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Sony Stops Making 16MP Sensors :: Fujifilm 16MP X-Cameras Affected :: Fujifilm X70 Already Marked as Discontinued

Sony Stops 16MP Sensor Production

According to a new source (thanks), Sony just stopped the production of its 16 Megapixel sensors. As a consequence, so the source, Fujifilm is in the process of withdrawing all its 16MP cameras.

If true, then this is the end for 16MP X-Trans cameras… and some of those had a considerably short production life, as for example the Fujifilm X70 and Fujifilm X-E2s, which were launched just 11 months ago!

The source said that Sony’s decision surprised Fujifilm, since it came without much advanced warning (usually Sony gives a much longer advanced warning when it comes to end of sensor production, so that companies can adjust their strategy according to Sony’s sensor plans).

Fujifilm X70 Marked as Discontinued

Here is another puzzle piece, found by an attentive FR-reader (thanks), who followed the discussion about the X70 at

Someone over there wrote an email to Fujifilm and asked why, at some Japanese stores, the X70 is no more available. Well, Fujifilm told him that the X70 has been discontinued. You can read the discussion at kakaku (translation).

And indeed, stores like yodobashi maked the black X70 as discontinued. And also at mapcamera you can’t find any X70 anymore (just accessories).

I’ve checked also EU/US stores and indeed X70 stock can be very limited or even not available, like at AmazonUK (silver version)

I remind you that also the X-T10 and X-E2 were marked as discontinued at the official Fujifilm site.

Fujifilm X70: USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / FocusCamera / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro 

by FujiRumors

If all said above is no coincidence, then here is what could have happend:

Fujifilm was surprised by the fact that Sony ends production, and decided to discontinue the X70 in order to use the remaining 16MP sensors for much more popular 16MP cameras like the X-T10.

Or maybe I’m reading too much into it, and the rumor + fact are not related to each other… I’ll let you know if, with the help of sources, I can find out something more.

stay tuned…
Fuji X Forum, Facebook, RSS-feed
and Twitter

X-T10 (save $100): BHphoto / AmazonUS / FocusCamera / Adorama
X-T10 doubt XC kit (save $400): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama

Leaving Canon, Sony and Nikon for Fujifilm :: Lightroom Vs. Capture One :: Fuji X-T2, the Perfect Travel Companion? + More (miXed zone)

Fujifilm X-T2: shared on the fujirumors facebook page by Lightforge – Dennis Radermacher
feel free to keep up sharing & voting :-)

Fujifilm X-T2
USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / Calumentphoto DE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

Fujifilm X-T2 F-log sample footage (with download link) from ONV on Vimeo.

Fujifilm X-Pro2
: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / WexUK / PCHstore / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

  • Traveling with one camera + one lens: FujiXpro2 + 35mm F2 WR at iamnatasha
  • Concert Photography on a Fuji X-Pro2 at medium
  • Iceland: The Frozen Exposures (X-Pro2) at om-blog /
  • Fuji X-Pro 2 : Are Mirrorless Cameras Better Yet? at lenselite

Other X-series cameras + lenses

X-T1 IR: Sea of Trees at medium // Fuji X70 v Ricoh GR: Which is the best large-sensor pocket camera? at macfilos // 5 Reasons why you should get excited about the Fujifilm 23mm f2 WR lens at Chris Perkles youtube // 23mmF2 Review at mirrorlessons // 55-200 or 50-140?… Bokeh Anyone? at xshooters // Why I Love the Sweet Little Fujifilm XF 35mmF2 at danbaileyphoto // The X-Pro1 + 56 x 11. So what does that add up too then? at adambonn

X-Trans RAW conversion

Lightroom vs Capture One (bloodsport) at aevansphoto // Good News for X-Trans shooter. Capture One Pro 10 – A First Look for Fuji X-Trans Users at thomasfitzgeraldphotography // Fuji X-T2 – RAW Processing Examples at Fuji X-T2 – RAW Processor Comparisons at // Fuji X-T2 – Fuji Velvia at

by FR-reader Stefano: “I would like to suggest a look to this extension for Apple Photos: With Apple Photos I import on my Mac the RAW+JPG from my Fuji camera. Normally the basic editing tools from the app are enough for me, but I miss the Fuji Film Simulations (… Fuji should wake up in my opinion and make an extension for that …). With that extension I can from Apple Photos, open the Fuji raw converter, choose a film simulation, save back in Photos the modified JPG. Seems to work. You can call whatever picture editor you like and it costs only 1€”

