Fujifilm just issued an official press release announcing the new dates for the X-H1, X-T2 and X-Pro2 firmware updates, that were originally scheduled for the end of May, but then have been postponed due to issues with X-T2 firmware 4.00.
Full details of the X-T2, X-H1 and X-Pro2 updates at the bottom of this article.
Here are the new dates:
FUJIFILM X-T2 Ver.4.10: middle of June 2018 (revised firmware of ver.4.00)
FUJIFILM X-H1 Ver.1.10: middle of June 2018
FUJIFILM X-Pro2 Ver.5.00: end of June 2018 ]
*Regarding the upgraded “FUJIFILM Camera Remote” planned to release in May 2018, it will be release in the middle of June 2018 at the same time of the release of X-H1 ver.1.10.
Today Fujifilm also released firmware ver.3.10 for Fujifilm GFX 50S as well as a new features guide for GFX. Check it out here.
One of the most fun moments of blogging on FujiRumors, is when we have a live blogging.
Yes, I do not sleep, and yes, I blog 48+ hours in a row, but it’s just too exciting seeing months (or years) of rumors coming true and to go through hundreds of your comments and read what you guys think about the latest and greatest X gear.
But I know, not everybody of you goes back 24 hours later to the live blogging page to check if new content is up, and that’s why I think some of you might have missed the following tidbit:
I share this little piece of news again with you today, not only for those who missed it, but also to show you that the Fujifilm X-T100 is not a half-hearted project of Fujifilm, but a camera they strongly believe in, which is why Fuji’s marketing machine is running full power in order to promote the X-T100.
Will the Fujifilm X-T100 be successful? I do not know. Certainly I wish Fujifilm much success with this very gently priced and yet well featured camera.
Fujifilm just launched the Fujifilm X-T100, which has a new 3 way tilt screen.
After having seen how the new tilt screen works, a number of FR-readers asked me to launch again the “X-T3 tilt screen survey“… and since you guys are my only boss, I will do as you desire ;) .
So how does the new X-T100 Selfie-Tilt Screen work?
Fujifilm’s “selfie-solution” tilts up and down with the screen perfectly centered to the camera (just like on the X-T2 & Co). In addition to that, you can also tilt it forward for selfies and still tilt the LCD up and down.
Some say this solutions combines the best of both worlds.
Having finally seen how it really works, I think it’s a far call by you guys to ask me to re-launch our Fujifilm X-T3 “selfie screen” poll.
And since we are in survey-mood, I decided to launch a few more additional survey, always regarding the X-T3, which you are free to participate and vote.
FujiRumors has already rumored in January 2018 that the Fujifilm X-T3 will not have IBIS, but just for curiosity I launch the poll again (after the first X-T3 IBIS Dealbreaker Survey here), because I’d like to know if you would have liked to sacrifice the smaller size of X-T3 over the X-H1 in order to get IBIS.
The Fujifilm X-T100 delivers a lot for small price. I can definitely see this camera becoming a huge success. If you own a flagship X-Trans camera (X-T2 &. Co) and are looking for a back-up camera, my biggest and only concern would be the post production workflow, since the X-T100 features a Bayer sensor camera and maybe you guys are better off with an X-Trans X-T20 or X-E3. However, Jonas Rask says in his first look “if you’re used to dealing with X-Trans, this sensor won’t give you the need to redefine your workflow.”
The X-T100 is a perfect first camera for people, who want to step up from smartphone photography or for people from other systems, who want to make the first steps into the X-system, but keep the Bayer CFA they are used to, with a well rounded and very affordable X series camera.
Guest Post by The Overrated Photographer. You can follow him on instagram or on his website
When it comes to getting a new camera, it can sometimes be a daunting task. A number of people have asked me what settings to apply when you first get the camera, so this will cover off what I would recommend setting up and why. Some of this will be a bit subjective so if you disagree, you probably know enough about the settings to know why.
I’ll continue to update this article and include the date at the top of the article as I update to ensure that readers are aware of whether it has been updated to include a specific version. If you think I’ve missed anything in the article, please let me know at the bottom in comments. When I set this up I went through my menu’s looking at the items that were important to me, but I could well have missed something.
This guide is specific to the newer range of cameras, the X-H1, X-T2, X-E3 and alike, but most of these settings could probably be applied to almost any Fujifilm camera.
