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Quick Tip: Monitor Your Audio on Fujifilm X-T2 / X-H1 using micro HDMI to VGA adapter

As you know, the Fujifilm X-H1 and X-T2 have the headphone jack built-in only into the vertical battery grip, hence you need to get the grip in order to be able to monitor your audio.

But there is a (very cheap) workaround.

Fujifilm X-H1 facebook group member S. has reported to us a little “hack”, that some of you might find useful, too.

“I have just make with success the hack for the audio out monitoring with a micro-HDMI to VGA adaptor. Very lightweight. It works perfectly just plugging the headphone. The adaptor works without external power supply. No audio lag in headphones during filming”.

Just one lack:

“In PLAY mode, the X-H1 shows the film only by the HDMI output, not on its display. I hope that a future firmware can give the possibility to play the videos on the display even when a micro-HDMI is plugged.”

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Internal Fujifilm Document Predicts 50% Market Share Decrease for Canon and Nikon Within 2021… and About CaNikon’s FF Mirrorless

Canon Vs. Nikon Vs. Fujifilm

** Update: Thom Hogan also things the prediction is BS. Read his article at sansmirrors **

This morning started just as usual.

I woke up at 5:30 AM to prepare my coffee in the fantastic Bialetti Brikka Moka recommended to me by a FR-reader (thanks a ton, a game changer :) ).

Usually I get about 10 emails over night, and I try to reply to all of them as quickly as possible within 6:30 AM, but this morning an email of a source made me almost spill my precious coffee.

I received the information about an internal Fujifilm document that predicts the following scenario:

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Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8 with New Improved Flare Control

Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8

According to a new source, the Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8 WR will have a new and improved flare control.

I guess it will probably use the same new “Anti-Reflection Coating” that we will find in the XF 200mm F2, and that will become standard in most of future Fujinon XF lenses.

We could see some mock-ups of the XF8-16 already in the past. I share them for you again here:

The Fujinon XF 8-16 is the most wanted Fujinon lens on FR-readers’ “To Do” list. And all we know officially from Fujifilm, is that it will be out this year.

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Fujifilm Releases Firmware Updates for X-H1, X-E3 and X100F

Just as promised, Fujifilm released a bunch of firmware updates for several cameras

Note that the Fujifilm X-H1 firmware is not version 1.10, which will be more substantial and be out in May. Today’s firmware is just a bug fix you can read about here.

Having problems to update your firmare? Then read Rico’s “Tips for Updating your Firmware“.

Speaking of firmware updates in May, I remind you that Fujifilm will release

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TIPA Awards 2018: Fujifilm Left (Almost) Empty-Handed. Only Instax SQ10 Gets Awarded

In the last years, Fujifilm often won quite some of awards at the TIPA awards.

  • 2017: Fujifilm wins 5 awards
  • 2016: Fujifilm wins 3 awards
  • 2015: Fujifilm wins 3 awards
  • 2014: Fujifilm wins 2 awards
  • 2013: Fujfiilm wins 3 awards

Well, this year is the worst for Fujifilm, since the “X-series era“. They won 1 award only, and it goes to the Instax Square SQ10 for the “Best Design“.

So the Fujfiilm X-H1 and Fujifilm X-E3 were not good enought to make it into the TIPA ranking. Let’s hope the upcoming Fujifilm X-T3 and Fujifilm GFX 50R will change it next year.

I am surprised, though, that not even one of the astonishing Fujinon lenses has made it into the list. For example, while the winner of the best mirrorless prime lens, the Samyang AF 35mm F2.8 FE, is surely a fine lens, I can’t see it being superior to the equivalent Fujinon GF 45mm F2.8.

So despite TIPA creating overall 40 categories, there is not much love for Fujifilm this year.

Here are all the winners:



CAMERA ACCESSORIES (Bags, Tripods, Flash etc.)

& More

See the full list with awards descriptions at here


Behind the X Gear: Meet Markus Klinko, the Fujifilm Photographer who Photographed David Bowie, Beyoncé, Will Smith & More

Many Fujifilm X and GFX shooters earn their bread and butter with Fujifilm cameras, and many of those are also extremely successful in their specific genre.