Switch To Fujifilm from Nikon and Canon

Sony and Canon suck? Why I left both (mostly) for Fuji at aevansphoto // Why I Switched From Nikon To Fujifilm at bhphoto // Reasons to switch from Canon to Fuji at Chris Perkles youtube

a bit of everything

 First Look, SmallRig Cage for Panasonic GX8 1844 (with comments about X-T2) at creativityinnovationsuccess

Free eBook: Keep the Focus – A meditation guide for street photographers on Keep The Focus Facebook

Fujifilm X-T2 – Yes, It’s a Professional Camera


Write Your Articles Directly On FujiRumors!

guest post by Bal Deo

Every time a new camera come out, Like many others, I was always longing to find a new gadget having some notation that it will make me a better photographer. As I grew older and a little wiser, I realized that Imagination is the beginning of inspiration and creativity, and it became less about the camera but more so about the process of creating an image.

It seems nowadays we choose our equipment based on what the latest hype is as opposed to understanding or considering exactly what our output medium is. Do we even have any meaningful way of understanding or judging what our image will look like on the output medium and can we sufficiently identify differences in quality?

Besides a large print or billboard, a general person or most photographers will have a tough time noticing the high image quality at web sizes – I’m purely speaking from my own personal experience. It’s hard to differentiate between the images that I have shot on full frame to the ones I have captured using medium format cameras.

Hence my journey began to find that perfect system. I have travelled the medium format landscapes using my Hasselblad to full frame using Canon for many years. Then for the past 2 years the hype came along with Sony A7 series and like many, investing my hard earned dollars on a Sony system, for its size and ease of use, yet still not abandoning both my Hasselblad and Canon systems. Sony’s are fine cameras having fantastic resolution and some great lenses, however, I found it was too much work for me to get the final desired skin tones.

I would often read or hear “what fantastic colours and rendition Fuji has“. Then a few months later “the hype” came again and this time it was the Fuji X-T2. This time ignoring the hype and I didn’t go looking for comprehensive test reports on the technical merits. I simply wanted to see the image quality of the X-T2 without pixel peeping. Ignoring all the comparisons and shoot out of FUJI X-T2 vs CAMERA X

So I got my hands on a XT2 – beside having the cool vintage look, it is a remarkable camera and just felt fantastic in my hands. The discrete size, the all metal body and lenses build quality was just amazing. I loved the fact it was smooth, quiet and a joy to shoot with. The dials reminded me of my Nikon FM2.

The post-production process seemed effortless. I was a big fan of Provia and  Astia Film during my film days, hence it’s a matter of selecting the film profile and making a curve adjustment. Dynamic range was excellent,  the sensor handled highlights and shadow details extremely well. Many have said it’s still not a professional camera, I’m still trying to understand, what criteria qualifies a camera to be professional. For someone who makes his full time living as a professional photographer, the Fuji camera has become 90% of my workhorse. YES it’s a professional camera.

Following are some shot with the Fuji XT2.

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A Plea to Fuji :: X-Pro2 Survives Hard Crash :: That Fujinon XF 35mmF1.4 Magic in Other Fuji Lenses? ** Top FXF Threads & Images

Image by Xing

Tibet 2015 shared by Xing


shared by Robert de Bock X-Pro2 fell really hard, although scratched, x-pro2 is doing fine!

shared by Woodworth A plea to Fuji …

shared by petergabriel That 35mm f1.4 magic in other Fujinon lenses?

shared by Patrick FR Fujifilm Will Announce a “Never Rumored Before” X-series Camera in 2016!

shared by milandro Petzval 58mm Bokeh Control( adapted to Fuji?)

shared by synthesaur X-T2: Is it just me or the lowish light files are too noisy?

shared by Sarawak L Bracket for X-T2???

shared by Filip Hermelin Owning both 18-55 and 35 f/2

shared by Tom H. Video editing recommendations

shared by dv. Samyang/Rokinon 300mm f6.3 mirror lens

shared by bjorke 23mm f2 – on backorder from the pre-order?

shared by NPR S-Speed not displayed in Aperture Priority

shared by Haswell Billingham bag – Musty smell.

shared by Sator-Photography GFX 50S: Autofocus Points????

shared by entropic remnants How about the Nissin i40 with the new X-Pro2 firmware 2.0?

