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Let’s Go FAST: First Leaked Images of Upcoming f/1.4 Lens for Fujifilm GFX Mount

In terms of very fast lenses, Fujifilm is offering (or will offer soon):

If you want to go even faster, then you have to fo with manual focus lenses, more precisely:

However, I have received some images by a new source (thanks), of another ultra fast upcoming lens for the Fujifilm GFX system, with a maximum aperture of f/1.4. You can see the images above, mounted on the best camera of all time, the Fujifilm GFX50R.

I am trying to get more information about it, but for now, all I can say is:

  • 1.4 lens for GFX system
  • likely manual focus
  • it will be a wide-standard lens (wider than the Mitakon)

Curious for more? Then stay tuned on FujiRumors, and I will update you as soon as I can, since I am continuous talk with the source. ;)

The GFX Community

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Fujifilm Manager Explains Large Format GFX sensor: 70% Larger than Full Frame

Medium Format, super full frame, large sensor… there are many ways that Fujifilm called its GFX line-up, and now they seem to stick with the “large format” definition.

I personally find there was nothing wrong with medium format. The Pentax 645 was called “medium format” for years, the Hasselblad X1D, too, and nobody ever complaint about that.

It’s just when Fujifilm joined the sensor size 70% larger than full frame, that suddenly some youtubers found the definition “medium format” no longer appropriate. Really, sometimes it feels like if Fujifilm does it, it must be bad.

And now to the video.

Fujifilm published a video, where they repeat, that the sensor is 70% larger than full frame, and they explain why they call it “large format”.

The video is titled “Understanding Fujifilm GFX Large Sensor Imaging“. You can find it down below and see also a summary.

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TESTED: New Fujifilm X-T4 and GFX100 Firmware Brings Smoother Exposure Changes in Video, Except…

Earlier today Fujifilm released Fujifilm X-T4 firmware 1.03 and Fujifilm GFX100 firmware 2.01.

Of course FujiRumors reported instantly about it here, but now I have something more to add.

Despite being on a two week holiday with my wife in wonderful South Italy (see my Instagram), I was too curious to find out what the improvement was, and I made quick testings.

Here is what I found out.

According to quick tests I made on my Fujifilm X-T4, I can say that the exposure change is now smoother (not stepping like before), except in high speed modes (like 120 or 240 fps).

This is a major annoyance people had when shooting video, and I wonder why Fujifilm does not specify that in their official Fujifilm X-T4 and GFX100 firmware release notes, but hides it behind a vague “fix of a minor bug during a movie shooting“. It’s not a minor but, it’s a major one!

Happy to see it work smoother now! UPDATE: FR-readers confirm in the comments it is much smoother now, but not yet perfect.

P.S.: I am sorry if I am not able to edit the footage and upload on youtube… right now this post is written on a sandy beach… so… just trust me, OK? Done that, let me finish my beer and then jump into the water… and when I come back, I hope to read lots of happy comments ;).

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New Firmware Updates for Fujifilm X-T4 and Fujifilm GFX100 Released

Fujifilm has just released new firmware updates for Fujifilm X-T4 and Fujifilm GFX100. All the details down below.

Firmware Details

Fujifilm X-T4 ver 1.03 – download here

  1. Fix of a minor bug during a movie shooting.

Fujifilm GFX100 ver 2.01 – download here

  1. The phenomenon is fixed that it can take a long time for images to appear in playback mode.
  2. Fix of a minor bug during a movie shooting.

And now, dear Fujifilm, X-T3 firmware please!!!!

Pick your Follow ;)

DPRTV Fujinon GF30mm f/3.5 Review: “Impressively Sharp, Who Needs a Wildlife Lens Anymore ;). Totally Recommended, Except for One Thing…”

DPReview TV has now published their Fujinon GF30mm f/3.5 hands on review, which was filmed with a GF30mm F/3.5 mounted on a Fujifilm GFX100.

The lens is another winner, and can easily keep up with the 100 megapixel of the Fujinon GFX100.

At some point of the video, he took a video of the forest, with a deer far away in the distance, and then cropped in and says “who needs a wildlife lens anymore“. Of course he said it as a joke, and the GF30mmF3.5 can’t replace a proper wildlife lens, but it was also a statement made to underline that with the combination GFX100 and GF30mmF3.5 you are in photographic crop-heaven.

The biggest problem with the GF30mmF3.5? Well, there is the GF32-64mmF4 (compare both lenses specs & price here).