For example, there are Fujifilm shooters, who won prestigeous awards, such as…

  • some won the world wildlife photography award (story here)
  • some made the cover of the TIME magazine (story here)
  • some won the World Photography Arts&Culture Award 2015 (story here)
  • some won the First Prize of the World Press Photo Category “Stories (stroy here)
  • some made the front page of the Wall Street Journal (story here)
  • Fuji X was good enough for God’s work (story here)
  • some captured America’s most hated man (story here)
  • some distracted a French presidential candidate during his interview (story here)
  • and more…

You also probably know Kevin Mullins, one of the top wedding photographers globally speaking, who shoots exclusively with Fujifilm X series camera.

The list could go on and on (and I apologize for all those I didn’t mention here), but today it’s about Markus Klinko, a photographer, who saw his work displayed at Times Square in New York, who photographed top celebrities like Beyoncé (btw, Beyoncé shoots Fujifilm X100s, as you can see her here) and David Bowie.

Markus is also a good friend of FujiRumors, and he has also contributed with several articles on

Today we have the pleasure to dedicate our “Behind the X gear” episode to our friend Markus Klinko. Enjoy :)

Meet Markus Klinko

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FUJIFILM X-T20 New Features Guide for Firmware Ver.2.00

Fujifilm X-T20 – New Features Guide

The Fujifilm X-T20 (as many other cameras), just got a massive firmware udpate, that introduces lots of new features.

As usual, Fujifilm has to include these new features in an updated X-T20 Owner’s Manual. Check out the “X-T20 new Features Guide for Firmware 2.00

Make sure to join our Fujifilm X-T facebook group, as well to follow FujiRumors on Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter.

Fujifilm X-T20: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

The New Features Guide can be downloaded in the following languages: English / Français / Deutsch / Español / Italiano / Nederland / Polski / Svenska / Norsk / Dansk / Pусский / Suomi / 中文简 / 中文繁體 / 한국어 / ภาษาไทย / Aradic

GFX 50S, X-H1, X-T2, X-E3, X-Pro2, X100F Firmware Update Announcements

Fujifilm Announces Firmware Updates for X-H1, X-T2, X-Pro2, X-E3 and X100F Coming Soon

Fujifilm announces firmware updates for X-H1, X-T2, X-Pro2, X-E3 and X100F coming soon

Complimentary upgrades will provide new functions including a new PDAF algorithm, Flicker Reduction and Select/Create Folder, and additional compatibility of the newly introduced MKX18-55mmT2.9 and MKX50-135mmT2.9 lenses.

Fujinon GF 250mm F4: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF 1.4x Teleconverter: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
18mm Macro Extension Tube: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
45mm Macro Extension Tube: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

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Press Release

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Pixco 7.5mm f2.8 and 60mm f2.8 Fujifilm X Mount Lenses and Auto Focus Macro Extension Tubes

Pixco for Fujifilm X

Pixco is another Chinese brand, which has produced a couple of manual lenses for Fujifilm that have passed unnoticed so far. So high time to report about them here on FujiRumors first (thanks to the FR-reader for the link).

Here are the Fujifilm X-mount lenses and extension tubes they offer:

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Fujifilm Autofocus – The Unwritten Guide

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Guest Post by The Overrated Photographer. You can follow him on instagram or on his website


There are a number of videos and manuals around which cover the Fujifilm autofocus system and settings in detail. The big problem isn’t the things they cover, it’s what they don’t cover. Guides often talk about how to configure and setup your camera, but with this guide, we’ll focus on the hidden things, how to use it to get the best outcomes.

I’m not going to try to cover the basic configurations here, for example, what AF-C or AF-S is. If you want to know how to use the basic settings, I’d recommend the Fujifilm autofocus site or this video from Fujifilm. Now please bare in mind, this is only my experience with the Fujifilm autofocus system, and more specifically my experience with the Fujifilm X-T2 and X-E3 systems. This isn’t an official Fujifilm guide, but in the absence of such a guide, I’m giving it a go.

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