Streetphotography (open thread) shared by Cornelson

Image by Cornelson

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Apple Engineer Explains Why MacBook Pro has No SD-card Slot :: X-T2 for Sports :: XF23/F1.4 Vs. XF23/F2 (miXed zone)

Apple Engineer Interview

A clear and sober admission, why Apple decided to get rid of the SD-card slot with it’s brand new Macbook Pro 2016Youtube Video Here

Fujifilm GFX

Shared at GFX Facebook Group here: Say Hello to X-T2 and GFX. What is lovely pair.

Fujifilm Manager talks about Fujifilm GFX at photography life youtube

Fujifilm X-T2
USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / Calumentphoto DE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

  • Last day of the 2016 Hastings Horse Racing Season at joengphotography
  • On the sidelines with Fuji’s X-T2 at philippalermo
  • Mischkah Scott in Tuscany ~ X-T2 with Pro Neg S ~ NSFW at prophotonut
  • Hiking with the Fuji X-T2 at sftwins
  • The Fuji X-T2 as a travel camera? at childrensportraitslondon
  • Fujifilm X-T2 – 4K compilation – Wales, Talyllyn Railway Halloween, Machynlleth Lantern Parade 2016 at mirrorlessons youtube. On his email to me, Mathieu wrote “the continuous AF that is impressive. It works seamlessly in good and low light. It reminds me the Dual Pixel AF of the Canon C300

XF23mmF2 WR

Thoughts About The XF 23mm F2 Lens at olafphotoblog

  • A Matter of Stops: The Fujifilm 23mm f1.4 VS the 23mm f2 at fathersonphoto

Fujifilm X-Pro2

X-Pro2: When the Leaves Come Falling Down at littlebigtravelingcamera / First attempt at using a rangefinder for street photography – Fuji X-Pro2 at bershatsky /

Other X-series cameras

X-T1 with the 50-200 and 10-24 visiting the Rocky Moutains at mattrussellphoto / X-A3: Fujifilm thinks you need a mirrorless interchangeable lens camera for selfies at soyacincau / X100T Snapshots by Kevin Mullins at /


Fujifilm FUJINON XF50 140mm Lens at thefxworks / 35mmF2 review at toolsandtoy / Fuji XF 35mmF1.4 lens review with samples at Christopher Frost Photography youtube / Fuji X-T2 56mm @ f1.2 at /

X-Trans / Converters

How to Get Best Image Quality Out of Fuji X-Trans III RAW´s at hendriximages / The Fujifilm RFC RAW Convertor: Part Three – Working on Multiple Images at adambonn /

a bit of everything

The Day I Went Fuji X-System at ipcloud /

Ken Rockwell Says X-T2 Not Really for Pro’s :: Peak Design Everyday Sling :: X-T2 LCD Color Inaccuracy + More Top FXF Thread & Images

Image by ChangshaNotes

Streetphotography (open thread) shared by ChangshaNotes

shared by Aswald Film vs. Digital

shared by Patrick FR Ken Rockwell X-T2 Review… X-T2 not really for Pro’s… and he was unimpressed by the X-Pro2, too.

shared by darkshine231 My icelandic trip with my fuji x-pro2

shared by FX Admin Fuji GFX 50s Images

shared by Bjorn Moerman Fujifilm XF 23mm f2 lens – REVIEWS HERE

shared by Velvia Fujifilm XF 55-200mm F/3.5-F/4.8 or XC 55-230mm F/4.5-F/6.7?

shared by Tikcus X-T10 discontinued….. roll on X-T20

shared by Ron Groot Wifi X-T2

shared by Tom H. Peak Design Everyday Sling

shared by davidknibb file management

shared by Puma Cat X-T2 rips through the Indy Car Race at Sonoma Raceway!

shared by CuzinVin29 Backbutton Focusing

shared by AdamWoodhouse Quick test some XT2 owners can do?

shared by petergabriel 35mm f2.0 or f1.4 – never mind the noise or speed!

shared by Ketaha 35mm f2 vs. 35mm f1.4 after firmware

shared by sharkman53 Fuji XT-2

shared by Alexander Haase Color inaccuracy of EVF vs LCD (X-T2 vs. X-T1)

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Fujifilm 2017 :: The Big Rumor Overview… and 2016 Rumor Check (91% Correct Rumors)

Crystal ball

So, Photokina is over. The most important announcements have been done. So it’s high time to put some order in the remaining rumors.

