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Holy Crop: Fujifilm GFX100 Pixel Shift Multishot Coming via Firmware Update

GFX100 image in normal mode... imagine what will happen when you quadruple the resoultion ;)
GFX100 image in normal mode… imagine what will happen when you quadruple the resoultion ;)

Back in October 2018, I told you the Fujifilm GFX100 will have pixel shift multishot. However, in March 2019 here, I got an update from a source, that pixel shift multishot won’t be ready for launch.

Some readers were worried, that this could all just be plain wrong rumors, and so I asked trusted sources again, and in July 2019 they confirmed: pixel shift multishot will come for sure, “it’s just a matter of time“.

Finally, Fujifilm officially disclosed plans for Pixel Shift multishot on Fujifilm GFX100 at the latest Fujifilm X summit.

They also showed a sample image during the X Summit live streaming (go to minute 40:20), but those are taken with GFX100 in normal mode (and it’s already impressive).

I thought this deserves to be highlighted in a dedicated article, as this is certainly a significant improvement the Fujifilm GFX100 will get via firmware update.

Holy crop… 400 megapixel.

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Fujinon GF 90mm f/1.4 Lens Patent Surfaced

A recently spotted Fujifilm patent shows the design of a Fujinon GF 90mm f/1.4. In full frame DOF terms, this would be a 70mm f/1.1.

With the GF80mm f/1.7 R WR coming 2021, I don’t see much need for a Fujinon GF90mm f/1.4 R WR. The gaps the Fujinon G mount has to close are definitely others, such as a tilt shift lens and a Fujinon GF 20-36mm f/3.5-4.5 for example.

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via Mirrorlessrumors via Hi Lows Note

Inside the Fujifilm Factory with Lok: Assemblling the Fujifilm GFX100 and the Discontinued Fujifilm X-H1

Lok brings you inside the Fujifilm factory in Sendai, Japan.

The first thing he shows, is part of the assembly of the Fujifilm GFX100. Lok is surprised to see that so much of the assembly is done by hand.

You also see how meticulously every smallest dust particle is removed from the sensor and the lenses.

Lok then tries to apply the rubber texture to a Fujifilm X-H1, but what looks easy in skilled hands, turns out to much more difficult to do if you are not trained for it.

And if you wonder, why a Fujifilm X-H1, well, I believe the tour dates back to May/June 2019, when we already shared a couple of similar Fujifilm Sendai factory tour videos.

At that time, Fujifilm only stopped selling Fujifilm X-H1 body only, but they where still producing it, since it had a big revival pushed by the Fujifilm X-H1 + vertical grip combo deals.

Here on FujiRumors, the Fujifilm X-H1 even beat the Fujifilm X-T3 in terms of overall 2019 sales, thanks to this deal.

The production of Fujifilm X-H1 probably only ended in the second half of 2019.

You can see the full factory tour video below.

LIVE BLOG: Fujifilm X-T200, XC35mmF/2, GF45-100mmF/4, New G Mount Roadmap, Fujifilm X Summit Februay 4

Fujifilm Launch Blog
(refresh for latest updates)

Pre-order Options

GF 45-100mm f/4


XC 35mm f/2

Official Fujifilm Info

Fujinon GF 45-100mm f/4

Fujifilm X-T200

Fujinon XC 35mm f/2


First Look Reviews and Samples

Fujinon GF 45-100mm f/4

Fujifilm X-T200

Fujinon XC 35mm f/2

New Fujinon G Mount Roadmap

Fujifilm announced a new Fujinon G Mount roadmap with the following lenses

(1) Large-diameter standard lens “FUJINON Lens GF80mmF1.7 R WR”

  • The lens with the focal length of 80mm (equivalent to 63mm in the 35mm film format) and the maximum aperture of F1.7 is the brightest*** interchangeable lens for mirrorless digital cameras equipped with a large format sensor. It enables portraiture shooting with beautiful and creamy bokeh even in low light conditions.
  • It boasts astonishing image quality comparable to the professionally-acclaimed large diameter mid-telephoto lens “FUJINON Lens GF110mmF2 R LM WR,” but offers an even wide angle of view with a compact and lightweight body.

(2) Wide-angle prime lens “FUJINON Lens GF30mmF3.5 R WR”

  • The lens with the focal length of 30mm (equivalent to 24mm in the 35mm film format) is perfect for landscape photography. Offering ultra-high resolution capability despite its compact and lightweight body, the lens can bring out the full potential of the 102MP image sensor used in the GFX100.

Fujifilm X Summit February 4

Fujifilm just announced the Fujifilm X Summit at the House of Photography in London for February 4th. Expect new product announcements, as it was for the first Fujifilm X summit and the second Fujifilm X Summit. You can read the announcement of the 3rd Fujifilm X Summit at this Fujifilm page.


