujifilm Info

Follow FujiRumors at Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter
Facebook User Groups for Fujifilm X-T, GFX, X-H, X-Pro, X-E and X100 line

XF10 First Look Reviews & Samples

  • ivanjoshualoh – XF10. Big Capabilities Compact Camera
  • keithwee – An user’s Review of the Fujifilm XF10 camera with lots of samples: the love that’s pocketable


Fuji Guys – FUJIFILM XF10 – First Look

Fujifilm Global FUIFILM XF10 Promotional Video

Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8 and XF 200mm F2 Specs Leaked

As we told you here on FujiRumors a few weeks ago, Fujifilm will officially announce the Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8 and XF 200mm F2 in July.

We also told you the 8-16 will ship in November and the 200mm in Ocotber (rumor here).

Now nokishita also says the announcement is “soon”, and gave us the specs here (google translated)

Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8

  • 13 Group 20 sheets
  • minimum 25cm
  • 0.1 x
  • φ 88mm × 121.5 mm
  • 805g

Fujinon XF 200mm F2

  • 14 groups 19 sheets
  • shortest 1.8 m, 0.12 x
  • filter diameter 105mm
  • φ 122mm × 205.5 mm
  • 2265g

New 1.4x Teleconverter

  • 4 groups 7 sheets
  • φ 58mm × 15mm
  • 130g

stay tuned…

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Fujifilm X-Trans Vs. Bayer: Pros and Cons of Going Bayer or Sticking with X-Trans Sensor

X-Trans Vs. Bayer

First and foremost, let me say that I LOVE X-TRANS.

But the fact that I love X-Trans, does not prevent me from discussing the big Bayer Vs. X-Trans debate, that has recently been fueled again by DPReviewTV in the X-T100 review and Tony Northrup in his X-H1 review, in the most objective way as possible.

So today’s question is: is there any reason why Fujifilm should go Bayer also on higher end APS-C Fujifilm X-series cameras?


Some people do probably not have the 5 minutes of time it needs to read this article. They will read the headline, and arguing in favor or against X-Trans/Bayer by default :) .

So for those people, who refuse to read the article and don’t go beyond the headline, I will at least make a bullet-point list, in the hope they will read that one at least.

This is a super short condensation and simplification of more complicated subjects, and as such it is naturally an inaccurate list. Each point will elaborated and clarified in all its shades below.

X-Trans Pros

  • less color noise at high ISO
  • less moiré (an advantage that will become negligible once APS-C sensor go beyond 30MP)
  • sharper compared to cameras with same pixel number and optical low pass filter, unless the processing in camera is very aggressive, like on X-A5 and X-T100
  • more pleasing “film-like” grain at high ISO

Bayer Pros

  • 20%-30% less processing power required (possible benefits listed below)
  • cheaper to produce than X-Trans

Brutally short conclusion:

  • X-Trans is better for image quality
  • Bayer is better for features and speed, unless Fujifilm can compensate for the extra 20-30% processing power required by the X-Trans sensor with a more powerful processor (present in Fujifilm X-T3), new sensor tech for faster sensor readout (maybe stacked sensor) and better heat management (present in X-H1)

If you want, you can now start your 5 minutes reading time :)

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fujifilm X-T3 Coming With New Film Simulation (New Source). Which One Would you Like?

Fujifilm X-T3

Hey guys,

I have a rumor from a new source for you today… so take it with a grain of salt for now, until it’s double confirmed.

Anyway, here is what I hear from the new source:

Thanks to the introduction of a new and more powerful X processor in the Fujifilm X-T3, Fujifilm will give us also new film simulations.

I will update you soon on this and more X-T3 rumors, so stay up to date with all Fujifilm X-T3 rumors.

In the meatime, feel free to let us now which film simulation you would like next.

Make sure to follow us on Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter for the latest updates.

Rumored Fujifilm X-T3 Specs so far

  • Announcement at or before photokina 2018 (end of September)
  • 26MP X-Trans sensor
  • maybe stacked sensor (still do be confirmed by trusted sources, so grain of salt)
  • new processor
  • no IBIS
  • shipping October/November
  • touch screen
  • better battery performance (probably by keeping same battery, since Fujifilm registered a new battery charger for NP-W126s batteries, as reported here)
  • new film simulation (grain of salt rumor for now)
  • made in China

Facebook groups

have a fantastic day :)

Fujinon XF 200mm F2 Shipping in October and XF 8-16 Available in November

Fujinon XF 8-16 and XF200 Release

Recently we told you that the Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8 and XF 200mm F2 will be announced in July.

But if you were hoping to get your hands on that glass within summer, then I’m sorry to disappoint you.

According to our trusted sources, this will be the longest wait ever in the Fuji world for newly announced gear.

In fact, here are the expected release dates for the lenses:

  • Fujinon XF 200mm F2 to be released in October
  • Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8 to be released in November

I hope this gives you guys the so much needed claritiy regarding the release dates of two very long expected lenses.

Oh, don’t forget:

And guess what?

Yes, we are working on many (!!!) rumor-fronts, and I tell you…. huge updates are very likely coming soon… so you better stay tuned on FujiRumors via Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter.

And do not forget to activate browser notifications by clicking the bell icon on the bottom right of your browser.

This, my friends, it’s just the beginning of surprising summer with heavy rumor storms ;)

have a fantastic day

3 Big Errors FUJIFILM Makes in the Camera, Lenses and Instax World

3 Big Fujifilm Mistakes

Fujifilm is doing a lot of things right… but not everything.

So what I want to do today is to highlight 3 errors Fujifilm makes, 1 in the camera division, 1 regarding its lenses and a last one in the Instax world.

You might argue that this is just my opinion, and that’s correct… but also consider this:

Working everyday for such a large Fujifilm community here on FujiRumors, hence reading an average of 124 comments a day as well as a countless number of emails and personal messages on our social media, gives me a privileged insight of what are the needs and wishes that circulate amongst Fujifilm lovers.

So here are 3 errors I am sure will find a good number of you guys agree with me.


** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **