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Fujifilm Abandons ACROS Large Format Film & more

Over the last few years, we have seen Fujifilm discontinuing more and more of their good old film. And 2018 won’t be any different. Down below you can find the list of film they are going to discontinue in 2018.

In a very interesting Fujifilm documentary I have shared here, about how Fujifilm survived the digital age with an unexpected makeover, at min. 35:00 the Fujifilm boss is asked why they keep up producing photo film, even if it counts less than 1% of its profits. The Fuji boss answers:

I had announced that we would protect the photograph culture. No matter how small it gets… we might downsize production, but we would keep the culture alive and protect it. The culture of photographs is one that mankind can’t do without… No matter what we will not get rid of photography.”

March 2018

Fujicolor Superia X-Tra 400, 24 exposure, 3 packs
Fujicolor Superia X-Tra 400, 36 exposure, 3 packs
Fujichrome Velvia 50, Professional, 36 exposure, 5 packs
Fujichrome Velvia 100, Professional, 36 exposure, 5 packs
Fujichrome Provia 100F, Professional, 36 exposure, 5 packs

May 2018

Fujicolor Natura 1600, 36 exposures, individual rolls
Fujicolor 1600 Single Use Cameras (39 and 27 exposures)
Neopan 100 Acros 4×5 (20 pieces)
Neopan 100 Acros 8×10 (20 pieces)

Fujifilm recommends other film instead

Future recommendations
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Switching from Nikon, Canon (and iPhone) to Fujifilm :: PhaseONE vs Fuji X-T2 vs iPhone7 & More (miXed zone)

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The “Fujifilm X-T1 Rubber Grip Issue” is No Longer an Issue! My Last Experience with Fujifilm Repair Service

Write Your Articles Directly On FujiRumors!


My Fujifilm X-T1 has the same issues, bending door and rubber coming off. I already fixed it once, and paid for nothing, since the problem persisted. Now that this story is out, I will contact my local Fujifilm support and ask if they can perform the fix again, with the improved material and for free, like they did for All.

In case you have the same issue, contact your local Fujifilm support and direct them to this article on FujiRumors, to make sure you will get a definitive, durable and possibly free fix for you X-T1.

Guest post by All @allebewop

It was March 10th, 2017 when I participated a discussion here on Fujirumors about the “Replacing the X-T1 Rubber Grip” issue.

I had my bending door replaced the first time in September 9th 2015.

I spent 15€ for shipment but I had it replaced for free because my camera was still under warranty (I bought it in March 2014). At that moment X-T2 wasn’t on the market and when the camera came back I knew that the grip was just the same as it was out of the box. No surprises there.

As the grip was the same, the next summer I had the same problem as the summer before: with the heat, the USB door bended again. It was making me mad. I tried everything, from the duct tape to the reverse bending after heating up the rubber with a hairdryer. Nothing worked.

This time the problem affected all the grip and it was starting to unstuck in several points: the from the handling, from the MCS selector in the front and near the back/disp button.

I was really upset so I decided to send the camera back in after the summer.

It was February 8th 2017 when I sent my camera to the repair center.

This time the camera’s warranty was expired so I was expecting to pay from 50€ to 150€ for the service, as it was told me by the local seller I asked to.

But here comes the surprise.

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APS-C vs Full Frame – Does it Make a Difference to You?

Write Your Articles Directly On FujiRumors!

Guest post by theoverratedphotographer – website / instagram @theoverratedphotographer


On the back of Nikon’s comments that “No professionals use Fuji” and “Full frame is the trend”, I decided it was only appropriate to explore the difference between full frame and APSC, largely from an enthusiasts/amateurs perspective.

Despite what it may look like this is not intended as a click bait article but it will probably will be construed as one and result in the wrath of many full frame owners.

The problem is photographers get defensive when you tell them they don’t need something. Our egos tell us we are better than we are. That’s why we buy the best bicycles, golf clubs and everything else conceivable. We buy ultralight tour de france bicycles that will shave seconds off our ride to work for no apparent reason at all.

This article is not intended to be an APSC vs Full Frame argument from the perspective of trying to prove that APSC is better than Full Frame. The question isn’t whether, it’s better, it’s whether it’s “good enough” to make a difference to you. I can’t make that call, only you can.

We could argue Medium Format has better image quality than Full Frame which has better image quality than APSC. If that was the case, why isn’t every photographer using medium format? The truth is when looking at Medium Format vs Full Frame vs APSC, the argument of “what is better” comes down to a number of different requirements including purpose, size and budget. A DSLR isn’t much help if you are hiking 90km’s with a 40kg backpack and a medium format doesn’t help you much if you are shooting sports. In the absence of budget, one could argue that having all 3 would be the ideal outcome, but very few people live in an environment where budget is not a constraint.

Before the arguments start, what I would like to make clear is that:

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Fujifilm X Magazine Issue 22 – I Am a People Person

Fujifilm just released the new edition (22) of their interactive Fujifilm X Magazine.

In this edition, they talk of course of the latest announcements, the Fujifilm X-E3, the XF80mm Macro, the GF45mm and the firmware updates.

There is also an article about HSS, an interesting interview with Nathan Elson, a presentation/test of the GF23 and GF110, a guide on how to shoot tethered with Fujifilm & more.

Again, you can win £1250 if you participate to the competition.

You can check it out online here or download the Free iPhone App here or Free Andoid App.

About Kaizen, the (Disappointing) Fujifilm X-T20 Firmware… and the Sexiest Fujifilm Camera Ever Made, the X-E3

Fujifilm X-E3

So, Jordan gave FujiRumors a shout-out on the latest TheCameraStoreTV live stream, saying he thinks the X-E3 is the sexiest camera Fujifilm has ever designed and that I can publish this statement on Fujirumors. Well Jordan, just done :)

TCSTV starts talking about the X-E3 at minute 26:50 of this video.

Fujifilm X-E3: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Fujifilm Firmware Updates

TheCameraStoreTV dedicated their latest live stream mainly to the topic “firmware updates”, and they mention also the firmware updates for Fujifilm cameras. They praise Fujifilm’s Kaizen philosophy, but Jordan also adds a consideration/specualtion, which I would like to highlight today here on FujiRumors.

Jordan was talking about the X-Pro2 (min. 9:00), and about how, at launch, it had no 4K video, despite being capable of it*, simply because Fujifilm did not consider video shooters to be the target of the X-Pro2. They also mention the lack of tethering, which will also come to the X-Pro2 with firmware ver. 4.00 in December 2017.

The question now is: why didn’t Fujifilm give us tethering and 4K on the X-Pro2 right at its launch?

At min 09:57 Jordan speculates:

My chief concern is that I would hate see companies hold back features at launch, so that they can make a big splash when they announce a big firmware update later, and give that camera a second life of marketing

So is Fujifilm doing this on purpose? Jordan and Chris clearly say “we don’t know“. It’s just a speculation they make.

X-T20 Firmware… Why not on Par with X-E3?

And speaking of firmware updates…

As you know, in November, the X-T20 will get a nice little firmware update, which will allow you to use the touch screen also in EVF mode.

But I wonder, why won’t the X-T20 get also the improved AF-system, the RGB color histogram and the live view highlight alert already present in the Fujifilm X-E3?

  • Maybe Fujifilm just wants to “help” X-E3 sales at its launch by giving it, for now, a little “firmware advantage” over the X-T20. And who knows, maybe, sometimes in 2018, when X-E3 sales slow down, they can give to the X-T20 a second marketing life with a Kaizen firmware update that brings it on the par with the X-E3.
  • Maybe it’s not so easy for Fujifilm to pack the X-E3 firmware into the X-T20 and Fujifilm has to do some extra coding work… hence, they need more time.
  • Maybe it’s not possible… for whatever reason

Anyway, I would like every Fujifilm camera to be always packed with everything possible as soon as possible. No camera should be “castrated” via software for market (or marketing) reasons. So if possible, whenever it’s ready (if that’s even possible), please Fujifilm, bring the X-T20 on par with the X-E3.


  • Fuji Guy Billy said here that “the X-Pro2 is over-engineered and a lot of potential is not harnessed yet”, and he teased new firmware updates
  • Fuji Guy Billy said here that “4K in X-Pro2 is possible. I’m fighting with Japan for that”

Nikon D500 Vs Fujifilm X-T2 Bird Photography :: X-T2 Goes Barrel Racing :: X-T2 Wildlife Photography Heaven :: Sony A9 Vs. Fuji X-T2

The Fuji X-T2 Goes Barrel Racing at michaeldbruton

Answering to readers emails

Today’s roundup is dedicated to Fujifilm’s all time best seller, the Fujifilm X-T2. And it seems that it is making many people happy, as you can see in the links below.

And to those, who ask me if they should wait for the X-T2 successor, maybe the rumored X-T2S or even the Fujifilm X-T3, I can only say that once a replacement will be out, the X-T2 won’t become a worse camera. Actually probably even better, thanks to Fuji’s Kaizen support. So why wait… get it, and enjoy it :)

Cover Stories

  • Bird photography with the Nikon D500 + Tamron 150-600G2 and comparing it to my X-T2 + 100-400/1.4x tc at robertdoeleman
  • An Ode to FujiFilm, Wildlife Photography Heaven, Fujifilm X-T2 Auto focus at peterdelaneyphotography
  • Challenging Lighting Situation. Sony A9, 70-200 f4 & Fujifilm X-T2, 50-140 f2.8 at Denae & Andrew Youtube

& More X-T2

Fujifilm X-T2: USABHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera, BestBuy CANADA: AmazonCA EUROPE: AmazonDE, Calumentphoto DE, AmazonUK, AmazonITA, AmazonFR, AmazonESP, PCHstore, WexUK AUSTRALIA: CameraPro


Profoto TTL and HSS for Fujifilm Announced!!!

One year ago, on September 2016, I told you that Profoto plans to support Fujifilm within 2017.

Well, as predicted, it just happened today :)

Profoto: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Press Release

Profoto today announces collaboration between Profoto and Fujifilm to offer optimized compatibility between Profoto flashes and Fujifilm cameras.

When the unique Profoto AirTTL was first announced in November 2013, it revolutionized the photography industry by enabling a lean workflow and making it possible to seamlessly merge your camera with your flash. Now we are proud to include Fujifilm shooters in the AirTTL family, empowering photographers to be more creative and focus less on settings.

“Together with Fujifilm, we are proud to announce our latest family member – the Air Remote TTL-F. Light is the essence of every image and the Profoto AirTTL makes light shaping easier. It unlocks new creative possibilities and helps you go from idea to final image faster. We are happy to help the world’s most ambitious image creators turn their ambition into reality,” says Anders Hedebark, President of Profoto.

Profoto Air Remote TTL-F is a small, wireless radio transmitter that can be attached to the Fujifilm camera’s hot shoe. The remote offers full TTL and HSS capability with Profoto’s B1X, B1, B2, D2 and Pro-10 lights.

The Air Remote TTL-F will start shipping at the end of the year.

via profoto

Follow Our Non Stop Live Blogging for First Look Reviews

Fujifilm X-E3: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon XF 80mmF2.8 1:1 Macro: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF 45mmF2.8: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Fujifilm X-E3 Vs. Fujifilm X-T20… Which One do You Prefer? Vote the POLL

So now that we know everything about the Fujifilm X-E3, the big question is: Fujifilm X-T20 or Fujifilm X-E3, which one do you prefer? Vote the poll below.

And in case you missed it, make sure to check out our still ongoing live blogging to see all first looks about the X-E3, XF80 and GF45, as well as check out the new firmware and lens roadmaps and some other tidbits, such as links to product catalogues and more.

Follow Our Non Stop Live Blogging for First Look Reviews

Fujifilm X-E3: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon XF 80mmF2.8 1:1 Macro: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujinon GF 45mmF2.8: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Fujifilm X-E3 or Fujifilm X-T20... which one do you prefer?

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Fujifilm Unveils New G and X Mount Lens Roadmap!

Fujifilm erroneously published the new lens roadmaps a few hours before the official embargo ends… and FujiRumors is happy to break the news for you :).

The X-mount roadmap includes the long rumored XF200/2 and the XF8-16, as well as the Fuji X mount version of the Fujinon MK18-55mm F2.9 and MK50-130mm T2.9, which launch, as Fujifilm said, has been postponed from 2017 to 2018.

The G-mount roadmap inlcudes the GF250mmF4 OIS and the GF 1.4x Teleconverter. The GF 250 (as well as other lenses) has been already rumored on FujiRumors back in April.

As I told you, you can’t expect major updates on the roadmap anymore. Why? Because in the past Fujifilm made long term lens roadmaps, but then, when they changed plans, they had to cancel lenses they officially promised to deliver (remember the XF120 for example?), and some customers got really angry about it. That’s why Fujifilm will launch only minor updates.

But hey… there is still FujiRumors for the unofficial long term roadmaps :)

You’re welcome to follow the FR Live blogging at 02:00 AM New York time.

1. Ultra Wide Angle Zoom Lens “XF8-16mmF2.8 R LM WR”

XF8-16mmF2.8 R LM WR” is an ultra-wide angle zoom lens with a focal length equivalent to 12-24mm (on a 35mm format) and maximum F2.8 aperture. It is a lens most suited to shooting dynamic landscapes, night views and architecture. With the “XF16-55mmF2.8 R LM WR” and “XF50-140mmF2.8 R LM OIS WR”, Fujifilm’s XF lenses will cover F2.8 across the entire zoom range of Wide/Standard/Telephoto shooting areas.

2. Telephoto Prime Lens “XF200mmF2 R LM OIS WR”

XF200mmF2 R LM OIS WR” is a telephoto prime lens with a focal length equivalent to 305mm (on a 35mm format) and maximum bright F2.0 aperture. It is a lens most suited to shooting sports, nature, or wild-birds. Both the existing “FUJINON Teleconverter XF1.4X TC WR” and “FUJINON Teleconverter XF2.0X TC WR” are compatible, so it can be used as an ultra-telephoto lens.

Fujifilm will continue to expand the lens line-up from ultra-wide to telephoto to support a wide range of photography styles and requirements. The release date of the “MK Series for X Mount version” will now be 2018 rather than 2017, as previously communicated.

1. Telephoto Prime Lens “GF250mmF4 R LM OIS WR”

GF250mmF4 R LM OIS WR” is a telephoto prime lens with a focal length equivalent to 198mm (on a 35mm format) and maximum F4 aperture, enabling a beautiful bokeh effect for shooting portrait and landscapes images.

2. Tele Converter “GF1.4X TC WR”

The “GF1.4X TC WR” is a high-performance teleconverter capable of multiplying the focal length by 1.4x. Compatible with “GF250mmF4 R LM OIS WR”, its focal length will be 350mm (equivalent to 277mm on a 35mm format).

FUJINON “GF Lenses” are high quality lenses featuring rich tone reproduction, unique color reproduction and high resolving power, designed to incorporate Fujifilm’s optical technology. These lenses will be designed to the highest standards to allow photographers the ability to create the best images possible. Fujifilm has already released the “FUJIFILM GFX 50S” (hereinafter “GFX 50S”), the first camera in the “GFX Series,” as well as six “GF Lenses”. All of which have proved popular among professional photographers and photo enthusiasts, who praise it for its ability to capture high levels of detail, giving the atmosphere a three-dimensional feel, and its compact, lightweight body for easy operation.

With the addition of the two lenses, “GF250mmF4 R LM OIS WR” and “GF1.4X TC WR”, the GF range will now cover telephoto needs. The GF lens line-up will be expanded total of eight lenses, covering 18mm – 277mm (on a 35mm format). Fujifilm will continue to produce technology for the “GFX Series” Which reinvigorates passion for photography.

… and now let me grab another coffee :)
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Fujifilm X-E3: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro

Fujinon XF 80mmF2.8 Macro: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, WexUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro

Fujinon GF 45mmF2.8: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: WexUK, PCHstore AUS: CameraPro