Josh Lewis Youtube – Fujifilm X-T2 Firmware 4.00 Major Flaw. Basically when shooting F-log with an external monitor plugged in via HDMI, the X-T2 shows it is recording onto the SD-card, but in fact it is not. Can anyone duplicate the issue or maybe there is some camera setting to change?
Fujifilm X-T2 Firmware – The Day After
Yesterday it was another huge Kaizen firmware day, this time for Fujifilm X-T2 owners, who basically could download a complete new camera for free.
The upgrade for the Fujifilm X-T2 was so big, that some Fujifilm X-H1 owners were even a bit annoyed by it, since Fujifilm now brought the X-T2 almost on par with the brand new X-H1 (besides IBIS, 200 mbps and other minor things). But overall the feedback was mostly very enthusiastic.
I bought the H1 for the better focus through ibis as well as the improved video and am more than a little unhappy that all these features have found their way into the xt2… I sold my mine.
However, the FR-community asked me to launch a “bugs report” article… and here it is.
This feedback will be good for Fujifilm, who, as you know, reads us with greatest care, but also for us mere mortal X-shooters, because we can see if firmware 4.00 has introduced some bugs.
Also, maybe some out there, who are not yet familiar with the new features, could consider bugs some things that are actually wrong settings in the camera, and you guys can eventually help those of us, who are setting the camera wrong.
This is no surprise, since here on FR, for example, we can collect 10,000 poll votes in just 3 days and in 2017 we had a total of 45,261 comments (124 comments a day).
Your massive feedback simply can’t be ignored by Fujifilm.
So first of all thanks to every single one of you, who reads FR, votes the polls and comments.
Fujifilm just released the final and official Fujifilm X-T2 firmware ver. 4.00, and it brings new features such as focus bracketing, internal F-log, 120 fps slow motion and more, as well as improvements such as faster autofocus in low light.
Definitely one of Fujifilm’s notorious and much-loved Kaizen updates. So don’t wait any further and download your new X-T2 camera… for free.
Of course it makes no sense for Fujifilm to update the “old” X-T2 and bring it almost to the level of the brand new Fujifilm X-H1, since X-T2 owners will now have fewer reasons to upgrade to the X-H1.
Also, it makes no sense to massively improve a camera, the X-T2, that will be replaced very soon by the Fujifilm X-T3, which we have shared already many specs here on FR and will be announced shortly before photokina in September 2018.
Firmware updates are economically speaking a loss business for Fujifilm. They cost lots of money and extend life span of old products, which consequentially means people will keep their old gear longer and do not upgrade to the “latest and greatest“.
It happened to me, with the Fujifilm X-T1, that Fujifilm kept up improving so many times, that I simply sitcked with it, despite the X-T2, X-Pro2, X100F, X-T20 and all the other “better” cameras that followed… at least until the Fujifilm X-E3 came along… a temptation too big for me to resist.
So kudos to Fujifilm for consistently making the wrong thing and delivering us customers firmware updates. Many other companies simply force people to buy the newest camera to get the latest features (and make more money doing so).
In a world, where Apple released firmware updates that slowed down terribly my iPhone SE in order to force me to buy their latest model, it’s good to know that there is a company out there, Fujifilm, that actually thinks at customer support… and happiness… by improving their products over the years via free firmware updates.
As you know, Fujifilm said they will release a firmware update for the Fujifilm X-T2, GFX, X-Pro2 and X-H1 in May.
Now Fujifilm China has made the firmware file ver. 4.00 available for download here.
We DO NOT RECOMMEND to upgrade your X-T2 until it is available at Fujifilm’s global site here, which currently still shows firmware ver. 3.00.
It looks like somebody at Fujifilm China has pushed the “publish” button too early.
Do NOT upgrade because:
Fujifilm could find a last second bug before the official release, and hence fix the bug before the official launch
If you download and install the Chinese X-T2 ver. 4.00 now, and if Fujifilm really finds a last second bug and delays firmware 4.00, once the official ver. 4.00 will be out, your camera could have problems to upgrade to the “official” ver. 4.00, since there could be a conflict and your X-T2 will say that firmware 4.00 is already installed.
Wait… please wait… it can’t be long anymore… must be a matter of a few days
I do share the information here on FujiRumors about the Chinese firmware leak, because it includes the full list of features the X-T2 will get with firmware ver. 4.00.