But first some facts:

  • 650+ blog post published in 2016 so far
  • 101 rumors shared in 2016
  • 13 rumors still to be verified
  • 81 correct rumors (+1 one more correct, but not in ranking. Read why at the bottom of this post)
  • 8 wrong rumors (but actually at least 4 of them were right at the time of sharing. It’s just Fuji that changed plans… that’s the risk I pay for sharing early rumors, and I accept that)
  • 91% correct rumors shared so far in 2016 (and it would be at least 95+%, if Fuji wouldn’t have changed plans on some long term rumors)

And now… what to expect next!

I don’t think Fujifilm will launch much more in 2016… but surprises are always possible. If I hear anything, I’ll let you know.

In 2017 we should see the X100F and the X-T20. And of course the Medium Format Fujifilm GFX will hit the market. It’s also rumored that Profoto will add flash support for X-series cameras. And maybe, so my hope (but not a rumor), after some small and compact weather sealed lenses (35, 23, 50, 80), Fujifilm will also work again on the long rumored 8-16, 33/1 and 200. NOTE: the 33/1 and 200 were rumored in 2015, so they are not included in the 2016 overview.

Sounds already now like a very interesting 2017… and I’m confident Fujifilm will surprise us with something more. Stay tuned on FujiRumors to find it out.

My deepest thanks goes to all sources, who helped me a lot and reached a level of accuracy that is almost scary for a rumor site… I really would like to hug you all :-)

Also, thanks to everybody, who spotted some interesting Fuji related news/rumor/deal/review on the web, and took his/her time to drop me an email with the link to it. Much appreciated… and feel free to keep it up. ;-)

* 75% to 99% correct

– Fujifilm X100T Successor to be Released in 2017 (shared July 28)
– Profoto Will Add Support for Fujifilm X Cameras in 2017 (shared September 12)
– Fujifilm X-T20 Coming in 2017 (and not at Photokina) (shared Septmeber 17)
– Fujifilm X-Pro2 Firmware Coming October 6 (shared September 29)
– Fujifilm Will Release a Dark Grey Fujifilm X-Pro2, probably in 2017 (shared September 30)

*50% to 74% correct

– Fujifilm will develop a XF 8-16mmF2.8 WR lens! (shared 26 May 2016)
– Fuji X100T Successor still with 23mm lens!
– No X-E3 in 2016 (shared February 2, 2016)
– Fujifilm working on a XF200mm… F2 (!) lens (shared Feb.5 2016)
– Fujifilm Global Shutter Camera coming in 2018 (at the earliest) – (shared Mar 14, 2016)
– Fujifilm X-T1 will get one more (and final?) Kaizen Firmware Update This Year! (shared 13 Mai 2016)

*25% to 49% correct

– Fuji X100T & Kaizen Love? High Chance of Firmware 2.00 for Fuji X100T (shared February 11)
– The Fujifilm X100T Successor Will Be Called Fujifilm X100F (shared August 31)

*1% to 24% correct

Push READ MORE for the 2016 Rumor Check

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miXed zone :: Fujifilm History by Tony Northrup ** Fujifilm X-T2: 10 things I wish were different ** When GAS becomes Stupid

2016 Crankworx Whistler Red Bull Joy Ride with Fujifilm X-T2 at joengphotography

Full List of Today’s Gold Box Deals
AmazonUS, BHphoto, AmazonDE, AmazonUK

Fujifilm GFX

  • Fujifilm’s Medium Format GFX 50S Digital Camera: First Impressions And Frequently-Asked Questions at popphoto
  • Opinion & Thoughts by a Pro Photographer using Medium Format cameras on the Fujifilm GFX at frankdoorhof
  • Welcome to Fujikina (with X-photographers backstage images) at blickwechsel
  • Bert Stephani and Patrick La Roque filmed their road to Photokina 2016 and their stay in Cologne and at the Fuji booth. Check it out at Bert’s youtube channel.
  • Max De Martino, X-Photographer: 360° Hands on Fujifilm GFX 50S medium format camera on youtube
  • Why Fuji’s New Medium Format Camera Is Important at fstoppers

Fujifilm X-T2
USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / Calumentphoto DE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

X-T2 + 100-400 at Alex Benyon Photography youtube

XF23mmF2 WR

  • The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride at ivanjoshualoh
  • The difference between the XF23mmF2 WR and the 23mmF2 on the X100 series at thephoblographer

Other X-series cameras

Cologne with X-Pro2 + X70 at ivanjoshualoh / Nikon D5 & Fuji X-E2 Shooting Live Theatre at blog.stanleyleary / Budapest, a city trip with the X100T Part I at stockografie /


Fujinon XF 10-24mm Lens Review: High Quality Wide Angle for Crop Sensor Cameras at improvephotography /


Lightroom CC 2015.7 and Camera Raw 9.7 are now available. Nothing Fujifilm specific.

Travel X / Switch (or not) to the X / X Weddings

Switching back to Fuji… or When GAS becomes stupid at stockografie

Acessories / Flash / Bags

Cokin P-Series Filters are Good Enough – My Favorite Landscape Filters for Fuji X Mirrorless at roycruz

Fujifilm Instax Share SP-2 Wireless Printer Review at ephotozine /

a bit of everything

Fujifilm History: Kodak Film Wars, Lenses, & the Rise of X-Mount at Tony Northrup youtube

Fuji X-T2 In Stock at eBayUS (7 left) and AmazonUS (1 left) – UPDATE: X-T2 Kit In Stock at Adorama


UPDATE: the kit in stock at Adorama

The Fujifilm X-T2 is available at eBayUS via Top rated and authorized Fuji Seller Kenmorecamara here. There is also still one left at AmazonUS (via third party seller Focus Camera – official Fuji Seller).

Moreover, I’ve heard from a FR-reader, that Adorama received some X-T2 boxes. They are now in the warehouse and Adorama should ship them today or tomorrow.

Posted earlier today:

Fujifilm X-T2: USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / Calumentphoto DE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

Marine Shoots Bride & Groom on Their Wedding Day!

Wind in the Hair by Rick Birt with a Meyer-Optik-Goerlitz Trioplan f2.8/100

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

*RequestI have just been informed that one of my photos has been nominated for an award. I would greatly appreciate it if you would support a fellow Fuji X-shooter by clicking this link and like, love, or comment on my black and white portrait. Thanks to all of you, and to Patrick for suggesting I add this request to my post.

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Write Your Articles Directly On FujiRumors!

Written for Kelly Williams Photography by Rick Birt of

I recently had the honor of documenting the union of Anna and Hayden Taylor. They are a cute and fun couple, and I thoroughly enjoyed shooting them. I should also mention that Anna’s mother, Charla, was kind enough to provide me with a shot list, and kept everything running smoothly that day. It was arranged to be an intimate ceremony with close family in the living room of the Groom’s parents’ home. It all sounded like the perfect scenario for photographing my first wedding.

So was it all rainbows and unicorns? Not quite…

I had just switched from a Sony a7R II camera to a Fuji X-Pro2 the month before. I absolutely love the Fuji, but I still haven’t mastered it like the Sony. Moreover, I got a bad copy of the 16-55mm zoom-lens and was in the middle of an exchange – so I didn’t have it for the ceremony. Therefore, I went looking for a second body. I almost bought another X-Pro2, but I got a great deal on an Olympus Pen-F and two prime lenses the night before the big day. Suffice it to say, I had not mastered the Olympus either.

As for lighting, I purchased an on-camera speedlight, a Diva ring-light, and a small LED continuous light array. My wife also suggested I bring her light-gun, so I stopped by her studio on the way to meeting the bride, and her mother, at the salon. When I got to my wife’s studio she told me her light gun was “in the attic.” So I proceeded up the stairs to a little loft area where she keeps some of her equipment.

She then asked, “What are you doing?”

I explained, “I’m looking for the light-gun.”

She then said, “It’s in the attic – at home.”

Great :/

So, I grabbed a couple of her Westcott Ice lights and off I went.

The salon was very nice, but was pretty crowded (which I’m sure is normal for a Saturday), so it was hard to find a good shooting position, but I managed to get a few nice portraits.

Click READ MORE for the Full Story and Wedding Images

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