You can find the video above and summary of the video down below:

  • 24mm full frame equivalent
  • is surprises how compact it is: just over 500g
  • 58mm filter thread
  • very chunky aperture ring and two-step phase between aperture ring and focus ring means you are not going to confuse where your fingers are
  • a very nice tactile experience
  • basically no real chromatic aberration and longitudinal chromatic aberration
  • about 32 cm minimum focus distance, hence you can get fairly close to objects and with that 3.5 aperture get nice and soft background
  • flare is pretty average, lots of ghosting. Sometimes you see rainbow pattern, but that’s not the lens, it’s reflection coming from the sensor, which you can see on a lot of modern cameras
  • autofocus speed is fine, it is not super fast, but on medium format you don’t need ultra fast focussing lenses
  • bokeh is not Chris’ favorite, not the greatest out there, a little bit busy around the edges, and gets more busy if you stop down the lens, but that’s not the end of the world on a wide angle lens
  • it’s a very sharp lens, especially wide open Chris was quite impressed. Very impressive at f/3.5 from center to corner, and corners sharpen up more really nicely if you stop down
  • he took a shot of a deer from far away and cropped in and said “who needs a wildlife lens” (of course joking, but to underline how sharp this lens really is)
  • like the other GF lenses, also this one is optically excellent lens
  • it’s capable of supporting the 100 megapixel resolution of the GFX100
  • nice compact lens, balance nice on GFX50R
  • as for video, the GFX100 got a recent firmware update that supports ProRes Video
  • in video, the lens has very little breathing
  • the entire episode was shot on the GF30mm f3.5
  • compact, fairly wide aperture lens for your GFX system, Chris would totally recommend it, except for one thing: there is also the excellent GF32-64mmF4
  • the GF30mmF3.5 is a little bit better optically compared to the the GF32-64, but the IQ of the 32-64 is great, too
  • but if you like primes, or if you maybe have already the GF45-100mmF4, this could be your lens

The Fujinon GF30mm f/3.5 is now in stock.

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Focus On Glass: Fujinon XF 8-16mm F2.8 (no Cheating) and GF 30mm F3.5 Quick Development Insights

Fujifilm Spain has published very short videos about the Fujinon XF8-16mm F2.8 and the Fujinon GF30mm F3.5, that include some tidbits about its development, that I have extracted for you.

Both videos can be found below, along with a written summary.

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Fujifilm Guys and Manager Explain New Fujifilm GFX Firmware and Say that Blackmagic Design RAW Support is Technically Possible

What a day!

Fujifilm has released:

In all this buzz, I’d like to highlight one interview made by Cinema5D to top Fujifilm manager Makoto San.

The talk mainly gravitates towards the new ProRes RAW support for Fujifilm GFX100, but they touch also on other topics, which is why I want to highlight this interview in a dedicated post.

Interview Summary

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The Fujinon GF30mmF3.5 is Coming and We Celebrate Its Arrival with a Stunning GF Lenses Image Roundup

As you know, the upcoming Fujinon GF30mm f/3.5 specs have already leaked here.

We wait for nokishita to leak the images in the next few days, and as soon as it happens, I’ll report about it on FujiRumors.

Of course there will be a live blogging. When exactly? Well… let’s say you should just trust my sixth sense. I will start the live blog 0.01 seconds after the lens has been announced, don’t worry about that at all. ;)

The Fujinon GF 30mm f/3.5 equals to a much loved focal length among Fujifilm APS-C X-shooters, the 16mm (in terms of primes, there are the XF16mm f/1.4, and the compact XF16mm f/2.8).

If we want to be precise, the Fujinon GF30mm f/3.5, converted in other formats, is about:

  • Full Frame: 23mm f/2.8
  • APS-C: 16mm f/1.8

To me, that’s a very nice focal length.

The GF30mm f/3.5 also seems to be well balanced in terms of price and size, as you can see from the leaks here and from the size comparison with the Fujinon GF23mm f/4 and the Fujinon GF 45mm f/2.8 we made in this post.

The Advantage of GF lenses

Fujinon GF lenses are about the top lenses you can get on the market.

And in fact, one crucial advantage of medium format GF lenses over full frame or APS-C lenses, is that they can be designed for much higher resolution than lenses for smaller formats.

This is why, if sharp images with tons of detail is what you are looking for, then the best and most future proof system you can buy into (without breaking the bank), is the GFX system.

I am sure the new Fujinon GF30mm f/3.5 will keep the excellent G mount tradition, and deliver spectacular results, too.

Image Roundup

And in order to celebrate the arrival of the Fujinon GF30mm f/3.5, I thought I share a rounudp of GFX images, with some selected photographs taken by members of our massive Fujifilm GFX facebook group.

The roundup includes many Fujinon G mount lenses, but not only that.

The GFX system is a joy to use with adapted lenses, hence in this roundup, you’ll find GFX cameras taking picutres with the following lenses:

I hope you will enjoy the images below as much as I did, and I wish you a fantastic day ahead.

The GFX Community

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