New firwmare for X-A7 coming soon – read here


X-T200 Features Tested

First Looks

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

LEAKED: Fujinon GF45-100mm f/4 and XC 35mm f/2 Product Images

In addition to the Fujifilm X-T200 full press release, now also new images of the Fujinon GF45-100mm f/4 and XC35mm f/2 have leaked on nokisthia’s twitter here.

You can see the images above and specs below.

It’s a matter of hours, and it’s all official.

Fujifilm GF45-100mmF4

  • 16 elements in 12 groups
  • minimum 0.65m, maximum 0.13x
  • filter 82mm
  • 93×144.5mm (wide angle) /93×174.5mm (telephoto)
  • weight 1005g


  • 9 elements in 6 groups
  • minimum of 0.35m, a maximum of 0.14x
  • filter of 43mm
  • 58.4×46.5mm, and 130g

Stay tuned on FujiRumors for the LIVE BLOGGING.

Fujinon GF 45-100mm f/4 and Fujinon XC 35mm f/2 Specs Leaked

FujiRumors already told you, that there will be a Fujinon XC 35mm f/2 lens that will be launched along with the Fujinon GF45-100mm f/4 and Fujifilm X-T200 on January 23.

Now that the official press release is reaching stores and media, nokishita is leaking the main specs (and as next we will see the full images and full specs).

Don’t worry, it’s not yet time for Fujifilm X100V and Fujifilm X-T4 leaks… those nice things will come later. ;)

Fujifilm GF45-100mmF4

  • 16 elements in 12 groups
  • minimum 0.65m, maximum 0.13x
  • filter 82mm
  • 93×144.5mm (wide angle) /93×174.5mm (telephoto)
  • weight 1005g


  • 9 elements in 6 groups
  • minimum of 0.35m, a maximum of 0.14x
  • filter of 43mm
  • 58.4×46.5mm, and 130g

Make sure to…

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Fujifilm X-T4 and X100V will NOT Come January 23 along with Fujifilm X-T200 and GF45-100mmF4

We have just reported about the GF45-100 and Fujifilm X-T200 leaks.

The date for the announcement is January 23.

But I want to make clear, that the Fujifilm X-T4 and Fujifilm X100V will NOT be announced on January 23. The announcement will happen later.

FujiRumors told you already in December (!!!) that the Fujifilm X100V will be announced in February.

The date leaked is February 4. If both, the X100V and X-T4 will be announced there, or there will be different announcements, I will work and let you know soon.

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Fujifilm X-T200 and GF 45-100mm f/4 Announcement January 23 – First Images

Nokishita has spotted the Fujifilm X-T200 registration and the first images here.

The Fujifilm X-T200 is compatible with USB-C and uses NP-W126S batteries.

And just as FujiRumors already told you weeks ago, it comes with X-A7 alike vary-angle screen.

FujiRumors already told you that the Fujinon GF45-100mm will be announced in late January, and not in February. Finally nokishita confirms it.

The announcemt will be January 23.

EXCLUSIVE: No New Fujifilm GFX Camera Coming in 2020. We have to Wait until 2021 – Trusted Source

Fujifilm GFX

Hey folks!

I have a very important update for you.

I recently got dozen of emails of worried people, who were about to order a Fujifilm GFX 50S/R camera.

The reason?

Everybody thought, that the last mysterious registered camera, the FF190003, would be a GFX camera, and hence they would buy gear that would be about to be replaced.

But after FujiRumors unveiled them all (X-T4, X-T200 and X100V), they proceeded with their order.

With the name of all imminent cameras leaked, everybody came to the logical conclusion, that there are no GFX cameras that are close to releasing.

But I am here today to tell you it is actually worse than that!

Thanks to our trusted sources, I am now able to tell you, that there will NOT be ANY new Fujifilm GFX camera in 2020!

I believe that the Fujifilm GFX has a enormous potential and if developed at a proper pace, could be a fantastic alternative to all other camera systems out there.

By waiting so long with new GFX cameras, the risk is that Fujifilm could miss the boat and lose the momentum that is bringing so many full frame shooters into the GFX system.

But let’s try to see things positive:

  • if you purchase a GFX now, you can be sure you won’t be surprised by any successor in 2020
  • the long wait could mean that Fujifilm does not want to offer a minor MKII upgrade, but something more substantial
  • Fujifilm could free up resources to put into the development of Fujinon GFX lenses

Anyway, in 2020, the Fujifilm GFX camera lineup will still consist in:

So this will be the first year, where we do not get a new Fujifilm GFX camera.